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Had enough of Swadee khrap/Kha.


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Thai language once again will always come to the rescue especially if you say something unexpected. In this situation i would say มาดูเฉยๆ ลืมกระเป๋าสตางค์ไว้ที่บ้าน maa duu cheuy cheuy leum grapao satang wai thii baan - just looking, i left my wallet at home. Alternatively why not speak in Greek?

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Why don't you go to Home Mall or HomePro if you don't like the staff/service in Global Home?

I've been to Global Home before and didn't have this problem that staff wouldn't leave me alone but if that's what's happening just go somewhere else. Plenty of choice here and also plenty of family run smaller shops to buy electric appliances..

Home Pro is no different with shop assistants following you around. I prefer to browse first, and then ask for assistance when required. Half the time though , some of the shop assistants really are clueless about the products in stock

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I find stores here are overstaffed and they are suppose to help you -- so it is not surprising that once one person backs away someone else sees no-one helping you and comes forward and it does get irritating. In Canada I once spent 10 minutes looking for some staff on the floor because of the LACK of staff. I just wish they were somehow psychic and could sense when I wanted someone and the rest of the time just letting me browse (I actually hate asking for help). Well, nothing is perfect. If I find myself being crowded -- I just leave and go somewhere else / maybe some other time....

Overstaffed maybe but in my experience usually hiding in groups where the boss can't see and totally failing to help. "Mai me" seems to be the usual response in places like Global House, Thai Watsadu & sometimes Homepro when I go in. I find I have to be a bit pro-active to get served. Mind you, the shops are so huge i usually walk fast as I am on a mission to buy certain things and i think this intimidates them.

I find if I dawdle along aimlessly they come out of the woodwork a bit more. I still find those groups hiding that I pointedly go up to and interrupt & ask for help even if I don't need it. I just know it is not a staff training meeting as they all go red in the face & look so guilty.

Blame me Costas. I chase them out and onto you. Walk faster & look like you know what you want & you will not be bothered. Try it.

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If your really 97 yo as your profile states I won't say go home cuz the flite might kill you and I don't expect at your age for you to adapt or get over how you are treated here. If I have a complaint at restaurant I complain or chill and pay no big tip. If in store and swamped by sellers and it bothers me I walk out. Heck in USA you can't find a sales clerk to find you something

97 and extremely hansum, with or without my skirt.

Girls go mad about me.

Should I open a thread complaining why young girls don't ever leave me alone?

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I just smile and look like a man on a mission. They don't seem to follow me around but the moment I look confused like I can't find something there is someone there to assist. At least at Global House in Chiang Mai they seem to do it just right. Places like BigC or Lotus and you have to go drag a salesman to help ( except in the car supply section where I want to go postal on them for being such an annoyance.) biggrin.png

Agree about Big C & Lotus. Everyone seems to be pointedly looking the other way in those two. I am invisible. Mind you, if Costas insists on dressing like his avatar, then no wonder the staff follow him everywhere. A man with a rifle & bayonet fixed asking where the dairy farm equipment section is?????????????? Keep an eye on him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by The Deerhunter
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A completely justifiable rant. I was in Robinsons recently looking for some footwear. I knew exactly what I wanted but was continiously harassed by one of the staff wanting to show me shoes I wasn't interested in. I ended up walking out. I really like to be left alone when I'm browsing until I require help. He was polite and friendly as I was, but it's just not my style of shopping.

You got a mouth,use it.

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Thai Watsadu Buriram - yesterday afternoon - I was probably the only visible customer/

It was a continuous Sawasdi kha/khrap.

I wanted some special nails. Approached 4 lads, sitting around with nothing to do. Asked in Thai where the nails were. All pointed in the same direction. Eventually found the nails (not what I wanted) in a totally different location.

Went to pay for my 3 purchases. 1 cash desk open 4 people in the queue!!!!!

The big stores could easily cut their prices by 5-10% if they got rid of many of the unnecessary staff who know bugger all anyway!

Reminds me of a post on here once about nails. No have in the tray, popular size and type so bloke asks assistant if they have any, kid runs off. No they don't have any, bloke asks when they will be getting some more in, kids runs off again. Not ordering any more- they sell out too fast! Don't know if it was true, but it does have a certain ring of truth here.

I am sure this is a true story. The local noodle shop enjoyed a roaring trade when they started selling Marlboro cigarettes to all the farangs that were sick of Thai brands. This lasted only a week until they got tired of constantly having to re-stock. They were selling them at a decent profit but apparently too lazy to go to the supermarket every day and evidently too stupid to think of buying more than a half-day's supply at a time. Amazing Thailand.

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Home Pro, Phetchabun. At least two staff for every aisle, scores of them. Last time I went I only wanted a hedge trimmer. The staff were convinced I needed a toilet, a bed, new lights, in fact everything I passed on the way to the garden section. I hate being impolite and the staff are so smiley, but I ended up walking with the same "look straight ahead avoid eye contact" walk that tourists learn after a few days in Sukhumvit. Got to only till that was staffed and waited 10 minutes behind a man who appeared to have bought the whole stock of door handles and hinges. Meanwhile six staff members in aprons stood watching like a chorus line waiting to rehearse.

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I do feel uncomfortable if I go into a small retail shop and am closely 'shadowed' by a member of staff. I like to be able to browse in my own time and not feel intimidated or pressured, perhaps 'intimidated' is too strong a word, and I can imagine some calling me a 'wuss' for feeling that way when its probably only a young female assistant. I know she is probably only doing her job, and I am feeling this way because having lived in the UK for most of my 68 years its something I'm not used to. But it still makes me feel uncomfortable and usually I leave the shop much sooner than I would and without making a purchase. Another reason is that if I was 'shadowed' the same way in the UK I'd get the feeling that it was thought I was trying to steal something, and I can't help the fact that I get the same feeling here too. No doubt some smart a"rse will suggest I must have a guilty conscience.

If I go into Homepro, yes many assistants 'greet' me, but usually I know what I want and just smile at them as I pass on my way to the tool or electrical department.

What does 'get' me here, is being unable to sometimes get the simplest of items you can buy almost anywhere 'back home'. For example:, we purchased a kettle not long ago, when the kettle was plugged in some 'arcing' must have been taking place as after a couple of months I noticed one of the 'pins' on the plug had been half burnt away. Could I find a replacement plug - no, I could find one that was quite large, but if fitted would not allow access to the adjacent outlet on the double socket. Now back in the UK if I wanted to replace a plug on an electrical item, any builders merchant, electrical shop, or £1 shop would sell me a 13 amp 3pin plug. Here I just want to replace the damaged 2 pin slim plug on my kettle, but can I find one - no. To be honest after being here years the list for simple things like this that you can't get is quite extensive.

In the last few days I've attempted to purchase a pair of wireless headphones so my partner can watch TV without being disturbed by me if I'm using our other TV (Either to watch TV or as my computer monitor). 25 years ago I bought a set of these for my father in the UK, can I find any here - no. Yes they do have wireless headphones, but not ones that have a small 'unit' that plugs into theTV's audio outlet and sends a signal to the headphones, now everything appears to have to have a USB socket before you can use such an item. However if any Thai Visa member knows where I can get the type I want, I'd be happy to hear from you

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They're not there to find out if you're having a nice day; they're there to stop you from shoplifting.

Even in the most remote corners of the world it's well known how light fingered Greek people are.

(just yanking your chain there, Costas smile.png )

Edited by Gecko123
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Well back to lunch; a small restaurant with over priced food and I counted nine waiters, ( no need for gender) and that does not include those cleaning up, apron, or those in the cooking department!

Oh well!

Edited by buhi
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Well back to lunch; a small restaurant with over priced food and I counted nine waiters, ( no need for gende)r and that does not include those cleaning up, apron, or those in the cooking department!

Oh well!

Probably farang owned and hes just trying to satisfy his rediculous [emoji1] WP requirements
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Yeah, they look up from their mobile phone, give your a S.K greeting and then immerse themselves in FB or whatever else they do. However usually one person is allocated to tail you until you get the checkout so they can get commission. The number of staff in these places is ridiculous, must be a government thing, 1 member of staff per square metre of floor space sounds about right.

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Happens to me ALL the time at Global, Home Pro, Thai Watsadu.....you name it. Being the compassionate old fart that I am, (after all these poor sods are just doing what their bosses have instructed them to do) I acknowledge them with an affirmative nod and a smile and then go on about my business as if they were invisible. I see no reason to react in a surly and unfriendly manner. I've worked in sales and I know how it feels. After all, that just makes a bad day for ALL of us. My wife has a tendency to get sucked into their schpeels though, but a slight tug on her pinky finger usually dislodges her. I must say however, occasionally as a result of my wife's inquisitiveness, we have come across some juicy promotions, so it's not all bad.


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go in when you just finished a good pub, start running up to each and every one of them and start jabbering away. After several days of this, nobody will be pestering you.

Or fart continuously...........w00t.gif ....................laugh.png

That's pretty much what everyone is doing in this thread.

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One reason we can live in this country the way we do is because it is a third world country. If it was like your home country which probably will be a developed country then everything would have been the same here too. Try Japan, Singapore, Korea etc and see if you get things done at such a low cost.

And I know you don't want to hear this, but no one has send us an invitation letter. If we can not take it we always have all the rights to leave and no one would even try to stop us.

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Let me see if I understand this post:

1) YOU like living in Thailand

2) YOU live here by choice

3) YOU do NOT like people that are TRAINED to be courtious to YOU

4) YOU do not like Thai customs

SOLUTION: Move to LA DOWNTOWN, I think you would be back herre in 40 hours or less ( 26 TRAVEL hours included )

I enjoy living in a culture that is polite ( Phony or not ) I teach ADULT English and my ""students - business management level"" greet me when I am on the street with the TRADITIONAL GREETING. What do you find wrong with that?

Learn the meaning of "FACE"

I don't think the OP is indicating boiling hatred over this stuff just a minor annoyance, as I sometimes feel when it is experienced at home.

Get over yourself.

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One reason we can live in this country the way we do is because it is a third world country. If it was like your home country which probably will be a developed country then everything would have been the same here too. Try Japan, Singapore, Korea etc and see if you get things done at such a low cost.

And I know you don't want to hear this, but no one has send us an invitation letter. If we can not take it we always have all the rights to leave and no one would even try to stop us.

Who you calling 'WE' foreign boy!

(I was going to say 'white boy' then thougt MrFaoukh = kairk)


I though we all lived here because of the cheap girls!

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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