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Does your Thai wife know how much money you have?


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This topic was inspired by the 'Flaunting Your Wealth is it Wise?' topic.

I'm wondering how many guys disclose all of the details about their assets, especially details about assets back home to their Thai wife?

I know many people say a married couple shouldn't have secrets, but for some reason I've always been leary about telling my wife much about my financial assets. We've been married 11 years, and I imagine we'll be married until the day one of us dies.

While I trust her, and don't believe she would ever do something like kill me for an inheritance or life insurance, I worry about what might happen if we ever divorced, or if she started scheming with a secret lover about getting me out of the picture. Do you think I'm being a paranoid nervous nellie, or being prudent?

I know I sleep soundly at night not having to worry about anyone having an incentive to kill me, but I'm starting to have a twinge of guilty conscience that I might not be being fair to my wife.

Do you think I'm wrong for thinking like this?

Edited by Gecko123
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I have been living in my GF's house rent free for over a year. She helps me with doctors, visas and financial issues.

If we ever move to Canada I will have no problem giving her half of my condo.

She earned it.

I am saying this because only you know if she has been fair to you all these years.

If she has, you should disclose.

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My gf is aware of my income within thailand,and not the least interested in what my finances are abroad,although i've had the odd knock knock will you buy me this or that,in response all she gets is a laugh from me,then maybe the words cheap charlie suddenly seem to come from somewhere never can figure out from where,oh well back to ignore mode for you dear.

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If you have to ask then there is doubt in your mind. Basic rule, never let anyone know you are worth more dead than alive or they may choose to "cash you in".

"Need to know" basis is best in my book.

Ahhhhhh, now I know why my wife has taken a life insurance on me, for 1million baht.

Charlie, what have you done to me......already locked the door of my bedroom so nobody can come in.

But at least, I'm proud to say, I can get her secrets but she can never get my secrets.

Fair enough?

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had to disclose my salary to my wife when we applied for joint finance. I was cringing at first also but happy to have her know that im not earning a million baht a month as she might have thought


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You are married 11 years but you dont trust her. Says enough about the issues you have with yourself and the relationship.

I fully trusted my wife for 25 years, unfortunately I have come to the conclusion you can never trust and sexual partner.

It's just the way life is.

You trusted your partner, tell us again how well that worked out for you?

(I'm thinking it worked out about the same as mine)

Yes you are correct about that. Thats why i advised OP to continue as he started. You see...i have learned something.

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Everything I disclosed to my former wife (after 25 years) cost me.

What I didn't disclose, I kept.

Sometimes honesty is not the best policy.

So you owned your house and all your investments outright BEFORE you were married, right? You didn't acquire any assets while you were married? Your wife waited a whole 25 years to carve out her 50% share of your net worth?

Pull the other one, mate

You are married 11 years but you dont trust her. Says enough about the issues you have with yourself and the relationship.

About your question....you start as you means to go on.....so...NO.

People change, bro. Nobody's 100%


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Everything I disclosed to my former wife (after 25 years) cost me.

What I didn't disclose, I kept.

Sometimes honesty is not the best policy.

So you owned your house and all your investments outright BEFORE you were married, right? You didn't acquire any assets while you were married? Your wife waited a whole 25 years to carve out her 50% share of your net worth?

Pull the other one, mate

You are married 11 years but you dont trust her. Says enough about the issues you have with yourself and the relationship.

About your question....you start as you means to go on.....so...NO.

People change, bro. Nobody's 100%


And your advice to the OP is ?

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If you have to ask then there is doubt in your mind. Basic rule, never let anyone know you are worth more dead than alive or they may choose to "cash you in".

"Need to know" basis is best in my book.

More than a few cases of a farang husband being off'd for his wealth by the wife and her brother...

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Everything I disclosed to my former wife (after 25 years) cost me.

What I didn't disclose, I kept.

Sometimes honesty is not the best policy.

So you owned your house and all your investments outright BEFORE you were married, right? You didn't acquire any assets while you were married? Your wife waited a whole 25 years to carve out her 50% share of your net worth?

Pull the other one, mate

The discussion was about disclosure not 50% shares.

What I didn't disclose, she got ZERO percent of.

Anyway, you've never had a wife, or children, or any kind of real relationship, what do you know?

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Everything I disclosed to my former wife (after 25 years) cost me.

What I didn't disclose, I kept.

Sometimes honesty is not the best policy.

So you owned your house and all your investments outright BEFORE you were married, right? You didn't acquire any assets while you were married? Your wife waited a whole 25 years to carve out her 50% share of your net worth?

Pull the other one, mate

The discussion was about disclosure not 50% shares.

What I didn't disclose, she got ZERO percent of.

Anyway, you've never had a wife, or children, or any kind of real relationship, what do you know?

Edit of the year....5555.....to make a point...

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And in case anyone has missed the point, a previous poster lost heavily as a result of divorce and despite the passage of time, has never recovered emotionally.


Does anyone who has lost children (by death or divorce) ever recover emotionally?

Excellent point, wounds heal but scars remain.

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Be prepared to walk away from anything you disclose..

This is one of the sacrosanct rules going back decades never ever disclose to the wife..

It was infact one of the first pieces of advise I was given by an older expat ( Vietnam journalist) in a pub on silom .

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Everything I disclosed to my former wife (after 25 years) cost me.

What I didn't disclose, I kept.

Sometimes honesty is not the best policy.

So you owned your house and all your investments outright BEFORE you were married, right? You didn't acquire any assets while you were married? Your wife waited a whole 25 years to carve out her 50% share of your net worth?

Pull the other one, mate

You are married 11 years but you dont trust her. Says enough about the issues you have with yourself and the relationship.

About your question....you start as you means to go on.....so...NO.

People change, bro. Nobody's 100%


And your advice to the OP is ?

Rent not buy, maybe?

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