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DNA results from Ko Tao village head’s son don't match traces on slain British tourists

Lite Beer

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I think Sean did speak with police in UK,

I read where it was arranged by a uk reporter

I also think this doesnt go away,

it gets worse and takes some big people down

Mcanna has done an interview with the Mail, he said so himself.

For whatever reason its not gone to print.


Mail reporter said him self . 2 days after Sean first interview wich he did was and was widely shared ,maby Sean got hes 15 min of fame and he shud of checked he's story/backround before publishing it. And how it really went down. Well we all know those papers is not really about truth. Its about selling papers.

Also if he looked scared on interview was bcase hed been on week bender and night before was been drinking from morning till this supposed death threat happened...

Lets put it like this..Head line,Koh tao mafia tryed kill scared scots man..

far more dramatic headline then how it really went down .

Thai resort owner was thinking he solved murders when he thought Sean fled bcase they conforted him about why he was covered in blood around time of murders etc in Ac bar that night.. Instantly after Sean left running from them and thats why they went after him .

He run next super market . And wasnt interest getting help . He wrote status facebook instead that call sky news...

Dont get me wrong but if id be chased by soneone .id think its gangster in 2000 century id just call police . Corrupted or not.

Just my thoughts and version ive heard from reliable source whom have no reason to lie to me.

So Sean, hiding for his life in a supermarket, with bent police threatening to kill him by hanging to frame him for the murder, should have just called the police?

I'd say the lad got it right calling the media in this unusual situation.

Sean's accident was from a week or so before the murders. Andy Lines amongst others covered this early on. Thanks to the passage of time it's easy now for the casual liar to suggest the blood on Sean came from the fatal night. Remember this rumor started when a manager of AC Bar claimed in an interview that Sean had blood etc, cleaned off at Lotus Bar. Isn't it a shame that all CCTV in that area disappeared, and I'm talking footage from over a dozen cameras. Must be those influential Burmese again?

was the Lotus bar the last place Hannah was seen?

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sean said he had a bike accident,

the wound was unlike any i have seen from a bike,

usually they have scrapes, not punctures,

bruises, not punctures

gaping holes, not punctures

burns, not punctures

broken bones........ sean?

Sean might have had a bike accident but there was no sign of any scrapes from a bike accident on his photographs and the wounds he did have on his arm and leg were clearly not caused by a bike accident. They were, as you say, incision wounds. He said he was too hung over to go out at all on the night of the murders and stayed in. But Mon said Sean was seen covered in blood on the night of the murders and stopped at the Lotus Bar where he asked the staff to clean him up. Sean said that was from a bike accident which seems to contradict his alibi that he spent the entire day and night hung over in his room, seen by no one who could back him up.

His story about what he was doing on the night of the murders makes little sense. He knew David from Leeds and had an appointment with him on the night he was killed which he said he didn't make. He has contradictory stories about what he was doing that night and how he ended up covered in blood. He has spent quite a lot of time hanging around and working illegally on Murder Beach and knows many of the dodgy characters there and a bit about the things they get up to and claimed that two of them, including a policeman, threatened to murder him. I would think that British police would have definitely wanted to interview him. He is easy to trace if he is still staying with Francesca Mussi, former student at Leeds Uni, in Milan.

Even i dont know him personally. Do know few things.

Sean never worked on Sairee beach.

He worked other end of island Maehad at Karma bar and pub crawl host sometimes i think.

He was here about 2years ago for short while and had 2 leave bcase

Unpaid bar tabs and run out money ive heard .

When he was here last time he arrived day before murders was drunk till left 10 days later with drama and bs statements. He was drunk idiot and im pretty shure reason why he not released eny more interviews its bcase its all hes own created delucional story.

Also it was found by Scottish news paper that last summer he was convicted by court of having un decent images of litle children in hes laptop and got sentenced about it.

I think out with fairies would be my description of him .

so, in your view,

Sean didn't know any of the people at the AC bar,

Sean didn't know the headmans son?

Sean never slipped a date rape drug into any visiting females drinks?

I dont know Sean , he always appalled me as person whod bring you trouble and behaved very rudely unrespectfully and was bit of a <deleted> id say.

Like said earlier Koh tao is a small place ,did see him few times at bars but never really knew him .

Have friends who do .

Also im 100 % he dont know Nomsod as while he was here before few years ago ,he waz young boy and not enough old to be drinking in bars even owned by hes dad and very near ac bar lives hes grand ma where all grand kids of family stay during school holidays and that much i know about that old iron lady and that she is tough and old school and very respected ,from her famile and all over in island.

Sean might of known some fire guys or deejays but def not know eny of old boys example p'Mon who by the way aint ac bar manager. He ows quiet family resort & restaurant near where murders happened and was the one got there first and directed police to scene bcase he got waken up by burmese cleaner who every morning cleans that area every early morning .5 m where murders happened,its the spot where is Rama rock and kings statue (place first time Thailands king visited koh tao).meny locels go there pray daily.

So yes maby he knew few workers.

120% shure not eny of old boys.

Dont know enything about date drugs been slipped enywhere and like said dont know Sean either . Just "know" what my mates have told about him.

Loose cannon. Not type of person i hang out or spent time!

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was the Lotus bar the last place Hannah was seen?

No. AC bar was.

After Sean's alleged motorbike crash, roughly a week before the double homicide, he was supposed to have been cleaned up by a staff member of Lotus bar.

That, as far as I know, is the only connection to Lotus bar. Remember Lotus bar is north Sairee and the crime was south Sairee. It was only the manager of AC bar in an interview that claimed Sean's blood was from the actual murder night and that he should be prime suspect.(This is ironic as the same guy then said anybody commenting on his families involvement would be hunted and arrested,fined,imprisoned and whatever for defamation, after he just defamed Sean.)

As Steve just said, many of us were awake and watching Sean's panic and posting on fb, when he was chased to be hung by police and AC bar manager, with his family members and embassy involved. It was real, very real!

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I think Sean did speak with police in UK,

I read where it was arranged by a uk reporter

I also think this doesnt go away,

it gets worse and takes some big people down

Mcanna has done an interview with the Mail, he said so himself.

For whatever reason its not gone to print.


Mail reporter said him self . 2 days after Sean first interview wich he did was and was widely shared ,maby Sean got hes 15 min of fame and he shud of checked he's story/backround before publishing it. And how it really went down. Well we all know those papers is not really about truth. Its about selling papers.

Also if he looked scared on interview was bcase hed been on week bender and night before was been drinking from morning till this supposed death threat happened...

Lets put it like this..Head line,Koh tao mafia tryed kill scared scots man..

far more dramatic headline then how it really went down .

Thai resort owner was thinking he solved murders when he thought Sean fled bcase they conforted him about why he was covered in blood around time of murders etc in Ac bar that night.. Instantly after Sean left running from them and thats why they went after him .

He run next super market . And wasnt interest getting help . He wrote status facebook instead that call sky news...

Dont get me wrong but if id be chased by soneone .id think its gangster in 2000 century id just call police . Corrupted or not.

Just my thoughts and version ive heard from reliable source whom have no reason to lie to me.

so, islandlife,

does your reliable source know about any rapes and murders of the past in Ko Tao?

does your reliable source, know Sean?

and ps.

I don't care if Sean had pictures of 17 year old girls on his laptop,

he was 19, and, it is legal to have sex with 17 year old girls, if you are below 24, in almost every state in the USA, and

in muslim countries, they marry little girls to old men, so take your pornography implications elsewhere

stay on the topic,

which is your reliable source

what does your reliable source tell you about date rape drugs being used at the AC bar?

and by the way,

how do all of those drugs get into Ko Tao?

I didnt know if it was 17 ,i just read article he was senteced community service of child pornografy. How does Muslims have enythink to do with this.i suggest u stay on topic.

I dont know about date rape drugs? Did i miss something ,is sean known also to do something like that would not suprice me. But like said dont know.

I dont go Ac bar too often.

Dont like music,drunken kids also i like my drink from glass with quality alchol not bucket and cheapest crap you can buy botle with few hundred bath.

Ive lived here longer then decade,so i do have multiple source's.

U oviously havent lived Thailand long as if you would youd know from bigger cities u can buy pretty much everything from farmacies.

Isnt that rohypnol drug you can buy from farmacy? Id imagine some sick person has gone farmasy bought some and thats how its arrived to koh tao? Just a wild quess

And by the way . Ive heard chicks raped & drugged in other cities/countries also. Not just koh tao .

There is bad things happen everywhere.

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I think Sean did speak with police in UK,

I read where it was arranged by a uk reporter

I also think this doesnt go away,

it gets worse and takes some big people down

Mcanna has done an interview with the Mail, he said so himself.

For whatever reason its not gone to print.


Mail reporter said him self . 2 days after Sean first interview wich he did was and was widely shared ,maby Sean got hes 15 min of fame and he shud of checked he's story/backround before publishing it. And how it really went down. Well we all know those papers is not really about truth. Its about selling papers.

Also if he looked scared on interview was bcase hed been on week bender and night before was been drinking from morning till this supposed death threat happened...

Lets put it like this..Head line,Koh tao mafia tryed kill scared scots man..

far more dramatic headline then how it really went down .

Thai resort owner was thinking he solved murders when he thought Sean fled bcase they conforted him about why he was covered in blood around time of murders etc in Ac bar that night.. Instantly after Sean left running from them and thats why they went after him .

He run next super market . And wasnt interest getting help . He wrote status facebook instead that call sky news...

Dont get me wrong but if id be chased by soneone .id think its gangster in 2000 century id just call police . Corrupted or not.

Just my thoughts and version ive heard from reliable source whom have no reason to lie to me.

So Sean, hiding for his life in a supermarket, with bent police threatening to kill him by hanging to frame him for the murder, should have just called the police?

I'd say the lad got it right calling the media in this unusual situation.

Sean's accident was from a week or so before the murders. Andy Lines amongst others covered this early on. Thanks to the passage of time it's easy now for the casual liar to suggest the blood on Sean came from the fatal night. Remember this rumor started when a manager of AC Bar claimed in an interview that Sean had blood etc, cleaned off at Lotus Bar. Isn't it a shame that all CCTV in that area disappeared, and I'm talking footage from over a dozen cameras. Must be those influential Burmese again?

Wow. Sean was questioned by the police before hes alternation with mon . Hes cuts come first night,night before murders as id imagine the storie where he been in some other bar asking for help clean him self up of blood also come ,that created bit confusion fof shure and after few stories later him washing blood that night.shure that easily made it look like it could be him.

Shop keeper where he hide, western manager of bar opposite the supermarket all have said it was only him shouting acting like a mad man not these Thai Dudes and he would of had that time have no chlue other guy was police.

And i know for fact that he had started drinking shots and various other drinks since 12 am that day and was kept going until he went ac bar and meet mr Mon about 14 h later and he was fully lights out shape.

Also i find it funny if u loose your good friend on holiday murdered brutally .

How you stay on same place and keep partying everyday like nothing happened? And how come hes cuts where pretty much identical of David's?

Just few things what also dont ad up!

Edited by Islandlife
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@ islandlife

Do you realise that you have no credibility here at all??

Everything you post is conjecture and hearsay and ignores any known facts.

You do not know the McTwat but 'have friends that do' yet you assert 100% he did not know any of the 'old boys'

You know 100% he had been on a major bender but you dont frequent the bars he went to.. more guesswork.

Her has an RTP threatening him and your advice would have bee to call the RTP???

Naturally, you dont believe he was being threatened despite the posters here affirming it as they watched it unfold in real time.

You post many begging posts asking for the island innocent to be spared the wrath of social media and end each of these posts with an RIP.

Why should they rest in peace until justice has been served properly??

They should be laughing, singing, out drinking with friends, building a career and planning their family life in the future.

Their parents should be watching with pleasure and pride as their children develop into adults and looking forward to the possibility of all the pleasure and love that grandchildren bring.

But they are not are they?


Because some sadistic murdering b*st*rds on that flookin island took away their lives and ruined the lives if their families.

Please forgive us if we are not impressed by the media centred DNA testing, the RTP apologists and conspiracy theorists or the bleeting of the islanders. You reap what you sow and it looks like murder islands crop is about to be harvested.

Then and only then can this couple RIP and their families find some kind of semi-closure.

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So, back on topic!

It seems that this parcel of corruption and deceit is unwrapping and the DNA media farce is not being followed up by the threatened press conference and the object of the proposed conference has been invited by the authorities to a party.

2 senior DIS have been dismissed and no details have emerged as of yet.

Hardly a surprise.

Turning to Nomsod, he must be living in fear of his life if the theories regarding his involvement are real. Islandlover got very close to the actual events I believe.

Apart from the very real possibility of vigilante actions if this case is hnot resolved properly he has the added fear of his gang of thugs even though they are, allegedly, his dear doting daddy’s henchmen.

These thugs know for a fact that dear doting daddy can ( and will, if he has to), get his son to turn states evidence in return for a lighter sentence and hang the thugs out to dry. This must be causing extreme pressure and stress on all concerned and it is a potential spark that could ignite the whole box of fireworks.

So whatever dear doting daddy decides to do his sons life will never be a comfortable one, he will be looking over his shoulder until the day he passes.

Som nam na.

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actually, islandlife, before you go,

who are these old guys?

do you know Mon?

he was on the crime scene first?

the murder occured across from his property?

don't you think the headman, and the big men, or old guys of the island, would know who killed these two british kids?

is there really anything that goes on there that does not get "reported" to them?

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DennisF, on 23 Nov 2014 - 01:01, said:

- snipped -

Turning to Nomsod, he must be living in fear of his life if the theories regarding his involvement are real. Islandlover got very close to the actual events I believe.

Apart from the very real possibility of vigilante actions if this case is hnot resolved properly he has the added fear of his gang of thugs even though they are, allegedly, his dear doting daddy’s henchmen.

These thugs know for a fact that dear doting daddy can ( and will, if he has to), get his son to turn states evidence in return for a lighter sentence and hang the thugs out to dry. This must be causing extreme pressure and stress on all concerned and it is a potential spark that could ignite the whole box of fireworks.

So whatever dear doting daddy decides to do his sons life will never be a comfortable one, he will be looking over his shoulder until the day he passes.

Som nam na.

This is exactly what I've been thinking too. The henchmen could well be sacrificed for the sake of their bosses. These nasty thugs wouldn't be out of place in the Triads but I'd be nervously looking over my shoulder if I were them.

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I have been thinking the same all along,

that, if the brits turned out irrefutable evidence that fingered the man-boy, that there would be a "so sorry" but now you must die for my son mentality

the longer we keep the pressure on,

the more likely, someone is going to break,

yesterday's article in the Guardian was at least as much about the current ruling people as it was the "murders on Ko Tao"

this looks like it can go all the way up the chain, and the new PM, may not be in there as long as he expected

makes one wonder if Thaskin isn't interested in this as a means of throwing the entire plan, in the waters off Kho Tao

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jaidam, on 22 Nov 2014 - 22:35, said:
SteveFong, on 22 Nov 2014 - 22:22, said:

was the Lotus bar the last place Hannah was seen?

No. AC bar was.

After Sean's alleged motorbike crash, roughly a week before the double homicide, he was supposed to have been cleaned up by a staff member of Lotus bar.

That, as far as I know, is the only connection to Lotus bar. Remember Lotus bar is north Sairee and the crime was south Sairee. It was only the manager of AC bar in an interview that claimed Sean's blood was from the actual murder night and that he should be prime suspect.(This is ironic as the same guy then said anybody commenting on his families involvement would be hunted and arrested,fined,imprisoned and whatever for defamation, after he just defamed Sean.)

As Steve just said, many of us were awake and watching Sean's panic and posting on fb, when he was chased to be hung by police and AC bar manager, with his family members and embassy involved. It was real, very real!

Something doesn't quite fit in Sean's story. Islandlife (and others) have said that he only arrived on Koh Tao the day before the murders, i.e. on the 14th September, yet the motorbike crash allegedly happened about a week before the murders. So where did that happen if he was not on Koh Tao? Sean himself said the locals knew he'd been injured at the time he said he was, which I interpret as him being on the island longer than September 14th. Then the story was put out by Mon that Sean was covered in blood on the night of the murders and that some local had helped him clean up (some reports say in the Lotus bar but I heard it was in the Fishbowl bar). Sean has subsequently accused Mon of lying. Then there was the matter of the blood splatters on his guitar which were clearly seen in the press interviews he gave. He claims these occured in the motorbike accident but why would anyone not clean them up if said accident had happened the week previously? All very odd. And yes, his cuts do look suspiciously like David's. I really do not know what to believe about Sean and what he knows/doesn't know, or who he knows/doesn't know, but I don't think the Koh Tao residents are being entirely honest about him either. There's more to this than meets the eye.

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The boy has been cleared , even after a DNA test in Bangkok after a social media storm thanks to you guys, and with the Brits as observers. Please deal with it now and leave the kid alone.

Somewhat cleared, yes. But look who cleared him. The same folks who say the hoe was used on David, yet say there's none of David's blood on the hoe. The same folks who claim David's wounds were hoe-inflicted, though any lame-brain could see David's wounds are from a sharp shallow stabbing weapon. The boy has been cleared by the same folks who are bending over backwards to do all they can to shield the Headman's people. Connect the dots.

I think out with fairies would be my description of him (Sean).

Whether or not Sean is likeable or upstanding, is not the issue. The issue is whether Sean witnessed or knows things which may be pertinent to solving this case. He may also have been involved in the crime. Thai officials don't want us to know anything from Sean, because Sean could very possibly implicate the Headman's people. That's why Sean was quickly whisked out of Thailand by Thai officials. Hopefully (by Thai cops and Headman's people) never to be heard from again.

In Sean's last email to CSI LA that was published, he stated that he was afraid of Nomsod, and that Nomsod was not a nice person. If IslandLife is saying that Sean only arrived the day before then that just is another confirmation that Nomsod was on the Island!

Edited by thailandchilli
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I admire your thoughts re keeping the pressure on.

But the facts remain the real perpetrators WONT face justice. Thailand simply won't allow this to happen.

The best we can hope for is the scapegoats are released, and I am sure they will be. thanks to social media and the Brit' police.

The reason....The real culprits have links and associations with people at the very highest levels of Thai society.

Money, illegal activities all involved. Thailand would be destroyed from within if these links were brought into the open.

I have been thinking the same all along,

that, if the brits turned out irrefutable evidence that fingered the man-boy, that there would be a "so sorry" but now you must die for my son mentality

the longer we keep the pressure on,

the more likely, someone is going to break,

yesterday's article in the Guardian was at least as much about the current ruling people as it was the "murders on Ko Tao"

this looks like it can go all the way up the chain, and the new PM, may not be in there as long as he expected

makes one wonder if Thaskin isn't interested in this as a means of throwing the entire plan, in the waters off Kho Tao

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Islandlife, on 22 Nov 2014 - 22:30, said:

I dont know Sean , he always appalled me as person whod bring you trouble and behaved very rudely unrespectfully and was bit of a <deleted> id say.

Like said earlier Koh tao is a small place ,did see him few times at bars but never really knew him .

Have friends who do .

Also im 100 % he dont know Nomsod as while he was here before few years ago ,he waz young boy and not enough old to be drinking in bars even owned by hes dad and very near ac bar lives hes grand ma where all grand kids of family stay during school holidays and that much i know about that old iron lady and that she is tough and old school and very respected ,from her famile and all over in island.

Sean might of known some fire guys or deejays but def not know eny of old boys example p'Mon who by the way aint ac bar manager. He ows quiet family resort & restaurant near where murders happened and was the one got there first and directed police to scene bcase he got waken up by burmese cleaner who every morning cleans that area every early morning .5 m where murders happened,its the spot where is Rama rock and kings statue (place first time Thailands king visited koh tao).meny locels go there pray daily.

So yes maby he knew few workers.

120% shure not eny of old boys.

Dont know enything about date drugs been slipped enywhere and like said dont know Sean either . Just "know" what my mates have told about him.

Loose cannon. Not type of person i hang out or spent time!

Sean was previously on Koh Tao in 2012 - so, 2 years ago. Nomsod is how old now? 20? 21? He was hardly a child in 2012.

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The boy has been cleared , even after a DNA test in Bangkok after a social media storm thanks to you guys, and with the Brits as observers .

Please deal with it now and leave the kid alone .


He has not been cleared in my playbook.

I'm dealing with it quite well, thank you, just as I deal quite well with people spouting sarcasms intended to end any intelligent debate.

I'm not bothering "the kid." But if I were Hannah's father, or brother, or uncle ….

You'd be in the UK wondering why conspiracy theorists have not proven that the kid was on the island

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thailandchilli, on 23 Nov 2014 - 03:21, said:
boomerangutang, on 23 Nov 2014 - 02:40, said:
balo, on 22 Nov 2014 - 18:39, said:

The boy has been cleared , even after a DNA test in Bangkok after a social media storm thanks to you guys, and with the Brits as observers. Please deal with it now and leave the kid alone.

Somewhat cleared, yes. But look who cleared him. The same folks who say the hoe was used on David, yet say there's none of David's blood on the hoe. The same folks who claim David's wounds were hoe-inflicted, though any lame-brain could see David's wounds are from a sharp shallow stabbing weapon. The boy has been cleared by the same folks who are bending over backwards to do all they can to shield the Headman's people. Connect the dots.
Islandlife, on 22 Nov 2014 - 19:01, said:

I think out with fairies would be my description of him (Sean).

Whether or not Sean is likeable or upstanding, is not the issue. The issue is whether Sean witnessed or knows things which may be pertinent to solving this case. He may also have been involved in the crime. Thai officials don't want us to know anything from Sean, because Sean could very possibly implicate the Headman's people. That's why Sean was quickly whisked out of Thailand by Thai officials. Hopefully (by Thai cops and Headman's people) never to be heard from again.

In Sean's last email to CSI LA that was published, he stated that he was afraid of Nomsod, and that Nomsod was not a nice person. If IslandLife is saying that Sean only arrived the day before then that just is another confirmation that Nomsod was on the Island!

Is that email still there? I could not find it when I looked. Can you give me a pointer to the date it appeared? I did however see an email from Sean where he described Mon as "vicious". Is that the one you are referring to? I didn't think he was describing Nomsod.

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Has anyone got an update on this


"The southern police chief also assured the public that there was no arrest of scapegoats in this murder case as it now is a focal attention of the world.

He also dismissed any suggestion of local mafias or influential people that could twist the investigation with promise that local influence would pose no obstacle to the police investigation.

Instead the police will eliminate all these mafias, he said."

I am wondering if the chief can give the nation an update on this "elimination".

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thailandchilli, on 23 Nov 2014 - 03:40, said:
Been looking for it, but can't find it, it may be the same one your referring to not sure.

I think it's more likely that he was talking about Mon. I also remember him saying that he didn't know whether Nomsod was on the island that night. I wish I'd taken screenshots of all this information now.

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Has anyone got an update on this


"The southern police chief also assured the public that there was no arrest of scapegoats in this murder case as it now is a focal attention of the world.

He also dismissed any suggestion of local mafias or influential people that could twist the investigation with promise that local influence would pose no obstacle to the police investigation.

Instead the police will eliminate all these mafias, he said."

I am wondering if the chief can give the nation an update on this "elimination".

The southern police chief was himself eliminated on the very same day he said this, he was transferred off the case. This unbelievable U turn, in the opinion of 99% of observers, marked the point in time that a secret deal was brokered.

Does anybody know where this Panya Mamen is these days?

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Has anyone got an update on this


"The southern police chief also assured the public that there was no arrest of scapegoats in this murder case as it now is a focal attention of the world.

He also dismissed any suggestion of local mafias or influential people that could twist the investigation with promise that local influence would pose no obstacle to the police investigation.

Instead the police will eliminate all these mafias, he said."

I am wondering if the chief can give the nation an update on this "elimination".

The southern police chief was himself eliminated on the very same day he said this, he was transferred off the case. This unbelievable U turn, in the opinion of 99% of observers, marked the point in time that a secret deal was brokered.

Does anybody know where this Panya Mamen is these days?


Last I heard he had been abruptly promoted. All the way up to Assistant National Police Chief.

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Quick question for the few posters that have swallowed the official line. Why do you think that initially all 3 Burmese confessed to the murder, but since then one of them has been released? Did the 3rd one confess for fun? Think lads, think. It's obvious isn't it.

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That "kid" was on the island, as will be shown in an up and coming report, carried out by a professional and honest police force.

The boy has been cleared , even after a DNA test in Bangkok after a social media storm thanks to you guys, and with the Brits as observers .

Please deal with it now and leave the kid alone .

He has not been cleared in my playbook.

I'm dealing with it quite well, thank you, just as I deal quite well with people spouting sarcasms intended to end any intelligent debate.

I'm not bothering "the kid." But if I were Hannah's father, or brother, or uncle ….

You'd be in the UK wondering why conspiracy theorists have not proven that the kid was on the island
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Has anyone got an update on this


"The southern police chief also assured the public that there was no arrest of scapegoats in this murder case as it now is a focal attention of the world.

He also dismissed any suggestion of local mafias or influential people that could twist the investigation with promise that local influence would pose no obstacle to the police investigation.

Instead the police will eliminate all these mafias, he said."

I am wondering if the chief can give the nation an update on this "elimination".

The southern police chief was himself eliminated on the very same day he said this, he was transferred off the case. This unbelievable U turn, in the opinion of 99% of observers, marked the point in time that a secret deal was brokered.

Does anybody know where this Panya Mamen is these days?


Last I heard he had been abruptly promoted. All the way up to Assistant National Police Chief.

Not abruptly. See the articles from Phuket and the BP going back to September 11

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Has anyone got an update on this


"The southern police chief also assured the public that there was no arrest of scapegoats in this murder case as it now is a focal attention of the world.

He also dismissed any suggestion of local mafias or influential people that could twist the investigation with promise that local influence would pose no obstacle to the police investigation.

Instead the police will eliminate all these mafias, he said."

I am wondering if the chief can give the nation an update on this "elimination".

The southern police chief was himself eliminated on the very same day he said this, he was transferred off the case. This unbelievable U turn, in the opinion of 99% of observers, marked the point in time that a secret deal was brokered.

Does anybody know where this Panya Mamen is these days?


Last I heard he had been abruptly promoted. All the way up to Assistant National Police Chief.

Not abruptly. See the articles from Phuket and the BP going back to September 11

New promotion cycle was the beginning of October.

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That "kid" was on the island, as will be shown in an up and coming report, carried out by a professional and honest police force.

The boy has been cleared , even after a DNA test in Bangkok after a social media storm thanks to you guys, and with the Brits as observers .

Please deal with it now and leave the kid alone .


He has not been cleared in my playbook.

I'm dealing with it quite well, thank you, just as I deal quite well with people spouting sarcasms intended to end any intelligent debate.

I'm not bothering "the kid." But if I were Hannah's father, or brother, or uncle ….

You'd be in the UK wondering why conspiracy theorists have not proven that the kid was on the island

So, tell us more about your crystal ball. How much of the contents of an unreleased report do you know? How did you determine your claim?

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The boy has been cleared , even after a DNA test in Bangkok after a social media storm thanks to you guys, and with the Brits as observers. Please deal with it now and leave the kid alone.

Somewhat cleared, yes. But look who cleared him. The same folks who say the hoe was used on David, yet say there's none of David's blood on the hoe. The same folks who claim David's wounds were hoe-inflicted, though any lame-brain could see David's wounds are from a sharp shallow stabbing weapon. The boy has been cleared by the same folks who are bending over backwards to do all they can to shield the Headman's people. Connect the

Who are the same folks ? You keep refering to them as a group of people without names. Do you know how many Thais that has been involved in this investigation, both at the island and in Bangkok ? And the people from the DNA labs, so many people have looked at this and still you think that they all work together to coverup for the headmans family ?? Wow all you guys are unbelievable.

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The boy has been cleared , even after a DNA test in Bangkok after a social media storm thanks to you guys, and with the Brits as observers. Please deal with it now and leave the kid alone.

Somewhat cleared, yes. But look who cleared him. The same folks who say the hoe was used on David, yet say there's none of David's blood on the hoe. The same folks who claim David's wounds were hoe-inflicted, though any lame-brain could see David's wounds are from a sharp shallow stabbing weapon. The boy has been cleared by the same folks who are bending over backwards to do all they can to shield the Headman's people. Connect the

Who are the same folks ? You keep refering to them as a group of people without names. Do you know how many Thais that has been involved in this investigation, both at the island and in Bangkok ? And the people from the DNA labs, so many people have looked at this and still you think that they all work together to coverup for the headmans family ?? Wow all you guys are unbelievable.

Thai PM Prayut

Stated that at the beginning of the investigation referring to any future suspects "if the DNA does not match then they are innocent, we are trying to do this as scientifically as possible"

Massive contradiction in his words there. You can be as guilty as hell without a DNA match.

Now work your way down for the other folks who have already received their orders.

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