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ya think??? w00t.gif

Pensioners are old - that's 65+

Try getting a job in the west at 45+, nobody wants you.

Pensioners are beyond old.

Actually, in my profession I'd disagree, but I do understand what you mean.

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ya think??? w00t.gif

Pensioners are old - that's 65+

Try getting a job in the west at 45+, nobody wants you.

Pensioners are beyond old.

that depends on what you do,

today ive had a job offer here in thailand again,

and email a couple of hours ago asking if i want to go to south africa 2 to 4 years work and very good dosh,, his words,,lol and old site manager i worked for before,

and im 54, experience counts a lot,,

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I'm just shy of 68 and still get offers of work all over the world. That's not the point. Anyone who thinks they know enough at 45 to advise a 35 year old is seriously deluding themselves. I'm not being grumpy here - I'm being brutally honest. ;)

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One thing i found out here about guys here they appear to bullshit a lot so hard to filter out the reality from the crap. I have met guys who felt they could enlighten me about things here and from what I had read and experienced,lots of what they said didnot hold water. On the other hand I have met young guys who have very good ensight into whats happening around them.

When I meet an old guy who doesnot speak thai,doesnot eat thai food,but is married to a thai for years I really wonder has he learnt anything. He has survived but money can do that here not knowledge.When you live in a sandbox you get to know it pretty good,but may know nothing about the park it is in. I have been with TV a few years now and honestly feel many times its the empty vessel making the most noise. The gems of wisdom appear to me to come from the less spoken, I feel those are the old hands the op is referring to and I always have the most respect for age and knowledge and experiences that these folks share here and look forward to reading more from them.

The people who interest me as old hands are the ones here before paved roads and tv and mobile phones. Or electricity in rural areas. May I add running water. To many it maybe hard to believe but only 30 years ago many areas still hard dirt roads,no electricity etc. I remember watching Thais .watch black and white tv ran on car batteries,while the rest of the village was in darkness. Same village getting together a volunteer group lead by Pu Yai to go into the jungle and lay pvc from a small lake to the village and using gravity to get water to the village so they no longer had to carry all the way from the lake.When finished the village had one tap, People got their water there a much shorter walk.

Guys who came here to run bars and do business are a different breed of old hands of these none interest me. I take nothing away from them to some they make be of great interest to me it is just business and not why I came here.

I go on a bit too much sorry for the rant. rant.

  • Like 1

One thing i found out here about guys here they appear to bullshit a lot so hard to filter out the reality from the crap. I have met guys who felt they could enlighten me about things here and from what I had read and experienced,lots of what they said didnot hold water. On the other hand I have met young guys who have very good ensight into whats happening around them.

When I meet an old guy who doesnot speak thai,doesnot eat thai food,but is married to a thai for years I really wonder has he learnt anything. He has survived but money can do that here not knowledge.When you live in a sandbox you get to know it pretty good,but may know nothing about the park it is in. I have been with TV a few years now and honestly feel many times its the empty vessel making the most noise. The gems of wisdom appear to me to come from the less spoken, I feel those are the old hands the op is referring to and I always have the most respect for age and knowledge and experiences that these folks share here and look forward to reading more from them.

The people who interest me as old hands are the ones here before paved roads and tv and mobile phones. Or electricity in rural areas. May I add running water. To many it maybe hard to believe but only 30 years ago many areas still hard dirt roads,no electricity etc. I remember watching Thais .watch black and white tv ran on car batteries,while the rest of the village was in darkness. Same village getting together a volunteer group lead by Pu Yai to go into the jungle and lay pvc from a small lake to the village and using gravity to get water to the village so they no longer had to carry all the way from the lake.When finished the village had one tap, People got their water there a much shorter walk.

Guys who came here to run bars and do business are a different breed of old hands of these none interest me. I take nothing away from them to some they make be of great interest to me it is just business and not why I came here.

I go on a bit too much sorry for the rant. rant.

Not only Thailand. 40 years ago I lived in a house on an unmade road, no TV signal, poor radio reception, and had to get 6 poles put in to connect to the telephone service -- all this in UK wink.png


I remember some advice given from the hands here but I have no idea if they were young, old or almost past it.

Remember the topic about 'standing on a 10 Baht coin' or similar?

The guys around in those days were helpful in many ways, yet some were the same as now telling me to run for my life because I was dating the ex wife of a member of the RTP and he found out.

Some things never change on TV, good advice mixed with the shouts of panic and the humour laugh.png

Anyone maybe got a link? Search function didn't help ;)

Thanks from a noob.


One thing i found out here about guys here they appear to bullshit a lot so hard to filter out the reality from the crap. I have met guys who felt they could enlighten me about things here and from what I had read and experienced,lots of what they said didnot hold water. On the other hand I have met young guys who have very good ensight into whats happening around them.

When I meet an old guy who doesnot speak thai,doesnot eat thai food,but is married to a thai for years I really wonder has he learnt anything. He has survived but money can do that here not knowledge.When you live in a sandbox you get to know it pretty good,but may know nothing about the park it is in. I have been with TV a few years now and honestly feel many times its the empty vessel making the most noise. The gems of wisdom appear to me to come from the less spoken, I feel those are the old hands the op is referring to and I always have the most respect for age and knowledge and experiences that these folks share here and look forward to reading more from them.

The people who interest me as old hands are the ones here before paved roads and tv and mobile phones. Or electricity in rural areas. May I add running water. To many it maybe hard to believe but only 30 years ago many areas still hard dirt roads,no electricity etc. I remember watching Thais .watch black and white tv ran on car batteries,while the rest of the village was in darkness. Same village getting together a volunteer group lead by Pu Yai to go into the jungle and lay pvc from a small lake to the village and using gravity to get water to the village so they no longer had to carry all the way from the lake.When finished the village had one tap, People got their water there a much shorter walk.

Guys who came here to run bars and do business are a different breed of old hands of these none interest me. I take nothing away from them to some they make be of great interest to me it is just business and not why I came here.

I go on a bit too much sorry for the rant. rant.

Good Lord man! Was that an attempt to inject some gravitas and direction into this thread?

This is the TV good ol' boys circle jerk (or reach around if you prefer) and bugger all to do with whether anyone thinks they have earned the right to be gobby and pontifical or even listens to their sage words of often dubious advice anyway. I mean look!... there's a self-confessed kiwi been standing around for a couple of hours still waiting to be allowed to sit down. Has he no shame?

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I will read the OP again tomorrow when sober.............thumbsup.gif ............smile.png

So will David smile.png

Aussie ... oh ye of little faith (burp)

You should know that I am a coffee1.gif man.



I will read the OP again tomorrow when sober.............thumbsup.gif ............smile.png

It's about old farts......you have a seat at the head off the table, comrade.

Can I moderate.........w00t.gif

No. You will sit quietly and only speak when somebody rattles ur chain. :)

Ban him from YouTube neverdie....mwahahahaha!

  • Like 1

ya think??? w00t.gif

Pensioners are old - that's 65+

Try getting a job in the west at 45+, nobody wants you.

Pensioners are beyond old.

Speak for yourself tongue.png

I am not yet a pensioner and though 'old' by some comments, I am young enough to 'Rock & Roll'.

Long live the young heart in the somewhat older folk.

edit.....typo .... maybe old age in a young heart


I came to Thailand in the 50's. I really didn't have much choice at the time, I was in nappies. In the ensuing decades I lived in Thailand, much of the rest of SE Asia and the UK.

I've met farangs of my generation that have lived in Thailand for 30 years or more, what they know about Thailand could be written on the back of a postage stamp.

I'm not ageist, will take good advice from wherever I can get it.

On the other hand I firmly believe youth is wasted on the young.

Someone give me a postage stamp........


^ Costas, your old enough to be the father of one of the old dudes he's talkin about.

Having said that, this clearly isn't about milking.

David must be talking about JT, UG and George.

I know what he's talking about, but personally as a young member, do not associate with the old farts.

Nothing else to say than groan and moan all day.

We the young ones are the present and the future of this forum the others can start praying to God for their sins to be forgiven.

i'm much older than you and groan and moan far less, pal

  • Like 1

I think the issue is that many of the 'old hands' appear to have had little experience abroad / travelling outside of Thailand before they came here.

They turned up in Thailand after a 50+ years of hard work in their home country genuinely believing this was paradise where all their dreams would come true only to get sucked in and spat out hence why being so cynical, grumpy and negative as the OP put it.

Where as people with a bit more world experience who realised that Thailand was not really any different to any other country and had pros and cons tend to be less cynical and negative about the place as they didn't idolise it as 'paradise' or get sucked into any bullsh*t.


^ Costas, your old enough to be the father of one of the old dudes he's talkin about.

Having said that, this clearly isn't about milking.

David must be talking about JT, UG and George.

I know what he's talking about, but personally as a young member, do not associate with the old farts.

Nothing else to say than groan and moan all day.

We the young ones are the present and the future of this forum the others can start praying to God for their sins to be forgiven.

i'm much older than you and groan and moan far less, pal

Hmmm....yes.....your friendliness on this forum is noticeable......


^ Costas, your old enough to be the father of one of the old dudes he's talkin about.

Having said that, this clearly isn't about milking.

David must be talking about JT, UG and George.

I know what he's talking about, but personally as a young member, do not associate with the old farts.

Nothing else to say than groan and moan all day.

We the young ones are the present and the future of this forum the others can start praying to God for their sins to be forgiven.

i'm much older than you and groan and moan far less, pal

Hmmm....yes.....your friendliness on this forum is noticeable......

english not your first language? go look up the difference between moaning and disdaining.


Think the last comment was rather disdainful.

"the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect."

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I've learned a lot from old timers. I know exactly how many posts have to count down on the second page of any thread before I get to off-topic

bickering. thumbsup.gif


Can anyone remember when Phuket taxis stopped at 6pm, cuddling a Thai lady was called "having a vegemite sandwich", making phone calls from the post office when you collected your mail, sending postcards and getting photos developed..?


Old Hands: I have know everything possible about Thailand, that can be learned from a barstool". or " I have made a successful and admirable life in Thailand, and when I came here I had nothing but the clothes on my back and $1.5 million in my trust fund..."

  • Like 1

^ Costas, your old enough to be the father of one of the old dudes he's talkin about.

Having said that, this clearly isn't about milking.

David must be talking about JT, UG and George.

I know what he's talking about, but personally as a young member, do not associate with the old farts.

Nothing else to say than groan and moan all day.

We the young ones are the present and the future of this forum the others can start praying to God for their sins to be forgiven.

You do of course realise that all the old farts start laughing like drains as soon as you leave.


The Old Hands here ... do they get the credit they deserve?

What I find dismaying is when a newbie comes on with a serious question, and we take the time to answer in detail, even providing links and addresses and so on. All intending on saving them huge frustration or financial loss.

Then, not even a thanks. I've seen this many times. So no, I'd say they often don't get the credit they deserve.

Perhaps cos the "younger" poster takes no notice of advice given anyhooooo. How many times have we seen advice given to be called an old fart in return, when the reader has no idea of the age of the poster. But, the term old hands, regarding LOS, refers to time spent here on a continuous basis.

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