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A complete tale of woe


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whistling.gif Alright, but you are looking at it from one perspective.

I guess you are still young, and assume there will always be a "future".

Being 68 years old myself, my "future" is likely to be a lot shorter than yours will be

If I were 80, it would even be less.

There are worse ways to go, you understand.

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People are responsible for their own actions.

Doesn't matter how good your advice is, it can be disregarded.

The man at 78 is happy with the situation he is in.

He is not stupid, he knows what you are telling him is right, but he is content in the world he lives in.

No point disturbing him you will be rejected.

Everybody has different values in life and yours do not match his.

Let him live and enjoy the rest of his life in his own dream.

"People are responsible for their own actions." - what a lovely get out clause. I'm confident I could rip you off in some fashion and all the more interested as you seem to be the sort who would blame yourself and "take it on the chin" as one of life's lessons?

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And the purpose of this thread is what now? The usual suspects will be along to denigrate 'spring & autumn' relationships, old and fat farangs, hookers, the perpetual fools and their money, bar stools, the sage advice not to invest any more than you can afford to lose (replete with "it's not rocket science"), the perpetual admonition that you can take the girl out of the bar but... etc., etc., etc..

Did I miss anything?

You forgot about taking out life insurance on yourself with her as the beneficiary... :-)

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Fred is a selfish moron in my opinion. Knocking a hooker up at 80 and she 40?? She didn't want a kid...she wanted him to feel responsible and part with his $$, and that succeeded.

Fred's not going to live long enough to see the kid out of preschool. What then? The kid gets dumped on her grandmother, and maybe will be a street kid.

He needs to get DNA proof of paternity, or he's more stupid than any of us think. His sperm count would be so low that those he has must be turbocharged for him to be the father.

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You didn't say how dad felt about the baby!

It's great to have a baby and 1.5M baht is nothing.

I would be happy to pay a woman 1.5m baht to have a baby for me.

For all we know he's entirely satisfied with the situation.

They will be lining up for you. Easy if you want this.
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Fred is a selfish moron in my opinion. Knocking a hooker up at 80 and she 40?? She didn't want a kid...she wanted him to feel responsible and part with his $$, and that succeeded.

Fred's not going to live long enough to see the kid out of preschool. What then? The kid gets dumped on her grandmother, and maybe will be a street kid.

He needs to get DNA proof of paternity, or he's more stupid than any of us think. His sperm count would be so low that those he has must be turbocharged for him to be the father.

If he's managed to produce a baby at 78, sounds like he could make 90.

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for sure at his age the chances of having 3 sperm left should be a bazillion to one. That & it takes a couple million swimmers to hit the egg & fertilize it. Lol Good on you Fred but get the paternity test & buy her a scooter & not a house!

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Personally at the age of 78 I can't think of anything worse than having a 9 month old kid.

I could not agree more. I told my Thai wife when I first met her when I was fifty years old that there would be no children and that we would not be looking after any grandchildren that might emanate from the two she already had.

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for sure at his age the chances of having 3 sperm left should be a bazillion to one. That & it takes a couple million swimmers to hit the egg & fertilize it. Lol Good on you Fred but get the paternity test & buy her a scooter & not a house!

More chance of him impregnating at 78, that her getting pregnant at 40.

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Well done Fred, living the dream.

All, this for a measly 2 million baht, way to go old timer.

Or in Thai, som nam na, or tham jai,

What bussines is it of yours, or are you yet another Jobsworth, let the old godger be happy.

"Well done Fred living the dream" Unbelievable how gormless commentators can be can get,actually stark bonkers,lunatic style.

"not my bussiness"(sic) yep pretty damned stupid there,stupid is as stupid does

The dream comprised of continually buying her new bikes, for them to be stolen couple of months later,reappearing after another new bike replaced it,to be given to her "brother", every item he possessed stolen. Shopping that went up 10 fold with her in company,him catching her in his bed with clients,the guy must have been going nuts even then. Can even state the child is not his,why refuse to take part in a DNA?

Sad to see the end of life being taken over by the sheer ruthlessness

Sounds like a fait accompli. What do you suggest he does now?

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If he has been told and has all the info let him live his life.

Later when his money is drained and he is dumped he should not come crying to his friends.

Nothing wrong with old guys paying for it. But they should not complain when she cheats and it goes wrong.

Doesn't just happen to old guys! biggrin.png


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If he has been told and has all the info let him live his life.

Later when his money is drained and he is dumped he should not come crying to his friends.

Nothing wrong with old guys paying for it. But they should not complain when she cheats and it goes wrong.

Doesn't just happen to old guys! biggrin.png

I know it does not but more often then not it does. Anyway plenty of smart old guys that know they are not physically desirable to a younger girl and just give her a rent salary.

The fools are the ones pretending its love and the girl wants them and then builds her a house.

I hope i end up as the smart type.

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Stopped in sukhumvit 22. Taxi driver opens a door and asks me to help him. There is a 76 year old man in the back totally dis- orientated.Similar background,brought to bangkok from somewhere in Issan, holed up in hotel 27 , wife leaves, hotel kicks him out because they don't want him to die on their premises ..can't find the hotel he moved too...over stayed his visa, doesn't want the embassy to help, petrified of the tourist police....there is a consequence and a darker side..

Stayed with him most of the night in the foyer of the queens hotel, why my mate walked the entire soi 22 looking for his hotel..against his wishes the hotel contacted the tourist police...I left..don't know what happened to him but it did open my eyes to isolated older foreigners and their complete dependency on others.

I doubt he is happy...probably bored out of his skull..the friend wouldn't even bother with this story if he was..

I was struck by his complete loneliness and helplessness in a foreign country at an elderly age..

Their are 2 sides to every coin.

Could not agree more with this post.

All i can do is wait until his friend in the UK starts conversing with him,informing him of his options. I stopped communicating with Fred as all this lot was unfolding,he was getting aggressive and I was receiving threatening calls from those on the gravy train who were latched onto him

"Entirely his own fault ",not entirely,but who knows how their thinking pattern changes in old age, and he did start shuffling in his walking habits a few years ago,sign of Parkinson's

The post I put up was just an observation,I know farangs are ripped off aplenty. Personally I would not trust my own shadow here,but then Fred probably thought the same too in past times

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The guy thut he'd find happiness by buying into the land of smiles, why is it you guys do this? At least find a woman closer to your own age then u mite stand a chance at happiness, but really, look in the mirror guys, would a western 22, 25,30,40 year old love you for the $50.000 in your pocket? You'd call her a gold digger, so why wen an Asian woman does it are you so surprised. Find me a marriage that's worked where there's a huge age difference, I don't mean one where the guy burns his head in the sand,or one where the guys a control freak, but one where both partners are on equal footing & happy despite the 20 year age gap & not just the big ATM card. Do your home work guys,thai women or men don't fall in love on meeting some one,their love grows over years as the partner proves themselves worthy.

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