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Advice needed for Uk Woman married to Thai

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Hi all, So I am having a little panic due to all the scare mongering at the moment with immagration etc and just really after some sound advice. I am due to go back to Uk for an unexpected visit over the christmas period. Its a really short notice trip but one I would like to make. I have a multiple entry ed visa which I got in april and so far havent been out the country. I attend my lessons and do my 90 days reporting with no problems I am doing a basic thai speaking course so no writing involved and little reading. I admit I am not very good but I have always struggled learning languages due to a bad memory. So I am worried when I return after the break in Jan that when I get to Bkk I will get turned away based on not being able to speak good enough. Crazy thing is my understanding of the language is ok but I just struggle to then converse back even when I know whats been said.

Now here is the thing... I am married to a thai man, we have been together 3 years and recently married in september. When we visited immagration in october for my 90 days we spoke with the head lady and she assured us no problem when I next come again in jan we will have an interview and my reason of stay will change to marriage. That was great news but like I say this trip has now come up in between and I actually arrive back a few days after my orginal reporting date. Prior to our interview we have been asked to get our marriage confirmed by our local headman who is hard to track down to say the least, but anyway. So I wont have my reason for stay based on marriage in place until after I get back. Do you think if I do encounter any issues in bkk if I bring my marriage certs etc that it would be ok or is the best option for me to get a new non o whilst I am out the country and can I if I already have the valid ed. Sorry for the long winded post but I am so confused and worried because obviously my life is here with my husband and I do not have the funds to be back and forth.

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why not apply for a marriage extension now?

or when you return to the UK?

If you have been with the Thai guy for 3 years, your ED VISA is clearly bogus, because that isn't the real reason you are here.

If you give any hint you are married to a Thai when you return, your ED VISA will be revoked.

I certainly would if I were the immigration officer.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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You day you will be arriving after your reporting date.

If that is your report of staying longer than 90 days it is not a problem because you did not stay country for 90 days.

If it is the date you are due a 90 day extension your re-entry permit will not be valid for entry.

If might be best to get a single entry non-o visa based upon marriage while you are in the UK. You could then apply for the one extension of stay based upon marriage during the last 30 days of your 90 day entry.

You should have no problem entering with the re-entry permit for your current extension.

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Thank you Ubon Joe, I was hoping you would comment as I have heard good things about your advice. I am not trying to do a anything dodgy and it would of been uncomplecated had I not been going to see family but hey ho. Do I still need a re entry permit if I have a multi entry?if so no worries ill go to immagration next week. Many thanks

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Why are you not getting 12 month extensions based on having a Thai Spouse.

Easy for a Woman and no money or income is needed.

Hello, yes I will be. When we went to immagration after getting married we told them we had just got married and asked for next steps which they advised an interview at the office etc. Because I am still at school the lady said no rush and when I go again in jan we can go about changing my reason for stay thats all. But this trip has come up in between and I am a natural worrier anyway.
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Thank you Ubon Joe, I was hoping you would comment as I have heard good things about your advice. I am not trying to do a anything dodgy and it would of been uncomplecated had I not been going to see family but hey ho. Do I still need a re entry permit if I have a multi entry?if so no worries ill go to immagration next week. Many thanks

Do have a multiple entry visa you got from an embassy valid for one year? With a multiple entry visa you have to leave the country every 90 days not just do reports to immigration.

Or have you been getting extensions of stay from immigration?

I need to understand better what you have now.

It seems you may of gotten a multiple re-entry visa and then extended one of the 90 day entries from it.

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Thank you Ubon Joe, I was hoping you would comment as I have heard good things about your advice. I am not trying to do a anything dodgy and it would of been uncomplecated had I not been going to see family but hey ho. Do I still need a re entry permit if I have a multi entry?if so no worries ill go to immagration next week. Many thanks

Do have a multiple entry visa you got from an embassy valid for one year? With a multiple entry visa you have to leave the country every 90 days not just do reports to immigration.

Or have you been getting extensions of stay from immigration?

I need to understand better what you have now.

It seems you may of gotten a multiple re-entry visa and then extended one of the 90 day entries from it.

Hi, I first got a single entry ed visa in uk and then once school started I had to go to local immagration and they gave me a a re entry permit valid until next year with multiple entrys. So every 90 day I go and they just give me a new slip of paper. When I went in october and reported they said just go back before the year was up to change my reason for stay based upon being married. They said I wouldnt need to leave the kingdom to do this although I suspect come april perhaps I would. This was all said in thai to my husband. As soon as I get back we will book our interview with them but as you suggested perhaps I should just sort it all whilst out the country.

If I were to do this would it be a similar process, i.e a single entry and then the re entry and after that 90 days reporting? Thanks for your help. Also wondering if there was any truth in what the guy above said as in if I were to say I was married they would revoke my visa. I cant see how being married makes a difference as this isnt a stipulation of studying on the ed visa.

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You wrote in your OP you had a multiple entry ED visa. What you apparently have is a one year extension of stay with a multiple re-entry permit.

As I said you do not have to worry about your 90 day report being due while out of the country.

Since you have a one year extension of stay you should not have a problem entering the country after your trip using your re-entry permit.

In order to change the reason for your extension from attending school to one based upon marriage to a Thai you will need to get a letter from your school stating you are no longer attending classes with an effective date equal to the date you apply for the extension.

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Hi animalmad.

Looks to me like you have done the right thing.

You got some of the best TVF's on your case!

Also looks like you have no need to worry now and your return should be smooth.

Re the marriage certs etc.

I think a copy of Sami's ID, both sides and a copy of his Blue House Book (Tambian Baan) would be good to carry too.

But, most important of all - give yourself permission to stop worrying and get back to enjoying every moment.

May I suggest you look at EFT as a super way to help you overcome this worry.


I got shingles a couple of years ago and it was very painful.

I used this "tapping" technique and believe it or not the pain went, just like that!

I hope it works well for you too.

All the best and enjoy a great trip but wrap up warm. LOL

PS Congratulations on your marriage.

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Awww thank you everybody! Yes good advice and ill get to sorting the change of stay when home. I think some times people just like to make others feel bad but never mind its nearly Christmas and we put our tree up. Most sorry looking tree I ever did see but we love it and its mx husbands first.!! Merry Christmas all and have a fab new year x

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Hi animalmad.

Looks to me like you have done the right thing.

You got some of the best TVF's on your case!

Also looks like you have no need to worry now and your return should be smooth.

Re the marriage certs etc.

I think a copy of Sami's ID, both sides and a copy of his Blue House Book (Tambian Baan) would be good to carry too.

But, most important of all - give yourself permission to stop worrying and get back to enjoying every moment.

May I suggest you look at EFT as a super way to help you overcome this worry.


I got shingles a couple of years ago and it was very painful.

I used this "tapping" technique and believe it or not the pain went, just like that!

I hope it works well for you too.

All the best and enjoy a great trip but wrap up warm. LOL

PS Congratulations on your marriage.

Hello lovely, good advice thanks. I always have his id card as he loses alot of things lol and I will defo have a copy of his house book so good idea. Sadly Ive been a natural worrior for best part of 30 years its a plague and I do give myself a hard time but I will defo look up what you suggested so thank you. Have a great xmas x
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Hi animalmad.

Looks to me like you have done the right thing.

You got some of the best TVF's on your case!

Also looks like you have no need to worry now and your return should be smooth.

Re the marriage certs etc.

I think a copy of Sami's ID, both sides and a copy of his Blue House Book (Tambian Baan) would be good to carry too.

But, most important of all - give yourself permission to stop worrying and get back to enjoying every moment.

May I suggest you look at EFT as a super way to help you overcome this worry.


I got shingles a couple of years ago and it was very painful.

I used this "tapping" technique and believe it or not the pain went, just like that!

I hope it works well for you too.

All the best and enjoy a great trip but wrap up warm. LOL

PS Congratulations on your marriage.

Hello lovely, good advice thanks. I always have his id card as he loses alot of things lol and I will defo have a copy of his house book so good idea. Sadly Ive been a natural worrior for best part of 30 years its a plague and I do give myself a hard time but I will defo look up what you suggested so thank you. Have a great xmas x

Thanks,you Two, have a great Christmas, even if miles apart.

With the state of the UK at the moment, better make sure you're curry fever injections are up to date LOL

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why not apply for a marriage extension now?

or when you return to the UK?

If you have been with the Thai guy for 3 years, your ED VISA is clearly bogus, because that isn't the real reason you are here.

If you give any hint you are married to a Thai when you return, your ED VISA will be revoked.

I certainly would if I were the immigration officer.

How is her Ed visa bogus if she has been taking classes?

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On topic of visas, my son is coming to Thailand for 66 days & the tourist visa from Aust is automatic 3 mths, but apparently you can only stay 60 days. It is really confusing with all the changes that have been made. Madness really. It's like a kid in a candy shop, I'll have this, no this or try this one. Total madness

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On topic of visas, my son is coming to Thailand for 66 days & the tourist visa from Aust is automatic 3 mths, but apparently you can only stay 60 days. It is really confusing with all the changes that have been made. Madness really. It's like a kid in a candy shop, I'll have this, no this or try this one. Total madness

The 3 months is how long the visa is valid for entry from its date of issue.

The 60 day entry can be extended for 30 days at an immigration office for a fee of 1900 baht.

There have been no changes for visas.

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why not apply for a marriage extension now?

or when you return to the UK?

If you have been with the Thai guy for 3 years, your ED VISA is clearly bogus, because that isn't the real reason you are here.

If you give any hint you are married to a Thai when you return, your ED VISA will be revoked.

I certainly would if I were the immigration officer.



8000 posts i hope not all are the same like this, if you have a ED Visa and if you attend school you have the right to stay,

or its your opinion that this people not have the right to have a relationship or all the married foreigners who are here on retirement visa beacause easier for them but married to a thai, there can be all the time more than 1 reason to do something or stay somewhere and you choose normaly the

way what is the best and easiest.

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Hi animalmad. If you will go through immigration with an ED visa, I would suggest you to buy 'fast track' service on line. About 1,500 baht and no questions asked. That's what happened to my European friends.

Is there an official website to buy this service from?

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Get a non O immigrant visa when you are in the UK...get it from the consul in Hull....when you come here, visit immigration and amend the reason for extension to be that you are married to a Thai national....you need a few quid in the bank 400000 I think....about 8 thousand pounds....it needs to be there for 3 months in a Thai savings account....if you don't have the money borrow it for 3 months (there are commercial companies that will do this if you haven't got a rich relative)...you will aloo need some translation of documents like marriage certificate and stuff if it is not in Thai....plus some photos of you together at your home.

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Get a non O immigrant visa when you are in the UK...get it from the consul in Hull....when you come here, visit immigration and amend the reason for extension to be that you are married to a Thai national....you need a few quid in the bank 400000 I think....about 8 thousand pounds....it needs to be there for 3 months in a Thai savings account....if you don't have the money borrow it for 3 months (there are commercial companies that will do this if you haven't got a rich relative)...you will aloo need some translation of documents like marriage certificate and stuff if it is not in Thai....plus some photos of you together at your home.

A foreign woman married to a Thai national does not need to show any income or money in the bank in order to get an extension of stay.

A foreign husband of a Thai naitonal must season the money 2 months, not 3 months.

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Hi animalmad. If you will go through immigration with an ED visa, I would suggest you to buy 'fast track' service on line. About 1,500 baht and no questions asked. That's what happened to my European friends.

Is there an official website to buy this service from?

My friends have chosen this service while booking online. I guess it goes with your reservation.

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Get a non O immigrant visa when you are in the UK...get it from the consul in Hull....when you come here, visit immigration and amend the reason for extension to be that you are married to a Thai national....you need a few quid in the bank 400000 I think....about 8 thousand pounds....it needs to be there for 3 months in a Thai savings account....if you don't have the money borrow it for 3 months (there are commercial companies that will do this if you haven't got a rich relative)...you will aloo need some translation of documents like marriage certificate and stuff if it is not in Thai....plus some photos of you together at your home.

A foreign woman married to a Thai national does not need to show any income or money in the bank in order to get an extension of stay.

A foreign husband of a Thai naitonal must season the money 2 months, not 3 months.

"A foreign husband of a Thai naitonal must season the money 2 months, not 3 months."

True for the first application for an extension.

Thereafter, 3 months seasoning.

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For an extension of stay based marriage the seasoning is 2 months for every extension. The 3 months is only for retirement extensions.

Thanks for the correction Joe.

Another plus for the marriage extension then LOL

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True for the first application for an extension.

Thereafter, 3 months seasoning.

No, only for an extension based on retirement do the rules state that. Based upon marriage the money needs to be there for 2 months only for every extension, no just the first.

Some immigration offices do want to see 3 months, but the rules clearly state differently.

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True for the first application for an extension.

Thereafter, 3 months seasoning.

No, only for an extension based on retirement do the rules state that. Based upon marriage the money needs to be there for 2 months only for every extension, no just the first.

Some immigration offices do want to see 3 months, but the rules clearly state differently.

My apologies Mario, (Joe already pulled me up LOL)

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