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Jeb Bush to explore White House bid


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Jeb Bush to explore White House bid

(BBC) Jeb Bush, brother of former US President George W Bush, has announced he is looking into running for president in 2016.

The former Florida governor will "actively explore the possibility of running for President", he wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.

He will also create a political action committee to "facilitate conversations with citizens across America".

Mr Bush has pro-immigration views, an issue likely to top the 2016 campaign.

But his views on this subject and on education have enraged some conservative Republicans.

Bush is not the only familiar name circling the upcoming election.

Former First Lady and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is currently the frontrunner for the 2016 Democratic ticket.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30503524

-- BBC 2014-12-17

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His views on illegal immigration conflict with mine. If he and Hillary Clinton are the two choices, it will be a lesser of two evils kind of vote.

Just out of interest, what are your views on it?

Seems like an amnesty and a road map towards becoming fully legal seems like a sensible solution before implementing very strict immigration control seeing as your country has been running illegal immigrants into the ground for years now for economic benefit while turning a blind eye to people flooding over the borders from the south.

Interesting to see a republican with some different views

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His views on illegal immigration conflict with mine. If he and Hillary Clinton are the two choices, it will be a lesser of two evils kind of vote.

Just out of interest, what are your views on it?

That this is not the time to make them legal. Too many Americans need jobs right now and if illegals are legalized, they will compete for the jobs that should go to American citizens. I might have different views if the situation changes in the future.

I am an independent, not a Republican, by the way. I have voted for many more Democrats than Republicans, but that was before they started tilting so far to the left. Nancy Polosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama are ruining the country IMO.

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Hmm. Would I rather have typhoid or cholera? Let me get back to you.

Both Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are political moderates (albeit leaning slightly to opposite sides of the ideological spectrum), and if either of them became president there is a good chance of effective public policy being enacted. Both of them are also quite obviously saddled with a fair amount of baggage because of their surnames.

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Fixate on Mexicans if you wish.

(I knew some narrow minded bigot would come out of the woodwork full of stereotypical cliches')

I'm talking Panama, Salvador, Peru, Honduras, Columbia, Venezuela and Costa Rica.

My friends.

Yea, and you refer to the US as "Amerika." Just another nutter.

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I like seeing outrage against established government, I can relate. Thing about the Tea Party is their issues contain a lot of passion but make little sense. They get outraged that the First Lady is trying to do something about childhood obesity, AND JUST WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK SHE IS? The old fool who decries 'socialized medicine' but accepts Medicare 'because it is his right." The Tea Party is the US version of the Redshirts, both bought and sold by sc_mbag politicians.

The politicians who scream about smaller government (hey bro, good idea -- let's start by firing YOU) usually want to privatize something or other, and they know just the entity to sell assign it to.

NONE of these people have your interest in mind.

Bro Jeb dumped off 250,000 pieces of correspondence a few days ago. Nice try, there must be hundreds of people at work right now looking for needles in that haystack.

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I hope he decides to run. His record indicates he's competent and intelligent. If he can somehow make it through the primaries and caucuses, he has a good shot at winning. The last thing the GOP needs is some extremist whackjob to get the nomination.

I hope he or Mitsy Romney or the pizza guy wins the primaries. The economy always seems to do so much better with a Democrat in the White House.

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The candidacy of yet another from the family Bush fails to excite me.

Also he is not as "moderate" as some here seem to think.

Overall, he is actually very much a RIGHT WINGER.

No he's not as bat sheit crazy as Ted Cruz but policy-wise not much difference.

Next ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Hmm. Would I rather have typhoid or cholera? Let me get back to you.

Both Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are political moderates (albeit leaning slightly to opposite sides of the ideological spectrum), and if either of them became president there is a good chance of effective public policy being enacted. Both of them are also quite obviously saddled with a fair amount of baggage because of their surnames.

And unfortunately to survive the primaries they have to pander to the most extreme ideologues in their parties ( and the brain-dead noise makers like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh) as well as the special interest big money people.

Democracy and politics in the US sounds good in theory, but ultimately people are allowed to vote for one of two candidates chosen for them by people whose concern for the country and its people comes in a distant second to their own self-interest and the winner is decided by the slimmest of majorities (or the Supreme Court or some political hacks masquerading as election officials in Florida), so half the country will be briefly pleased and half will be perpetually angry.

The whole process is now nothing more than an obscene waste of money, inflames the divisions in the population rather than unifying the country, and when it's over the main objective of those elected will be to keep their party happy and screw the people who elected them.

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Were not these the same clowns on whose watch America became embroiled into 3 wars (1 twice), has massively lower home ownership, created enormous unemployment, pretty much derailed the global economy and sent oil prices through the roof?

Yea great - lets have another one!... blink.png

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Great stuff! Bush is loathed by the "Tea Party" and if he's selected the GOP is likely to self-destruct into internecine warfare, maybe even resulting in a 3rd party "nutter" candidate like Ted Cruz or Rand Paul! All hail Madam President Clinton...

Agree. If the Tea Party ever decides to break off and become a "3rd party," that would probably mean the end of the GOP as a legitimate contender vs. the Democrats. And of course, no Tea Party candidate would have a chance in a general election. The dems can put up George Clooney and win.

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In 2004 Jeb Bush accompanied Colin Powell to Thailand after the tsunami to see where the U.S. should start dispersing the 400 MLN aid package. At least he isn't afraid to step up and help when needed even if there was no political mileage in it for him.

He is good with storms.

It's a Florida thing.

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In 2004 Jeb Bush accompanied Colin Powell to Thailand after the tsunami to see where the U.S. should start dispersing the 400 MLN aid package. At least he isn't afraid to step up and help when needed even if there was no political mileage in it for him.

Wow, you are naive. Do you know any rich people? Most are ultra greedy and literally do nothing unless there's something in it for them.

For example, his brother Neil was a "consultant" for a Chinese Semiconductor company.

What the bloody hell does he know about "semiconductors"?

According to Neil Bush's own testamony in court, absolutely <deleted> nothing.

But he does know about hookers, thanks to the discovery process during his divorce trial.

Google "Bush Thailand Hookers"...

Edited by SiSePuede419
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