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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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It is only a matter of time before the atheists of the world say that enough is enough and actually begin to mobilise rather than suffer and shake their heads in isolation. A few more outrages of this nature and we will start to see the rise of the radicalised atheist. Religion, as Mr Rushdie so eloquently put it in his statement on the atrocity, is merely medieval unreason.

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It is only a matter of time before the atheists of the world say that enough is enough and actually begin to mobilise rather than suffer and shake their heads in isolation. A few more outrages of this nature and we will start to see the rise of the radicalised atheist. Religion, as Mr Rushdie so eloquently put it in his statement on the atrocity, is merely medieval unreason.

Was that a quote from the atheist Mao, Stalin or Hitler ? wink.png

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My condolences to the families of the victims and for the murdered people may they rest in Peace.

These savage murderers have to be stopped.

It has nothing to do with religion but with the arrogance and ignorance of some people using religion to accomplish their murder instincts.

Hope they catch them soon and let them rot for the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

On the contrary it has EVERYTHING to do with religion

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It is only a matter of time before the atheists of the world say that enough is enough and actually begin to mobilise rather than suffer and shake their heads in isolation. A few more outrages of this nature and we will start to see the rise of the radicalised atheist. Religion, as Mr Rushdie so eloquently put it in his statement on the atrocity, is merely medieval unreason.

Was that a quote from the atheist Mao, Stalin or Hitler ? wink.png

Ah the classic anti-atheist garbage please don't try to reinvent history. Christopher Hitchens already tore this argument to shreds years ago.

“Besides that, I believe one thing: there is a Lord God! And this Lord God creates the peoples.” ~Adolf Hitler

Edited by bkkgooner
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My condolence to the families of the victims, too, they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

War is an ugly thing, and brutality is contagious.

Sadly, so-called Christians made Money their God, and now complain about a lack of humanity when they get paranoid.

Yes, paranoia, that's the mental state created by capitalism.

The amount of people killed by traffic accidents is far higher than the amount of people killed by bomb attacks (just one example), but a car is a status symbol - well, for some it's a licence to kill.

' they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. ' & ' The amount of people killed by traffic accidents is far higher than the amount of people killed by bomb attacks '

And you consider these two comments as justification for what these scumbags did ... ?

You are one sick individual .......coffee1.gif

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"12 DEAD IN PARIS MASSACRE: Islamic gunmen execute French police officer as he pleads for his life after terror attack on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo at centre of Mohammed cartoon storm."

"Masked gunmen storm Paris headquarters with AK-47s shouting 'Allahu akbar!' and 'the Prophet has been avenged'.
Stalked building asking for people's names before killing the editor and cartoonist during weekly editorial meeting .
Horrific footage shows a police officer begging for his life before being shot in the head at point-blank range."


From media reports I believe the murdered police officer in your post was a Muslim.


The OP is a truly horrendous attack on one of the core principles of Western democracy; likely to see more of these type of attacks. You have to hope the radical Islamists do not achieve a splintering of the adhesion of Western societies, which must be one of their political goals. Our leaders must stay strong and committed to democratic principles.

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Excellent commentary.

Slowly but surely , I think the apologists are starting to figure this out.

Maybe. Apart from a few shocking offensive posts in the first few pages of this thread, the board's resident Islamists apologists have remained quiet.

Maybe hanging their heads in shame somewhere.

This was an operation. Whether 'wolf pack' related or directed is yet to be established. It had an objective. It was an attack on a pillar of western liberal democracy. Political satire is an integral part of western liberal democracies. Satirists prick egos. Satirists identify and alert us to tyranny, whether it is the tyranny of religious or other ideology. Western liberal democracies must learn from this and take precautions. They must also respond to the threat. The execution of creative, free thinking, active contributors to dynamic and beneficial political thought is abhor ant.

To glory in this event to support anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. Your dancing around the remains of these slain artists to push your anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. The way you spray your bile all over this thread attacking anyone who is not buying your ideological bigotry is offensive. Others have taken the opportunity to push a gun ownership agenda. This too is offensive and was shut down quickly.

You may call me apologist. The slur has no meaning. I apologise for nothing. I believe these executions were committed by muslim fighters as a direct result of the challenge the satirists posed to their muslim ideology. Even though this is not actually proven, I believe it is highly likely to be the case. Your hysteria is pointless. Your bigotry is obvious. Your bullying is offensive. Your appropriation of #jesuischarlie is shameful. You may return to hiding under your bed.

Here you go calling anyone who is pushing for immigration reform bigots. I married a woman who was on a work permit and facilitated her immigration to my home country. I am hardly anti immigration.

But maybe, just maybe we need to recognize that one part of the world cannot and will not assimilate with our societies ? So we have to amend our immigration policies ?

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We shall not let ourselves be terrorised


I take it you will be consistent and publically label these people as bigots and neo-nazis today, Mrs Merkel..

Didn't take long, did it?

You choose this to attack another posters to support some anti-immigrant bigotry as expressed on that other referenced thread?

The islamists are now starting to poison the thread with shrill cries of 'bigot' against patriots angered at seeing their culture attacked, hoping to silence any criticism of Islam and it's followers.

They've seen their previous insults- 'racist' and 'islamophobe' have no effect due to overuse and ridicule. Theyre hoping 'bigot' will quieten the furore.

Too late!

And now you're happy, aren't you?

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Your theory is ridiculous.

Firstly, there was at least one police officer on guard in a car outside as well as one inside, who was protecting Charbonnier.

Secondly, the people at Charlie Hebdo were mostly pacifists who would never accept wearing or using a weapon.

I am rather surprised about the loose security in that building, since Charlie Hebdo had already been the target of some attacks.

A little contradiction there. If there were armed policemen outside the magazine, that means the editors and employees at least believed in implicit violence to protect them. Unfortunately, France has disarmed its citizens, literally and figuratively (the latter through political indoctrination and one way 'incitement" laws), so that these poor guys were sitting ducks. All I know is that if there are threats against me, then I would rather have the ability to defend myself rather than hope some poor policeman who was hopelessly outgunned will do it for me.

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Lone wolf attack. Absolutely nothing to do with Islam. Just nutters.

No, I don't believe that either. It's just that I'd thought I'd get in first before the apologists.

Just watched a video on Facebook of them gunning down a French policeman.

what a sad first comment ...

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Excellent commentary.

Slowly but surely , I think the apologists are starting to figure this out.

Maybe. Apart from a few shocking offensive posts in the first few pages of this thread, the board's resident Islamists apologists have remained quiet.

Maybe hanging their heads in shame somewhere.

This was an operation. Whether 'wolf pack' related or directed is yet to be established. It had an objective. It was an attack on a pillar of western liberal democracy. Political satire is an integral part of western liberal democracies. Satirists prick egos. Satirists identify and alert us to tyranny, whether it is the tyranny of religious or other ideology. Western liberal democracies must learn from this and take precautions. They must also respond to the threat. The execution of creative, free thinking, active contributors to dynamic and beneficial political thought is abhor ant.

To glory in this event to support anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. Your dancing around the remains of these slain artists to push your anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. The way you spray your bile all over this thread attacking anyone who is not buying your ideological bigotry is offensive. Others have taken the opportunity to push a gun ownership agenda. This too is offensive and was shut down quickly.

You may call me apologist. The slur has no meaning. I apologise for nothing. I believe these executions were committed by muslim fighters as a direct result of the challenge the satirists posed to their muslim ideology. Even though this is not actually proven, I believe it is highly likely to be the case. Your hysteria is pointless. Your bigotry is obvious. Your bullying is offensive. Your appropriation of #jesuischarlie is shameful. You may return to hiding under your bed.

Here you go calling anyone who is pushing for immigration reform bigots. I married a woman who was on a work permit and facilitated her immigration to my home country. I am hardly anti immigration.

But maybe, just maybe we need to recognize that one part of the world cannot and will not assimilate with our societies ? So we have to amend our immigration policies ?

Taken into account that assimilation and immigration are different things, you may be right.

I will never be assimilated into German society anymore.

That's not sick, it's my free choice - made in 1969 in Asia. I would like to get Thai nationality and burn my German passport. But of course, I want the money that I worked for.

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It has nothing to do with religion

It has EVERYTHING to do with religion.

It drives their actions and gives their sad lives some meaning.

It's their life. They live and breathe it.

How much more evidence do we need to stop the Islamification of Europe and recognise the inherent danger of Islamists in the west.


And white liberal lefties fret and wring their hands at the success of brave patriots Pergida (insulted as 'IGNORANT massses' by apologists) in Germany. Pergida is just the beginning. It will spread

This has EVERYTHING to do with religion.

Very true - and for once I don't mind a poster using CAPITALS!!!

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Simple to me: They are heavily-armed psychopaths. Any questions?

Ummm maybe was too simple? The question was more to do with immigration reactions wink.png

Too simple, huh? How about this for simplicity?: Kill or be killed. What, exactly, justifies a massacre of unarmed civilians? I'm personally labeling it Islamic Derangement Syndrome (IDS), an obviously virulent type of psychopathy.

Actually what I meant by too simple is my post had nothing to do with the line your taking. It was a simple statement.

What I meant was even at this time of grief with little know actual concrete facts there are those that will

use this tragic event to pull out a soapbox of a different cause.

Forget it sidetracked enough

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I posted yesterday that the world needs to wake up.

I agree MRTOAD "Another Bunch of murdering Muslims. Religion of peace, my ass"

Now who is going to do something to change or end this destructive religion?.........SOUND OF CRICKETSwhistling.gif

Now who is going to do something to change or end this destructive religion?

No one because the French people are unarmed. This incident proves that the police can't always handle everything. Europe has sold its soul to the PC brainwashers.

France is already 20% Muslim.


20% certainly not it would be 12,000,000 Muslims, probably not far 10%, Yes and it's too much alreadysad.png

Probably depends which part of France you live - try Marseilles!

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we have come to the conclusion, this isn't an issue to one specific country, we are all in danger of being victims to this from the USA to United Kingdom, to France....they can attack and kill our people, but they won't kill our resolve and our desire to live peacefully free from terror and murder....

As an American, I really feel for some of these European countries, they have basically become a mini middle east....Turks in Germany, North Africans in France, Pakistanis in England and a few bad apples WILL ruin it for the rest, the majority peace loving, abiding Muslims...while my country men worry about a mexicans crossing the border to work at McDonalds, my European brothers have legitimate fear about who will next immigrate to their country..

Edited by Smurkster
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Excellent commentary.

Slowly but surely , I think the apologists are starting to figure this out.

Maybe. Apart from a few shocking offensive posts in the first few pages of this thread, the board's resident Islamists apologists have remained quiet.

Maybe hanging their heads in shame somewhere.

This was an operation. Whether 'wolf pack' related or directed is yet to be established. It had an objective. It was an attack on a pillar of western liberal democracy. Political satire is an integral part of western liberal democracies. Satirists prick egos. Satirists identify and alert us to tyranny, whether it is the tyranny of religious or other ideology. Western liberal democracies must learn from this and take precautions. They must also respond to the threat. The execution of creative, free thinking, active contributors to dynamic and beneficial political thought is abhor ant.

To glory in this event to support anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. Your dancing around the remains of these slain artists to push your anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. The way you spray your bile all over this thread attacking anyone who is not buying your ideological bigotry is offensive. Others have taken the opportunity to push a gun ownership agenda. This too is offensive and was shut down quickly.

You may call me apologist. The slur has no meaning. I apologise for nothing. I believe these executions were committed by muslim fighters as a direct result of the challenge the satirists posed to their muslim ideology. Even though this is not actually proven, I believe it is highly likely to be the case. Your hysteria is pointless. Your bigotry is obvious. Your bullying is offensive. Your appropriation of #jesuischarlie is shameful. You may return to hiding under your bed.

Here you go calling anyone who is pushing for immigration reform bigots. I married a woman who was on a work permit and facilitated her immigration to my home country. I am hardly anti immigration.

But maybe, just maybe we need to recognize that one part of the world cannot and will not assimilate with our societies ? So we have to amend our immigration policies ?

The anti-immigrants offer us what? The notion that this and other abhorrent events will not happen by closing the borders. What else do they offer? Vague references to 'final solution' type programs to deal with existing migrant populations or some nebulous thought control policing to identify ideologically unsuitable persons. The anti-immigrant bigotry is clear for all to see in these threads on Muslim related incidents. Happy to discuss immigration policy on a thread that does not degenerate into an anti-muslim slanging match. Happy to talk about the principles of assimilation, multiculturalism, economic refugees, cultural dynamism, economic benefits of migration, consequences of colonialism and imperialistic military ventures and all sorts of things. But not over the slain bodies of those executed for their political beliefs and actions.

Those of us in Thailand are immigrants. Yet many are rabid anti-immigrant. It comes from many sources including their bigotry. I do not call those who want immigration reform bigots. I call those who demand wholesale expulsion of a group of people and stereotypes these groups bigots. A generation ago it was Asians. Now it is Muslims. Who knows what group will be demonised in the next generation.

Also please review the posts of the person to whom I directed my comments. How can you have a rational discussion with that?

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My sympathies to the victims and the people of France. The French have a long history of tolerance and understanding. It is very sad to see this being taken advantage of.

My condolences as well. But let me ask you a question: Is "France's Tolerance Problem" by Penelope Starr who, according to her, "grew up and lived in Paris for most of" her life:

"In 2005, I was in grad school at Sciences Po when there were serious youth riots, and Paris was "burning." These riots were the result of profound, chronic, protracted discontent among minority youth. In spite of the fact that people from all over the world – and in particular former French colonies – have been immigrating to France for decades, instead of seeing growing openness, the French are increasingly less tolerant. Perhaps there are polls and studies that show otherwise, but, I’m telling you, the trend is not a positive one. The discourse is becoming more and more openly hostile toward immigrant populations, in particular with regards to France’s Muslim minority."

Edited by MaxYakov
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I hope the self-declared warfare technology elite who go by the name of Al-Qaheeda will have too much support from the usually peaceful Muslims.

In Thailand there's a job now for the army: Keep Muslim and Christians away from each other for their own protection. As far as now I haven't heard anything from the South (Pattani eg), I really hope peace can be kept in Thailand.

Something Farangs could learn from Thailand.

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It is only a matter of time before the atheists of the world say that enough is enough and actually begin to mobilise rather than suffer and shake their heads in isolation. A few more outrages of this nature and we will start to see the rise of the radicalised atheist. Religion, as Mr Rushdie so eloquently put it in his statement on the atrocity, is merely medieval unreason.

Was that a quote from the atheist Mao, Stalin or Hitler ? wink.png

aye, mad atheist that hitler lad.


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Excellent commentary.

Slowly but surely , I think the apologists are starting to figure this out.

Maybe. Apart from a few shocking offensive posts in the first few pages of this thread, the board's resident Islamists apologists have remained quiet.

Maybe hanging their heads in shame somewhere.

This was an operation. Whether 'wolf pack' related or directed is yet to be established. It had an objective. It was an attack on a pillar of western liberal democracy. Political satire is an integral part of western liberal democracies. Satirists prick egos. Satirists identify and alert us to tyranny, whether it is the tyranny of religious or other ideology. Western liberal democracies must learn from this and take precautions. They must also respond to the threat. The execution of creative, free thinking, active contributors to dynamic and beneficial political thought is abhor ant.

To glory in this event to support anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. Your dancing around the remains of these slain artists to push your anti-immigrant bigotry is offensive. The way you spray your bile all over this thread attacking anyone who is not buying your ideological bigotry is offensive. Others have taken the opportunity to push a gun ownership agenda. This too is offensive and was shut down quickly.

You may call me apologist. The slur has no meaning. I apologise for nothing. I believe these executions were committed by muslim fighters as a direct result of the challenge the satirists posed to their muslim ideology. Even though this is not actually proven, I believe it is highly likely to be the case. Your hysteria is pointless. Your bigotry is obvious. Your bullying is offensive. Your appropriation of #jesuischarlie is shameful. You may return to hiding under your bed.

Right right. And wasn't it one of your fellow Islamists who described all Charlie Hedbo readers as 'IGNORANT masses'? His capitals.

This is abhorrent. Extremism must be stamped out. Finally and with no mercy.

It's just a pity that the IGNORANT masses, all Charlie Hedbo readers included, think that a single religion consists of all extremists.

You continually use the word 'offensive' in that pathetic drama queen post ("glory in this event", "dancing around the remains of these slain artists") of yours. A certain religion also finds opposing arguments and beliefs as 'offensive'. You both have a lot in common, eh?
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