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Why are there so many English man living in Thailand?.


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MMMM cheap cost of living

Beautiful girls that are not stuck up

Warm sunny weather

Did i mention low cost of living

Better medical care

beaches all year round



oh and did i mention cheap cost of living

Realise you are asking Brits but I thought I would put in the Canadian side.

As to is it better than Aus

What is the cost of a cup of coffee?

What is the cost of living?

How cheap is a 3 star hotel in Sydney.

I think that many Aussies are going to find themselves moving out of Aus as it is going to be too expensive for them to retire.

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My main exposure to Brits is on thaivisa. From that, I conclude that so many Brits are in Thailand because no one anywhere else can stand them. Thai apparently do not take them seriously but instead see them like grumpy toothless old soi dogs that you just walk around and work hard not to interact with them at all.

So, Brits can live here, bitterly enjoying their carping and complaining, into the sauce, and tolerated only by others like them doing the same thing.

I say old chap -that's a rather unkind and if I may so, rather racist comment. And about as original and imaginative as your name. Bet your friends call you Shirley

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Mr Toad, meany or not, was right in one of his earlier posts. The Brits are natural travellers and settlers. Has been that way for centuries. We are also natural philanthropists - so being the best educated nation in the world, we like to go out and teach the world's natives how to be civilised. Hasn't worked in Thailand yet of course

It's a shame you didn't start that in your own Country first before venturing out in the big wide world.

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The REAL question here is...why does Englishmen living in Thailand bother you?...I could think of scores of other Thailand irritants that rank above the English, Russian, Chinese and even Australians enjoying themselves in Thailand...not to mention the Americans, Japanese and folks from the ME...

The question we would like to ask the OP...what is your problem with Englishmen?

The OP doesn't have a problem with Englishmen, he has a huge problem with himself. just read his posts!

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Not to be a smartass either, but you mentioned the word "meany" several times, including the thread title. Is this how they spell "many" in Australia? "Meany" just sounds like a person who's not so nice.

But to your question, I've talked to many Englishmen in Thailand. In no particular order, they say their homeland is cold, bleak, over-regulated, expensive, and overrun by immigrants. I'm American, so I'm only speaking from comments that I've heard. And yes, I'm sure Thai women have something to do with this.

mate, we may stick a "y" on the end of several words but we usually spell them right, schooling may have gone to the dogs since I left but.......

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MMMM cheap cost of living

Beautiful girls that are not stuck up

Warm sunny weather

Did i mention low cost of living

Better medical care

beaches all year round



oh and did i mention cheap cost of living

Realise you are asking Brits but I thought I would put in the Canadian side.

As to is it better than Aus

What is the cost of a cup of coffee?

What is the cost of living?

How cheap is a 3 star hotel in Sydney.

I think that many Aussies are going to find themselves moving out of Aus as it is going to be too expensive for them to retire.

could not have said it better and it is so true, as an aussie I prefer living here with my wife, it is way to expensive to live in Australia these days, Sydney and Melbourne have the highest rents in the world according to a recent survey

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Interesting thread- why? Because England has become a dichotomy of the haves and have nots.

London is a truly stunning city- full of history, culture, art, the finest restaurants etc etc.

But it has become so expensive, the underclass are increasing , the rich are increasing - there is such a vast difference in different parts of London and how people live.

I decided to leave my previously green leafy suburb when a group of lads of a certain colour spat at me in the street.

I sold my large house for a truly stunning amount of money and retreated into a world of concierge staff, security keys for the lifts, gym, pool and even a private cinema . That is now rented out.

You cannot simply do anything in England without the blessing of the state, we are the most followed citizens in the world, cameras follow you everywhere - every car trip is logged through automatic car registration. You are taxed to the hilt- nearly everything has a 20% VAT.

You can't park, the fines for any minor offense - such as don't sort out your recycling £ 1000- are vast.

The PC brigade control everything- it took 10 years to extradite Abu Hamza- now a convicted terrorist

As a gay man- homophobia is rife in our schools - especially driven by the Muslim minority.

Quite frankly Thailand provides an environment where you don't worry about rules, predjudice , warm weather. A brilliant lifestyle if you have a bit of money- a hub ( sorry! ) to explore the region and a bit of an adventure in retirement.

Would I go back- No

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I think any answer to this depends so much on the individuals circumstance and point of view that there really is no main answer!

I bet if ThaiVisa.com did a poll it might shed some light on it though!

I am from England, but I left over 7 years ago to build a different (and hopefully better) life abroad.

I moved to China because of career opportunities, I lived there for about 5.5 years, in Suzhou, Shanghai and Beijing... and in that time met my wife (Chinese) and we have been holidaying here in Phuket for the last 6+ years.

We have now, over that time, bought 2 homes here and have been living here for the last (nearly) 2 years....


The UK, is dull, dirty, cold, wet, expensive and with too many political, social, religious and economical problems (in MY opinion) and very little to go to or do other than commute, work and pay bills!

I did not move to Thailand because of the women as I am happily married (although I have NO doubt that many do!).... The final reason for me to pack up and move from China was the pollution in the water and air and the last year in Beijing really slammed that home!!

Thailand is warm, the air and water and sea and beaches are clean (although littered!) and anyone who thinks that is not true has been lucky enough to live in other paradise countries no doubt!....that is not a description I would use fro the UK (England) or China....

Even in the rainy season here in Phuket, the country is warm, the water and air are clean and the people and food are on the whole, really nice!

We have a nice standard of living in the sea and sun, with great cheap food and services that no longer exist in England...

I also agree with the OP... Australia is a fantastic place, I love the people and the places there too, both Brisbane, Gold Coast (Surfers!) and Perth made us want to go and live there...but the start-up cost is SO much higher and would have taken so much of our money (Government bond) that our quality of life would have suffered.

Thailand gives us everything we could want and more, great homes, good food and service, warm weather, water and sea, clean air and a healthy lifestyle!

I know that many people come here on a whim with a backpack, get drunk, chase women... fair enough, that's their choice....

For me, it was a health and lifestyle choice.... not the booze and women....

I just hope that the changing laws and politics allow us to continue to stay here. Many friends I have made have now left and another one leaves in two weeks, heading for Cambodia for the same lifestyle (he hopes) without all the government hassle that makes a long-term Farang's life harder now!

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I think any answer to this depends so much on the individuals circumstance and point of view that there really is no main answer!

I bet if ThaiVisa.com did a poll it might shed some light on it though!

I am from England, but I left over 7 years ago to build a different (and hopefully better) life abroad.

I moved to China because of career opportunities, I lived there for about 5.5 years, in Suzhou, Shanghai and Beijing... and in that time met my wife (Chinese) and we have been holidaying here in Phuket for the last 6+ years.

We have now, over that time, bought 2 homes here and have been living here for the last (nearly) 2 years....


The UK, is dull, dirty, cold, wet, expensive and with too many political, social, religious and economical problems (in MY opinion) and very little to go to or do other than commute, work and pay bills!

I did not move to Thailand because of the women as I am happily married (although I have NO doubt that many do!).... The final reason for me to pack up and move from China was the pollution in the water and air and the last year in Beijing really slammed that home!!

Thailand is warm, the air and water and sea and beaches are clean (although littered!) and anyone who thinks that is not true has been lucky enough to live in other paradise countries no doubt!....that is not a description I would use fro the UK (England) or China....

Even in the rainy season here in Phuket, the country is warm, the water and air are clean and the people and food are on the whole, really nice!

We have a nice standard of living in the sea and sun, with great cheap food and services that no longer exist in England...

I also agree with the OP... Australia is a fantastic place, I love the people and the places there too, both Brisbane, Gold Coast (Surfers!) and Perth made us want to go and live there...but the start-up cost is SO much higher and would have taken so much of our money (Government bond) that our quality of life would have suffered.

Thailand gives us everything we could want and more, great homes, good food and service, warm weather, water and sea, clean air and a healthy lifestyle!

I know that many people come here on a whim with a backpack, get drunk, chase women... fair enough, that's their choice....

For me, it was a health and lifestyle choice.... not the booze and women....

I just hope that the changing laws and politics allow us to continue to stay here. Many friends I have made have now left and another one leaves in two weeks, heading for Cambodia for the same lifestyle (he hopes) without all the government hassle that makes a long-term Farang's life harder now!

I think yours is one of the best answers so far. Of course, many other Englishmen would be pretty defensive if someone (other than an English person) is as frank as you are in saying that the UK is dull, cold, wet, expensive and with too many problems... . One of the things that surprises me is that while the English feel it is their birthright to criticize people from every other country, they take offence when others criticize them.

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I can only speak for myself but I'm not British.

I live here because I like the country and the people. My plan for the future is to build a small house on a piece of land I have rented (6 rai with a life time usufruct) and have a small homestead farm following the kings vision of sufficient economy. I have about 30 fruit trees that are growing already (I grafted most of them myself); lime, kefir lime, pomelo, durian, jackfruit and so on. So for me, I expect that I will be teaching here for the next 10-15 year's while I'm building my little farm and then just have a relaxing life here in Thailand until my death!

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Many English people who live here made money back home by their entrepreneurial skills or sheer hard work. But they still couldn't belong to the upper middle class or join a snooty club. For that they would have needed birth in the right class, public school and Oxbridge education and a "proper' accent ( People will deny it but England is a very class conscious society). And these people, having made money, prefer to live in Thailand where they enjoy a much higher place in society than would have been possible to achieve in England. They can live here almost as if they were in the colonial era without facing any anti-colonial feelings because Thailand was never really a colony. But more recently, the English people with far less money have been arriving and this is now affecting the image of all of them. Also some of the Thais who have suffered "subtle" discrimination during their travel to England are not too kindly disposed towards the English people who live? here (again many people will deny that there is any discrimination in England).

Why would English people with far less money affect the image of others? It doesn't take money to be polite and do the right thing. There are good and bad people all over the world both rich and poor!!

Sorry, I didn't mean to put down "English people with far less money"! I was merely reflecting the fact that most foreigners, including Englishmen, mainly deal with Thai people who provide them a service. The relationship is based on a commercial transaction in which the foreigner is a customer and the Thai shows politeness and courtesy and puts on even a smile. But the extent of his deference may vary in proportion to the affluence of the foreigner.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Interesting thread- why? Because England has become a dichotomy of the haves and have nots.
London is a truly stunning city- full of history, culture, art, the finest restaurants etc etc.

But it has become so expensive, the underclass are increasing , the rich are increasing - there is such a vast difference in different parts of London and how people live.

I decided to leave my previously green leafy suburb when a group of lads of a certain colour spat at me in the street.

I sold my large house for a truly stunning amount of money and retreated into a world of concierge staff, security keys for the lifts, gym, pool and even a private cinema . That is now rented out.

You cannot simply do anything in England without the blessing of the state, we are the most followed citizens in the world, cameras follow you everywhere - every car trip is logged through automatic car registration. You are taxed to the hilt- nearly everything has a 20% VAT.
You can't park, the fines for any minor offense - such as don't sort out your recycling £ 1000- are vast.

The PC brigade control everything- it took 10 years to extradite Abu Hamza- now a convicted terrorist

As a gay man- homophobia is rife in our schools - especially driven by the Muslim minority.

Quite frankly Thailand provides an environment where you don't worry about rules, predjudice , warm weather. A brilliant lifestyle if you have a bit of money- a hub ( sorry! ) to explore the region and a bit of an adventure in retirement.

Would I go back- No

OK well do bear in mind that it was the very same PC brigade

you castigate that helped fight tooth and nail for the right for gays

to legally marry and thereby pass on pensions and inheritances etc

to surviving spouse. Just you try marrying your Thai boyfriend

here, sunshine.

I'm constantly sickened by the speed and intensity with which

those who've benefited trememndously from being born in Britain

tend to dump on their homeland once they've moved to Thailand,

eaten a few local dishes, boffed a few reasonable looking women

(or young men in this guy's case) and seen what's left over once the

essentials are paid. They take for granted the world class education,

the free health care, the rule of law and the respect that the British

passport still affords the bearer wherever in the world it is presented.

Thailand suits me best for now and I'm very pleased with my decision

to move here but I'll never bitch on England.....never.

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Those who move here full-time but don't get stuck here (by building a house, etc) usually end up going back home eventually. That's why you see so many TV members disappearing from the forum on an ongoing basis. That and Mr Toad annoys them.

Then there are those who stay. They are stuck here, or they have nothing to go home to. Then there are the few who fit in with Thais, like it here, and stay here until they die.

By the way, pay no attention to MrToad. He's a meany.

Building a house doesn't mean your stuck here thumbsup.gif


In some cases, no. In others, yes.

There have been numerous OPs here where someone has moved to Thailand and invested a large portion of their net worth into building a house on someone else's property. Often at an age where it is difficult to go back to work.

They had thought retirement in LOS would be great. A few years later they're on TV asking how to liquidate so they can return home with enough to rent an apartment and eat Spaghettios.

Like I always say, Thailand is like Las Vegas. Don't gamble what you cannot afford to lose.



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Those who move here full-time but don't get stuck here (by building a house, etc) usually end up going back home eventually. That's why you see so many TV members disappearing from the forum on an ongoing basis. That and Mr Toad annoys them.

Then there are those who stay. They are stuck here, or they have nothing to go home to. Then there are the few who fit in with Thais, like it here, and stay here until they die.

By the way, pay no attention to MrToad. He's a meany.

That says it very well.

I would have used a MUCH worse comment about Mr. Toad. tongue.png (Joking.)

I'm going to take offence, joking.

In proper answer to the OPs question, Brits and English seem to travel a lot more than other nations. Probably an historical thing.

Certain places though there seems to be lots of Aussies as well.

There does seem to be a lot of Australians from Australia lining there.

Why is dis?

Hate the rats there??? Infested?? Terrorist hotspot? Kangeroos???? Just to meany of them and its just to mutch to take.

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Thailand or England?

What a difficult decision...


Depends what's important to you, I suppose.

If rule of law, standards of service, abundance of professional

workmen, an absence of overt corruption and women who aren't after

your money are important to you, it's a no-brainer.

There are as many obese men in England as there women - something

to bear in mind next time youhear heavy-set men whining about fat

women back home.

Finally, I don't believe the OP was born in Australia - I simply don't believe that

the educational authoritieswould have let him leave school with English

as bad as his.

Yes, I have been to the UK many times as a tourist; and have always had a much enjoyable holiday.

The grand parents landed at Heathrow and were aghast as they thought their plane had been hijacked and they had landed in a Middle Eastern country somewhere. My sediments exactly on my arrival to London as well. Seems prices are geared toward owners of oil wells too.

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I think there are a lot of people from England here because you have 50 million people living in barely 50,000 square miles. Where do you go when you want to live a little off the grid? Also as many posters mentioned it has bad weather almost nine months of the year. From reading TVF the last couple of years I am most surprised how so many English have to live on such meager pensions. How could anyone live cheaply anywhere near London? So some are forced to go elsewhere, why not Thailand. Others are very wealthy and can live like a king here but in England they could only live like a queen. One of the best things about England is the music that has come out of it and that's free to listen to anywhere.

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Although I agree as an Englishman, that Britain is being destroyed by this idiotic multi-culturism and millions of unwanted immigrants,I must say we have a great tradition and a great adventurist spirit that has enriched the world and made it a better place to live in.

All you Aussies etc.should remember it was you,yes you who went to Australia. My ancestors stayed in England and built the greatest empire the world has ever known.

I came to Thailand,like most men, because of the currency. It costs us less money to live here than our home countries.Its as simple as that. But I still yearn for the four seasons(Summer Autumn Winter and Spring) and the country lanes and green meadows. Dont forget when you flew to Thailand the plane was powered by a British invented jet engine and when you go home at night and switch on the television,it was invented by a British man

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Interesting thread- why? Because England has become a dichotomy of the haves and have nots.

London is a truly stunning city- full of history, culture, art, the finest restaurants etc etc.

But it has become so expensive, the underclass are increasing , the rich are increasing - there is such a vast difference in different parts of London and how people live.

I decided to leave my previously green leafy suburb when a group of lads of a certain colour spat at me in the street.

I sold my large house for a truly stunning amount of money and retreated into a world of concierge staff, security keys for the lifts, gym, pool and even a private cinema . That is now rented out.

You cannot simply do anything in England without the blessing of the state, we are the most followed citizens in the world, cameras follow you everywhere - every car trip is logged through automatic car registration. You are taxed to the hilt- nearly everything has a 20% VAT.

You can't park, the fines for any minor offense - such as don't sort out your recycling £ 1000- are vast.

The PC brigade control everything- it took 10 years to extradite Abu Hamza- now a convicted terrorist

As a gay man- homophobia is rife in our schools - especially driven by the Muslim minority.

Quite frankly Thailand provides an environment where you don't worry about rules, predjudice , warm weather. A brilliant lifestyle if you have a bit of money- a hub ( sorry! ) to explore the region and a bit of an adventure in retirement.

Would I go back- No

OK well do bear in mind that it was the very same PC brigade

you castigate that helped fight tooth and nail for the right for gays

to legally marry and thereby pass on pensions and inheritances etc

to surviving spouse. Just you try marrying your Thai boyfriend

here, sunshine.

I'm constantly sickened by the speed and intensity with which

those who've benefited trememndously from being born in Britain

tend to dump on their homeland once they've moved to Thailand,

eaten a few local dishes, boffed a few reasonable looking women

(or young men in this guy's case) and seen what's left over once the

essentials are paid. They take for granted the world class education,

the free health care, the rule of law and the respect that the British

passport still affords the bearer wherever in the world it is presented.

Thailand suits me best for now and I'm very pleased with my decision

to move here but I'll never bitch on England.....never.

Plenty of countries recognise same sex marriages etc. It was the constant work of organisations such as Stonewall that helped push through legislation .

The PC brigade are the sort of people who prevented investigation of Muslim grooming gangs - you would be called racist. Things have changed.

Do I dump on my homeland? If you have resources it is stunning place to live- if you don't it's not so good.

Having been a teacher for ove 20 years- I might take you up on world class education - mind you I went to one of the best public schools - that was world class- at a price.

Try spending years commuting on the underground in London- I'm glad to leave the rat race behind.

The idea a British passport gives you respect has long gone - if fact we are reviled in many countries.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Interesting thread- why? Because England has become a dichotomy of the haves and have nots.

London is a truly stunning city- full of history, culture, art, the finest restaurants etc etc.

But it has become so expensive, the underclass are increasing , the rich are increasing - there is such a vast difference in different parts of London and how people live.

I decided to leave my previously green leafy suburb when a group of lads of a certain colour spat at me in the street.

I sold my large house for a truly stunning amount of money and retreated into a world of concierge staff, security keys for the lifts, gym, pool and even a private cinema . That is now rented out.

You cannot simply do anything in England without the blessing of the state, we are the most followed citizens in the world, cameras follow you everywhere - every car trip is logged through automatic car registration. You are taxed to the hilt- nearly everything has a 20% VAT.

You can't park, the fines for any minor offense - such as don't sort out your recycling £ 1000- are vast.

The PC brigade control everything- it took 10 years to extradite Abu Hamza- now a convicted terrorist

As a gay man- homophobia is rife in our schools - especially driven by the Muslim minority.

Quite frankly Thailand provides an environment where you don't worry about rules, predjudice , warm weather. A brilliant lifestyle if you have a bit of money- a hub ( sorry! ) to explore the region and a bit of an adventure in retirement.

Would I go back- No

OK well do bear in mind that it was the very same PC brigade

you castigate that helped fight tooth and nail for the right for gays

to legally marry and thereby pass on pensions and inheritances etc

to surviving spouse. Just you try marrying your Thai boyfriend

here, sunshine.

I'm constantly sickened by the speed and intensity with which

those who've benefited trememndously from being born in Britain

tend to dump on their homeland once they've moved to Thailand,

eaten a few local dishes, boffed a few reasonable looking women

(or young men in this guy's case) and seen what's left over once the

essentials are paid. They take for granted the world class education,

the free health care, the rule of law and the respect that the British

passport still affords the bearer wherever in the world it is presented.

Thailand suits me best for now and I'm very pleased with my decision

to move here but I'll never bitch on England.....never.

Plenty of countries recognise same sex marriages etc. It was the constant work of organisations such as Stonewall that helped push through legislation .

The PC brigade are the sort of people who prevented investigation of Muslim grooming gangs - you would be called racist. Things have changed.

Do I dump on my homeland? If you have resources it is stunning place to live- if you don't it's not so good.

Having been a teacher for ove 20 years- I might take you up on world class education - mind you I went to one of the best public schools - that was world class- at a price.

Try spending years commuting on the underground in London- I'm glad to leave the rat race behind.

The idea a British passport gives you respect has long gone - if fact we are reviled in many countries.

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OK well do bear in mind that it was the very same PC brigade

you castigate that helped fight tooth and nail for the right for gays

to legally marry and thereby pass on pensions and inheritances etc

to surviving spouse. Just you try marrying your Thai boyfriend

here, sunshine.

I'm constantly sickened by the speed and intensity with which

those who've benefited trememndously from being born in Britain

tend to dump on their homeland once they've moved to Thailand,

eaten a few local dishes, boffed a few reasonable looking women

(or young men in this guy's case) and seen what's left over once the

essentials are paid. They take for granted the world class education,

the free health care, the rule of law and the respect that the British

passport still affords the bearer wherever in the world it is presented.

Thailand suits me best for now and I'm very pleased with my decision

to move here but I'll never bitch on England.....never.

Plenty of countries recognise same sex marriages etc. It was the constant work of organisations such as Stonewall that helped push through legislation .

The PC brigade are the sort of people who prevented investigation of Muslim grooming gangs - you would be called racist. Things have changed.

Do I dump on my homeland? If you have resources it is stunning place to live- if you don't it's not so good.

Having been a teacher for ove 20 years- I might take you up on world class education - mind you I went to one of the best public schools - that was world class- at a price.

Try spending years commuting on the underground in London- I'm glad to leave the rat race behind.

The idea a British passport gives you respect has long gone - if fact we are reviled in many countries.

Yes but we're not talking about "plenty of countries", are we?

We're talking about Thailand. You've no chance of having your union

with a man recognised here.

It depends on what your definition of "resources" is in this context. A lot

of people on average salaries live perfectly comfortably albeit with help

from credit cards etc.

I was educated at a grant-maintained comprehensive

that ranked within the country's top 5 - didn't cost my folks much at all and I

was taught well. Our education system still churns out the world's best

engineers and physicists.

I did spend years commuting on the Underground - not the most comfortable

but still usable and while your comment on the rat race is acknowledged,

every city in the world has one so it's hardly specific to London, is it?

Re your comments on the British passport, I invite you to think again.

Citizens of Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom held the best passports for global travel last year, with visa-free access to 173 countries.


God Save The Queen

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