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Thai PM deflects concern over mass surveillance bill

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Too many things to say and no freedom to say them but my freedom has not been taken. My head hurts.

Sent from my c64


Where are our rights in all this alice to nowhere i guess governments the world over are using terrorism to further their control over their populations and i fear this is only the beginning.


"Today, have I ever restricted anyone's rights?"

Besides those already pointed out, wish to add freedom to read certain books, arrange fingers in certain manner, access UK newspapers that disagree with PM.... care to add more?


Keeping the rules of the forum in mind it's hard to post the type of comment many of us will feel without risking sanction.

I know the ' D ' word is banned but yesterday's display is well... !

Tyrannical despotic autocratic authoritarian dogmatic domineering...........


Aaaw, the poor wee toot: he was having a tantrum (am I allowed to use the "T" word---so much of the alphabet is becoming banned or dangerous nowadays?). People just don't appreciate how hard it is being a Di oops, a DL .....and just think of all the poor flunkies having to pick up all the toys as his pram goes past....


"No, I am not going to look into your secrets. I am not going to pore over your personal affairs,"

Sounds so similar to...

"I did not inhale" statement by Khun Bill C. cheesy.gif


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and more or less telling the Journalist to <deleted> off was a "Reasonable response " to such an impertinent question

Please do not fret, my friend. Costas, rubl & djjamie will be along shortly to explain why these measures are to be applauded and how the west is far worse.

He was trying to bait the journalist as the media know if they openly question his authority or decisions they have broken the law.

Exactly, but I don't think that shows a very admirable character. Being obstructive and dismissive just because you can be

It is the same as when Thaksin had his yellow and red cards for reporters and Yingluck used to simply walk off in complete silence. Same message but now with a military flavor by someone used to dishing out orders to which the response was a salute and a "yes sir!".

Bear in mind the report of this meeting was brought to you by Thaksin owned Khaosod - who do embellish things a tad on occasion.

Nevertheless this bill is giving unbridled access to everyone's communications and will allow the state unchecked powers of surveillance - more associated with communist or fascist states than a modern democracy. What's next - the night time knocks on the door?

(Cameron in the UK would love to do this too, which is also worrying).

This again demonstrates that who ever is in power here sees government as controlling the people, not serving the people. As do many others these days, even in maturer democracies.


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Perhaps he should borrow that dinky little hand-held sign, with a 'cross' meaning 'bad question', which another PM used to use, when asked a question he didn't like or want to answer ? wink.png

Or maybe grow a thicker skin, like a professional liar politician ? whistling.gif

Quite, its alarming that the head of the armed forces can be so sensitive and thin skinned, especially when they have so much weaponry/soldiers at their disposal.

I presume like much of these persons in the upper echelons of society, they have never ever been told what to do, questioned or been told no before, and as such are totally out of kilter with realities of life in the public eye,where decisions are questioned.

It is also concerning that despite repeated advice from many people and organizations that he seemingly has failed to seek proper PR help. Although i don't believe you need to be a PR guru to be able to moderate yourself to certain extent, its just common sense and good etiquette, but i presume it all comes back to my paragraph 2, a seemingly divine right to never be questioned or be answerable to no one.

A very senior career military officer, with the added Thai trait of never being wrong, never subject to questioning and certainly never accountable to anyone for anything. Should never stereotype but difficult not to in this case.

Thaksin has the sense to hire expensive professional advisers, PR and Lobbyists, from outside Thailand. He knows that they are much needed especially when dealing with non Thais. The current PM only seems to worry about internal issues, not really bothered about external.


Perhaps he should borrow that dinky little hand-held sign, with a 'cross' meaning 'bad question', which another PM used to use, when asked a question he didn't like or want to answer ? wink.png

Or maybe grow a thicker skin, like a professional liar politician ? whistling.gif

Quite, its alarming that the head of the armed forces can be so sensitive and thin skinned, especially when they have so much weaponry/soldiers at their disposal.

I presume like much of these persons in the upper echelons of society, they have never ever been told what to do, questioned or been told no before, and as such are totally out of kilter with realities of life in the public eye,where decisions are questioned.

It is also concerning that despite repeated advice from many people and organizations that he seemingly has failed to seek proper PR help. Although i don't believe you need to be a PR guru to be able to moderate yourself to certain extent, its just common sense and good etiquette, but i presume it all comes back to my paragraph 2, a seemingly divine right to never be questioned or be answerable to no one.

A very senior career military officer, with the added Thai trait of never being wrong, never subject to questioning and certainly never accountable to anyone for anything. Should never stereotype but difficult not to in this case.

Thaksin has the sense to hire expensive professional advisers, PR and Lobbyists, from outside Thailand. He knows that they are much needed especially when dealing with non Thais. The current PM only seems to worry about internal issues, not really bothered about external.

I don't believe you need any PR firm really to moderate your behavior or attitude like that, it is common sense and normal etiquette. You could put down occasional out bursts as someone having a bad day, but if the questions and the responses in the article are a true reflection, i hardly think the questions were particularly rude or ill intended. Far worse questions could be asked.


I wonder how this will affect people using strongly encrypted communications which are known to be unbreakable at the moment due to the nature of the math they rely upon.


Every Thai I've ever met has a 50 baht calculator. I know this because they are always subtracting 96 from a hundred, then showing me the answer.

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No violation of privacy: PM

Anapat Deechuay

The Nation


PRIME MINISTER General Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday denied that the Digital Economy bills would violate people's privacy.

"No, I am not going to look into your secrets. I am not going to pore over your personal affairs," he said, adding that the bill would only allow authorities to crackdown on illegal activities in cyber space.

"If anybody violates the law, we will have to intervene," he said.

He added that if these bills were put into effect, they would provide the authorities better means to stem wrongdoings, such as those related to lese majeste violations.

He also explained that the bill would be adjusted and improved during the legislative process.

There has been an uproar over the bills, with critics seeing them as a threat to privacy and freedom of expression.

"Why don't you talk about the good things in the bills, too?" the prime minister said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/No-violation-of-privacy-PM-30252415.html


-- The Nation 2015-01-22


"Why don't you talk about the good things in the bills, too?" the prime minister said.

Because the good things can't harm innocents who disagree with you.

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Many officials in this part of the world give dismissive and smart arsed answers to the Press. Police chief and Army chief of Malaysia being 2. During the MH370 press conferences they tried to do the same and got hammered by the western media, I mean just standing there with their mouth open.

I'd like to see this fella up against the free press

The last free press in Thailand was back in 1984.


In the wake of the show in Paris 2 weeks ago, David Cameron (PM of the UK for those who don't know) launched an initiative to ban encrypted communication, so it's not just Thailand that is going bunkers.


"Don't worry, the bill will be adjusted during deliberations. Translation: Anyone who disagrees with the bill as written will be subject to an adjustment.


Its all getting a bit scary now

Please do not fret, my friend. Costas, rubl & djjamie will be along shortly to explain why these measures are to be applauded and how the west is far worse.

SPOT ON!!!!!!!! You beat me to itcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif I laughed so hard I spat my coffee all over the floor

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Its all getting a bit scary now

Please do not fret, my friend. Costas, rubl & djjamie will be along shortly to explain why these measures are to be applauded and how the west is far worse.

SPOT ON!!!!!!!! You beat me to itcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif I laughed so hard I spat my coffee all over the floor

This is getting scary, pages into this thread and not a word from our resident 'Juntanista's' TVF is feeling all off kilter!

  • Like 1

Keeping the rules of the forum in mind it's hard to post the type of comment many of us will feel without risking sanction.

I know the ' D ' word is banned but yesterday's display is well... !

In this analogue to digital world. let's reverse and go back again. D*c*a*o* to Autocrat?

Having lived and worked under many African dictatorships, I have never, ever seen any Head Of State, even the scariest ones, so openly claim their omnipotence!

Very scary times to come if this is the mindset at the top?


I hope the idea is not to let police look at anything they want without a warrant because they are so corrupt it beggars belief. If this law is necessary why does the General want to keep his and his bothers assets so 'Private'. This does not look a very good idea to me.

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WOW whistling.gif ..... If the OP news report here is anywhere close to accurate.....

Is this an example of the new, more news media friendly, PR-aware PM we were promised recently???

Perhaps there's a reason military men don't often make good/effective politicians, at least when they exist in real democratic systems.

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