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What's with all the bad feelings against Russians in Phuket?

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It's the same old story.......

Why do you dislike, Thais, Americans, British, Greeks, Martians?

People that dislike other nationalities are either racists or they have a habit of doing that as they don't like their own selves either.

I am glad you mentioned the #@^*&ing Greeks!

Welllllllllll......you being one, how can I forget them?


The russians in Thailand doesn`t bother me at all.......they don`t frequent the bars and restaurants I use and keep to themselves.The Chinese on the other hand.........................whistling.gif

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As Austin Powers' faaaasha once said:

"There are only two things I can't stand in this world: people who are intolerant of other peoples' cultures, and the Dutch!"

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I've inly actually met 1 Russian in my trips to Phuket and he was pretty polite. There are ingrates in all corners of the earth so no use targeting 1 group of them.

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The one blowing his nose on the floor of the food court while I was eating did it for me. Maybe the 6 or 8 times they have walked to the front of the line.

But yes I do like the women . clap2.gif


Disliking other nationalities is racism?


If you learn some of world history including youngest then you can use your opinion.

I know what means to be under occupation of russians for 60 years ...

and nothing changed in their behaviour now.

Don't ask me why I had to run from my homeland in my young years to be separated from my family and friends .

I choose this path of my life because of them but you probably dud not taste this kind of life hence I ignore your opinion. You probably live in beautiful surroundings in dream world.


I know them even here when came as migrants.

Yes , they were friendly until got every thing I have .When they feel stronger then they start treat me as sh....t.

Arrogant, arrogant people.

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Nationalism, racial prejudice, sexism, dualistic fake democracy and religion and various other kinds of divisions are necessary to keep humanity manageable by a tiny elite, who without the ongoing production of strife, war and tension would be unable to acquire and keep the majority of assets and ensure the vast majority of people are firmly in their employ.

WOW you've got it bad !

Why the sarcasm? You show your own ignorance if you don't agree with Christie Paul....his is one of the most intelligent comments I hve seen on this Forum.

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While living in the US, I met a number of Russians and Eastern Europeans who were some of the most polite, friendliest and warmest people I've ever encountered. While living in Thailand, I've encountered a tremendous number of loud, arrogant and inconsiderate Russians and Eastern Europeans.

The major difference, between the behavior of these two groups seems to be age and background. The majority of those I met in the US were middle-aged, and had left their homelands during hard times - many with only the shirts on their back. On the other hand, many of those I've encountered in Thailand are a bit younger, and seem to be of the newly minted "well off" variety. Same nationality, but totally different behaviors between these two groups.

I must say, however, that the young Russian tourist who caused my first and only motorbike accident recently was extremely polite and apologetic.

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Spend a month or longer in Russia I spent nearly 2 years. The local folks the separate themselves into 2 groups very quickly; easy going and friendly and obnoxious mostly nationalistic hardheads who hate all foreigners on sight!

Mix in the obligatory amounts of alcohol omnipresent all over the former Soviet Union and you amplify the behavior of both groups exponentially!

Russians for the most part are gregarious people but add the booze and anything is possible but you can say that generally about many peoples!


I hate their driving. It is bad enough at the best of times, here in Thailand, but when you add in the Russians in cars it becomes so much more dangerous. They just don't give a <deleted>.

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