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Teen gangs trade gunshots, burn vehicles in Ranong town center


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Teen Gangs Trade Gunshots, Burn Vehicles in Ranong Town Center
By Khaosod English

The scene of a gang fight in Ranong province on 23 Feb 2015.

RANONG — More than 40 teenagers belonging to two rival gangs clashed in the town center of Ranong province last night, police say.

The skirmish broke out shortly after midnight, when several dozen teenagers on motorcycles opened fire on an internet cafe where another group of teenagers were playing computer games, police say.

A gunfight then broke out between the two sides, with the violence later spilling onto a main road two kilometers away from the cafe, where the groups brawled with knives and wooden clubs. Witnesses told police some of the teenagers also threw molotov cocktails and flower pots at each other.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1424754408

-- Khaosod English 2015-02-24

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I would like to congratulate the parents of these teenagers for the care they show for their kids.

After midnight in the internet shop or on motorcycles fighting......

They don't deserve to be called parents............idiots will be more suitable.

Totally agree. These little pr•cks are allowed to run free at night. Parents have little or no concern for their safety.

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I would like to congratulate the parents of these teenagers for the care they show for their kids.

After midnight in the internet shop or on motorcycles fighting......

They don't deserve to be called parents............idiots will be more suitable.

If you live long enouhgt in Thailand with and between the Thais, you will remark that most of the boys or as free as a bird and may drive a motocycle as soon they can manage a bicycle. In the village (moo ban) where I live, with mostly highschool teachers...officer policeman... or working for one of the gouvernement divisions in the provinse, its even worse because they can afford to pay the moocycle and pocket money . Spoke to them......answer " You dont understand, it's make it easier if they go to school or can visit freinds without derange us if we work. The big problem in THA is that the police dont do there job at all, so the schools too, you see at any time of the day boys in school uniform passing time in the Siri Ban's. If I take a wolk with my dogs and take a quick look in the homes you see the parents hanging for the tv are drinking with freinds. GIIAT

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Bit scary for a small sleepy rural town?

You know the place then???

I wouldn't describe Ranong as a small Rural Town with a population of over 100,000 and one of the largest Fishing Ports in Thailand

And 300k Myanmar Edited by stat088
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This happens in most countries so let's not jump on the bandwagon and start bashing Thailand as usual!

At face value, I would agree with you. However, since this is "Thailand News" then your observation is a bit moot and off the topic. Yet, in taking your thought to view, I would point out that the reasons of the cause are so very different here than anywhere else, and perhaps that is what makes posters comments more to the point... meaning that they do bash Thailand for the (possible / probable) reasons behind the things that go on here, yet go on elsewhere... but not, perhaps, for the same reasons.

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I would like to congratulate the parents of these teenagers for the care they show for their kids.

After midnight in the internet shop or on motorcycles fighting......

They don't deserve to be called parents............idiots will be more suitable.

It is a known fact that the majority of Thai people have no control over the boys only the girls, hence the way they behave out of control

Spot on! My 1st relationship with a Thai was a woman with a son that she allowed to run amok. Any attempt at discipline was rejected even when the little mongrel was stealing motorbikes. The final straw was when she told me if he left school at 15 he wouldn't have to get a job for 5 or 6 years while bludging on me. Yeah, right.

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once again we see how great the thai police force is, where were they, oh yes thats right, in the airconditioned office ignoring the gunfire/phone calls. How in the hell can we expect this sort of crap to be sorted out when the police refuse to do their job, they simply ignore everything unless there is something in it for them. When are they going to start to pull these kids over and search them for weapons, check them for licences, drugs etc, maybe even going out to stop the trouble from getting to the stage of shooting at each other too but again this would require the police to do what they are paid for and we all know that will never happen here.

The police here are far smarter than you think. They've worked out that they still get paid whether they work or not, with absolutely no consequences if they don't.

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I hope that once caught, these thugs will discretely disappear, similar to how the situation was dealt with 15 years ago when teen gangs known as the tigers and samurai started to become out of control.

They are like packs of wild feral dogs, once they gain numbers then extremely difficult to eradicate.

Considering these thugs are using deadly weapons, armed and dangerous, than they have to be considered a threat to the national safety, similar to terrorists on the rampage and not just boisterous youths misbehaving.

This requires the Dirty Harry approach and no pussy footing around.

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