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American arrested in Bangkok over multi-million dollar US property scam

Jonathan Fairfield

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I always wonder why these criminals. Make there homes in Thailand? sic

Obviously they find it easy to leave the US undetected by US law enforcement agencies or US immigrations ... or they know who to slip a little tea money to become "invisible" to US authorities. The same apparently applies to European "entrepreneurs" and those farang police.

Once again it's up to Thai police to do the work of farang police & immigrations.

Yes. It is really easy. American can cross the Canada and Mexico borders without any custom control by any of those countries. From Canada and from Mexico can fly to any country without any control by US authorities. That means, can leave the US without any official exit record.

I think that the Thai police is doing a good job locating foreign fugitives here.

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Few years in a Thai prison will wipe the smile off his face!

Maybe some fellow con will make him his bitch.

Well america is the country in which males are raped more than women. Chances are high,

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Now surely the name of "Kwame Rasheed Jackson" would raise some questions when leaving the US?

It doesn't sound like an American name?

With as much immigration to the West as there is, one can no longer assume what nationality a person's name is.

On Thai Visa everyone assumes I'm Welsh and I've never been there.

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Not so funny thing is: In the USA there exists a scary amount of scams and rip offs and flim flam men and ponzi scheme operators and real-estate fraud perpetrators and stock fraud scamers and various other financial fraud and accounting fruad and union fraud and telemarketing fraud and religious organization fraud and disaster relief fraud and mail fraud and gambling fraud and car sales fraud ...and the list speaks for itself.

Frauds from A to Z

The following list provides links to information on many of the common and emerging frauds—both specific schemes and larger categories of crime—investigated by the FBI

I would surmise living in Thailand is far more safe relative to being scammed out of your money.

Edited by gemguy
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First thing to ask when approached about a great or fantastic investment opportunity; ask them how much they have invested in it or why they themselves haven't invested in it? If the thing is so good, then why aren't they themselves millionaires? If they say: "I don't have the capital", then that means they haven't made any money or saved any money all the years they have been living and you don't want a piece of the bum's action.

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Too many boiler room scumbags like this in SE Asia. There should be the death penalty for people that deliberately and knowingly cheat others money.

i totally agree but you & i wouldnt be living in these countries otherwise, there all looking for that bit extra, been here over 20 years tell me it isnt so, what is the difference 100 300 baht here to as what others are doing, same all over

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I always wonder why these criminals. Make there homes in Thailand? sic

Obviously they find it easy to leave the US undetected by US law enforcement agencies or US immigrations ... or they know who to slip a little tea money to become "invisible" to US authorities. The same apparently applies to European "entrepreneurs" and those farang police.

Once again it's up to Thai police to do the work of farang police & immigrations.

Yes. It is really easy. American can cross the Canada and Mexico borders without any custom control by any of those countries. From Canada and from Mexico can fly to any country without any control by US authorities. That means, can leave the US without any official exit record.

I think that the Thai police is doing a good job locating foreign fugitives here.

An American can not enter Canada without going through Customs.

Many Americans are turned back because of criminal records.

A ton of them are turned back because they don't realize the 2nd Amendment stops at the border and Canada Customs refuses entry if you are carrying.

This is not entirely true. I have driven into Canada several times and we really don't go through customs. The officer at the checkpoint asks a few questions and off we go. A person in the USA can literally walk into Mexico at the San Diego border site. That amazed me the first and only time I went to Tijuana. We parked our car on the USA side and walked into Mexico. There is no record of you leaving or entering Mexico.

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Too many boiler room scumbags like this in SE Asia. There should be the death penalty for people that deliberately and knowingly cheat others money.

Unfortunately what many dont realize is that these scum-bugs from the gutter are born, bred, molded, fine-tuned and made perfect else where.

No wonder the 'non-west' countries are given the 'corrupt' label.

Racism... where is it?

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Too many boiler room scumbags like this in SE Asia. There should be the death penalty for people that deliberately and knowingly cheat others money.

Death penalty for dishonest people ?? Oh my, did you get our from the wrong side of the bed and fell on your head this morning ? Or are you perhaps related to Hitler ?

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"This is not entirely true. I have driven into Canada several times and we really don't go through customs. The officer at the checkpoint asks a few questions and off we go. A person in the USA can literally walk into Mexico at the San Diego border site. That amazed me the first and only time I went to Tijuana. We parked our car on the USA side and walked into Mexico. There is no record of you leaving or entering Mexico."

To say you don't go through Canada Customs is wrong even though the procedure is easy and simple.

That officer is Customs and if he feels like some further questions or detaining you he can and will.

Mexico has a little different procedure for those just going to border towns. If you're going further in there are checkpoints to go through.

I have no idea about the record of leaving the US but there is one of you entering Canada.

Edited by duanebigsby
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Now surely the name of "Kwame Rasheed Jackson" would raise some questions when leaving the US?

It doesn't sound like an American name?

Well one well know American "Kwame" is Kwame Kilpatrick, former mayor of Detroit, who was recently sentenced to 28 years for corruption. For crying outloud, the Presidents name is Barack Hussein Obama. Are you being serious bro?? Doesn't sound "American"?? facepalm.gif Whattaya think this is,1950? I'll bet there were a lot more "Kwame's" in the Ferguson riots than there were "James Madison's"

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Now surely the name of "Kwame Rasheed Jackson" would raise some questions when leaving the US?

It doesn't sound like an American name?

But then neither does Barack Obama.

True and it doesn't stop him wandering in and out like he runs the place.☺

To be honest if you exclude native American names what is a typical American name? They've been brought in from around the world although sometimes they're changed if they seem too foreign.

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Now surely the name of "Kwame Rasheed Jackson" would raise some questions when leaving the US?

It doesn't sound like an American name?

But then neither does Barack Obama.

True and it doesn't stop him wandering in and out like he runs the place.☺

To be honest if you exclude native American names what is a typical American name? They've been brought in from around the world although sometimes they're changed if they seem too foreign.

"They've been brought in from around the world although sometimes they're changed if they seem too foreign."

Years ago people showed up from anywhere and didn't speak English and/or were illiterate. Often their names were butchered by immigration and that spelling stuck to current generations. Mine was butchered from French in the 1800's. I can trace my roots to just one man and the spelling of my last name is unique to people I'm related to.

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