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Know your rights, stop the myths


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OK i read it.

I should call telcom board and report true.

They f'ed me in so many ways, not personally.

How is the English with these places/numbers?

Are the agencies as incompetent as the businesses in Thailand? tongue.png

Its not like you report a company and they do the magic trick.

Just like back home, if you have a specific problem which telco refuses to address, you lodge a complaint regarding this issue ONLY.

Yes they do speak English, however its not fluent, so keep that in mind when explaining your problem.

Also no need to fire up or get excited, operator does not work for True.

You have missed, so will report again. One Telco kept sending out bill late for a business phone.

It was always late, so i could not pay in time, as a result phone disconnected without any warning.

This was happening on monthly basis.

I did complain to the Telco and did speak to a manager, only again and again be told, it was not their fault bills were delivered late and i should take it up with Thailand Post.

Funny enough, business has 2 different numbers and bill for 1 number from the same Telco always arrived in advance, while the other number always way past the due date.

Last time i had enough, so contacted NBTC.

While on hold, operator contacted Telco, phone was switched back on in less than 2 mins, without the payment and bills started to arrive on time.

Even when i paid bills late for whatever reason, phone has not been disconnected since.

Furthermore, whenever i call Telco with the problem, like line not clear, they send out technician within hours, where as in the past would take 3-4 days, and every day calling.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Consumer Protection Board ??? Stop the myth, this is Thailand !

I've a problem with Boothavorn, the big DIY company in Bangkok. I wanted to fill an online complain and print it out to help with the negotiation but for that you need to register first. That's what I tried to do. Guess what ?

Server Error in '/Complain' Application.

The resource cannot be found.

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /Complain/Account/.../account/condition.aspx

Freaking clowns !!!

Edit : you may think it's a joke. It is but not exactly a funny one. Try for yourself http://complain.ocpb.go.th/

Edited by JohnnyJazz
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  • 2 weeks later...

Consumer Protection Board ??? Stop the myth, this is Thailand !

I've a problem with Boothavorn, the big DIY company in Bangkok. I wanted to fill an online complain and print it out to help with the negotiation but for that you need to register first. That's what I tried to do. Guess what ?

Server Error in '/Complain' Application.

The resource cannot be found.

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /Complain/Account/.../account/condition.aspx

Freaking clowns !!!

Edit : you may think it's a joke. It is but not exactly a funny one. Try for yourself http://complain.ocpb.go.th/

Try picking up the phone? Not exactly rocket science, unless you want someone to prepare your food and chew it for yourolleyes.gif

Joke, indeed


Edited by konying
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we have a problem with our condo manager he refuses to hold a meeting to elect owners committee, has anybody used the Armies anti corruption hotline if so how did it work for you

What does anti corruption have to do with condo manager?

Why not call pest control?

Better yet, spend 10 mins to read the OP to get an ideathumbsup.gif

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Naive in the extreme if you think these agencies will seriously go all out to help you.

It's always nice to have a list to turn to in times of trouble and beleive they are there to actually help....especially a foreigner.

A close friend of mine has been jerked around from one lazy government agency to the next for four years with a fraud issue and with not a single one taking any kind of responsibilty.

I have no doubt these agencies exist....but for who? And do you actually know if they are of any benefit at all.

This forum is full of posts that bemoan the lack of any true help in Thailand.

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Naive in the extreme if you think these agencies will seriously go all out to help you.

It's always nice to have a list to turn to in times of trouble and beleive they are there to actually help....especially a foreigner.

A close friend of mine has been jerked around from one lazy government agency to the next for four years with a fraud issue and with not a single one taking any kind of responsibilty.

I have no doubt these agencies exist....but for who? And do you actually know if they are of any benefit at all.

This forum is full of posts that bemoan the lack of any true help in Thailand.

This forum is full of posts that bemoan the lack of any true help in Thailand.

Hence the OP.....it looks like some people just don't want to listen and think everyone in Thailand is out to get them.

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Consumer Protection Board ??? Stop the myth, this is Thailand !

I've a problem with Boothavorn, the big DIY company in Bangkok. I wanted to fill an online complain and print it out to help with the negotiation but for that you need to register first. That's what I tried to do. Guess what ?

Server Error in '/Complain' Application.

The resource cannot be found.

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /Complain/Account/.../account/condition.aspx

Freaking clowns !!!

Edit : you may think it's a joke. It is but not exactly a funny one. Try for yourself http://complain.ocpb.go.th/

Try picking up the phone? Not exactly rocket science, unless you want someone to prepare your food and chew it for yourolleyes.gif

Joke, indeed

Someone to prepare my food cheesy.gif Totally hilarious as we are actually buying a kitchen from them clap2.gif You're the comic relief of the forum, aren't you ?

Then please explain me how I can print out a telephone conversation ?

Anyway even if it was a bit less smooth than what we were expecting from such a big company the kitchen is now installed and we are quite happy with it. And we managed to get a substential discount. But if we had to rely on the Consumer Protection Board for help we would probably still needing someone else to prepare our dinner wink.png

Edited by JohnnyJazz
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Consumer Protection Board ??? Stop the myth, this is Thailand !

I've a problem with Boothavorn, the big DIY company in Bangkok. I wanted to fill an online complain and print it out to help with the negotiation but for that you need to register first. That's what I tried to do. Guess what ?

Server Error in '/Complain' Application.

The resource cannot be found.

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /Complain/Account/.../account/condition.aspx

Freaking clowns !!!

Edit : you may think it's a joke. It is but not exactly a funny one. Try for yourself http://complain.ocpb.go.th/

Try picking up the phone? Not exactly rocket science, unless you want someone to prepare your food and chew it for yourolleyes.gif

Joke, indeed

Someone to prepare my food cheesy.gif Totally hilarious as we are actually buying a kitchen from them clap2.gif You're the comic relief of the forum, aren't you ?

Then please explain me how I can print out a telephone conversation ?

Anyway even if it was a bit less smooth than what we were expecting from such a big company the kitchen is now installed and we are quite happy with it. And we managed to get a substential discount. But if we had to rely on the Consumer Protection Board for help we would probably still needing someone else to prepare our dinner wink.png

If you need me to hold your hand and guide you step by step, i would have to charge for my time.

The only comic relief is your inability to even open a website or use any kind of logic.

Good luck with your problem,i am sure you will figure it out one way or another

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Good post, I always like the myth of " they will kill you" thats my favourite along with motorcycles will always win payment wise when they hit you.............utter tripe.

There is some merit to that, Thai traffic law is written in such a way that tries to make everyone liable for every accident. E.g. motorbike overtakes a stationary vehicle across double lines hits into an oncoming car. In the west the police would throw a book at the motorbike driver and he'll be 100% liable, but in Thailand

- Car must give way to the overtaking motorbike

- Motorbike must not overtake when unsafe

Both drivers will have some liability, if the motorbike driver was injured criminal charges can be placed against you which will usually be dropped if you accept liability for everything (which is what most insured car drivers will do).

If the criminal charges aren't dropped you will need to prove you made a reasonable mistake, i.e. a reasonable person could not have foreseen a motorbike suddenly pulling out from behind the stopped truck, your speed was reasonable for the situation and that you made a reasonable attempt to stop/avoid the collision. If you can prove that, then you'll lose about 100,000 baht in lawyer fees, the motorbike driver will call you jai rai for not just accepting 100% blame because you can afford his medical bills but he can't, and you're free to just pay a % of the total damages that you are considered to have contributed to minus whatever the motorbike driver must pay you - if he has to pay you more then you'll probably get nothing as he has nothing to give.

Sad to say, but this is how "no fault" automobile insurance works in many western jurisdictions, with the difference that the claim is adjusted in accordance with a meat chart.

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Rancid, on 11 Mar 2015 - 18:47, said:
Faz, on 11 Mar 2015 - 10:01, said:

The number for the Consumer Protection Board is 1166.

I had an issue recently with a Home Shop depot. Paid 110 baht for a 4m board that I wanted cutting into 8 pieces of 495mm. I was charged 25 baht for the cutting service. After cutting every piece was cut at an angle, not straight, the saw wasn't obviously set at a 90 degree angle.

I immediately complained and they offered to cut me another piece, free of the cutting charge, but 110 baht for another board.

It's not the cost, but the principal at times. I've spent over 257,000 baht at that store. I didn't bother with reporting the issue to the Consumer Protection Board, instead choosing to withdraw any more purchases from that store. I made it very clear to the manager it was their loss and Home Pro's gain.

Sometimes it's easier to 'bite the bullet', walk away and hit them where it hurts......in their pockets.

Looking at my house there doesn't seem to be a right angle anywhere, the walls are crooked, as are the doors, the kitchen, the roof, the curtains, the TV, the windows etc.

Why do you feel that you can should, against all cultural norms, get anything cut straight or at a right angle?

Because that's the service I paid for. Nothing to do with culture, just failure to check the angle of the saw before cutting and then expecting me to pay for their mistakes. Poor workmanship and lethargic attitudes are one reason Thailand is falling behind the rest.

Just wondering if you specifically requested that they cut at 90' ??? Normal cutting, in LOS, is any which way. So, unless you specified, how were they to know you wanted something different to the norm ?

Says me, tongue in cheek.

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Good post, I always like the myth of " they will kill you" thats my favourite along with motorcycles will always win payment wise when they hit you.............utter tripe.

Not tripe, true in my case. I was on a flashy looking BMW bike on the highway in

the Chantaburi area. A drunk Thai guy ran a red light and I T boned into him

at high speed. I went down hard and broke my shoulder. He was not injured

as I hit about a foot behind his leg . At the police station they were trying to

pound money out of me. In this particular case it was 100 percent the fault

of the Thai guy. I told the ranking policeman there I would pay money to

them for an accident caused by a Thai guy when he saw pigs flying past the

window. After another policeman showed up and said it was the fault of the

Thai guy, they finally relented and let me go without paying. A nice final touch

was the policeman telling me in threatening voice to never come back to

Chantaburi again. So Kannot, do not speak about things you have no

knowledge of......

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