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UK police: Schoolgirls who went to Syria are not terrorists


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'Three British schoolgirls ... won't be prosecuted for terrorism if they return, a senior British police officer said Tuesday.' Oh really? Well, ignoring the question of whether they should even be allowed back in, who's to say they won't have been groomed to commit a terrorist atrocity, once on British soil? You, Mr. Rowley?

'Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe said there ... "was nothing more we could have done to prevent" the three girls from leaving.' Well, handing the letters intended for their parents, direct to the three teenagers, didn't help, did it?

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These immigrants that came to Britain failed to intergrate into mainstream society, admittedly there seems to be no mechanism in place to ensure all foreigners adopt the values of the hosting country. Instead, they are still living a life disclocated from 'British life', and their parents are to blame, and the system which panders to the rights of minorities.

Personally, I believe a constitution should be drafted, where every immigrant would have to subscribe to an oath of allegence to their country, regardless of religion, colour or creed. If they don't, then they have no place in that country, and they should be deported back to their origin. You might have a British passport, but that does not make you British.

Perhaps they could take a leaf out of Thailand's book, since getting a citizenship here is a very hard task. Being born here, does not entitle you to a Thai nationality.

We all know that will never happen until the day comes when people stop worrying about up setting other people and their beliefs, this is what happens when you are to scared to say a spade is a spade, And I for one are getting pissed of with listening to them blaming other people. and I was under the impression that when you receive a British citizenship you had to swear an alegience to that country, and as far as them not being terrorist, there kids will be, you can be sure of that.

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We all know of cases where naive British teen Girls get on a flight to Turkey to reunite themselves with a local lothario waiter who wooed them with syrupy language on a family holiday, with an eye to hopefully gaining a British passport in the future if they manage to knock one of them up. We now know of cases where naive British teen Girls get on a flight to Turkey to meet up with men they've become besotted for a slightly different reason.

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These parents 'feel let down by the police'? Unbelievable. Do they not have any idea what there kids are up to. Do they expect the gov't to keep an eye on their children for them?

I do feel for these parents that I am sure are very distraught by this whole episode, but given the sort of efforts that Muslim's go to to protect the women, how these girls got their passports and on an airplane is difficult to believe.

It is a sign of the times that nobody feels responsible for their own actions...or more exactly, inactions.

It is the responsibility of the authorities!

I actually thought Muslims did a much better job of watching over their kids, particularly over the girls.

Likely impossible, but as you say, having a passport, and the ability to book flights surprises me.

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"Sahima Begum said her sister Shamima "was into normal teenage things. She used to watch 'Keeping up with the Kardashians' and things like that."

That is enough to make anyone want to travel to Syria to become a comfort woman for a man with a bushy beard

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just being reported that the father of one of the 'Syria 3' school girls (Abase) was 'front and centre' during a Muslim extremist anti-war demonstration that included the killer of Lee Rigby.


(DM article, so may not be accessible to some)

This guy disclaimed all responsibility in the actions of his daughter and had the absolute temerity to demand that the Met police apologise for their inability to prevent his daughter from leaving the protection of her 'loving' and 'unknowing' family.

An apology was demanded by this cretin?!! This really beggars belief.

Unfortunately the UK security services seem to have completely dropped the ball in not having this obnoxious individual on a watch list. Such that his close connections to the fanatics in our midst should have been pointed out during the course of the cringingly awful Commons Select Committee hearing during which the Met police head gave an apology to the families.

Hopefully action will be taken against him. At the very least, I would think that he perjured himself during the UK Commons hearing.

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the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

So I guess we will now have to redefine the word "terrorist". I am so ashamed of the way my government is giving comfort to the enemy of the free world. Surly toting an AK47 and encouraging other to do likewise on social media is terrorism.

Well I just hope that we get a new strong leader with balls enough to stand up to all the nonsense at the next election. Sadly there is not another Winston Churchill waiting in the wings only more weak saps who are only interested in sucking up to the PC brigade.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I have no idea if these girls are terrorists or what they are doing. I doubt the police can definitively say either. If the girls eventually are caught, or return, I hope they are carefully assessed to see if they are a danger to society.

Kids, by nature, do stupid, silly things, but they are playing a pretty dangerous game.

You sadly are well represented here in the UK thats why we are in such a big mess. It's the PC brigade who we need to educate, maybe you could take a few into your home you might even be able to help there misguided husbands too. Get a life they went to support terror, they are well educated and old enough to start a family.

That is a challenge I would take you up on and one that I have already done. I was a foster parent for many, many years, and among the children I cared for was a 12 year old who had killed his adoptive parents. He had to be released on a legal technicality and I cared for him until the juvenile authorities were able to sort out a rather dubious legal matter.

Please note, that I said carefully assessed. If they are British nationals, then there is no option but to allow them to return. But assess them carefully before they are allowed to live in society. If they are a danger or have broken laws, then incarcerate them.

You assume that because people expect fair treatment of others that we support all the PC stuff. That's not true.

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These immigrants that came to Britain failed to intergrate into mainstream society, admittedly there seems to be no mechanism in place to ensure all foreigners adopt the values of the hosting country. Instead, they are still living a life disclocated from 'British life', and their parents are to blame, and the system which panders to the rights of minorities.

Personally, I believe a constitution should be drafted, where every immigrant would have to subscribe to an oath of allegence to their country, regardless of religion, colour or creed. If they don't, then they have no place in that country, and they should be deported back to their origin. You might have a British passport, but that does not make you British.

Perhaps they could take a leaf out of Thailand's book, since getting a citizenship here is a very hard task. Being born here, does not entitle you to a Thai nationality.

I don't disagree with your sentiments.

However. Getting British citizenship isn't easy. Being born in Britain does not mean you are automatically entitled to British citizenship. You must be a British citizen to obtain a British passport. To become a British citizen the final part involves a ceremony where you do give an oath, and have previously met all requirements including passing language and British citizen knowledge tests.

There is a problem for sure with young Moslems, born in Britain to British parents and British grandparents who now see themselves more aligned to Islam and the nations where their ancestors came from. That is usually Pakistan and Bangladesh. A lot of the issues in the younger, say 12 - 16 year old, IME, was a total lack of parental control, discipline or encouragement to be British in their home life. Not all British Moslems are like this, but a growing number of young people in working class areas are.

if you have not already done so, have a read of 'The Islamist' by Ed Husain a UK born Muslim

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  • 3 years later...

British IS schoolgirl 'wants to return home' (BBC News website 14/02/19)

Shamima Begum, now 19 in Syria
One of three schoolgirls who left east London in 2015 to join the Islamic State group says she has no regrets, but wants to return to the UK...
Speaking from a refugee camp in Syria, she said she was nine months pregnant and wanted to come home for her baby.
Continued: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47229181 (14/02/19)

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These women are not terrorists. Probably traumatised young women who made a brain dead decision to go fight for ISIS.  Be interesting to see what sort of children they breed up in the next 20 years.  They were not mature enough to make any coherent informed decision a few years ago. Their parents need to accept some responsibility for this. Britain needs to take some blame too. What caused these girls ideals to be poisoned.  Why did they not feel they were accepted by the general population.

The muslim community also needs to accept responsibility for not trying to educate these young women to be part of British society.

That part of my post was easy to write. What happens now is basically up to the young girls and the support they get.


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