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PM Prayut says it's just a joke for travel ban to the US


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He is banned to travel to the U.S. still. But because the UN is in New York he will be allowed to travel to NY and no where else. He will also be banned to any formal US- Thailand meetings. It's the same as the other dictatorship, re: Iran, Libya, Venezuela ect...

I'm trying to think of how you could be more wrong in that many words, and I can't. Start to finish, it's a classic. He isn't banned, he can travel where he wants. There won't BE any US meetings for him to attend and it's not the same as the three countries you mention - individually or collectively. All wrong.

There are no US sanctions against the members of the junta, their friends or family. There are no US sanctions against Thailand. Official relations are cool without doubt. Some military deals have been, er, "delayed". But no sanctions exist against the country or its directors, whether in or out of jackboots.

I got a kick out of the "he can't figure out why no one got the joke" post. It *is* ironic that the only person marching in step is General Failure and everyone else is out of step. Great metaphor, that.

Edited by wandasloan
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I think he's got my sense of humour.

Never appreciated by anybody.

Don't worry Prime Minister, people can't understand great minds like ours........................

Costas, I enjoy many of you contributions including this hilarious one. I guess you need a good sense of humour coming from ..............oh! Where is it?

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As the whole of the Western world was laughing at the antics of Suthep and his opposing number (disguises, challenges to fist fights etc) in the pre coup days, I suppose Prayut wants to be seen to be carrying on the tradition!

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No it is a joke because the US has a long history of backing Coups, dictators, and overthrowing and sabotaging governments. Despite the US State Department 's pathetic bleatings otherwise.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by arunsakda
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I don't think any Thai politician is dim.Rather the statements made are for a domestic audience. Why they suffer from foot in mouth is that they forget the Internet and social media spreads their words around the world in minutes. I'm sure most would love to make the net disappear but know Thai's reaction to losing Facebook and Line would be worse than whatever reds shirts have done.

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I think he's got my sense of humour.

Never appreciated by anybody.

Don't worry Prime Minister, people can't understand great minds like ours........................

That's right and doctor tells you to keep the white jacket firmly fastened too ;)

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i would not joke. i really would ban all from the terror state usa from traveling outside the usa till they have a real democratic goverment..and diplomats and the members of the actual goverment of the usa including previous goverment menbers i would put behind bars for being war criminals, spys, torturer, mass murders, for plotting military coups, founder of islamistic terror groups and so on.

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Everyone understood it was a joke, but were waiting for him to actually land on US soil and be shackled in irons after disembarking before laughing. It's called a punchline, making jokes funnier since time began.

I doubt the US Immigration Service is as barbaric to people with a Diplomatic Passport as you seem to suggest. More likely he would be accompanied to a VIP lounge to be able to wait in comfort for a return plane to be ready for him.

Of course, a visit to the UN in New York should be no problem as even the Iranian President can confirm.

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Something like this is far from a joke and a PM should know this better then anybody else: so this kind of excuse is just a childish acting and shame on this PM!!!!!!!!!!!

Reminds me of some remarks made by President Reagan, but then some say he really was an actor wink.png

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I have never known a leader more in need of a press officer (a.k.a. spin doctor).

spin doctor aka professional liar?

Up to a point it's refreshing to have a real person talk although a lot may be lost in translation.

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Without any rancour, sarcasm or malice I feel that the gentleman is under enormous pressure and possibly cracking up.

Having no real knowledge of Thai politics or government or lack of the two, my only comment is that I really do feel that his intentions have been honorable but I can't get away from that uneasy feeling that somebody else is pulling the strings

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I think he's got my sense of humour.

Never appreciated by anybody.

Don't worry Prime Minister, people can't understand great minds like ours........................

Humour is a great attribute. Knowing how to get the best return on the effort is an art.

Edited by Benmart
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I think he's got my sense of humour.

Never appreciated by anybody.

Don't worry Prime Minister, people can't understand great minds like ours........................

Good to see that you've finally lapsed into self-parody, Costas. It works.

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"He said some diplomatic procedures must be attended to prior to his visit."

Like maybe backtracking over his various poor judgements, trying to explain his various gaffes, and generally building a case for ignoring his apparent lack of diplomatic skills....

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Sorry, I still don't get his humour. Is he or is he not banned from entering the US?

Note that treaties prevent the US from blocking people from attending the UN, but then may ban people from all entering for anything other than the UN.

So is he banned, or is he not?

i.e. can he fly on a normal passport to visit the US or will the visa be rejected (except for UN purposes)?

Gen Prayut said he will visit the US in September to attend the UN General Assembly in New York, accepting an invitation from UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon.

He said some diplomatic procedures must be attended to prior to his visit.

You'll note the US has not invited the visit and the PM is not suggesting it either but is talking about attending the UN meeting as if its the same thing. Its not.

The clue is in the bold part,.After all its US soil and given the US has its own rules it must follow re coups and dictators, military aid suspension is one thing, possibly permission is required by the US for a Junta and self appointed PM to enter its borders even for UN business.

Be nice to know the truth of the matter. I suspect the PM was telling a half truth the first time and again the second.

Edited by englishoak
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