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Thai court suspends chief judge from duty

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so cronyism=corruption.. Couldn't agree more.

How exactly were all these various offshoots of the NCPO/NLA picked again?

Here we're discussing the suspension of the president of the Supreme Administrative Court. A court already in existance for a while.

"Although the Petition Committee was established as an organ to adjudicate administrative cases, the attempt to establish Administrative Court was remained in existence and was, under General Chartchai Chunhawan Government and under the Government of Mr. Chuan Leekpai, rekindled. However, the attempt was still unsuccessful. It was only in 1995 that there was the amendment of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand by Amendment (No.5), B.E. 2538 (1995) to add a provision for Administrative Court and to prescribe the Administrative Court to have competence to try and adjudicate cases as the law shall provide"


If removing somebody for cronyism isn't reducing corruption, what is it?

Come on, I'm sure you could dream up some silly conspiracy theory.

I refer you to this comment, and based on the historical postings of the guy, we know full well what he was getting at ;)

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I don't trust any of them, but again i don't see what it has to do with any political party.

If you think the outing of one judge for cronyism is demonstrably acting to reduce corruption then you are completely naive. We will never know of course, but i would rather suspect there is far more to than this.

If removing somebody for cronyism isn't reducing corruption, what is it?

Come on, I'm sure you could dream up some silly conspiracy theory.

Before you fall off your high horse, let me give you a little homework:

Check the background of the Chief of National Police Khun Somyot Punpanmuang.

Unusual wealthy and despite that handpicked by Prayut to the job.

Probably a pure coincidence that he wore a yellow shirt, when it was time for promotions!!

Maybe amongst the many military friends Gen. Prayut had there weren't too many who knew the RTP structure?

Yes i am sure he could not ask his 'father' General Prawit, whose brother was ex police chief the ways of the land.....

Come on Rubl at least be serious...


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In my experience, when the official reason for removing a powerful figure is a relatively minor ethical transgression, the truth is not being told.

Yes, minor ethical transgression. The Judge apparently asked somebody to exert influence over a police promotion. It appears the request was not honored. So the influence did not occur. But the request was unethical, and the Judge should have been reprimanded, if that was all there was to the story. Instead, he was drummed out.

Transparency is not a major feature in Thailand.

What's your point?


But its okay we are to have trust in the judicial system.....

......even more so when it is observed to be cleaning its own house.

You want us to trust a PTP government - when was the last, any, time a PTP MP reported any of the corruption rampant in that government's ranks?

They didn't see any because they were too busy indulging in it themselves.

Or investigating the one person who tried to point out that corruption was occurring. (in the Rice Scam, that is.)

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Some senior businessman had mentioned that the Thai vocabulary does not have a word similar in meaning to 'Integrity'.

This kind of statement irks me no end. Either the person you spoke to was teasing you, or lying to you, or you misunderstood him, or you are just posting BS. The Thai language does not lack words for any concept. The equivalent of "integrity" is ความสมบูรณ์, khwamsombun.

I understand you dislike Thais and regard them with contempt, and you can't wait until you are able to leave this benighted and totally awful country, but you really need to reexamine your attitude.

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