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Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'I am running for president'


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My mate Bernie is doing very well. If an election was held tomorrow between Bernie and the front runners of the Republican Party then Bernie would win.


Sanders does just as well, or even better, against top Republicans:

  • Topping Trump 49 - 41 percent;
  • Getting 44 percent to Rubio's 43 percent;
  • Beating Cruz 49 - 39 percent;
  • Leading Carson 47 - 41 percent.
The little Yankee battler standing up for the American people rather than the Big end of town.
Your problem is that your mate will be nowhere to be seen come next November except as an historical footnote..
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Perhaps Hillary should put that champagne order on hold for the immediate time being.


CBS NEWS January 12, 2016, 11:00 AM

NH Poll: Bernie Sanders leads Hillary Clinton in every major voting bloc

Bernie Sanders now leads Hillary Clinton by 14 points in New Hampshire, according to the latest Monmouth University Poll of likely New Hampshire voters who are likely to vote in the first-in-the-nation primary in February.

Fifty-three percent of these voters choose Sanders, compared to 39 percent for Clinton. And the new poll shows that Clinton has also lost her edge over Sanders among registered Democrats, women and older voters. Sanders has now surpassed her with these voters, while holding onto his lead among registered independents, men and younger voters.

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Nice pipe dream.

Next ...

It is isn't it Jingthing. A good dream for Americans. A minimum wage where families can afford to feed their children, buy a home, an affordable 'one payer' health care system that brings the cost of health care down and raises the standard of health care, a fairer distribution of wealth where all can share in the productivity of America, spending money on repairing infrastructure rather than funding failed wars, paid sick leave, paid parental leave ('Axis of Evil' Iran gives new mothers 12 weeks paid leave), tuition free education that invests in the nations children, encouraging Union participation so workers are represented and have a voice, Wall Street investing in American people rather than speculation that creates nothing, stopping Corporations moving profits offshore tax evasion, the worst child poverty in the developed world:


America is in need of a hero like Bernie Sanders someone who will stand up to the one percenters and Corporate America.

'Next......' Bernie Sanders for President

Can you please explain what is a fair distribution of wealth and how it would be accomplished?

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Nice pipe dream.

Next ...

It is isn't it Jingthing. A good dream for Americans. A minimum wage where families can afford to feed their children, buy a home, an affordable 'one payer' health care system that brings the cost of health care down and raises the standard of health care, a fairer distribution of wealth where all can share in the productivity of America, spending money on repairing infrastructure rather than funding failed wars, paid sick leave, paid parental leave ('Axis of Evil' Iran gives new mothers 12 weeks paid leave), tuition free education that invests in the nations children, encouraging Union participation so workers are represented and have a voice, Wall Street investing in American people rather than speculation that creates nothing, stopping Corporations moving profits offshore tax evasion, the worst child poverty in the developed world:


America is in need of a hero like Bernie Sanders someone who will stand up to the one percenters and Corporate America.

'Next......' Bernie Sanders for President

Can you please explain what is a fair distribution of wealth and how it would be accomplished?
people earn their wealth through hard work. They live in a first world country and enjoy the benefits of said country. That infrastructure and the benefits need to be paid for also. MOST countries realise that a minimum wage and universal health care are a requirement of a first world country.. These are paid for with taxes. Personal, corporate and retail..
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Bernie is polling ahead of Hillary in Iowa and NH. He also just got a major endorsement yesterday. I'd mention which group it was, but I can't recall the exact name. In sum: he's gaining momentum at the right time in the horse race.

Iowa people don't even vote.

New Hampshire is a neighbor of Vermont.

Even if he wins both, he still LOSES.

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Bernie is polling ahead of Hillary in Iowa and NH. He also just got a major endorsement yesterday. I'd mention which group it was, but I can't recall the exact name. In sum: he's gaining momentum at the right time in the horse race.

Iowa people don't even vote.

New Hampshire is a neighbor of Vermont.

Even if he wins both, he still LOSES.

You and I both know that Iowa and NH are important in the nominee horse race. Sure Hillary could still win the whole enchilada, and probably will, but Bernie appears to be gaining momentum. In a two horse race, it doesn't take much for one horse to falter - enabling the other to win. Examples: if H gets diagnosed with a disease, or if Bill says something un-PC (which he did last time she ran, against Obama), then the game changes.

I have zero use for socialists but at least Sanders seems honest and consistent. In this regard he is refreshing. Shame the standard is reduced to this.

If you're American, then you benefit from socialist-like programs. It's just the word which is a red-flag, mostly for over-40 Americans. Americans are more socialistic already than most other nationalities. Here's just a partial list: food stamps, parks service, CDC, welfare, PIK, subsidies for the Big 3, Bailouts for Wall St. and US banks, SS, FDIC, NIH, Meals on Wheels, PBS, NPR, Weather Services, FEMA, Head Start, ....the list goes on and on. If you're not getting some sort of Federal and/or state hand-out, you're probably not an American.

Even GPS is a socialist-like program - and it benefits the whole world, as does Hubble.

Edited by boomerangutang
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I have zero use for socialists but at least Sanders seems honest and consistent. In this regard he is refreshing. Shame the standard is reduced to this.

Democratic socialist he is a Democratic socialist... Jeeeez!!!!



Edited by casualbiker
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it's not free. Where do you think the CURRENT free shit grows.. The bank bail out, the auto industry bail out, and the other federal grants to farmers etc. What Bernie is saying is fairly simple. If people are paid a fair wage then they will indeed pay taxes and increase spending. Some of the funds spent on food stamps etc will get reallocated to lowering university costs hence less debt so more spending.. It ain't overnight but 5-10 years you will see a real difference.
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it's not free. Where do you think the CURRENT free shit grows.. The bank bail out, the auto industry bail out, and the other federal grants to farmers etc. What Bernie is saying is fairly simple. If people are paid a fair wage then they will indeed pay taxes and increase spending. Some of the funds spent on food stamps etc will get reallocated to lowering university costs hence less debt so more spending.. It ain't overnight but 5-10 years you will see a real difference.

Exactly right. That is the real 'Free Stuff' Corporatise the profits Socialise the losses. The society gains nothing from this Corporate thieving. Investing in people returns profits back to a society 1000 fold.

Reagan's 'Trickle Down Economics' what a joke. 20 years later we are yet to see a small spurt let alone a 'trickle'. Invest and empower an entire society 'Trickle Up Economics'. Higher wages, publicly funded tuition, less investment in the machinery of war and more spent on infrastructure, worker representation, publicly funded health care, maternity leave, sick leave.

In ALL modern democracies except America this is birth right of citizens. America is just so far behind the rest of the world on these basic rights. Continue on this path and America will be a 'failed state'. 1% will have all the money and the other 99% will just have a gun in their hand. I can pretty well tell you how that will end up.

Bernie really is the answer to America's dilemma. America has to be dragged 'kicking and screaming' like a two year old into a modern social democracy and Bernie is just the man to do it.

Doesn't surprise me at all he is doing well in the polls. More power to him.

"Feel the Bern"

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it's not free. Where do you think the CURRENT free shit grows.. The bank bail out, the auto industry bail out, and the other federal grants to farmers etc. What Bernie is saying is fairly simple. If people are paid a fair wage then they will indeed pay taxes and increase spending. Some of the funds spent on food stamps etc will get reallocated to lowering university costs hence less debt so more spending.. It ain't overnight but 5-10 years you will see a real difference.

It isn't an income problem, it is a spending problem.


$765,645,000,000: FY2016 Taxes Set Record Through December; $5,107 Per Worker; Feds Still Run $215.5B Deficit
By Terence P. Jeffrey
January 13, 2016 | 5:14 PM EST
The federal government took in a record of approximately $765,645,000,000 in tax revenues in the first three months of fiscal 2016 (Oct. 1, 2015 through Dec. 31, 2015), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today.
That equaled approximately $5,107 for every person in the country who had either a full or a part-time job in December.
It is also an increase of about $24,288,810,000 in constant 2015 dollars from the $741,356,190,000 in revenue (in constant 2015 dollars) that the Treasury took in during the first three months of fiscal 2015.
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it's not free. Where do you think the CURRENT free shit grows.. The bank bail out, the auto industry bail out, and the other federal grants to farmers etc. What Bernie is saying is fairly simple. If people are paid a fair wage then they will indeed pay taxes and increase spending. Some of the funds spent on food stamps etc will get reallocated to lowering university costs hence less debt so more spending.. It ain't overnight but 5-10 years you will see a real difference.

It isn't an income problem, it is a spending problem.


$765,645,000,000: FY2016 Taxes Set Record Through December; $5,107 Per Worker; Feds Still Run $215.5B Deficit

By Terence P. Jeffrey

January 13, 2016 | 5:14 PM EST

The federal government took in a record of approximately $765,645,000,000 in tax revenues in the first three months of fiscal 2016 (Oct. 1, 2015 through Dec. 31, 2015), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today.

That equaled approximately $5,107 for every person in the country who had either a full or a part-time job in December.

It is also an increase of about $24,288,810,000 in constant 2015 dollars from the $741,356,190,000 in revenue (in constant 2015 dollars) that the Treasury took in during the first three months of fiscal 2015.

Article continues here: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/765645000000-fy2016-taxes-set-record-through-december-5107-worker

Chuck that is exactly what I said.. So you agree there are sufficient funds generated to change the USA for the better. To allow the majority of citizens the American dream!
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He's a likable curmudgeon. I vote for him for my UNCLE.

I do not know if you know he related to the Rothchilds

Now I doubt you will vote for him

Bernie is backed by the World Wide Alliance of Bankers

I don't care about such Judeophobic tin foil hate conspiracy theories.

I would support Bernie if he is nominated. I just don't think he will be nominated and I do think if nominated he won't win because the socialist label is the kiss of death in American politics. Simple as that.

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He's a likable curmudgeon. I vote for him for my UNCLE.

I do not know if you know he related to the Rothchilds

Now I doubt you will vote for him

Bernie is backed by the World Wide Alliance of Bankers

The only World Wide alliance concerning banks that I could find was the ATM Alliance. So yes the normal folk probably are using the ATM to draw money to give to Bernie..
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it's not free. Where do you think the CURRENT free shit grows.. The bank bail out, the auto industry bail out, and the other federal grants to farmers etc. What Bernie is saying is fairly simple. If people are paid a fair wage then they will indeed pay taxes and increase spending. Some of the funds spent on food stamps etc will get reallocated to lowering university costs hence less debt so more spending.. It ain't overnight but 5-10 years you will see a real difference.

It isn't an income problem, it is a spending problem.


$765,645,000,000: FY2016 Taxes Set Record Through December; $5,107 Per Worker; Feds Still Run $215.5B Deficit

By Terence P. Jeffrey

January 13, 2016 | 5:14 PM EST

The federal government took in a record of approximately $765,645,000,000 in tax revenues in the first three months of fiscal 2016 (Oct. 1, 2015 through Dec. 31, 2015), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today.

That equaled approximately $5,107 for every person in the country who had either a full or a part-time job in December.

It is also an increase of about $24,288,810,000 in constant 2015 dollars from the $741,356,190,000 in revenue (in constant 2015 dollars) that the Treasury took in during the first three months of fiscal 2015.

Article continues here: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/765645000000-fy2016-taxes-set-record-through-december-5107-worker

Chuck that is exactly what I said.. So you agree there are sufficient funds generated to change the USA for the better. To allow the majority of citizens the American dream!

It depends on how wild the dreams are.

There is adequate funding for a diminished federal government to operate in accordance with the Constitution but, even with this amount of revenue in the first three months, the leviathan known as the federal government still ran a deficit of $215.5 Billion.

This bloated government spent $956,856,190,000 in the first quarter.

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He's a likable curmudgeon. I vote for him for my UNCLE.

I do not know if you know he related to the Rothchilds

Now I doubt you will vote for him

Bernie is backed by the World Wide Alliance of Bankers

I don't care about such Judeophobic tin foil hate conspiracy theories.

I would support Bernie if he is nominated. I just don't think he will be nominated and I do think if nominated he won't win because the socialist label is the kiss of death in American politics. Simple as that.

Is it possible for Bernie to educate the American electorate on the 'Free Stuff' Right Wing / Corporate propaganda diatribe and how modern social structures can bring back the 'American Dream' that the US was founded on rather than facilitating Corporate greed and avarice. In fact building America from the bottom up and empowering the rank and file people of America are actually Right Wing / Conservative founding principles. It isn't 'if' but 'when'.

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One thing I think Bernie will do is level the money playing field. Currently, big banks and wall street hucksters have no hard place to fall. No matter how screwed up they do their biz, they know the Feds will always bail them out. Same for the Big 3 automakers, GE, AIS and nearly all other corps which are considered 'too big to fall' (or is it 'too big to fail'). I don't know if Bernie will let badly-run businesses fail, but I would - and therefore enable well-run businesses to fill the void. I think he would also try to tighten up the many ways super rich people can shuffle money out to off shore banks, etc.

Another angle: I visited California in Sept. It's one of 5 or so states which legalized growing pot. I'm from California, and I know people in two distinct parts of northern CA. Scores of people I knew who have been struggling forever, are now doing quite well, now that they're allowed to grow pot without fear of being busted. I don't know many people overall, but nearly everyone I came across (old friends and new acquaintances) was happy that they can now pull themselves out of poverty. There are even 'trimmigrants' ....(foreign backpackers who trim the buds) are going to CA in droves, to be a part of the new economy. They can make $150/day take-home. It's win win for everyone involved. Thailand should get on board, but Thais are typically decades behind the 8-ball.

I think Bernie has a sensible attitude about enabling pot growers to do their thing. It may be a small issue compared to A-bombing the Middle East (a favorite Republican vote-getting guise), but little issues can add up. I think Bernie is also in favor of allowing people to grow hemp, which is another v. smart course of action. P.S. I think Cruz will get the Republican nod. Trump will self-implode.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow what a great ad from Bernie's campaign:

'I am America and I approve this message'

This is the kind of stuff that can win Bernie the Presidency.

A slick, professionally done commercial with Simon and Garfunkle singing that says absolutely nothing about anything is the kind of stuff that can win Bernie the presidency? In these days when many, if not most are more concerned with the image vs the meat you may just be right.

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