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They will find any way to fine you, I got fined for having my fog lights on at night driving along a dark stretch of road.

A pickup load of my wife's relatives were here for a visit, many of them rode in the back of the old pickup, which was the typical Thai farm truck with the "buffalo racks" on the back. Before they left I helped them tie a plastic tarp to the buffalo racks to keep the people in the back dry, they were stopped at a police checkpoint and fined 200 baht because the truck did not have a "rear roof license".

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Why can't I believe what the OP is saying?

May be it's just me.

Dislike, -1.

What do you know?

Color is part of the entries in the blue book.

Annoying to be caught if the entry is not accurate.

But sorry no escape here.

RTP is creative if they need money whistling.gif

About the lights on: another unbelievable rule that opens a path to abuse.

You must not turn on the lights as long as you can see a car to the distance of 150m.

As said: arbitrary abuse possible.

The modern "daylights" (usually LED) are tolerated.

In NZ it is normal (but not compulsory) to have our headlights on night AND day regardless


About a year ago, I was on my way to Pattaya with 2 bicycles, safely ensconced in a new bike rack on the back of my pickup, securely tied down with redundant straps. As secure and safe as could be.

I got pulled over on the Bang Na Trad toll gate by a cop who kept pointing at the bikes, and showing me a laminated sheet with pictures of trucks with stuff tied on top as an example of what’s not allowed, while shaking his finger at me like my 1st grade teacher used to do. With him speaking virtually no English and me no Thai, he took my license, gave me a ticket and sent me on my way.

I was bummed. I had a thousand dollars worth of bicycles, a pretty expensive bike rack, and the whole reason I bought the pickup was to get out of Bangkok with my toys to go out and play on weekends. For days, I wondered what I would do with the pickup, the bikes, my kayak and surfboard, and all the stuff I had no use for if I can’t haul it with the truck. What a waste of money, and how can they sell bike racks if they’re not legal???

And what about all the Thai trucks on the expressway with crap stacked 15’ high and not tied down at all. Why was I being singled out?

Later that week at work, I asked one of the ladies to read for me exactly what was the ticket for.

My registration had expired and I needed to get a new sticker. Oops.

I later sent one of the local scooter guys to the cop shop pay the fine. Had I not asked the lady at work, I’d still be thinking I paid a fine for the bicycles on the truck…

No matter the ticket, it was for the bicycles on the back. All load has to be covered on tollways.


I'm not sure where that village was but if it is on the road from Nong Khai to Udon at the turn off to Phen they are notorious for doing anything they can to fine you. I'll say this, they don't care whether you are farang, Thai, Lao, Martian, whatever, the military has cut into their income and they have to pay their mia nois.


My friend got a 400 baht fine because his registration said the bike was white, but it had a factory blue sticker on it so they considered it white/blue. This was in Pattaya, farang tax.


Following to the Land Transport regulations a second vehicle color has to be registered it it uses up 50% of the cars outside. This is not happen if the roof is in other color. No way to have to pay a fine for this. I have seen so many policemen in my time in Thailand and most of them do not know the traffic laws at all. I would have refused to pay.

when there is a Will, there is a Way...

it's very easy - all they have to do is say your roof is Black, and that more than 50% (white) is covering the rest of the vehicle.

Falang will never win a Thai


Why can't I believe what the OP is saying?

May be it's just me.

Dislike, -1.

What do you know?

Color is part of the entries in the blue book.

Annoying to be caught if the entry is not accurate.

But sorry no escape here.

RTP is creative if they need money whistling.gif

About the lights on: another unbelievable rule that opens a path to abuse.

You must not turn on the lights as long as you can see a car to the distance of 150m.

As said: arbitrary abuse possible.

The modern "daylights" (usually LED) are tolerated.

In NZ it is normal (but not compulsory) to have our headlights on night AND day regardless

That's a new thing. Last time there I noticed that a lot of cars had headlights on in the daytime. Thought it was pretty barking, but at least it's not compulsory.

I get to compare a lot between Thai and NZ road rules- got told off once by a cop for sitting on the boot in an open MG- here they cart a load of people in the back of a pick up ( can't do that in nanny state NZ either ). I love to regale friends there about what I can do over here, like standing on the back platform of a songtheaw doing 100kph. Gotta love LOS.


What is the law on the LED daytime Lights, anybody know ?

If they are legal, I may buy about 4000 of them and completely cover my whole Tuna in LED lights, now that would be something, lol.


Lets be honest the reason there are 137 comments here is because folk like to read others misfortunes on the roads out there. There must be very few of us who live here have not got into some ruck or other with the Ticket Plod. Never a problem up here in the north but when we have to go south the wife always makes sure there is 200B in the glovey for my first speeding fine whether I speed or not. Oh and a good time to lose that 200B is if you should get near a c/point at lunch time. The plod lunch is paid by you.


Why can't I believe what the OP is saying?

May be it's just me.

Dislike, -1.

What do you know?

Color is part of the entries in the blue book.

Annoying to be caught if the entry is not accurate.

But sorry no escape here.

RTP is creative if they need money whistling.gif

About the lights on: another unbelievable rule that opens a path to abuse.

You must not turn on the lights as long as you can see a car to the distance of 150m.

As said: arbitrary abuse possible.

The modern "daylights" (usually LED) are tolerated.

Official color change in car registration book from "orange" to "orange black" clap2.gif


We have never changed colour on the car. Its brand new.


This kind of stuff isn't limited to Thailand. I was in Nepal last year and we hired a Toyota Commuter and driver to take us around some sights outside Kathmandu.

We got pulled over on a road leaving a village and there was a lot of talking / shouting and the driver looking seriously worried. We asked our Nepalese friend with us what was going on and he told us that the police were fining him because the front numberplate isn't visible.

Thinking it was because we had been on some dusty / muddy mountain roads, we got out to look, but there it was, totally clean and visible, no damage and in its correct place.

We paid the fine for the driver because our friend said that he would have to pay it out of his own pocket and it was more than the whole day's earnings. Probably just what the police expected us to do!


Lets be honest the reason there are 137 comments here is because folk like to read others misfortunes on the roads out there. There must be very few of us who live here have not got into some ruck or other with the Ticket Plod. Never a problem up here in the north but when we have to go south the wife always makes sure there is 200B in the glovey for my first speeding fine whether I speed or not. Oh and a good time to lose that 200B is if you should get near a c/point at lunch time. The plod lunch is paid by you.

Never, and I know many others who never had any problems.

I have been fined a few times, but always justified and with receipt issued.


Did you get a receipt?

I was fined 200 Baht (receipted) for not having the "Carry Boy" registered. It had been on the back of my DMax 10 years at the time. They have a mastermind somewhere who just devises ways to raise revenue. Too bad he/she could spend more time getting un roadworthy buses and trucks off the roads.

If you install a CarryBoy type cover or bed rack on your pick-up, you must go at the land transport office and this will be recorded in your blue book .

Normally the shop will tell you about it. You have 30 days to present yourself at the Land Transport Office.

I bought a 10 year old NIssan and the fiberglass back cover was already registered in the book by the previous owner.

So someone forgot to tell you about it.


Another thing is that if you get an "extension" for your car and get the blue book modified - if you take it off and go to the ต.ร.อ

they have been told by the Ministry of Transport to say no to your renewal.

The also say that one piece of the car can be another colour, for example the bonnet or the roof.


One racist post and replies have been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Lets be honest the reason there are 137 comments here is because folk like to read others misfortunes on the roads out there. There must be very few of us who live here have not got into some ruck or other with the Ticket Plod. Never a problem up here in the north but when we have to go south the wife always makes sure there is 200B in the glovey for my first speeding fine whether I speed or not. Oh and a good time to lose that 200B is if you should get near a c/point at lunch time. The plod lunch is paid by you.

Check points are almost non-existent in the north now, at least in rural Lamphun. We always are wary and waiting for something when we head south though. Only fine I remember was about 8 years ago, when my wife didn't have her papers with her for the scooter -- she took them to the police station and they told her to give the 200 Baht to the woman who was delivering noodles for lunch.

I don't remember any local police checkpoints for about 5 years, although we are stopped a couple of times a month by army checkpoints with assault rifles at the ready. They never say what they are looking for - in fact they usually say nothing and never smile - only look at papers, search the car or pickup, and then wave us on.


What is the law on the LED daytime Lights, anybody know ?

If they are legal, I may buy about 4000 of them and completely cover my whole Tuna in LED lights, now that would be something, lol.

It would certainly look very Thai !


New luxury cars do not have spare tyre because they have run flat tyres...

Any of you guys been fined for not carrying a spare tyre?

For your info, this is also an offence. Doesn't matter if it is inflated or not; just that you must have one at all times.


Any of you guys been fined for not carrying a spare tyre?

For your info, this is also an offence. Doesn't matter if it is inflated or not; just that you must have one at all times.

My car (and my last car) had run flats.... (no spare) - I'm not sure BMW Thailand are aware of this regulation.

Has anyone ever had the BiB check if they had a spare ?


Yep, everything must be absolutely correct in your blue book. If it is two tone it must been shown as that, Carryboy must also be noted in the blue book.

Strange how half the populous can drive totally illegal every day with noooooooooooooooo problems eh.....whistling.gif

So even a wrapped hood would need to be recorded in the blue book, despite 90% of the colour is correct?

And how would the BiB fine the OP, especially if the blurbook was not available to show them? I guess the OP was not able to prove the paperwork was in order.

Good question:

I never keep the 'Blue Book' in my car.... I figure it may help someone sell on my car if its stolen. I keep the Blue Book in my Safe at home.

I carry a Photo Copy of the Blue Book in my car... I'm not sure of the legalities of this, however, I've never been asked to show the Blue Book.


Did you get a receipt?

I was fined 200 Baht (receipted) for not having the "Carry Boy" registered. It had been on the back of my DMax 10 years at the time. They have a mastermind somewhere who just devises ways to raise revenue. Too bad he/she could spend more time getting un roadworthy buses and trucks off the roads.

I bought a large gas powered BBQ in Pattaya in its box that it came in, and placed it on the rear of my truck and it was completely secured with all the correct ropes as we were travelling a long way up country.

We stayed one night in Bangkok and then proceeded on our way. I had no sooner got to the toll way when they stopped and fined us " for not having a cover " over the box!!!!!

If we had covered it in, they would have accused us of trying to conceal something!!

You cannot win with these filthy practices. It's the same as a speeding stop when you aren't speeding. Luck of the draw, no rhyme, no reason. POT LUCK!

It's illegal to enter the expressway with an uncovered load.

The Pickups with the Cages on the back are fine. Anything in an open pickup is illegal, tethered or not.

I think this is a good regulation - a friend of mine hit a bag of cement on the express way at night... it made quite a mess.

While many will ensure their loads are 100% secure there are enough that won't... many regulations exist due to the stupidity of lowest common denominator.

Now, if only they could sort out those pesky brakes which keep failing, those tires which keep skidding in the rain and those innocent drinks which accidentally intoxicate drivers who run from the scene of an accident....


Yep, everything must be absolutely correct in your blue book. If it is two tone it must been shown as that, Carryboy must also be noted in the blue book.

Strange how half the populous can drive totally illegal every day with noooooooooooooooo problems eh.....whistling.gif

So even a wrapped hood would need to be recorded in the blue book, despite 90% of the colour is correct?

And how would the BiB fine the OP, especially if the blurbook was not available to show them? I guess the OP was not able to prove the paperwork was in order.

Good question:

I never keep the 'Blue Book' in my car.... I figure it may help someone sell on my car if its stolen. I keep the Blue Book in my Safe at home.

I carry a Photo Copy of the Blue Book in my car... I'm not sure of the legalities of this, however, I've never been asked to show the Blue Book.

Legally photocopy is OK.

Lets be honest the reason there are 137 comments here is because folk like to read others misfortunes on the roads out there. There must be very few of us who live here have not got into some ruck or other with the Ticket Plod. Never a problem up here in the north but when we have to go south the wife always makes sure there is 200B in the glovey for my first speeding fine whether I speed or not. Oh and a good time to lose that 200B is if you should get near a c/point at lunch time. The plod lunch is paid by you.

Check points are almost non-existent in the north now, at least in rural Lamphun. We always are wary and waiting for something when we head south though. Only fine I remember was about 8 years ago, when my wife didn't have her papers with her for the scooter -- she took them to the police station and they told her to give the 200 Baht to the woman who was delivering noodles for lunch.

I don't remember any local police checkpoints for about 5 years, although we are stopped a couple of times a month by army checkpoints with assault rifles at the ready. They never say what they are looking for - in fact they usually say nothing and never smile - only look at papers, search the car or pickup, and then wave us on.

I guess you missed the helmet fine checkpoint that they hold regularly in Lamphun on the crossroads below the flyover.

Check points in Chiang Mai seem to be on all the time now.

Check points on the MHS road and several permanent ones on the Lamphun to Uttaradit road.


on that tangented talk of uncovered loads...

...how do people therefore be able to ride, unaccosted, in the back of an open top utility? They are still a 'load', and will just as easily bounce out if a strong enough jolt/bump/accident is encountered


MIBs check you in a German car ? They usually greet me and send me on my way without even talking...

Any of you guys been fined for not carrying a spare tyre?

For your info, this is also an offence. Doesn't matter if it is inflated or not; just that you must have one at all times.

My car (and my last car) had run flats.... (no spare) - I'm not sure BMW Thailand are aware of this regulation.

Has anyone ever had the BiB check if they had a spare ?


on that tangented talk of uncovered loads...

...how do people therefore be able to ride, unaccosted, in the back of an open top utility? They are still a 'load', and will just as easily bounce out if a strong enough jolt/bump/accident is encountered

How often do you see that on the tollways?
  • 2 weeks later...

Its just tax not a fine look at it like that.. Can usually talk them down to 200b.

I drove down to Hua Hin a few years ago where they were fining all farangs (tax). The reason in my case was no licence... I had a thai licence but the policeman explained I am meant to also have an International licence also.. Funny enough I had the International licence with me... But he said this was the wrong type. Silly me 200b fine/bribe.

Sent from my c64


Its just tax not a fine look at it like that.. Can usually talk them down to 200b.

I drove down to Hua Hin a few years ago where they were fining all farangs (tax). The reason in my case was no licence... I had a thai licence but the policeman explained I am meant to also have an International licence also.. Funny enough I had the International licence with me... But he said this was the wrong type. Silly me 200b fine/bribe.

Sent from my c64

don't you know you have rights. I'd have told them to bugger off.

What you allow you condone.

next time refuse to pay and help the rest if us.


Its just tax not a fine look at it like that.. Can usually talk them down to 200b.

I drove down to Hua Hin a few years ago where they were fining all farangs (tax). The reason in my case was no licence... I had a thai licence but the policeman explained I am meant to also have an International licence also.. Funny enough I had the International licence with me... But he said this was the wrong type. Silly me 200b fine/bribe.

Sent from my c64

don't you know you have rights. I'd have told them to bugger off.

What you allow you condone.

next time refuse to pay and help the rest if us.

Yes I know.. It was a few years ago on holiday really didnt have time for the argument or trip to the station if needed. Back then sometimes you just had to shut up and pay to not ruin a good day on holiday with the family in the car.

Sent from my c64


Its just tax not a fine look at it like that.. Can usually talk them down to 200b.

I drove down to Hua Hin a few years ago where they were fining all farangs (tax). The reason in my case was no licence... I had a thai licence but the policeman explained I am meant to also have an International licence also.. Funny enough I had the International licence with me... But he said this was the wrong type. Silly me 200b fine/bribe.

Sent from my c64

don't you know you have rights. I'd have told them to bugger off.

What you allow you condone.

next time refuse to pay and help the rest if us.

Yes I know.. It was a few years ago on holiday really didnt have time for the argument or trip to the station if needed. Back then sometimes you just had to shut up and pay to not ruin a good day on holiday with the family in the car.

Sent from my c64

Yeah notice how all these 'crackdowns' happen when people need to get somewhere - get to work or go on holidays. Noone wants to spend a day at the cop shop sorting this out.

Noone wants to spend a day at the cop shop sorting this out.

I did one time.

They said fine.

Started taking my bike away to impound it. Refused to give their names (no name badges) or receipt of any kind. Before camera phones were common place.

I paid.


Should be said. I get let go without paying anything more often than not. And hardly never get stopped. Once/twice a year. I drive the same roads everyday and know where they will set up camp, if they do. Only the odd time they will jump out from someplace new.

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