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Israeli archaeologists find inscription of name from Bible


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Israeli archaeologists find inscription of name from Bible

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's antiquities authority says archaeologists have discovered a rare 3,000-year-old inscription of a name mentioned in the Bible.

The name "Eshbaal Ben Beda" appears on a large ceramic jar. Eshbaal of the Bible was a son of King Saul.

Archaeologists Yosef Garfinkel and Saar Ganor say the jar belonged to a different Eshbaal, likely the owner of an agricultural estate.

They said Tuesday it is the first time the name was discovered in an ancient inscription. It is one of only four inscriptions discovered from the biblical 10th century B.C. Kingdom of Judah, when King David is said to have reigned.

Archaeologists pieced together the inscription from pottery shards found at a 2012 excavation in the Valley of Elah in central Israel.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-17

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I guess that if the posters of this article were hoping for comment from the expat intelligentsia they should have woven into the story something about drinking beer in the ancient Middle East and a bit about depictions of beautiful girls on amphora of antiquity.

Being in the possession of a couple of 3000 year old pots, I find the story fascinating.

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I guess that if the posters of this article were hoping for comment from the expat intelligentsia they should have woven into the story something about drinking beer in the ancient Middle East and a bit about depictions of beautiful girls on amphora of antiquity.

Being in the possession of a couple of 3000 year old pots, I find the story fascinating.

Go easy on them. I think they found a flip flop or a sandal too.

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Please alert me when any archaeologist will dig up any thing bearing the name Palestine

or Palestinians buried anywhere in the Holy land....

or if they ever find anything that proves this god of Jews, Muslims and Christians is anything but a fantasy.......worth killing over!

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I guess that if the posters of this article were hoping for comment from the expat intelligentsia they should have woven into the story something about drinking beer in the ancient Middle East and a bit about depictions of beautiful girls on amphora of antiquity.

Being in the possession of a couple of 3000 year old pots, I find the story fascinating.

Go easy on them. I think they found a flip flop or a sandal too.

a sign...a sign....

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Ben Gurion instructed Jewish archeologists to dig up the land of Isreal to find the evidence that the Jewish people had in fact left Egypt,wandered the desert for years before reaching the promised land and lived there in antiquity as claimed in the Bible. This was to prove that Isreal was the land promised to them by God. All these years later and being good honest scientist, the archeologists will admit that no evidence has yet been found.

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The Israeli Ambassador at the U.N. began, "Ladies and gentlemen before I commence with my speech, I want to relay an old Passover story.

"When Moses was leading the Jews out of Egypt toward the Promised Land, he had to go through the nearly endless Sinai desert.

"When they reached the Promised Land, the people had become very thirsty and needed water. So Moses struck the side of a mountain with his staff and a pond appeared with crystal clean, cool water. The people rejoiced and drank to their hearts' content.

"Moses put down his staff and went to a solitary corner of the pond to drink, and meditate in prayer. But once Moses returned, he found that his staff had been stolen.

"I have reason to believe ladies and gentlemen that the Palestinians stole the staff of our great Prophet Moses.'"

The Palestinian delegate to the UN, hearing this accusation, jumps from his seat and screams out, "This is a travesty. It is widely known that there were no such thing as 'Palestinians' at that time!"

"And with that in mind," said the Israeli Ambassador, "let me now begin my speech."

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Ben Gurion instructed Jewish archeologists to dig up the land of Isreal to find the evidence that the Jewish people had in fact left Egypt,wandered the desert for years before reaching the promised land and lived there in antiquity as claimed in the Bible.

Please provide some credible evidence. I am not accusing you of being a liar, but there are a lot of trolls that make up stories about Jews and Israel that are groundless and post it on the Internet If you are going to post this kind of thing please provide proof that it actually happened.

Eric Cline, writing in Jerusalem Besieged, “In 1993 and 1994, archaeologists excavating at Tel Dan in northern Israel discovered an inscription that commemorates a military campaign in Israel by Hazael of Aram about the year 841 BCE and that mentions the House of David.” Tel Aviv University ancient historian Nadav Na’aman has stated based on this excavation that, in his opinion, the facts “strongly support the biblical claims that David conquered Jerusalem and made it his capital and cool.png that he founded the royal dynasty of Jerusalem.”


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Ben Gurion instructed Jewish archeologists to dig up the land of Isreal to find the evidence that the Jewish people had in fact left Egypt,wandered the desert for years before reaching the promised land and lived there in antiquity as claimed in the Bible.

Please provide some credible evidence. I am not accusing you of being a liar, but there are a lot of trolls that make up stories about Jews and Israel that are groundless and post it on the Internet If you are going to post this kind of thing please provide proof that it actually happened.

Eric Cline, writing in Jerusalem Besieged, “In 1993 and 1994, archaeologists excavating at Tel Dan in northern Israel discovered an inscription that commemorates a military campaign in Israel by Hazael of Aram about the year 841 BCE and that mentions the House of David.” Tel Aviv University ancient historian Nadav Na’aman has stated based on this excavation that, in his opinion, the facts “strongly support the biblical claims that David conquered Jerusalem and made it his capital and cool.png that he founded the royal dynasty of Jerusalem.”


If you want credible evidence then I would not suggest posting a link to a United with Isreal site.

Hardly unbiased. Believers always love asking non believers to prove a negative. You have asked me to provide proof of something that I believe never happened. If it never happened how can I provide proof? If it did happen then perhaps proof can be found but as of yet non has been provide. The believer always explains the lack of proof by saying it is faith.

I am definitely not trolling but just stating an opinion. I have the same opinion about the Christian biblical story, the Islamic one and all of the other pagan stories that ignorant illiterate stone age men came up with to try and describe and understand the mysterious world they lived in.

There are many who dispute the claims you make as they are based on an old Hebrew inscription. Hebrew has no vowels and therefore there is dispute about the translation.

A quote from Wikipedia.

"It has generated much excitement because the inscription includes the letters 'ביתדוד', Hebrew for "house of David".[44] Proponents of that reading argue that it is the first time that the name "David" has been recognized at any archaeological site, lending evidence for the Bible account of David's kingdom. Others read the Hebrew letters 'דוד' as "beloved," "uncle" "kettle," or "a god named Dod," (all of which are possible readings of vowel-less Hebrew), and argue this is not a reference to Biblical David."

Anyway, I have said my peice so I'll sign off now.

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Plenty of evidence of Jewish presence long before the Muslim conquest can be found in Israel. Seen it with !y own eyes. As for a land being promised to the Jews by God, God must have a twisted sense of humour though because the land is hardly one of Milk and Honey. It is harsh, rocky terrain. Hamas now holds one of the most traditionally lush areas (as in naturally, without manmade intervention) and the other beautiful area is Golan, a very disputed area of course. All the desert areas have their own kind of beauty of course, but practically Israel is not the sort of land a God would want to hand to someone he/ she favoured unless he/she was doing it with the tongue firmly in the cheek.

All of which makes the fervour with which everyone fights over this silver of land, all the more cosmically amusing.

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While they argue the religious mumbo jumbo of the middle east here in the UK we have the stone circles of Stonehenge which pre date any sort of existing modern religion.

Built 5000 years ago by neolithic man it begs the question where were the so called gods of the Jewish,Muslim and Christian religions?

As a staunch non believer all I see from religion is death and destruction.

Edited by Jay Sata
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Intersting , that is 1000 years before Christ is said to have been born.

It is often better to be quiet than to expose lack of knowledge. Reread....this reference was to the time of King David. Yes, Old Testament, long before the time of Jesus so....your point is?

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Ben Gurion instructed Jewish archeologists to dig up the land of Isreal to find the evidence that the Jewish people had in fact left Egypt,wandered the desert for years before reaching the promised land and lived there in antiquity as claimed in the Bible. This was to prove that Isreal was the land promised to them by God. All these years later and being good honest scientist, the archeologists will admit that no evidence has yet been found.

They found a spoon from Ratner's Delicatessen, carbon dated to 50 BC. There, that's settled.

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Intersting , that is 1000 years before Christ is said to have been born.

It is often better to be quiet than to expose lack of knowledge. Reread....this reference was to the time of King David. Yes, Old Testament, long before the time of Jesus so....your point is?

How up yourself you are wwest5828. You should keep you mouth shut [or break your one typing finger] instead of trying to put someone down. All the guy wrote was that it was "interesting".

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Intersting , that is 1000 years before Christ is said to have been born.

It is often better to be quiet than to expose lack of knowledge. Reread....this reference was to the time of King David. Yes, Old Testament, long before the time of Jesus so....your point is?

seeing as there is no conclusive proof a geezer called Jesus ever existed, and as we are being pedantic, you should word your post...long before the "supposed" time of Jesus...

further if said geezer did exist, he wasn't called "Jesus" which is a latin form taken from the Greek.....the name would have been "Yeshua"

So yes often better to be quiet than expose a lack of knowledge

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Plenty of evidence of Jewish presence long before the Muslim conquest can be found in Israel. Seen it with !y own eyes. As for a land being promised to the Jews by God, God must have a twisted sense of humour though because the land is hardly one of Milk and Honey. It is harsh, rocky terrain. Hamas now holds one of the most traditionally lush areas (as in naturally, without manmade intervention) and the other beautiful area is Golan, a very disputed area of course. All the desert areas have their own kind of beauty of course, but practically Israel is not the sort of land a God would want to hand to someone he/ she favoured unless he/she was doing it with the tongue firmly in the cheek.

All of which makes the fervour with which everyone fights over this silver of land, all the more cosmically amusing.

I agree 100%. Plenty of evidence Jewish people have lived there for millenia, just no evidence of the biblical fairy stories which the extremist on all sides use to justify their claim to the land and their hatred of others.

That god bloke really does have a wicked SOH.

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From reading some of the posts I can see now why most of the worlds wars and troubles stem from religious beliefs

The amusing thing this, if there is a man upstairs what happens if you get there and find out you have been supporting the wrong team all along ?

You might get there and find out the "old man" is in fact a druid or a Jedi who can't stand the Christians and Muslims LOL

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I think some people are confused here.

Whether you are religious or not, there is an anti-Israel propaganda movement trying to paint Jews as foreign "white" colonialists in Israel.

But that's wrong.

The Jewish people are INDIGINOUS to Israel.

Modern Hebrew was sourced from ancient Hebrew ... the language of Israel.

If the Jewish people created a modern state of Israel, it was a "colony" for which "white" country? Answer ... none.

The ancient history of the Jewish people in that region is no fairy tale, whether you're religious or not.

Now when the Belgians went into Congo, now THAT was a case of white colonialists going into a place where they had no indigenous connection.

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In regards to Jews in Israel, I am talking here about ETHNICITY and NOT about religion.

The Jewish PEOPLE are indeed indigenous people in the region.

The Jewish people of the Israel region were spread in an international diaspora in ancient times.

Then a largely SECULAR political movement emerged called Zionism which held the belief that the Jewish PEOPLE required a homeland ... a main reason being thousands of years of being persecuted in the diaspora.

The material manifestation of that movement which wasn't always popular among Jews was the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948.

Not news ... final borders of modern Israel remain in contention.

Note: the above post was a response to another post which has been deleted. I'll let it stand but it doesn't make as much sense that I posted it without that context.

Edited by Jingthing
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