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Japanese prosecutors to take another 10 days to decide whether to prosecute Kamronwit


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20 minutes should do to study the evidence. Very clear, loaded gun (no matter what the size, a deringer is still a deringer) in his possession and caught red handed. Further confesses to owning it, finger prints all over it. Case closed.

Now let me see. If I had turned with a small stash of class A drugs in my hand luggage and confessed to them being mine ...... would I see the light of day for a few years ...... nah. I don't think my "it was mistake" excuse would be taken into consideration!

Nice to see that the playing field may be a little more even in other countries ........ even if there is some furious political string pulling going on. This is a hot potato and if there is a light sentence it simply sets a precedent to others to do the same and point back to this case. I cannot see that happening.

Compare the case of former model Yuyee banged up for 15 years for smuggling 5mg of cocaine into Swampy that she said she didn't know was there. No help from the Thai government for her because she had rescued a leopard cub that some well connected big shot was planning to sell for 400,000 baht to adorn some gangster's private zoo or dinner table.

Edited by Dogmatix
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What is wrong with Thailanders? some say that he did not take the gun from Thailand to Japan,,Others say that they have proof (papers)that he did buy the gun in Thailand and that it is registered to him,,Just wait and see if that paperwork turns up in Japan,,,If it does chuck him in Jail to rot,he is not better than a criminal,,if not Than he did buy the gun illegally in Japan,,,same thing chuck him in Jail to rot EX copper or not still a criminal.

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What is wrong with Thailanders? some say that he did not take the gun from Thailand to Japan,,Others say that they have proof (papers)that he did buy the gun in Thailand and that it is registered to him,,Just wait and see if that paperwork turns up in Japan,,,If it does chuck him in Jail to rot,he is not better than a criminal,,if not Than he did buy the gun illegally in Japan,,,same thing chuck him in Jail to rot EX copper or not still a criminal.

And Japanese judges usually take the view that policemen convicted of crimes should get harsher penalties because they know the law and are supposed to set an example. Not like the Pol. Snr. Sgt. Maj in Kanchanaburi who cold bloodedly murder a young couple over a stupid 'face' issue and got a reduced sentence because of his 'exemplary' police record.

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20 minutes should do to study the evidence. Very clear, loaded gun (no matter what the size, a deringer is still a deringer) in his possession and caught red handed. Further confesses to owning it, finger prints all over it. Case closed.

Now let me see. If I had turned with a small stash of class A drugs in my hand luggage and confessed to them being mine ...... would I see the light of day for a few years ...... nah. I don't think my "it was mistake" excuse would be taken into consideration!

Nice to see that the playing field may be a little more even in other countries ........ even if there is some furious political string pulling going on. This is a hot potato and if there is a light sentence it simply sets a precedent to others to do the same and point back to this case. I cannot see that happening.

I think Yakuza lawyers will try to use the case in favour of their clients convicted of gun crimes, if this dirtbag is allowed to get off due to diplomatic pressure. A gun is a gun and private citizen is a private citizen.

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In the same way that you or I would routinely carry a toothbrush when traveling, perhaps Kamronwit always carries a gun in Thailand and just forgot to remove it for his overseas trip. Most plausible explanation I can find. If that is what the Japanese believe, he might even be allowed to get away with it.

The problem is that stupidity is not a defence. Even if he took the gun with him accidentally, his actions AFTER he found it were illegal. He could taken the gun to the embassy and asked them to ship it home, he could have taken it to a police station and informed them of his mistake, he could have disposed of it in any number of ways, but instead he tried to carry it onto a plane.

BTW His future depends on what they charge him with. It might be one charge, perhaps possession, but if they load him with all the possible charges, his goose is cooked.

Whether there was an intent to commit a crime is generally relevant. This is a complex area. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and deliberately taking an action that is against the law is punishable regardless of whether you know it is illegal. However, the accidental commission of a crime can often be excused, or at least subject to reduced penalties. It often comes down to a "reasonable person" test.

In this case, is it believable that a "reasonable person" of a type who routinely carries firearms and ammunition, would accidentally carry them on an overseas trip. First problem: does any such "reasonable person" exist?

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According to the Japanese law, offender could face 10-30 years in prison if the gun carried on board is loaded.

Yes, please, throw the book at him...

Show him that he is not so Hi-So outside of Thailand's borders.....

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In the same way that you or I would routinely carry a toothbrush when traveling, perhaps Kamronwit always carries a gun in Thailand and just forgot to remove it for his overseas trip. Most plausible explanation I can find. If that is what the Japanese believe, he might even be allowed to get away with it.

The problem is that stupidity is not a defence. Even if he took the gun with him accidentally, his actions AFTER he found it were illegal. He could taken the gun to the embassy and asked them to ship it home, he could have taken it to a police station and informed them of his mistake, he could have disposed of it in any number of ways, but instead he tried to carry it onto a plane.

BTW His future depends on what they charge him with. It might be one charge, perhaps possession, but if they load him with all the possible charges, his goose is cooked.

Whether there was an intent to commit a crime is generally relevant. This is a complex area. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, and deliberately taking an action that is against the law is punishable regardless of whether you know it is illegal. However, the accidental commission of a crime can often be excused, or at least subject to reduced penalties. It often comes down to a "reasonable person" test.

In this case, is it believable that a "reasonable person" of a type who routinely carries firearms and ammunition, would accidentally carry them on an overseas trip. First problem: does any such "reasonable person" exist?

Can't see "accidently" flying in this case - not in his hand luggage / wet pack, buried in the bottom of his checked luggage - well a doubtful maybe ............

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There was an article on this guy's arrest in the Bangkok Biz News website in Thai language.

When you run Google Translate on it, as bad as GT is in handling Thai translations, it seems to have some content toward the end of the article, involving the Criminal Court bombing case.

I wish I could read the original Thai version, to get a better sense of just what the article is reporting.


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He will be sweating it all out now thinking the worst.

Several years banged up in a Japanese prison?

Meanwhile does Japan let him go through the normal process?

Or treat him as a hiso foreigner and let him go?

Thailand is also faced with the problm of why the CTX scanner operator never saw the gun?

I think if I was on 300 baht a day I would have not seen it.

I just hope they do not take the blame.

Edited by Jay Sata
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Japanese prosecutors to take another 10 days to decide whether to prosecute Kamronwit

I think the Japanese are going to prosecute Mr. Kamronwit to the maximum and the extra ten days delay, for what seems like an open and shut case, is a courtesy to give Kamronwit's supporters time to settle down and let the reality sink in that his goose is cooked.

He couldn't have broken their gun laws any more even if he tried (short of shooting someone while there). 1) He illegally smuggled a handgun, with ammunition, into the country 2) He kept possession of said illegal handgun, with ammunition, during his entire stay in Japan 3) He attempted to board a passenger plane in Japan with not only a gun but a loaded gun and not just in his checked luggage but in his carry on bag where he would have access to a loaded handgun during his entire flight.

Really, could it be any more against their laws than this? If they don't punish him severely (remember he is no longer connected to a Thai government in power so there is no diplomatic courtesy involved), they will be setting a very bad precedent. And on top of all that, Kamronwit is not Japanese but a foreigner and the citizens of Japan will not be happy if the Japanese government treats this case lightly. My prediction is he will serve at least five years of his 15 year sentence in Japan and serve the remaining 10 years in a Thai prison. Sometimes Karma doesn't wait for your next life.


Edited by rametindallas
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What is wrong with Thailanders? some say that he did not take the gun from Thailand to Japan,,Others say that they have proof (papers)that he did buy the gun in Thailand and that it is registered to him,,Just wait and see if that paperwork turns up in Japan,,,If it does chuck him in Jail to rot,he is not better than a criminal,,if not Than he did buy the gun illegally in Japan,,,same thing chuck him in Jail to rot EX copper or not still a criminal.

If I've got this right his son has gone to Japan with documentation to prove the gun is properly registered here but does he realise or maybe doesn't want to accept that it has no bearing on possession in another country ?

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Swampy is now saying it has conveniently deleted the scans of Kamronwit's checked in luggage that overlooked a gun and ammunition. The CTX are supposed to detect even small amounts of explosive, or even residue, automatically (remember they were bought at vast expense for several times the list price by the Thaksin regime). It should easily have picked up the powder in Kamronwit's .22 magnum cartriges.

It is pretty obvious that that the whole story is an elaborate pack of lies concocted to cover up the fact that Kamronwit was permitted to pass through the physical check with a loaded gun in his hand luggage or on his person.

Fantastic news for Thailand's muddle attempts to convince the world that its airports and airlines are safe and well regulated.

I hope the Japanese treat Kamronwit like any other Thai or Japanese caught trying to board a plane with a loaded gun and throw the book at him. Should give him enough time to do an open university degree in Japanese.

Despite all the assistance he may get from the govt Swampy has to throw him under the bus otherwise they have to admit their failings and that would never do.

I think so many of us suspect he was given extra VIP treatment and probably wasn't subjected to security as befits his supposed status.

As a sort of insurance Swampy has hinted their scanners might not pick up such a small gun if packed in a vertical position but assured their scanner operators are ' experts '. They are of course fighting the facts that Kamronwit admits the gun is his and he carried it with him and his son has taken the weapon's Thai registration to Japan.

Would AOT care to venture an opinion as to how the weapon managed to get to Japan and be found in the owner's possession if he didn't take it with him when he flew there ? It doesn't really matter as AOT say they're not at fault so that's it as far as they're concerned, Thais are not big on admitting anything could be wrong and even less at admitting responsibility.

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For once I agree with the hang em high brigade here at TV

As far as the son bringing the documentation that the gun is registered in Thailand that just doubles his trouble, not only did he try and leave Japan with a loaded gun in his possession but he entered the country with a gun and the registration documents prove that

(short version of post # 43)

Edited by Langsuan Man
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