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Been reported to police for assault


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We had to dismiss a employee for gross misconduct and I just got visited by 2 police officers that I have to go to the Station next week to sort out with her with 2 other staff.

She has said we all assaulted her which is total BS.....

What should I expect next week? Will I have to pay something?

What are the chances that I can get off this if she has no proof?

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the police want their slice of cake for time involved nothing to do with innocence or guilt remember thailand forget about morals, play the game and take the loss but smile.

Recent event man 1 assaults man 2 police arrive cart them off man 2 told no charges involved just report ok he goes along freely but then at the station wham bam your locked up man both 1 and 2 fined 1k and released in morning

No compensation to man 2 even though he was the victim.

I hear ya man what in thailand doesnt involve paying the price right or wrong the thaiway or the highway.

Edited by Brit_Doggie
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Depending on your status here -- just don't go to the station. if they didn't actually give you a piece of paper saying you must attend a hearing or whatever - let them assemble the proof and come and arrest you :)

If you're in business here you must have Thai friends who will give you the low-down on how these things go. You have a lawyer who set up your company? You speak fluent Thai? So many variables.......

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Take a lawyer with you and file civil and criminal defamation cases as well as false police report.

Make sure to get a copy of all, because I am almost certain she will also go to labor department .

Fines for real assault is 500 baht.

Spend 5000 on a lawyer not only to teach her but be a warning to others .

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Well they made me sign a piece of paper to agree I go next week.

The thing is, we have proof she was stealing our customers, that must count for something to show she is dishonest.

Well 2 employees are going overseas tomorrow for business, so it will only be me there lol..... That is what makes me nervous

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Well they made me sign a piece of paper to agree I go next week.

The thing is, we have proof she was stealing our customers, that must count for something to show she is dishonest.

Well 2 employees are going overseas tomorrow for business, so it will only be me there lol..... That is what makes me nervous

And you should be, this is why you take a lawyer and file both criminal and civil defamation law suits.

Stealing customers will NOT count for anything in her case against you, for assault.

However will count in your case against herthumbsup.gif

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Don't go the lawyer route unless you have deep pockets. If you speak fluent Thai - call in at the police station *before* the time suggested and ask for a photocopy of the police report filed against you. You can mention that you are writing up a full report of the persons actions that lead to her being fired, and now will add false charges, defamation and other losses needing compensation. This will filter back to your problem person and likely everything will just go quiet.

You can assess the police for their reaction -- whether they appear to have a vested interest in your accuser - maybe some policemans wife/cousin/whatever. As I said earlier -- too many variables

As an aside -- if you can't deal with a little hiccup like this maybe you should re-consider your involvement in business in Thailand ;)

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Take a lawyer with you and file civil and criminal defamation cases as well as false police report.

Make sure to get a copy of all, because I am almost certain she will also go to labor department .

Fines for real assault is 500 baht.

Spend 5000 on a lawyer not only to teach her but be a warning to others .

Specially as he mention that his other staff goes outside.

My wife once assaulted a group of people (they thought it is funny to let their dog bite a street dog with 3 legs we took care.

Their big dog lost first against our dog and than my small wife attacked the group....they had even the report from hospital but nothing happened.....

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Don't go the lawyer route unless you have deep pockets. If you speak fluent Thai - call in at the police station *before* the time suggested and ask for a photocopy of the police report filed against you. You can mention that you are writing up a full report of the persons actions that lead to her being fired, and now will add false charges, defamation and other losses needing compensation. This will filter back to your problem person and likely everything will just go quiet.

You can assess the police for their reaction -- whether they appear to have a vested interest in your accuser - maybe some policemans wife/cousin/whatever. As I said earlier -- too many variables

As an aside -- if you can't deal with a little hiccup like this maybe you should re-consider your involvement in business in Thailand wink.png

Filing civil and criminal defamation case does not require deep pockets

Not filing one, may result in paying stupid amount of compensation.

Clearly she was smart and brave enough to file assault charged and clearly has something up her sleeves, otherwise police would not have taken any actions.

Best to fight fire with fire, especially when one is seen as a rich foreigner with company taking advantage of a poor thai girl.

This is NOT little hiccup, but a nasty spiteful bitch, not exactly an every day occurrence


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Isn't it cute how Thais deal with rejection, refusal and being caught-out?


So true, lie then lie then LIE some more, I never forget the motorbike that drove into my pick up punched a hole in the rear light with the ball end of his brake lever then told the insurance man the hole was already there.

I dragged his bike to my car and lent the offending lever right into the hole, at this point he said why isn't there any plastic pieces on the floor then, I said you punched the hole in not out, case over he paid, after he said it was

" bad luck" he met us that day, not due to the accident but due to the fact we were going to fight over it and not roll over.............tells you a lot about the mindset.

Then I had two staff whilst I was away take my laptop turn it on and use it for 3 days non stop ( I looked at the internet history) we sat and spoke with them about the job and at the end said we knew they had done this and we weren't happy but no mention of dismissing them just to note we know what goes on at all times, instead they said they were leaving right now and where is their salary.

Needless to say I took them to the bus station and said the money will come later as payday was end of the month..........I didn't pay, they left us in the sh*t, don't bore me with I could have had xyz happen

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Well they made me sign a piece of paper to agree I go next week.

The thing is, we have proof she was stealing our customers, that must count for something to show she is dishonest.

Well 2 employees are going overseas tomorrow for business, so it will only be me there lol..... That is what makes me nervous

If you have proof of hrer stealing, how much was taken? Then take a couple of employees who also know this (if you have them) and file criminal chagres against her. If she drops her case so do you unless the Police decide to pursue her. Up to them at that point.

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Don't go the lawyer route unless you have deep pockets. If you speak fluent Thai - call in at the police station *before* the time suggested and ask for a photocopy of the police report filed against you. You can mention that you are writing up a full report of the persons actions that lead to her being fired, and now will add false charges, defamation and other losses needing compensation. This will filter back to your problem person and likely everything will just go quiet.

You can assess the police for their reaction -- whether they appear to have a vested interest in your accuser - maybe some policemans wife/cousin/whatever. As I said earlier -- too many variables

As an aside -- if you can't deal with a little hiccup like this maybe you should re-consider your involvement in business in Thailand wink.png

Filing civil and criminal defamation case does not require deep pockets

Not filing one, may result in paying stupid amount of compensation.

Clearly she was smart and brave enough to file assault charged and clearly has something up her sleeves, otherwise police would not have taken any actions.

Best to fight fire with fire, especially when one is seen as a rich foreigner with company taking advantage of a poor thai girl.

This is NOT little hiccup, but a nasty spiteful bitch, not exactly an every day occurrence


You should file the charges and take a lawyer...you could protect yourself against a labor court decision too. You do not have to continue with the charges if the lawyers get too expensive just withdraw the charges. They will have done their job in making her back down.

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From reading the other topics about this lady, bkkheat you definitely need to hire a lawyer. you don't know what kind of connections she may have or what has up her sleeve next and it was not like she was just stealing Mama Noodle packets, she created a private company and was stealing clients from your company while working from your company.

no offense but you seem clueless for someone who apparently runs a large business in Thailand.

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I don't understand why you signed something (with no lawyer present?) and will be going without your witnesses. I think you need to nip this in the bud quickly, get a lawyer and make it known to the police in charge before the date that you intend to sue her. if you are fined for what she says, you are fcuked

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Forget the lawyer idea unless you want his 5,000 baht bill for nothing.

Would have been best to get a written statement in thai from two or at least one of the staff flying out today ... just to say the assault accusation is not credible and whatever other facts can support you ....

Otherwise ... just go along and deny the issue and play it by ear ... worst is a fine maybe 1000 baht .

Don't stress .. just go and see.

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