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Weatherman predicts more rains in Bangkok and the rest of the country

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Weatherman predicts more rains in Bangkok and the rest of the country


BANGKOK: -- The chance of Typhoon Nangka hitting Southeast Asia, including Thailand, and bringing the much-needed rains to ease drought problem has been dashed as the typhoon is heading toward southern Japan.

However, monsoon trough which is spanning across Myanmar and upper Laos will bring widespread rains to the upper part of the northern region and Isan, said the Weatherman, adding that the western part of the South will be soaked in rains as a result of the southwestern monsoon which is looming over the Andaman Sea.

30 percent of Bangkok and its peripherals will be showered with rains on Tuesday whereas In the northern region, 40 percent of the area are expected to have rains, especially in Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son. Chiang Rai, Phayao, Nan, Phrae, Uttradit, Tak and Phetchabun provinces, according to the Meteorological Department.

The Northeast is cloudy and 60 percent of the area are expected to be showered with rains especially in Loei, Chaiyaphum, Nong Khai, Bung Karn, Nong Bua Lamphu, Udon Thani, Sakhon Nakhon, Muk Dahan and Ubon Ratchathani.

The Central and eastern regions are also cloudy and rains are expected in 30 percent of the areas.

In the South, 70 percent of the area in the western coast are expected to have rains compared to 40 percent of the area in the eastern coast.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/weatherman-predicts-more-rains-in-bangkok-and-the-rest-of-the-country

-- Thai PBS 2015-07-14

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Ok...whenever the local thai weathermen make a prediction, the opposite happens. Shit...that means that a drought and water shortage is apparent.


Not a drop in downtown BKK thus far today...as of 3 pm.... but it has been cloudy outside all day.

The Thai weather forecasts normally seem to be worth just about nothing.

Yesterday around this time of day in the suburbs of Bangkok I felt about 3 drops of rain, but despite the sky looking threatening I knew that it would lead to nothing so I watered my garden as usual. I was right, because hours later most of the clouds were gone again. Unfortunately, this so-called rainy season this year is just a dud. Up until yesterday there were almost 3 days of continuous sunshine without a cloud in the sky. Felt more like December or January than the rainy season. Perhaps a sign of things to come? Prepare yourself for Bangkok becoming a future Phoenix, AZ...


Been getting some rain in the Udon area. It hasn't been all that widespread nor for long periods, but it is something. Cooled off a bit and brought the damn garden eating snails out.


Not a drop in downtown BKK thus far today...as of 3 pm.... but it has been cloudy outside all day.

The Thai weather forecasts normally seem to be worth just about nothing.

Yesterday around this time of day in the suburbs of Bangkok I felt about 3 drops of rain, but despite the sky looking threatening I knew that it would lead to nothing so I watered my garden as usual. I was right, because hours later most of the clouds were gone again. Unfortunately, this so-called rainy season this year is just a dud. Up until yesterday there were almost 3 days of continuous sunshine without a cloud in the sky. Felt more like December or January than the rainy season. Perhaps a sign of things to come? Prepare yourself for Bangkok becoming a future Phoenix, AZ...

It was quite a lot more than 3 drops over here in western Bangkok....I counted 10 to 15 drops....sorry I can't give an exact count because during this brief 5 second downpour I couldn't count fast enough...but I'm pretty sure it was not more than 15 drops.


Don't know about elsewhere but here in Loei have been getting really heavy falls during the afternoon and overnight for the past 5 days. The farmers are beside themselves, water, water every where, good soaking rain. Keeping my water bill down this month so I'm happy too. Bucketing down right now.


In case someone reads this posting for more than an opportunity to make tired predictable jabs at meteorologists, I provide the following:

Link to Google Earth, with settings that seem to do a reasonable job of showing wind and moisture rich air columns that predict rainfall.

For example, in the images included below, the north east was barren of any moisture rich air flow last week during a very dry period, and now, we see airflow and clouds n the region, coincidental with reports of light scattered showers.

You shroud see this thing when a typhoon rolls through .. impressive. (see last image ...)

Best to push the Earth button and fiddle with the settings you prefer.

Mine are set on Air / Height (500 hpa) and TCW (Total Cloud Water)








here in Phrae it is raining like someone upstairs opened a shower. we will use for our rice-crop but what is left we let go to the drought in Bangkok; it will reach your city in about 7-10 days , I guess


Reality... Weatherman was asleep during the class that taught how to predict rainfall... His mom said he will pass the class anyway, so its ok to remain dumb


the country still looks pretty dry to me surrounded my a massive amount of aerosol spraying.

Looking at the wind patterns from bangkokequity's post it looks to me like they are using the same

technique as with California. It's very similar, water to the west keeping the clouds in a holding pattern.

It also looks to me like the water is being sucked off the country offshore. Note the massive amount of chemtrails!



Now it's raining, moderately hard with some thunder and lightning, in BKK... Let's see how long it lasts...

Not in my part of Bangkok...the western part. We did have a light shower for about 5 minutes around 9pm...that was it. From looking at the TMD weather radar there is a small bunch of rain clouds moving across parts of Bangkok. Tropical rain can be so localized.


... as a result of the southwestern monsoon which is looming over the Andaman Sea ...

I don't know why they keep talking about this. The Southwestern Monsoon happens every year. If anything it's late this year, perhaps due to the unusually strong El Nino in the Pacific. The monsoon winds actually come from the Indian Ocean and drive the rainy season in India as well as here. It's a cycle. As the land mass of China warms, the air pressure over China lessens and the moist air from the Indian Ocean blows as wind from there and goes to China, passing over Thailand on the way. Then when the weather in China, and the land, cools in October and November, the air pressure there becomes greater and the wind blows from the Northeast toward the Indian Ocean. This cycle has been an important factor in sea-borne commerce in the Indian Ocean for millennia. This year' they're talking about it as though it's some weird, unexpected thing. I don't get it. Do they have some new guy at the meteorology department who really doesn't know anything about the science but talked his way into the job with personal charm and connections? Full disclosure: I am not a scientist, much less a meteorologist, but back in the '90s we had a year of unusually hot weather and Scientific American magazine had an excellent long article explaining how the monsoon cycle works.


I hope the weather man's predictions were on the underside of the real situation, I think

Bangkok and Thailand need more rain than is predicted. Maybe this fellow should have predicted

that Pluto was going to have a flyby today with the New Horizons space probe, and that many great

images and pictures will be taken.

Our little 9th planet needs all the publicity that it can get, because there was about 500 members of

the IAU's 10,000 members decided to change the status of Pluto away from being a planet.

More than a billion people on earth as well as myself never got our chance to have a say in the status of

our ninth planet, and I think that the little planet deserves at least a majority vote of not only the members of the IAU

or International Astronomical Union, and maybe a majority of the people on earth who are, amateur astronomers

and such as well.

Good luck with the drought Thailand, I hope the rains come to the places that need it, and the

situation is improved soon.


Reliable translation : 30 percent of chance that Bangkok and its peripherals will be showered with rains

Yes, but they talk about "Tuesday." Is this forecast 2 days old or are they talking about next week? Anything could happen before then, 6 days away from "NOW".

Now it's raining, moderately hard with some thunder and lightning, in BKK... Let's see how long it lasts...

Not in my part of Bangkok...the western part. We did have a light shower for about 5 minutes around 9pm...that was it. From looking at the TMD weather radar there is a small bunch of rain clouds moving across parts of Bangkok. Tropical rain can be so localized.

Same here in the eastern part of Bangkok. Light to moderate rain, no thunder or lightning and only lasted like 10-15? mins around 8-9pm.


Not a drop in downtown BKK thus far today...as of 3 pm.... but it has been cloudy outside all day.

The Thai weather forecasts normally seem to be worth just about nothing.


Arrived back from a Visa run to Penang about 2100 on the 14th of July.

Rain began as I left Swampy and followed me all the way into Bangkok center.

Heavy rain at times, enough to leave puddles on the road in Asoke-DinDaeng area.

So at least they got one thing right.


Not a drop in downtown BKK thus far today...as of 3 pm.... but it has been cloudy outside all day.

The Thai weather forecasts normally seem to be worth just about nothing.


Arrived back from a Visa run to Penang about 2100 on the 14th of July.

Rain began as I left Swampy and followed me all the way into Bangkok center.

Heavy rain at times, enough to leave puddles on the road in Asoke-DinDaeng area.

So at least they got one thing right.

Or it could have been overheating auto radiators spraying out their water. laugh.png


... as a result of the southwestern monsoon which is looming over the Andaman Sea ...

I don't know why they keep talking about this. The Southwestern Monsoon happens every year. If anything it's late this year, perhaps due to the unusually strong El Nino in the Pacific. The monsoon winds actually come from the Indian Ocean and drive the rainy season in India as well as here. It's a cycle. As the land mass of China warms, the air pressure over China lessens and the moist air from the Indian Ocean blows as wind from there and goes to China, passing over Thailand on the way. Then when the weather in China, and the land, cools in October and November, the air pressure there becomes greater and the wind blows from the Northeast toward the Indian Ocean. This cycle has been an important factor in sea-borne commerce in the Indian Ocean for millennia. This year' they're talking about it as though it's some weird, unexpected thing. I don't get it. Do they have some new guy at the meteorology department who really doesn't know anything about the science but talked his way into the job with personal charm and connections? Full disclosure: I am not a scientist, much less a meteorologist, but back in the '90s we had a year of unusually hot weather and Scientific American magazine had an excellent long article explaining how the monsoon cycle works.

i guess i am exasperated, because you have essentially "informed" us why and how of monsoons in this portion of the world, acknowledged they are absent, yet do not know "why people talk about it."

"They" keep talking about it because the rains have not come, the rice fields are barren, the reservoir are empty, the Kingdom is within weeks of water rationing is some areas ... I personally buy a pair of 5 liter water on the way home every day, and will do so until it rains in a way that ends the threat of rationing. I mean, what is the harm? i will drink it eventually.

Ummm .. since the 12th century, people have been up to speed on the cyclic patterns to rainfall in Thailand.

Since you have expertly schooled us on how it is ... can you please kindly explain why it is not happening?

Is it "maybe El Nino" ... or is that your definitive conclusion?

Ummmm ... have you noticed a similar event in California, a region that grows a meaningful portion of the world's food?

And ditto that in the Kingdom, one of the worlds primary rice exporters.

Hope that explains why people are talking about it.

BTW, do you LIVE in Thailand? Just curious, because many of us do, and this is a genuine concern here.

Have a good day ... clouding up and looks like rain in BKK .. so keeping my fingers crossed we will have a really good storm like last night!

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