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Massive manhunt on the way for Bangkok bomb suspect


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I just received a BKK post news alert via SMS saying that the police were "for information leading to the arrest of Erawan shrine bomber".

Sort of sounds like they have not arrested anyone or even know his identity yet.

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Now don't you all pounce on me because I normally defend private living good law abiding moderate Muslims but hate the extremists like everyone should.However I am wondering why this shrine site was chosen.

Sure the idea is to obviously maim and kill tourists of any religion, but that also fits with various Muslim sect's beliefs in the despising of worship of (to them) false gods and golden graven images by adherents of any flavor. That of course embraces Judaic Christian origins as well and with Jews one cannot even say God's name let alone worship an image. I don't see any reason for Jews to be involved nor Christians who have their own religious imagery.To Muslims however idol worship is very offensive and an artist in Iran is prevented in depicting any living thing only decoration, though someone may correct me on this

Far be it from me to point the finger in ignorance at anyone before any proof and perhaps I shouldn't join in the speculation, but nothing else makes sense. Even if it is Thai sectarianism I don't think it would be likely for them to profane their own shrine.I hope I am proved wrong and it's just some nutjob (other than political or religious motivation).

Just saying

Edited by Linzz
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If anything the suspect looks Israeli. Pipe bombs like this are very much a part of the continuing problems in the middle east, everyone uses them, but you can thank the good old IRA for designing them and training others to build them.

OMG Israeli now? Is there some reason Israel wants to bomb Bkk?


Thais on Facebook, yesterday, were fingering the USA, as they supposed the USA has a stake in weakening the current gov't.

The posts got quite melodramatic: "USA, please leave us peace-loving Thais alone!"


Opportunistically, every hue of political bias will now come crawling out of its maggot-infested orifice.

Observe it. Expect it.

The western Psychopathic Elite don't like their puppet Thaksin and his clan being removed from power.

They use 4th generation warfare to pressure their point - the new US ambassador is a war college grad expert in 4th gen warfare according to the landdestroyer article. But what the Elite get up to is nothing to do with the average American or average anyone else for that matter.


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I hope the police will check out the identities of the 2 men in red and white shirt who looks like their helping the bomber by cover the view and then walk away slowly. But if they were accomplices , why did they not try to disguise themselves?

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Another thing , what about all the cars with installed dashcam , I am sure some of them were driving past the suspect when he walked away so it should be possible to find him in more videos. I hope all the drivers with dashcam check the recordings and contact the police before its too late.

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I hope the police will check out the identities of the 2 men in red and white shirt who looks like their helping the bomber by cover the view and then walk away slowly. But if they were accomplices , why did they not try to disguise themselves?

Because if they'd done their "part" correctly, they'd never even been suspected,, so no disquise needed,,, just, tourist's, "lucky" to have left prior to it going off.. But no,, they DO look somewhat suspect...

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I hope the police will check out the identities of the 2 men in red and white shirt who looks like their helping the bomber by cover the view and then walk away slowly. But if they were accomplices , why did they not try to disguise themselves?

Because if they'd done their "part" correctly, they'd never even been suspected,, so no disquise needed,,, just, tourist's, "lucky" to have left prior to it going off.. But no,, they DO look somewhat suspect...

In operations like this there will be multiple people involved operating in teams in case something goes wrong.

Likely all long gone by now...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Certainly doesn't look Thai … I have heard chat that may be a Uighur Muslim revenge attack for being sent back to China

'Thailand forcibly sends nearly 100 Uighur Muslims back to China ' http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/09/thailand-forcibly-sends-nearly-100-uighur-muslims-back-to-china

And what are you basing that on ? The fact he doesnt have a finger stuck up his nose ?

I suppose soblink.pngsmile.png

Thailand to Seek Extradition of Bombing Ringleader from China


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