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The Latest on Bangkok: Police say suspect may have escaped

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Why is it that Thai people seem to accept the incompetence of senior government officials in general, and IMHO the RTP in particular?

I would think that in most "foreign" countries, if their police chiefs would have burbled out statements like those reportedly made by Poompanmoung (in recent days), the citizens would be crying out for their police chief's dismissal. Thailand continues to amaze.

Let's also hope Oak's 5 million Baht offer (to those who are already paid to do their job) is swiftly rejected by Prayut, so there can be no hint of any unethical behaviour in solving this heinous crime.

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No surprise here. The police in Thailand are not a security and intelligence gathering organisation. They are a rent collecting and revenue generating organisation.

Then why don't they issue traffic citations and generate billions of baht?

Actually enforcing laws is an untapped goldmine in Thailand.

Easy answer... far far far more profitable "venues" in Thailand than standing in the sun writing some measly 200 baht fines.


National police chief Somyot Poompanmoung, speaking to reporters early Sunday morning, says "we need some luck. If the police have good fortune we might be able to make an arrest but ... if the perpetrator has good fortune maybe they can get away."

I think this guy have mixed up "Police Work" and "Luck" ... Maybe he still have Casino´s on his mind or could be the Lottery ... Horrible that such an incompetent person can lead a Policeforce ...blink.png

I see no difference between him saying need luck and Americans saying God Bless America. Where luck has an attainable probability, but the latter i have no clue.

It's important to respect words used in each culture. Everyone here are always the expert on every subject matter. But reality could be much far.

Ah, so you shouldn't then have any issues giving some links where say the director of the FBI said something like "With the blessing of God we will get these guys". And if something like that has happened and he didn't get fired... well.. it would surprise me.

It's not important at all to respect words in a culture if the words used are dumb.


Taxi drivers near sathon 10 said they saw him for a long time, he prepared the bombing well, he will have prepared his exit just as carefully.

The authorities, if he went straight to the airport, had a near impossible small window to catch him, can't blame them for that, the only thing we can blame them for is dismissing so many possibilities and flip flopping "it's not the south... it's not the uighurs....it' not international..." to try and get some political gain, spending so much effort continuously trying to make this fit in their "old clique" preferred scenario.


If taxi drivers saw him for a long time near Sathon 10, i would not call that good planning.

Unless he wanted to be seen.

If he was making his escape, why on earth would he go near either of the airports? Good possibility of explosive residue on his person, CCTV everywhere and alert status can be raised very quickly especially after an incident like that.

Much easier to clear the area, get rid of the disguise, jump into a prearranged car and get lost on the roads exiting Bkk on the way to Nakon Nowhere to hole up.

If it was well planned..........................wink.png


No surprise here. The police in Thailand are not a security and intelligence gathering organisation. They are a rent collecting and revenue generating organisation.

Then why don't they issue traffic citations and generate billions of baht?

Actually enforcing laws is an untapped goldmine in Thailand.

Easy answer... far far far more profitable "venues" in Thailand than standing in the sun writing some measly 200 baht fines.

I am not talking about standing at a road block and collecting 200 Baht tea money for no helmet or no licence.

I am talking about actively patrolling and writing real citations for reckless driving, speeding, drunk driving, unsafe passing, parking in the road, obstructing traffic, driving on the wrong side of the road, driving and parking on the sidewalk. and .these are just the short list.

These violations carry a substantial fine in the west, some the equivalent of 9000 baht in California where I come from, some even more.

In some cases vehicles are impounded and the cost of towing and storage are paid by the violator as well.

This would generate more than enough money to pay law enforcement officers a decent wage and benefits like retirement pensions, and that would make it unnecessary and foolish for them to accept tea money and risk losing a good job.

It would also be a great motivator for drivers to follow the traffic laws and make the roads of Thailand much safer.

I disagree with your "easy answer".

Maybe my original statement should have been more detailed.


National police chief Somyot Poompanmoung, speaking to reporters early Sunday morning, says "we need some luck. If the police have good fortune we might be able to make an arrest but ... if the perpetrator has good fortune maybe they can get away."

I think this guy have mixed up "Police Work" and "Luck" ... Maybe he still have Casino´s on his mind or could be the Lottery ... Horrible that such an incompetent person can lead a Policeforce ...blink.png

I see no difference between him saying need luck and Americans saying God Bless America. Where luck has an attainable probability, but the latter i have no clue.

It's important to respect words used in each culture. Everyone here are always the expert on every subject matter. But reality could be much far.

Ah, so you shouldn't then have any issues giving some links where say the director of the FBI said something like "With the blessing of God we will get these guys". And if something like that has happened and he didn't get fired... well.. it would surprise me.

It's not important at all to respect words in a culture if the words used are dumb.

Believing in luck and believing in god are the same things, superstitious fantasies.

Things that happen are a result of the things we do.

If we do the correct things, we get the desired results.

Not always the easiest thing to do, but expecting luck or god to be responsible is just stupid,

Often god ot luck are blamed for foolish decisions we make.

We are all responsible for our own actions and decisions.....like it or not!


Oh well, surely there's a nearby immigrant worker they can pin it on. It seems that's how they normally solve crimes in Thailand.


Dear Thai Bash Department:

It is duly noted that in Farangatopia in those rare cases where crime occurs, they are quickly solved 100% of the time, the correct person is convicted, and the justice system is flawless.

Criminals in Farangatopia never really work out in detail how to execute a crime,and rarely consider an escape route, which is why 100% of the time they are apprehended almost instantly.

We also acknowledge that accidents never happen, the rich, famous, powerful and influential are treated exactly the same as everyone else, and are never afforded any special treatment.

All politicians are altruists whose only purpose in life is to ensure the well being of the common man, and who are ethically above reproach.

Even when tragedies like 9-11 in the USA occur, and two super structures collapse within thier own footprint, and buildings nearby, hours later, also fall into their own basement, we know it is "just one of those things" and perfectly understandable.

Conversely, in the Kingdom of Thailand, despite the fact that criminals sit patiently at the scene of the crime, making no effort to disguise themselves or escape. despite that, the Police can not catch them.

There the criminals sit, out in the open with a "I did it sign" around their neck, and if it were not for the expert work of the Thai Visa Detective Unit, the fact that the authorities have, and always will .. bungle each and every easily solvable case .. such as the bombings ... would not be duly noted.

Congratulations ladies, once again you have managed to solve a case from bar-stools, recliners and brothels ... having no access to all the evidence, no input from Interpol or other cooperative parties, no training or back ground ... but because your skin contains less Melanin ... you are just plain smarter ... yes?

So, enjoy this glorious day, which I think we should set aside as "Bash Day" since Hooray! The bombers are on the loose and of course, the Police are HAPPY about that!

This is one of those days, being a Farang with 90% of my friends being Thai ... sucks .. because they go on this site, and read this tripe. I know, because they ask me .. in so many words .. "Why are these people in my country?"

Perhaps it may be worth asking your obviously well educated Thai friends to look inwardly and ask themselves " Why do certain subjects cause anger and ridicule among the Farang community ?"


Of all the statements the RTP have made since the bombings, finally one I believe.

Can not just go out and stitch up a few none Thai's to appease public opinion... too many good "Human Rights Defenders" about.


No surprise here. The police in Thailand are not a security and intelligence gathering organisation. They are a rent collecting and revenue generating organisation.

Then why don't they issue traffic citations and generate billions of baht?

Actually enforcing laws is an untapped goldmine in Thailand.

Easy answer... far far far more profitable "venues" in Thailand than standing in the sun writing some measly 200 baht fines.

I am not talking about standing at a road block and collecting 200 Baht tea money for no helmet or no licence.

I am talking about actively patrolling and writing real citations for reckless driving, speeding, drunk driving, unsafe passing, parking in the road, obstructing traffic, driving on the wrong side of the road, driving and parking on the sidewalk. and .these are just the short list.

These violations carry a substantial fine in the west, some the equivalent of 9000 baht in California where I come from, some even more.

In some cases vehicles are impounded and the cost of towing and storage are paid by the violator as well.

This would generate more than enough money to pay law enforcement officers a decent wage and benefits like retirement pensions, and that would make it unnecessary and foolish for them to accept tea money and risk losing a good job.

It would also be a great motivator for drivers to follow the traffic laws and make the roads of Thailand much safer.

I disagree with your "easy answer".

Maybe my original statement should have been more detailed.

Most cops in Thailand aren't cops because they have a feeling of duty or responsibility they are however cops because there is the prospect of maybe, just maybe, getting rich by not enforcing laws. Corruption is so rampant and deeply rooted in Thai culture that it will probably never go away because lets face it, almost everyone think they "benefit" from it even though they don't understand the ramifications of them accepting and using corruption.


I would imagine the first thing he would do is shave his head to look a little different. The images I've seen aren't the best quality if they want to get facial metrics, but then again technology may be much better these days. I always make a point of looking into the camera for several seconds at borders/immigration, though I've never been asked to. I guess this person wouldn't and nobody would bother to ask, and probably walked, never to be seen again.

I'm still wondering what the motivation is for someone to do something like this. I've asked lots of peoples opinions but nothing forthcoming that is a solid hypothesis.


Why do you haters bother to live here??

You have nothing good to say about the place.

The solution..... Go back to where you came from and do your whinging there.


No surprise here. The police in Thailand are not a security and intelligence gathering organisation. They are a rent collecting and revenue generating organisation.

Then why don't they issue traffic citations and generate billions of baht?

Actually enforcing laws is an untapped goldmine in Thailand.

they do, they are called roadblocks and seem to be the only police work they ever do


Dear Thai Bash Department:

It is duly noted that in Farangatopia in those rare cases where crime occurs, they are quickly solved 100% of the time, the correct person is convicted, and the justice system is flawless.

Criminals in Farangatopia never really work out in detail how to execute a crime,and rarely consider an escape route, which is why 100% of the time they are apprehended almost instantly.

We also acknowledge that accidents never happen, the rich, famous, powerful and influential are treated exactly the same as everyone else, and are never afforded any special treatment.

All politicians are altruists whose only purpose in life is to ensure the well being of the common man, and who are ethically above reproach.

Even when tragedies like 9-11 in the USA occur, and two super structures collapse within thier own footprint, and buildings nearby, hours later, also fall into their own basement, we know it is "just one of those things" and perfectly understandable.

Conversely, in the Kingdom of Thailand, despite the fact that criminals sit patiently at the scene of the crime, making no effort to disguise themselves or escape. despite that, the Police can not catch them.

There the criminals sit, out in the open with a "I did it sign" around their neck, and if it were not for the expert work of the Thai Visa Detective Unit, the fact that the authorities have, and always will .. bungle each and every easily solvable case .. such as the bombings ... would not be duly noted.

Congratulations ladies, once again you have managed to solve a case from bar-stools, recliners and brothels ... having no access to all the evidence, no input from Interpol or other cooperative parties, no training or back ground ... but because your skin contains less Melanin ... you are just plain smarter ... yes?

So, enjoy this glorious day, which I think we should set aside as "Bash Day" since Hooray! The bombers are on the loose and of course, the Police are HAPPY about that!

This is one of those days, being a Farang with 90% of my friends being Thai ... sucks .. because they go on this site, and read this tripe. I know, because they ask me .. in so many words .. "Why are these people in my country?"

Perhaps it may be worth asking your obviously well educated Thai friends to look inwardly and ask themselves " Why do certain subjects cause anger and ridicule among the Farang community ?"

Why make them guess?

You are the expert and have the floor:

Please .. enlighten us why you, who came to the Kingdom of your own free will, and with nothing to stop you from moving on, find room to complain.

The floor is yours, and you have our full attention.


How he escaped from thailand no have immigration check point and how comes immigration no have his record it's look funny , how comes , is he bring boom from his country ? Or there is any local people in this who provide him every thing and after this he left thailand very easily ?


How he escaped from thailand no have immigration check point and how comes immigration no have his record it's look funny , how comes , is he bring boom from his country ? Or there is any local people in this who provide him every thing and after this he left thailand very easily ?

I think there are ways. Up north can't you just dress like a laborer and cross a river?


How he escaped from thailand no have immigration check point and how comes immigration no have his record it's look funny , how comes , is he bring boom from his country ? Or there is any local people in this who provide him every thing and after this he left thailand very easily ?

I think there are ways. Up north can't you just dress like a laborer and cross a river?

Could dress up as a monk and walk freely anywhere even that could have fooled people even at the airport as people trust monks also why he was wearing a wig because ready for his escape ...


I think we need someone to step forward and claim that we did it ! Why bomb and kill and just go silent ? Unless it was a lone lunatic who did it for his own pleasure.


I think we need someone to step forward and claim that we did it ! Why bomb and kill and just go silent ? Unless it was a lone lunatic who did it for his own pleasure.

I don't think a lone lunatic would have done it for no reason

But probably the reported death and injury toll of the first bomb was overkill for what they intended so abandoned the second one in the water


I think we need someone to step forward and claim that we did it ! Why bomb and kill and just go silent ? Unless it was a lone lunatic who did it for his own pleasure.

Having seen the footage of the second bomber that we now know dropped off his bomb at Saphan Taksin just 20 or so minutes after the first bomb, we know that this was a coordinated and planned attack.

I know the authorities are trying to infer that it is red shirts but the motorcycle taxi guys that regularly took yellow shirt suspect about said he spoke English or a language they didn't recognize. I think we are dealing with Islamic extremists in some capacity. The lack of announcement could mean they are their own splinter group with bomb making training from a larger body.

The authorities must have an idea on this, they seem reluctant to announce it though, either that are they are completely clueless which is not that surprising.


It this would have happened in Europe and the police chief would give this kind of answers the guy would be fired on the spot.

I feel sad for the victims and as the police is unable to track down those scums Bangkok might be hit once again because those bombers know they can get away with it.


It this would have happened in Europe and the police chief would give this kind of answers the guy would be fired on the spot.

I feel sad for the victims and as the police is unable to track down those scums Bangkok might be hit once again because those bombers know they can get away with it.

Here's a bet. Within a week, there will be a perpetrator banged up in Malaysia, Singapore, or elsewhere and he'll be on a plane to Thailand in cuffs after a brief extradition debacle.

My inkling is that there's so much going on behind the scenes that it would make our heads spin. I'd bet they know who he is (real identity), where he flew to, where he connected to, and when he arrived at his destination.

And they're not stupid enough to let the guy know the net is tightening by blabbing all over the media.

So who's on for a beer (or non-alcoholic equivalent)?


Dear Thai Bash Department:

It is duly noted that in Farangatopia in those rare cases where crime occurs, they are quickly solved 100% of the time, the correct person is convicted, and the justice system is flawless.

Criminals in Farangatopia never really work out in detail how to execute a crime,and rarely consider an escape route, which is why 100% of the time they are apprehended almost instantly.

We also acknowledge that accidents never happen, the rich, famous, powerful and influential are treated exactly the same as everyone else, and are never afforded any special treatment.

All politicians are altruists whose only purpose in life is to ensure the well being of the common man, and who are ethically above reproach.

Even when tragedies like 9-11 in the USA occur, and two super structures collapse within thier own footprint, and buildings nearby, hours later, also fall into their own basement, we know it is "just one of those things" and perfectly understandable.

Conversely, in the Kingdom of Thailand, despite the fact that criminals sit patiently at the scene of the crime, making no effort to disguise themselves or escape. despite that, the Police can not catch them.

There the criminals sit, out in the open with a "I did it sign" around their neck, and if it were not for the expert work of the Thai Visa Detective Unit, the fact that the authorities have, and always will .. bungle each and every easily solvable case .. such as the bombings ... would not be duly noted.

Congratulations ladies, once again you have managed to solve a case from bar-stools, recliners and brothels ... having no access to all the evidence, no input from Interpol or other cooperative parties, no training or back ground ... but because your skin contains less Melanin ... you are just plain smarter ... yes?

So, enjoy this glorious day, which I think we should set aside as "Bash Day" since Hooray! The bombers are on the loose and of course, the Police are HAPPY about that!

This is one of those days, being a Farang with 90% of my friends being Thai ... sucks .. because they go on this site, and read this tripe. I know, because they ask me .. in so many words .. "Why are these people in my country?"

No one has ever said "Falangworld" is perfect, because we all know it isn't. But for those of us who have lived here permanently for a number of years, we see daily examples of Thai corruption and stupidity that simply defy logic. How many important cases are NEVER solved in Thailand due to incompetent police? How many times have we heard police officials make totally asinine comments, such as "No Thai could ever do this", and a few hours later, or the next day, another "important official" comes out with something equally stupid? The police in this country are a total joke!

The sad part is, most of the falang I know actually wish this was NOT the case, but we know it is. So our choices are limited. 1) Drown in sadness at such a backwards and ignorant police department, or 2) Make fun of them. Which is soooo easy to do with the "material" they themselves provide. Most of us on TVF who live here, actually love it here, and really wouldn't want to live anywhere else. But we also wish they had an even semi-competent police force, instead of a bunch of idiots in brown who are only good for collecting bribes, and always blaming everything that happens on someone else, namely "foreigners".

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