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Thai police urge patience as lack of equipment hampers bomb probe

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Right..... so instead of having such equipment General Somyot, you want fancy hi end Sig Saur Pistols?

Even if all that equipment arrived free gratis, it wouldn't make any difference, you need the training and experience to use it effectively, so add another few weeks onto that time frame.

Who was it here, who heralded this Somyot character as one of the "good guys, a cops cop, skilled at his job, career policeman who worked sorry corrected that, "bought" his way up through the ranks ? Bet you feel a tad stupid now, as he's far from what was described he's just another "yes" man, who hasn't got a clue, opens his mouth without engaging the brain first!!

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Did anyone on here expect anything different,it's at times like these when the international media and its spotlight is shining brightly on Thailand that their weaknesses and lack of competency are fully exposed.

Which in this instance is a shame given the severity of the attack,it doesn't fill you with confidence does it now.


BIllions of Baht are going to be spent on projects that are not essential yet the Police who need the latest equipment dont have them? Is this a joke or are what I consider as priorities just confused?

Priority No1, bank account.

Unfortunately, the user manuals for a lot of that sophisticated equipment they need is written in English. That could be a big problem.

What Somyot can't read, Somyot won't buy


The police chief yesterday claimed that the slowness of investigation into the Bangkok shrine bomber is not caused by police's lack of capability but because they have shortage of some the modern equipment like police in foreign countries to find the prime suspect captured on security camera.

I would say that a lack of modern equipment does affect capability, but Somyot begs to differ, because he lives in a Parallel Universe where rationale is fundamentally different.


Right..... so instead of having such equipment General Somyot, you want fancy hi end Sig Saur Pistols?

Even if all that equipment arrived free gratis, it wouldn't make any difference, you need the training and experience to use it effectively, so add another few weeks onto that time frame.

Who was it here, who heralded this Somyot character as one of the "good guys, a cops cop, skilled at his job, career policeman who worked sorry corrected that, "bought" his way up through the ranks ? Bet you feel a tad stupid now, as he's far from what was described he's just another "yes" man, who hasn't got a clue, opens his mouth without engaging the brain first!!

Agree, and I add; this is the top cop, the national police chief, who asked the PM to allow him to go ahead with a deal he's already organized to buy massive numbers of handguns, which totally breaks all government rules and policies about procurement.

Given the push for reducing / killing corruption, graft etc., this guy should one of the national role models.

His attempts to buy outside the system provides proof of his lack of logic and lack of values. He is not suitable to be the top cop.

His attempt to buy these handguns outside the system just encourages, almost authorizes his senior and junior police colleagues to do things outside of policies. It encourages 'bending' the rules.

And how can he now punish or scold junior officers for breaking / bending the rules?

IMHO he should be punished for this to make a serious example.


Why didn't you accept foreign assistance then? Like with the Koh Tao murders?

Hmm, suspicious that

the hearing aids they bought are not working,"WHAT WAS THAT"


We use a fantastic IR camera here at work. Incredible resolution. the image looks like an old fashioned black and white tv but with fantastic resolution. It might as well be a visual camera, the image is so good You can buy them off the shelf.

any model number for the IR camera ?



they will rely on luck or will wait for those responsible to claim responsibility for this. For usual crimes in Thailand the BIB just wait for people to turn themselves in as they are too lazy to go out and execute an arrest warrant on their own.

Since most organized terror groups almost immediately claim responsibility, who is left? My guess is that this was organized by a local political group but may have involved foreigners to execute the bombings to help cover their tracks.


Right..... so instead of having such equipment General Somyot, you want fancy hi end Sig Saur Pistols?

Even if all that equipment arrived free gratis, it wouldn't make any difference, you need the training and experience to use it effectively, so add another few weeks onto that time frame.

Who was it here, who heralded this Somyot character as one of the "good guys, a cops cop, skilled at his job, career policeman who worked sorry corrected that, "bought" his way up through the ranks ? Bet you feel a tad stupid now, as he's far from what was described he's just another "yes" man, who hasn't got a clue, opens his mouth without engaging the brain first!!

The SIG Sauer pistols are part of the police welfare system of which individual officers have to buy their own guns. Are you suggesting that the poor lowly officer pay Thailand gun shop list price for these weapons (circa 40-50k baht)?

The equipment required is actually a central police bureau purchase for whatever is the equivalent to CSI. I doubt that every police station actually needs it, do they?


I am sure that the Thai police know more than is in the press.....

But if an American , Brit , German, Aussie etc was killed then the "Help" might have been accepted ,

otherwise it just looks like the big boys are butting in ,

but Thia "Face" does always get in the way when problems show up later and the thai excuse book is about 1000 pages and well used !


Right..... so instead of having such equipment General Somyot, you want fancy hi end Sig Saur Pistols?

Even if all that equipment arrived free gratis, it wouldn't make any difference, you need the training and experience to use it effectively, so add another few weeks onto that time frame.

Who was it here, who heralded this Somyot character as one of the "good guys, a cops cop, skilled at his job, career policeman who worked sorry corrected that, "bought" his way up through the ranks ? Bet you feel a tad stupid now, as he's far from what was described he's just another "yes" man, who hasn't got a clue, opens his mouth without engaging the brain first!!

Agree, and I add; this is the top cop, the national police chief, who asked the PM to allow him to go ahead with a deal he's already organized to buy massive numbers of handguns, which totally breaks all government rules and policies about procurement.

Given the push for reducing / killing corruption, graft etc., this guy should one of the national role models.

His attempts to buy outside the system provides proof of his lack of logic and lack of values. He is not suitable to be the top cop.

His attempt to buy these handguns outside the system just encourages, almost authorizes his senior and junior police colleagues to do things outside of policies. It encourages 'bending' the rules.

And how can he now punish or scold junior officers for breaking / bending the rules?

IMHO he should be punished for this to make a serious example.

Again the pistols are not really a government procurement as individual officers are paying for them. Not the State, it is the RTP welfare scheme buying them and reselling them at cost to the officers.


I've got a really great idea! Instead of buying equipment to protect people let's go buy some subs to play in!!!

we'll name one "The Chan-o-cha"

one "The Thaugsuban"

and other "The censored"


Right..... so instead of having such equipment General Somyot, you want fancy hi end Sig Saur Pistols?

Even if all that equipment arrived free gratis, it wouldn't make any difference, you need the training and experience to use it effectively, so add another few weeks onto that time frame.

Who was it here, who heralded this Somyot character as one of the "good guys, a cops cop, skilled at his job, career policeman who worked sorry corrected that, "bought" his way up through the ranks ? Bet you feel a tad stupid now, as he's far from what was described he's just another "yes" man, who hasn't got a clue, opens his mouth without engaging the brain first!!

Agree, and I add; this is the top cop, the national police chief, who asked the PM to allow him to go ahead with a deal he's already organized to buy massive numbers of handguns, which totally breaks all government rules and policies about procurement.

Given the push for reducing / killing corruption, graft etc., this guy should one of the national role models.

His attempts to buy outside the system provides proof of his lack of logic and lack of values. He is not suitable to be the top cop.

His attempt to buy these handguns outside the system just encourages, almost authorizes his senior and junior police colleagues to do things outside of policies. It encourages 'bending' the rules.

And how can he now punish or scold junior officers for breaking / bending the rules?

IMHO he should be punished for this to make a serious example.

I can't believe I just "liked" your post :D 5555 as we're often at odds with each other, but totally agree 100% with your post sir.


when is this country not in over its head?

Bout had enough of add visa, cant stay logged in and post

continually get this

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And when i turn add blockers off, it takes much longer and uses much more bandwidth to load, yep cant be bothered to contribute when i have to

have 30+ adds per page in every position possible jammed down my throat.


Foreign police forces can probably only offer help to the Thai government after approval from their government. Afterall we are still under a NCPO installed NLA and government. Democratic governments dislike cooperating with juntas and so, allegedly that is.

"General Prayut also turned down UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's offer to assist in the investigations. "Do you want foreign countries to intervene in every issue? No country will do this. It is a breach of sovereignty ... There is no need to get outsiders involved. They are welcome to give advice, but they can't take part in the investigation because it happened in Thailand.""


Prayut's sensitivity about breaching Thai sovereignty is curious considering he had no qualms about VIOLATING that soveriengty himself with the overthrow of the Thai government and abolishment of the Constitution. Maybe Prayut has a bipolar disability?


This excuse is as good as any. Let's face it, the way this investigation has played out satisfies everybody. The story has disappeared from most international headlines and is about to drop from any mention whatsoever. The terrorists are happy, because they got away. Police authorities are happy because the spotlight has already shifted. Thai government and tourist officials are happy because nobody is noticing anymore--and some news outlets have even placed the bombing in Taiwan. I guess the only people left suffering are the victims and relatives of the scores of people killed, maimed, and injured in the blast. And apparently their concerns can be taken care of with a few thousand baht.


Foreign police forces can probably only offer help to the Thai government after approval from their government. Afterall we are still under a NCPO installed NLA and government. Democratic governments dislike cooperating with juntas and so, allegedly that is.

"General Prayut also turned down UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond's offer to assist in the investigations. "Do you want foreign countries to intervene in every issue? No country will do this. It is a breach of sovereignty ... There is no need to get outsiders involved. They are welcome to give advice, but they can't take part in the investigation because it happened in Thailand.""


you are contradicting yourself Britain (and other countries) offered HELP and were turned down, as you quoted, it's not about "democratic governments disliking cooperating" they wanted to HELP but the Junta, you support, turned this HELP down

Tjeez, you mean democratic countries actually offer help to a junta ?

BTW 'help' and 'assistance' are not the same and neither is equal to 'observing'. Legally active participation of foreigners in an investigation also requires a base in laws.

"requires a base in laws."

Seriously, you are not familiar with NCPO's Article 44 that gives it LEGAL absolute power?

I'd think that if Prayut thought it was important enough to invoke Article 44 to straighten out the overpricing of lottery ticket and stop street drag racing that he would use it to grant foreign assistance in this bombing killing event.

But maybe it's a question of priorities for Prayut - which provides the best PUBLIC RELATIONS?


My bet is that the budget for the 150,000 new pistols will get pushed through in the very near future......someone will want the commision before retirement!........but important investigation equipment will have to wait...


So having watch CSI on tv he thinks the software they supposedly use to enhance images actually exists. IT IS NOT REAL. You cannot enhance crappy low res images to any degree, certainly not as is shown by Hollywood.

Given they don't have any good images of the people I cannot imagine face recognition software would work either.


So having watch CSI on tv he thinks the software they supposedly use to enhance images actually exists. IT IS NOT REAL. You cannot enhance crappy low res images to any degree, certainly not as is shown by Hollywood.

Given they don't have any good images of the people I cannot imagine face recognition software would work either.

It seems that there is software available that CAN do wonders..

This website seems to give a good editorial and examples.


Obviously not to the extent that the TV programs show but certainly they can clean up a bad image.. If the information is there!

Another software.



The facts just don't support your poor excuse for slow investigation. 2 days to alert Interpol, 3 days to investigate the taxis involved and 5 days later to include checking the guest houses in the investigation. Give you credit for quick clean up of the incident place and all other evidence. Maybe you not totally to be blamed as there are just too many generals making their own assumptions and adding to the confusion.


Australian Federal Police offered help within 12 hours. Declined?

The Australian Feds did a lot of work with the Indonesians after the Bali Bombing a few years back.

From all accounts, they were able to offer considerable help and also helped with good relations.

No use this govt complaining about lack of equipment when offers like this are made and ignored. Those guys would have been in BKK next day.


British Police offered assistance, with all their expertise with IRA and bombings and... (drum roll).... REJECTED but the good General

They have absolutely zero interest in catching these people. I find this very very suspicious in itself. And the fact that the blast zone was scrubbed clean in record time. When thats where a treasure of evidence would be found. And the fact that if I throw a cigarette butt down anywhere in Bangkok I would be seen and fined within 3 minutes... Where is their special cigarette equipment? But a bomber can drop ten kilos of high explosives at a shrine and no one sees a thing...Sounds even more outrageous.....But refusing help from international experts takes the cake... When in the past they have welcomed help on many crimes.......


A poor workman blames his tools.

A poor tool blames the workman for buying such junk. No doubt RTP thought Erawan area safe because they had GT2000 bomb detectors checking anyone who came near that hiso area....


It's ironic that police are prepared to pay a reward for an arrest result but not prepared to pay for new equipment such as facial-recognition software that would lead to a arrest result. The reactive approach is preferred against the proactive one, it would seem, due to the pay later reward policy approach.

When clearing Thai Immigration, whether it be at the airport or a land border, foreigners are asked to look into a digital camera. This is presumably to create a photographic record of that person or to match that photo against existing records.

If they don't have facial recognition equipment in place, then whatever is this exercise about?

Its keeping up appearances old boy and also saving face your face well at least making you believe they are. Its the same as those old dirty lense CCTV camera's all over the place millions of them. Maybe 50,000 or less actually work. It is meant to give you the illusion that Big Brother is watching you so behave. We live an illusionary life. What we think works doesn't and what we want to work won't. Kind of a Catch 22. Kind of reminds me of my childhood when my mother gave me one of those imitation plastic but real looking cameras. Oh well life can be an illusion at times sometimes I pinch myself to make sure it is real. As far as facial recognition software goes I have a cheap one in the bathroom its called a mirror. Each morning it recognizes my tired droopy old face. Even though I say the old "Mirror mirror on the wall" nothing changes. As the song goes "Its the same old me"

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