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I've annoyed the wife


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If you live in a village setting with extended family around you have created a huge loss of face and posibly perceived status - delivered by you to their doorstep....They might never see the humorous side and you will probably be a contemptable creature/village idiot for quite some time - or until something else happens....The Thais love to talk and never forget.....

You might have laid the foundation for the end of your marriage - seriously......

The poster that suggested a contrite visit to the local Wat probably gave you the most solid advice.....One thing the monks are good at is a calming influence for all parties....You might even find one with a sense of humor that could help quiet things down....

A good amount of humble pie is in order.....Forget the trinkets - show honor to the family in some way....

If you value your marriage forget the all powerful chirping mens macho marching squirrels glee club chorus of sordid poor advice.....

You started with a birthday celebration and ended up shaming the entire family.....All orchestrated by you.....Regardless of how drunkenly funny it seemed at the time → could be worse you could have driven and killed somebody.....

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If you live in a village setting with extended family around you have created a huge loss of face and posibly perceived status - delivered by you to their doorstep....They might never see the humorous side and you will probably be a contemptable creature/village idiot for quite some time - or until something else happens....The Thais love to talk and never forget.....

You might have laid the foundation for the end of your marriage - seriously......

The poster that suggested a contrite visit to the local Wat probably gave you the most solid advice.....One thing the monks are good at is a calming influence for all parties....You might even find one with a sense of humor that could help quiet things down....

A good amount of humble pie is in order.....Forget the trinkets - show honor to the family in some way....

If you value your marriage forget the all powerful chirping mens macho marching squirrels glee club chorus of sordid poor advice.....

You started with a birthday celebration and ended up shaming the entire family.....All orchestrated by you.....Regardless of how drunkenly funny it seemed at the time → could be worse you could have driven and killed somebody.....

Come on now....Way too serious of a comeback. "Hangover - Bangkok" the movie ended happily and so shall this. Good job OP. We need more good stories............

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I hope so. The young chap finds it funny, which is just making the wife angrier with the pair of us

Tell her, you are so sorry to have embarrassed and hurt her. And, if she likes, you promise the next time to spend the night partying with the lad and his lady boy somewhere else; rather than coming home to his lovely wife, like any good husband should.

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42 years married . The key is to say you're sorry, whether you believe that if not, as your actions have caused loss of face to every family relative in the village. You were already at the bottom of the family tree. Bringing a ladyboy to sleep in your home - wow. Darwin Award. Best advice has already been given, make merit. As wife and I are Farang, can't advise exactly how. best to ask a decent-minded Thai friend (assuming you have ) how best to make merit, in this instance. If you're trolling - great story!

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often a meal or her favorite food given to her in whatever way possible, followed by some sweet talk, and then bend her over the couch and give her the sausage she wants. often women (Thai especially, Asian in general) want a man to be in charge. And giving them the hint that you might enjoy ladyboys is more of an insult than if you were ogling other girls. I find that sex is a part of the best healing in a sexual relationship where commitment is important. when was the last time she got some? if it has been a while this is more likely than not adding to her anger.

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Every village in the world has a village idiot. If it were possible to put all the worlds village idiots into one village, then you would be their village idiot.

Looks like you may have learned something about your wife, maybe learnt more about your 21 year old relative, and even more about yourself.

As for the tough guys giving you the "my way or the highway" advise, I wouldn't be the least surprised if they all had to ask for their gf/wifes permission to read and post here.

Edited by mankondang
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"I decided to take him to a lady boy bar as a joke"

Thats what they all say but apparently your true feelings come to the surface when intoxicated whistling.gif

I was thinking along these lines also. Maybe somewhere in the back of the OP and the young man's mind, this is exactly what they wanted to happen.

Kinda like the stupid criminals who desperately want to be caught.

The OP and the relative are finally free and out of the closet!

One thing that isn't clear, is whose relative he is. Yours, or your wife's? Is the young man in question a Thai or foreigner?

If you really let one of your foreigner relatives - a guest - bring a katoey into a Thai household, you deserve all the wrath they can bestow upon you.

Edited by bino
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Good to see Rangsit back, albeit in a new format. As a drunken, slovenly, now revealed possible shirt lifter lover, he has excelled himself in his latest disguise.

The troll should take to the robes immediately, ordain and make the Thai family happy and proud.

And stay in the temple forever, who knows?....... he could become a famous luang por.

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I love this topic. Its just so good mates.

An old British guy I knew died in April this year, and somehow I got involved with helping the Thai Widow write to the various Departments in the UK who had been paying his pensions. Note that plural there. Anyhow recently letters to the widow wipe out three options for funds and she is still waiting on the UK SS Pension. Obviously she was disappointed in our letter writing but nothing much anyone can do about the "rules" of each pension like fund. Of course she phones me and asks what I can do.

However, the issue is my wife, a Defacto wife of ten years, she is obsessed with the idea I may run off with this older, less presentable woman and is so insecure about it she follows me everywhere. As well she does the Volcano stuff. There is no placating her. I have to give up helping the Widow. This is sad.

I understand the problem with the OP

Yea, I had to give up helping widows too, I was really sad.

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If you live in a village setting with extended family around you have created a huge loss of face and posibly perceived status - delivered by you to their doorstep....They might never see the humorous side and you will probably be a contemptable creature/village idiot for quite some time - or until something else happens....The Thais love to talk and never forget.....

You might have laid the foundation for the end of your marriage - seriously......

The poster that suggested a contrite visit to the local Wat probably gave you the most solid advice.....One thing the monks are good at is a calming influence for all parties....You might even find one with a sense of humor that could help quiet things down....

A good amount of humble pie is in order.....Forget the trinkets - show honor to the family in some way....

If you value your marriage forget the all powerful chirping mens macho marching squirrels glee club chorus of sordid poor advice.....

You started with a birthday celebration and ended up shaming the entire family.....All orchestrated by you.....Regardless of how drunkenly funny it seemed at the time → could be worse you could have driven and killed somebody.....

What a load of crap. Don't you think ladyboys have Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, friends? Nobody in Thailand cares.

His wife is not pissed-off because the friend brought a ladyboy home. She is pissed-off because He went to a ladyboy bar and came home pissed. Given a Thai woman's imagination, she is now worrying about him having aids.

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"Pissed" as in drunk, or mad??

You brits are great.......good drinkers, funny, etc.......but you lost the war!!!!

I must demand American English!!!

give me that pint you bloke, i'm getting pissed!!!!

Your terrible grasp of the Mother Tongue makes you seem even more of a bell end than your posts....

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Bringing a prostitute to your home for your wife and her family to meet was unbelievably stupid. The fact that you were "entertaining" a guest does not excuse your poor judgement.

Broadcasting to the family and neighbors that you frequent places of prostitution humiliated your wife and her family. It also no doubt inflamed neighborhood suspicions that your wife was probably a prostitute as well.

Forget trinkets. Grow up, respect your wife and her family, and change your girlie bar ways. That's the gift your wife will truly treasure.

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If you live in a village setting with extended family around you have created a huge loss of face and posibly perceived status - delivered by you to their doorstep....They might never see the humorous side and you will probably be a contemptable creature/village idiot for quite some time - or until something else happens....The Thais love to talk and never forget.....

You might have laid the foundation for the end of your marriage - seriously......

The poster that suggested a contrite visit to the local Wat probably gave you the most solid advice.....One thing the monks are good at is a calming influence for all parties....You might even find one with a sense of humor that could help quiet things down....

A good amount of humble pie is in order.....Forget the trinkets - show honor to the family in some way....

If you value your marriage forget the all powerful chirping mens macho marching squirrels glee club chorus of sordid poor advice.....

You started with a birthday celebration and ended up shaming the entire family.....All orchestrated by you.....Regardless of how drunkenly funny it seemed at the time → could be worse you could have driven and killed somebody.....

What a load of crap. Don't you think ladyboys have Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, friends? Nobody in Thailand cares.

His wife is not pissed-off because the friend brought a ladyboy home. She is pissed-off because He went to a ladyboy bar and came home pissed. Given a Thai woman's imagination, she is now worrying about him having aids.

You know.....

You could be entirely correct....Seems you have direct experience in ladyboys, their families + frequenting ladyboy bars -prostitutes and possible aids....

Since I have virtually no experience in this avenue of life I will have to rely on your candid admissions....

I just stuck with the arenas that were of revelance to me....

Thank you for your report - illuminating.....

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