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I'm stranded in Cambodia-HELP!

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You know all that news about the borders being closed to visa runners? Well, it's very much true as I have found out today. I went for my usual visa run which is usually without event. Today was different. No point rambling but I was turned away from the border. So here I am, sat in a rather gloomy but not awful hotel. Tomorrow I will try my luck in the capital. Never been so I'm looking forward to have a poke about PP. Any recommendations? This border town is a but scary to be honest. Some bodybuilder type has been walking up and down the corridor grunting. I presume he's a shade unbalanced. Anyway, just a heads up, the Thais at the border are being very picky about visas. I miss the wife. Not in the best of moods. Will have a couple of local beers and get an early one. I am beginning to think that I cannot cope with Thailand anymore. They no longer seem to be smiling and welcoming. Dark times.

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It would seem this issue of visa exempt entries has been building up for some time.

There would seem to be people who, despite warnings are still attempting to use VEE's as a means of remaining in Thailand long term.

My son arrives tomorrow for a three week holiday. Both he and his wife will enter the country using visa exempt entries.

They will, of course, have in their possession a return ticket and evidence of adequate finance.

I do not expect them to experience any difficulty ! smile.png

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He has a Thai wife why not get a real visa?

Money perhaps? If he has a wife is it legal and if so does he have income/bank equivalent = Baht 400,000 ? If not that may well be the reason. Even she is the bread winner he cannot get a visa based on her income. I wish him luck.

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It would seem this issue of visa exempt entries has been building up for some time.

There would seem to be people who, despite warnings are still attempting to use VEE's as a means of remaining in Thailand long term.

My son arrives tomorrow for a three week holiday. Both he and his wife will enter the country using visa exempt entries.

They will, of course, have in their possession a return ticket and evidence of adequate finance.

I do not expect them to experience any difficulty ! smile.png

If your son and daughter in law are flying in they won't have any issues. If they're coming via a land border I wouldn't hold my breath on them not experiencing any difficulties. This is Thailand after all.

Members who had visited Phu Nam Rom in Kanchanaburi, where Immigration officials had refused to stamp their passports, despite them being in possession of a valid tourist visa.

Edited by ldiablo
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Would theu refuse entry bk into thailand if you have a 2 entry tourist visa??

If they do then its lights out. Thailand again making it clear we dont want Foreigners in our Country. Corruption and stupidity is beyond endemic currently....

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If they do deny entry it would defeat the purpose of paying and obtaining a multi entry tourist visa to stay in thailand legally for 6 months with extensions. Why should it matter the route one takes to enter a country weather land or air if they have the correct visa?

Edited by Jay2013
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As stated previously, you could go to Savanakhet for a Multiple Non Immigrant "o" with your marriage certificate, copies of your wifes' id and tambien baan (signed by her), 2 photos, application form and 5,000 baht. Maybe apply for a double tourist entry visa in Phnom Penh or as a last option, just fly back with Air Asia to Bangkok and if I am not mistaken, they will give you a visa exemption of 30 days(if you are flying in). Either way, get out of Poipet and try to mix the business at hand with some enjoyment....beer, wine and food is cheap and can be tasty in PP.

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Get out of Poipet ASAP!! It is the vilest, basest, armpit of SouthEast Asia full of all manner of freaks and villains of many nationalities; head to PP, get yourself a Tourist visa, or whatever visa you qualify for, then fly back into BKK.

PP is a pretty nifty city with plenty to see and do while you wait for visa stuff to be done. I'm not sure how they operate lately but the last time I had dealings with them in 2013 they were fast, efficient and helpful.

I'd recommend the Dara Reang Sey hotel on 118th if you're on a budget, which is comfortable, inexpensive, well run with a nice restaurant, helpful, friendly staff, close to the river and most of the main sights of PP.

If you have more of a budget the ever reliable Riverside suites on the corner of 144 and Sisowath is a well run upper mid range place between 80$ - 120$ a night ( possibly less through an agent or online) worth it for the river views alone.

Good luck. Hope you get it all sorted.

Silver River hotel on street 172 is more than adequate at less than $40 for a deluxe room.

Agree 100% about getting out of Poipet and into PP.

Great meal to be had at Black Bambu restaurant.

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After a few days in PP, you will want to leave. Take a 3 hour ride to Sihanoukville. I found that place very relaxing, and much more entertaining. Go to the Golden Lions Circle and turn left to Orcheteul Beach. (Get off the tuk tuk about one kilometer down and walk) There are some very good budget hotels (with pool) and guesthouses there. I liked hanging out on the beach at night...lots of activity going on. Fireworks, tables on the beach, music.... etc. Phnom Penh was good for the museum and walking by the river...not much else.

Edited by slipperylobster
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If they do deny entry it would defeat the purpose of paying and obtaining a multi entry tourist visa to stay in thailand legally for 6 months with extensions. Why should it matter the route one takes to enter a country weather land or air if they have the correct visa?

What happened at the crossings this past weekend was a one off occurrence.

As I said you can cross now cross at the 4 crossings now.

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In Poi Pet their are travel agencies that send, for a fee your passport to Phnom Penh to get a Thai Single Entry Tourist Visa.

You could also purchase a Ticket and fly back in to Bangkok via Siam Reap.

Other member also mention to go to Savannakhet to get a Non O Yearly Multiple Entry Visa.

Heads up

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Guess I am so happy not being there.... Contact your appropriate embassy.... Wife begs me to go home to her country, I will stand where I am. They all know the game, Laos, Khampuchea as the Thais call it. It is all a game on your dime. I wish you the best of luck. whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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