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PM slams remarks by an ambassador

Lite Beer

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Gotta love the "respect the laws" .. coming from a man who staged a coup (regardless of the politics behind it) , which if I'm not mistaken is very much "against the laws of the land" wink.png

It was against the law, until he changed the law that is (so he cannot be brought to justice in the future)!

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Rob, we are the foreigners, we don't need to look elsewhere, as it's not about our home countries, it's about how Thailand perceives us, and the Hi So Elite on both sides of the divide simply don't like, nor respect us, especially Suthep, after his derogatory comments wink.png

No Haggis, we need to look how foreigners are respected in our countries too, and that is just as bad. Fact is foreigners are not respected in ANY country. Why should it be different here ?

Just because we got a white skin ?

I hate the remarks of Suthep and the PM but its not much different how people think about foreigners in my country.

There is one major difference; in our countries the leaders don't make such inane statements since they would pay for it at the voting booth as well as lose credibility on the international stage.

Good thing the leaders in Thailand don't have to worry about neither elections (there aren't any) nor international credibility (they have none).

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Foreigners globally are never "respected" by the host Nation, the trouble with being a Foreigner is only wanting to know where love is!! biggrin.png

What you say is true up to a point. Most foreigners are not liked in my home country because they come for what they can get from the country at the expense of tax payers. Here the situation is very different. We expect nothing more than fair treatment from Thailand and for that we bring our hard earned $, £ etc and contribute to the Thai economy. It may not be an enormous contribution to the overall billions in the economy but we are certainly not scroungers.

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Foreigners globally are never "respected" by the host Nation, the trouble with being a Foreigner is only wanting to know where love is!! biggrin.png

Yes it is, I would love respect but fact remains there are a lot of trash foreigners too. I also don't see how I could earn their respect as I keep to myself and do my own thing. But when I read about foreigners urinating on the streets I understand how we get a negative image. If you look at the average tourist in Pataya and how they behave respect is far from my mind.

I have to say that whilst the Thai ruling classes in general, and the current push in particular are undoubtedly xenophobic, the overwhelming majority of the people I encounter in everyday life seem to bear no dislike against foreigners. Sure they don't like drunken oiks pissing in public, but then neither do I, nor I suspect do either of you!

Actually the same is true of many of the perceived slights which people complain of from time to time on this forum. Maybe I'm just very lucky.

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Foreigners globally are never "respected" by the host Nation, the trouble with being a Foreigner is only wanting to know where love is!! biggrin.png

Yes it is, I would love respect but fact remains there are a lot of trash foreigners too. I also don't see how I could earn their respect as I keep to myself and do my own thing. But when I read about foreigners urinating on the streets I understand how we get a negative image. If you look at the average tourist in Pataya and how they behave respect is far from my mind.

I have to say that whilst the Thai ruling classes in general, and the current push in particular are undoubtedly xenophobic, the overwhelming majority of the people I encounter in everyday life seem to bear no dislike against foreigners. Sure they don't like drunken oiks pissing in public, but then neither do I, nor I suspect do either of you!

Actually the same is true of many of the perceived slights which people complain of from time to time on this forum. Maybe I'm just very lucky.

Oh i agree that the ruling class is xenophobic and I dont like it one bit I don't like Prayut or Suthep one bit with their remarks. And I don't like the drunken oiks pissing in public either. The majority of people that I meet here seem nice enough and I don't see hate towards me. But I live a bit on the outskirts of BKK not too many foreigners here. I think once you get too many foreigners at one place the Thais start to dislike us ( just an opinion and I could be wrong)

I just don't see why we should be respected, as I certainly don't do anything to earn respect (not working for the common good just keeping to myself and living my own life). I don't understand why we should be respected without earning it first. That does not change my views that I don't like the ruling class their xenophobic attitude.

For the record I dislike Prayut and Suthep, even though I support (not everything of course that would be crazy) the junta I have not seen anyone who is as much a PR disaster as Prayut. I often feel that many of the people in power (whatever side) are quite incompetent and only got their job because of their money.

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Okay now I'm worried about staying in Thailand. The situation is getting worst for foreigners. Bombs, lack of human rights, immigration rules changing, borders monitored and now this. Time to get out, before the lynch mobs arrive.

Ah, I was wondering when the usual drama queen comments would appear. Lynch mobs, lol why<deleted>would you think a mob would be after some anon falang, your more likely to die from a drunk driver or your bar girl / boy than a mob.

All of the points you make have been the situation long before the coup and will always be the case in Thailand.

I hope a lynch mob does get him, it would be one less drama queen posting outrageous comments on the forum. Who does he think is running the country, the KKK ???

And I doubt he will at the hands of a drunk driver, sounds like he is too frightened to leave his room. biggrin.png

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Outsiders do not understand what's going on in our country," he said.

Your problem dear PM is that they understand all too well.

  • They understand what happened to bring about the coup - and why
  • They understand that there will be no elections any time soon - and why
  • They understand that regarding people-trafficking, the military is more a part of the problem rather than the solution
  • They understand that instead of corruption being curtailed, it is now on steroids - and that given tight military control of everything, there are therefore questions to ask of the military
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"Oh i agree that the ruling class is xenophobic and I dont like it one bit I don't like Prayut or Suthep one bit with their remarks. And I don't like the drunken oiks pissing in public either. The majority of people that I meet here seem nice enough and I don't see hate towards me. But I live a bit on the outskirts of BKK not too many foreigners here. I think once you get too many foreigners at one place the Thais start to dislike us ( just an opinion and I could be wrong)" - robblok.

Perhaps a combination of too many sex tourist types getting up to mischief and mingling with disadvantaged Thais who expect fast, easy cash and lots of it in exchange for not very much if anything? Both parties are surely bound to clash in the end...

Edited by baboon
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Outsiders do not understand what's going on in our country," he said.

Your problem dear PM is that they understand all too well.

  • They understand what happened to bring about the coup - and why
  • They understand that there will be no elections any time soon - and why
  • They understand that regarding people-trafficking, the military is more a part of the problem rather than the solution
  • They understand that instead of corruption being curtailed, it is now on steroids - and that given tight military control of everything, there are therefore questions to ask of the military

Well spoken intelligent postthumbsup.gif

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Rob, we are the foreigners, we don't need to look elsewhere, as it's not about our home countries, it's about how Thailand perceives us, and the Hi So Elite on both sides of the divide simply don't like, nor respect us, especially Suthep, after his derogatory comments wink.png

Fatty, I don't think too many people, either Thai or farang, would care too much about anything that fell out of Suthep's mouth.

Except maybe his lackeys and his yes-men.

And the upper class in Thailand probably has little or no respect for anyone who is "beneath" them, whatever their nationality. thumbsup.gif

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This is just him displaying his "Thainess". A time-honored tradition of never listening to advice from ANY other country, never reviewing best practices from ANY other country (even when there could be large savings), believing his way is the only way, constantly crying foul, that no one understands him.

What is it that makes the current events in Thailand so difficult to understand, so difficult to explain ?

I worked with a scientist several years ago that when asked by our CEO to explain a problem and how she was going to fix it, the woman said to the likes of, "to difficult to explain, you would not understand, too difficult". Of course the CEO said between gritted teeth, "try me". Two days later she had been sacked, apparently on investigation it was found she was a fraud. Couldn't articulate the issue because she didn't understand it herself. Stood out like dog's balls.

The moral of the story is .......................

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Outsiders understand 100% what's going on in Thailand and that's why he's so upset.

Does he not understand gong gin (corruption)

Does he not know that Chinese are foriegners who run the country???

Chinese are foreigners who run the country?

I wouldn't go there if I was you. Did deep enough and further back in history on the issue you may not like what you find. And you certainly wont be allowed to talk about it.

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Outsiders do not understand what's going on in our country," he said.

Your problem dear PM is that they understand all too well.

  • They understand what happened to bring about the coup - and why
  • They understand that there will be no elections any time soon - and why
  • They understand that regarding people-trafficking, the military is more a part of the problem rather than the solution
  • They understand that instead of corruption being curtailed, it is now on steroids - and that given tight military control of everything, there are therefore questions to ask of the military

You missed a few, but most importantly, this one -

  • They understood what the Shin regime was doing to the country, for eg. the IMF, who "recommended" the rice scheme be replaced by another form of stimulus package.
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Okay now I'm worried about staying in Thailand. The situation is getting worst for foreigners. Bombs, lack of human rights, immigration rules changing, borders monitored and now this. Time to get out, before the lynch mobs arrive.

Ah, I was wondering when the usual drama queen comments would appear. Lynch mobs, lol why<deleted>would you think a mob would be after some anon falang, your more likely to die from a drunk driver or your bar girl / boy than a mob.

All of the points you make have been the situation long before the coup and will always be the case in Thailand.

I hope a lynch mob does get him, it would be one less drama queen posting outrageous comments on the forum. Who does he think is running the country, the KKK ???

And I doubt he will at the hands of a drunk driver, sounds like he is too frightened to leave his room. biggrin.png

He might fall out of a tukkytuktuk!

(That tested Mr Samsung's predictive text!)

Imagine the headline, wee timorous falang falls from tukkytuktuk whilst being chased down Sukhumvit by machete waving members of Asok chapter of Klu Klux Klan.

Driver too drunk to flee the scene!

Just think how it will read after The Nation's sub editors finish with it!


Edited by JAG
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I think it mainly the thais & the PM himself who don't understand or reporting incorrectly :-)

How I want to see this Junta & current political opposition crash & burn & someone with substance step into the limelight ...

What would do Obama if the Thai Ambassador has some rant how the political system in USA is rotten and not democratic and they should do a military coup.

I guess he would get the boot into his back side......

Here it is the same.....

Codswallop, you guessed wrongly.

1) The British Ambassador never advocated a military coup.

2) In the US, anyone (Thai Ambassador, John Doe) can criticize the American political system, and will not get kicked. Heck, they can criticize Obama himself, call him names. The media can do the same. Same in the UK, Australia etc.

One day in the future, when Thailand has more enlightened leaders, such freedoms may exist here too.

Under current LM laws I could be arrested in Thailand for saying nasty things about Obama, as he is "foreign head of state". Saying those same (or even more insulting things) in USA are protected by freedom of speech. I assume H90 knows nothing of USA and Constitutional protections. I'm a yank and do.

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Outsiders understand 100% what's going on in Thailand and that's why he's so upset.

Does he not understand gong gin (corruption)

Does he not know that Chinese are foriegners who run the country???

Chinese are foreigners who run the country?

I wouldn't go there if I was you. Did deep enough and further back in history on the issue you may not like what you find. And you certainly wont be allowed to talk about it.

Not much point digging up anything if you can't even talk about it. Especially if you are not even going to like what you find. whistling.gif

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I think Mr. Prayut should just ignore remarks , or at least get some PR advisor well skilled in world politics.

He is a General turned Prime Minister , obviously he is not very skilled in diplomacy.

That said, he has a difficult , if not impossible job to do, to keep peace in a troubled , developing country.

Do you really think that he can eradicate corruption, which goes from top to bottom of Thai society since hundreds or thousands of years ??

If you think that, you must be kidding yourself, it is impossible.... In the best of the cases it will take generations to achieve some results.

btw , I smell some hypocrisy here.... Are the great western democracies the same who lied to the public about WMD in Iraq, and wage war , despite ( at least ) 50% of the public being against that war ?

This is just one example of how perfect our western democracies are.

I am not apologist, but... Before pointing the finger, be sure that your hands are clean.

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Rob, we are the foreigners, we don't need to look elsewhere, as it's not about our home countries, it's about how Thailand perceives us, and the Hi So Elite on both sides of the divide simply don't like, nor respect us, especially Suthep, after his derogatory comments wink.png

Fatty, I don't think too many people, either Thai or farang, would care too much about anything that fell out of Suthep's mouth.

Except maybe his lackeys and his yes-men.

And the upper class in Thailand probably has little or no respect for anyone who is "beneath" them, whatever their nationality. thumbsup.gif

That last point is true enough given some of the things that have been said about the "ordinary" people in recent years.

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Okay now I'm worried about staying in Thailand. The situation is getting worst for foreigners. Bombs, lack of human rights, immigration rules changing, borders monitored and now this. Time to get out, before the lynch mobs arrive.

Yes, time for you to go. Your attitude belongs to old-style medieval Thailand which we all hope will be phased out after the reforms.

I will stay because the only lynch mobs I have ever seen here have been red-shirts - and since the coup, they have been kept at home because the people who pay them can't trust the police to protect them now.

Plus I am safe to walk anywhere in Bangkok without fear of a grenade attack and the only people whose rights have been restricted are those intent on taking things back how they were.

The immigration situation will sort itself out once the petulant egos have been satisfied. It's been the same whoever is in charge and always will be with the ridiculous Thai 'Face'.

Oh - you didn't go anywhere. What a surprise.

Then I guess you didn t hear about Erawan and Ko tao....

Plus I am safe to walk anywhere in Bangkok without fear of a grenade attack and the only people whose rights have been restricted are those intent on taking things back how they were.

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Personally, I find that it's not the "average" Thai who is so against foreigners, and actually welcome them, as it is the "elites", who feel threatened by foreigners, as they know most foreigners don't swallow their bull feces. For the better part of 3 years, once a month I would take 4-6 day bike trip on my CBR through the north and north east of Thailand. During those trips I stayed in big cities, and small ones. I ate at major restaurants, and those along the roadside. And honestly, I liked the smaller cities and "roadside" restaurants than I did the bigger ones. The people were always friendly, wanting to talk, giving genuine smiles, and willing to help if I had a problem. They would laugh at my Thai, and I would laugh at their English, and we all got along great.

On one trip through Phitsanulok, I got caught in heavy rain. I pulled the bike under a large tree, broke out the rain gear and prepared to sit it out, and was ready to spend the night there, as it was starting to get dark, and I don't drive at night on the bike. Next thing I know, there is an old man with an umbrella, motioning for me to move the bike into his yard and under a lean too, then invited me into his house, where his wife and (apparently) grandchildren were all gathered. They asked if I was hungry, and I told them "a little bit", (all in Thai). The woman hurried away and returned shortly with sticky rice and fresh mango. We ate and tried to talk, and had a good time. The woman brought a mat, pillow and blankets for me to spend the night. I awoke around 5 the next morning, folded the blankets and mat, then placed a 1,000 baht note on top before putting on my kit and going out to my bike to resume my trip

Would an "elite" have done that for me? I have serious doubts about that. lol

I love the average Thai, especially here in the north, but have nothing but disdain and contempt for those who run this country like it's their own personal fiefdom.

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I think Mr. Prayut should just ignore remarks , or at least get some PR advisor well skilled in world politics.

He is a General turned Prime Minister , obviously he is not very skilled in diplomacy.

That said, he has a difficult , if not impossible job to do, to keep peace in a troubled , developing country.

Do you really think that he can eradicate corruption, which goes from top to bottom of Thai society since hundreds or thousands of years ??

If you think that, you must be kidding yourself, it is impossible.... In the best of the cases it will take generations to achieve some results.

btw , I smell some hypocrisy here.... Are the great western democracies the same who lied to the public about WMD in Iraq, and wage war , despite ( at least ) 50% of the public being against that war ?

This is just one example of how perfect our western democracies are.

I am not apologist, but... Before pointing the finger, be sure that your hands are clean.

You wrote, "I am not apologist, but... Before pointing the finger, be sure that your hands are clean."

Why? Does it make the others offense less wrong? When you tell a policeman that a speeding car just drove by when he is writing you a ticket for speeding does he let you go? Does the cop not wearing a helmet writing you a ticket for not wearing a helmet let you off?

​You may feel the person is a hypocrite but that has nothing to do with the rightness or wrongness of his view of something else now does it?

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I think Mr. Prayut should just ignore remarks , or at least get some PR advisor well skilled in world politics.

He is a General turned Prime Minister , obviously he is not very skilled in diplomacy.

That said, he has a difficult , if not impossible job to do, to keep peace in a troubled , developing country.

Do you really think that he can eradicate corruption, which goes from top to bottom of Thai society since hundreds or thousands of years ??

If you think that, you must be kidding yourself, it is impossible.... In the best of the cases it will take generations to achieve some results.

btw , I smell some hypocrisy here.... Are the great western democracies the same who lied to the public about WMD in Iraq, and wage war , despite ( at least ) 50% of the public being against that war ?

This is just one example of how perfect our western democracies are.

I am not apologist, but... Before pointing the finger, be sure that your hands are clean.

You wrote, "I am not apologist, but... Before pointing the finger, be sure that your hands are clean."

Why? Does it make the others offense less wrong? When you tell a policeman that a speeding car just drove by when he is writing you a ticket for speeding does he let you go? Does the cop not wearing a helmet writing you a ticket for not wearing a helmet let you off?

​You may feel the person is a hypocrite but that has nothing to do with the rightness or wrongness of his view of something else now does it?

Well, i tend to never discuss with Police, both in Thailand and in my own country, for good reasons, i think.

My point, which i think you understand very well, is that we are foreigners, we are well aware that our politicians are.... Not perfect, to use an euphemism.... Yet , some of us feel compelled to expect perfection from Thai politicians.

Of course you are free to criticise, and i am free to sit on the fence.

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I think Mr. Prayut should just ignore remarks , or at least get some PR advisor well skilled in world politics.

He is a General turned Prime Minister , obviously he is not very skilled in diplomacy.

That said, he has a difficult , if not impossible job to do, to keep peace in a troubled , developing country.

Do you really think that he can eradicate corruption, which goes from top to bottom of Thai society since hundreds or thousands of years ??

If you think that, you must be kidding yourself, it is impossible.... In the best of the cases it will take generations to achieve some results.

btw , I smell some hypocrisy here.... Are the great western democracies the same who lied to the public about WMD in Iraq, and wage war , despite ( at least ) 50% of the public being against that war ?

This is just one example of how perfect our western democracies are.

I am not apologist, but... Before pointing the finger, be sure that your hands are clean.

You wrote, "I am not apologist, but... Before pointing the finger, be sure that your hands are clean."

Why? Does it make the others offense less wrong? When you tell a policeman that a speeding car just drove by when he is writing you a ticket for speeding does he let you go? Does the cop not wearing a helmet writing you a ticket for not wearing a helmet let you off?

​You may feel the person is a hypocrite but that has nothing to do with the rightness or wrongness of his view of something else now does it?

Well, i tend to never discuss with Police, both in Thailand and in my own country, for good reasons, i think.

My point, which i think you understand very well, is that we are foreigners, we are well aware that our politicians are.... Not perfect, to use an euphemism.... Yet , some of us feel compelled to expect perfection from Thai politicians.

Of course you are free to criticise, and i am free to sit on the fence.

The only place I discuss it is Thai Visa. If I open my mouth at home I might as well go outside and sleep with the dog. My wife, her mother and older sister all have completely different opinions. I'm on the side of the older sister. So I just shut up.

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To draw attention to such a matter is beneath the dignity of a PM.

But then to rail against outsiders and hoist up the tattered flag of nationalism is entirely out of place.

The PM is in need of a skilled PR department, who should counsel and advise, so that he does not come across as a thin skinned immature autocrat.

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I saw Amb Kent interviewed on Thai TV. He spoke entirely in Thai. It was so bad it required Thai subtitles.

I've heard him speak Thai, not bad all, certainly understandable. One heck of a lot better than most Thai government spokesmen can manage in English.

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