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Govt orders great firewall of Thailand

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Is this information really true? If so, I am planning to wind up my company and fire my thai staff and make my move to relocate. I am sending this this news to my various friends, relatives and media overseas and I advise everyone else do so ifs its true. There is no more hope for thailand then. I am so pissed right now. The bloody Suthep, Democrats and Pheu Thai, The yellow shirts and the red shirts all caused this country to go down, I hope that they all develop various forms of cancer and die slowly along with the people that are currently killing Thailand.

Probably wise. Starting a business in Thailand was always going to be a risk.

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For big international Investors that will result to a very negativ scoring in there forcast models for investment dicisons.

if true that would put a stop to it, just something else that they haven't thought through and retract at the last minuet


Is this information really true? If so, I am planning to wind up my company and fire my thai staff and make my move to relocate. I am sending this this news to my various friends, relatives and media overseas and I advise everyone else do so ifs its true. There is no more hope for thailand then. I am so pissed right now. The bloody Suthep, Democrats and Pheu Thai, The yellow shirts and the red shirts all caused this country to go down, I hope that they all develop various forms of cancer and die slowly along with the people that are currently killing Thailand.

Probably wise. Starting a business in Thailand was always going to be a risk.

If it comes to past.. so far its just a plan. Besides people seem to think the next government will cancel it anyway. If the business is profitable why give it up for a short term problem. Does not sound really business like sound more like panicking before something has happened. With all the crack downs that were short lived and so on..


What are they hoping to stop exactly? What nefarious info is getting out or in that they want to stop? Anyone?

Im guessing they are more interested in being able to read peoples emails and messages then blocking websites.


What are they hoping to stop exactly? What nefarious info is getting out or in that they want to stop? Anyone?

Im guessing they are more interested in being able to read peoples emails and messages then blocking websites.

see post 97wai.gif


Well folks, this can happen in a Banana-Republic overnight. However, the current government is only trying to turn this country into "A STABLE COUNTRY". Like China, North Korea, Iran and Russia.

So, the order of the day for every Farang must be: Invest every Satang you have in Thailand. For you and your Farang money, the future looks bright in Thailand. Don't miss out on it !



I bet Mark Z is kicking himself for just opening a big new Facebook business unit in Thailand.

somehow I dont think facebook will be blocked, if theres one thing that will get people back out on the streets thats it


crazy, real crazy.. but sex sites have been blocked for ages by Thais. This is just more of the same. Anyway people who sell VPN will make a killing.

I betcha they will block VPN's as well.

Mexico, here I come . . .


What are they hoping to stop exactly? What nefarious info is getting out or in that they want to stop? Anyone?

Im guessing they are more interested in being able to read peoples emails and messages then blocking websites.

What,reading thousands of E-MAILS daily, in English, German, French, Swedish etc. yeah, sounds possible for a policeman brought up on ghost story comics


Big Brother will seriously be watching us now .sad.png

Surely this would put of investmentment by large foreign companies having slow mail, and possible snooping by the Govt. coffee1.gif

Indeed, Say goodbye to foreign investment, real time international banking service ( if that does not disappear completely). Given the country's lack of tech sophistication, I can just imagine how slow any and all internet access will be, when it is working at all. This plan is a giant step 20 years backward. But Cambodia and Vietnam are racing to get their internet and 4g up to snuff, so those countries will be more than happy to accept the business investments, businesses and farangs that will flee Thailand.


Well folks, this can happen in a Banana-Republic overnight. However, the current government is only trying to turn this country into "A STABLE COUNTRY". Like China, North Korea, Iran and Russia.

So, the order of the day for every Farang must be: Invest every Satang you have in Thailand. For you and your Farang money, the future looks bright in Thailand. Don't miss out on it !


Opps, I interpreted it completely different, maybe I shouldn't make plans to move out of Thailand?

Nah, I think I will continue with my plans as I've had enough of Thailand now and lucky enough, my Thai wife too.


I wonder if this is why my internet connection went in the toilet today. I called true and was told they are 'upgrading' the system and it should be back to normal by 2pm. Well, that was 4 hours ago and it is still in the toilet.


What are they hoping to stop exactly? What nefarious info is getting out or in that they want to stop? Anyone?

Im guessing they are more interested in being able to read peoples emails and messages then blocking websites.

What,reading thousands of E-MAILS daily, in English, German, French, Swedish etc. yeah, sounds possible for a policeman brought up on ghost story comics

Dude, they don't sit and read through all emails, they have ghost software to extract them to find the juicer parts based on keywords, be it Swedish, German or any other language.


The only good thing that can possibly come from this is that it might finally wake up the Thai people to the type of government they now have, and maybe hasten its demise.

And how do they do that, to a government that no-one elected and which repeatedly puts back the date for elections. While the rest of Asia moves forward, Thailand continues to go further and further in the opposite direction. I can imagine no elections being held for the foreseeable future, as the junta can claim with some justification that the country is not stable and is still open to rival groups warring with each other. That is not going to change. The Red and Yellow shirts haven't simply disappeared. They are just laying dormant.


how will the dark web be effected?

it wont, but dont tell anyone

Creepy slow internet connection slower than dial up and taking for ages to load,...


The only good thing that can possibly come from this is that it might finally wake up the Thai people to the type of government they now have, and maybe hasten its demise.

And how do they do that, to a government that no-one elected and which repeatedly puts back the date for elections. While the rest of Asia moves forward, Thailand continues to go further and further in the opposite direction. I can imagine no elections being held for the foreseeable future, as the junta can claim with some justification that the country is not stable and is still open to rival groups warring with each other. That is not going to change. The Red and Yellow shirts haven't simply disappeared. They are just laying dormant.

A genuinely popular uprising; massive non-violent street protests, sit-ins, and general strikes. coffee1.gif


I wonder if this is why my internet connection went in the toilet today. I called true and was told they are 'upgrading' the system and it should be back to normal by 2pm. Well, that was 4 hours ago and it is still in the toilet.

So how did youend this message? smile.png


Now that it is out of the bag before implementation it could well auger yet another backtrack.

Social media worldwide is going to have a field day with this and no doubt the press in the U.S. will have be giving a torrid time to the bringer of happiness.

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