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Police spokesman confirms Bangkok bombings are not act of terrorism


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What's to argue? It's calling a spade a spade. Two airplanes into the Trade Center and one in the Penatagon was pretty f'n vengeful wasn't it? And isn't the cause of death after jumping from a building really the sudden impact with the ground, more than it's suicide or homicide.

It's almost the first thing about it that's been properly analyzed.

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What a strange thing to say. For normal people bombing a civilian area and killing innocents is an act of terrorism, especially when there is a second bomb attempt.

The only thing I can think of is that he means that there are no political demands being made. So, does he also mean its now finished? The bombers have said, ok, done what we said we would do, got our revenge now we can go back to our normal lives?

It baffles me how the Thai authorities can make such ridiculous statements before they have caught and convicted these people. Do they not realise how stupid they look to the outside world and rather then in still confidence this kind of statement actually makes you more nervous about their ability to deal with such an incident and the people guilty of the atrocities.

Thai people should get rid of this "face" issue in their lives, to me it serves no useful purpose and only makes living in the modern world more difficult. I can't think of 1 single benefit of attempting to save face at every turn. Better to be straight and honest as much as possible and deal with these issues with the right frame of mind.

For me another sad day for Thailand.

Getting rid of face...... easier said than done.

When your whole culture revolves around it.

The Thai habit of saying anything at all, no matter how unbelievable it might be, to postpone a decision or to move the blame is part of a child's upbringing.

Everyone does it, and you can do it too!

As long as no one feels uncomfortable, we're all good.

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Surely a matter how the term "terrorism" is defined.

"Terrorism is any act designed to cause terror.[1]Terrorism is generally understood to feature a political objective."

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism

Obviously, the police spokesman considered terrorism to be always politically motivated to achieve a certain political goal while terrorizing can also refer even to bullying, black mailing, even trolling in a forum etc. etc.

Those Bangkok bombers apparently did not have a policitical objective in respect of Thailand which otherwise would mean continued acts of causing terror until the political goal is achieved - as for example in the far south of the Kingdom - but rather they were just motivated by vengeance and this seemed to be what the RTP tried to express.

Therefore, no need to interpret too much into this especially not in respect of using it to start another flame and blame attack against RTP driven by general personal disliking of the Thai authorities. wai2.gif

Edited by Richard Hall
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What a strange thing to say. For normal people bombing a civilian area and killing innocents is an act of terrorism, especially when there is a second bomb attempt.

The only thing I can think of is that he means that there are no political demands being made. So, does he also mean its now finished? The bombers have said, ok, done what we said we would do, got our revenge now we can go back to our normal lives?

It baffles me how the Thai authorities can make such ridiculous statements before they have caught and convicted these people. Do they not realise how stupid they look to the outside world and rather then in still confidence this kind of statement actually makes you more nervous about their ability to deal with such an incident and the people guilty of the atrocities.

Thai people should get rid of this "face" issue in their lives, to me it serves no useful purpose and only makes living in the modern world more difficult. I can't think of 1 single benefit of attempting to save face at every turn. Better to be straight and honest as much as possible and deal with these issues with the right frame of mind.

For me another sad day for Thailand.

Getting rid of face...... easier said than done.

When your whole culture revolves around it.

The Thai habit of saying anything at all, no matter how unbelievable it might be, to postpone a decision or to move the blame is part of a child's upbringing.

Everyone does it, and you can do it too!

As long as no one feels uncomfortable, we're all good.

You're right, saying it is easy, getting rid of it almost impossible I guess. Especially when Thai's don't see anything wrong with the status quo.

But you have to admit, the official statements being made are quite unbelievable to read, you have to read it twice because you can't believe someone in authority could be so stupid..

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Maybe there's something lost in translation. Maybe they have insurance that excludes acts of terrorism. Or maybe they are just trying to protect their precious tourism industry, oh and face of course. But IMHO they'd be better saying nothing than be ridiculed in a statement such as this.

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It's the assumption that the police think that they can get away with anything they choose to say that is so annoying. Those days are GONE, sirs, at least until you start to censor internet as do China and get rid of the social media.

Which is exactly what they are planning to do - Great Firewall of Thailand anybody?

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"He said that the two bombing incidents were not acts of terrorism but was just a vengeful attack. He didnt elaborate."

Hard to elaborate on something you made up on the spot.

Indeed, but it is the mark of an A grade bullsh*t ter, this fellow is only mediocre!

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This guy has to be kidding. Vengeance but not terrorism. Tell this to the families of the victims, I think they would believe the victims, and everyone in the vicinity of the shrine, were terrorized. Other posters have got it right, TAT is absolutely fearful that tourism will be effected by using the T word, so they go for a softer option (?), it was an act of vengeance. What a load of BS. Internationally people are wondering, is this the real Thainess the Amazing Thailand campaign is advertising ?

So many of those in power, the elite, and ballooning middle class, are tripping over their Buddhist principles now, and bowing down to the Golden Calf (aka Greed is Good).

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A vengeful attack ? So if I punch the next Chinese tourist who barges in front of me in a queue, I am in the same category as those vengeful people who decide to go shopping with a vest full of explosive and ball bearings ?

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Police spokesman confirms Bangkok bombings are not act of terrorism

EXACTLY a good reason for the terrorism network to target Thailand, now that they know how full of holes Thailand's security system as well as their stubborn FaceSAVE-SANITY attitudes. Sorry RTP, but the information has already reached and leaked into the entire network of World terrorism groups.... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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What's fascinating about this language posturing is how it clearly underlines a notion that is now in every head around the planet :

'Terrorism', for almost everyone nowadays, means : Muslims gone berserk and killing innocent people (including other Muslims, sometimes) in the name of Allah, and according to their mad interpretation of the word 'Jihad'.

The Thai authorities are saying 'they are Muslims but they did not kill in the name of Allah so it's not terrorism'.

The Western reaction on this forum (and predominantly in the West, I presume) is : 'they're Muslims and they killed innocent people, so it is terrorism'.

The question, absurdly, becomes : is it, or is it not terrorism ? a point of idle sophism, while the only urgent and relevant questions remain :

1/ what the hell is going on in this world ?

2/ how have we humans, collectively, come to this ?

3/ is there a way we could, collectively, get out of this ? could we, humans, realize that we're walking behind a demented handful of Pied Pipers who are leading us straight into armageddon, and then decide that we don't really have to keep on walking behind them after all ?

And it's not like it didn't happen before, because it did. Many times.

Edited by Yann55
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Whatever it is, for certain 20 people died and the authorities have turned the investigation into a three ring circus. I'll remain a skeptic on this event.

Me too. I beleive that this important distinction was due in part to an influential person involved and so allowing them to avoid serious punishment by downplaying the event.

Still, no one has been brought before a court. And still charges of those arrested so far are minor.

Either the police have no clue and looking for someone, anyone, to pin something on. Or they are covering up who is responsible. Either way, they are not to be trusted as the "state" has a long history of killing their own citizens.

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I can imagine the diplomatic cables sent back to the various foreign ministries will contain some very pointed, unflattering language.

LoS seems oblivious to the ease with which they make fools of themselves.

A new world nobel peace prize award needed,

Biggest clowns otf the year award-- goes to ----

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Quote fromwikipedia: "There is neither an academic nor an accurate legal consensus regarding the definition of terrorism.[1][2] Various legal systems and government agencies use different definitions. Moreover, governments have been reluctant to formulate an agreed upon, legally binding definition. These difficulties arise from the fact that the term is politically and emotionally charged.[3]"

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