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They do try, Some thai translations to english


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My misses English is better than my thai , but sometimes they do have you scratching your head. with their translation into english

Let me give you a couple of examples and please add yours .

One of the legs on the car has no windy , ie tyre has a puncture .

Turn the bag off, do the bag up

Or from a friend , The clocks hungary , the clock needs new batteries

Many more I cant think of at the mo , but you get the jist

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Last week, I had a mechanic tell my car tire needed some more "ozone". Took me a moment to realise what he meant.

Another one: "did you take your phone go come?" - to mean something like "did you remember to bring your phone"

Anyway, this thread will die a death because most Thai Visa members are married to super intelligent, highly educated, tri-lingual, hi-so Thai-Chinese types, so probably don't encounter problems such as this.

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Trying to stay on topic----have you seen the latest APP on I.phones & Androids ? you just speak in English & it comes back in verbal & written Thai---also push the button & vice versa changes into English. You can also use the Camera to take a pic of a street sign (or whatever) & it will change it into English.

Maybe its been around a long time-------but I have just found it-----its really useful when ordering some stuff in hardware type shops.


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I have a big smile reading these as many are familiar.

If the clocks hands are moving,, they are walking

If they are not,, they are sleeping

Anything in the proximity is

Behind. This one took me awhile to think 360 degrees

Any pail, bucket or trash barrel is a box.

Him can often mean her.

I'm still never sure the gender of people in the stories she conveys.

Too strong can be for sun, water pressure, food that is frozen or hard to eat.

Seeds in fruit "have somethings too strong inside"

Breast implants are

"big size" while putting a hand under hers

Open and close is on/off

Lightning is spark

We have fun together.

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Here's one my wife came up with once I go buy shit or something sounding like that

Translated I go buy cheese whistling.gif

It makes as much sense as her screaming U Turn on motorway, don't worry about the concrete divider facepalm.gif

She had given the wrong directions

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My best to date. 2 Friends of my son came to visit prior to going abroad for a holiday. I asked how they would be travelling and both in unison answered. 'Packing back'. I didn't laugh bit it was with great effort.

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ps - sometimes by listening to their mistakes, you can learn how to phrase things in Thai language as they are using a word for word translation…

As do many foreigners in their early days of trying to learn Thai and foreigners keep doing this forever.

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"Ok , I foul !" ( Ok , Im wrong )

Now I go out eat foot ! ( Im eating out )

Tomollow come my neph . ( My nieces are visiting tomorrow )

You want sheet on you besghetti ? ( Would you like cheese on your pasta ?)

Im add zucumber to the sauce. ( I put zuccini in the pasta sauce )

Them Moslem peopen , why them always say , "Hello Alan" too mutt? ( Ummmm...)

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On a tangent, when I served with the Gurkhas (Nepalese):

Truck no see in the dark - the lights on my landrover don't work.

Here's one I committed. I once said to a haughty working girl outside a Japanese karaoke bar who gave me a dirty look and said she didn't like farangs: "Kii Khun may min luu?!", which was my version of "your sh*t doesn't stink right?!" When I told my Thai Mrs she nearly gave herself a hernia laughing. Some things don't translate directly.

Here's one from a Vietnamese bank in Cambodia:

Be your side, by your hand.......try working that one out!

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