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Cable TV....what package do I need for top HBO series etc..


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Looking for a bit of help....

Is it possible to get a cable to provider in Chiang mai and get shows like Game of Thrones, VEEP, Madmen, House of Cards....etc...

If so who is the provider and what package do I need....ie on what channel would shows like this be on?

I find the whole package thing over here almost indecipherable...

Appreciate your help...

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According to HBOasia (the Singapore entity that acquires and redistributes HBO programming for 22 territories in Asia), the only authorized provider in Thailand is TrueVisions (available in the GOLD and PLATINUM subscription lineup), or if you can find someone to proxy your subscription through Malaysia, then possibly also ASTRO

According to LyngSat (a website that providing up-to-date on satellites and their programming circling the globe), HBO HD Asia is also available on other nation/territory subscription packages. But your easiest access to the material will be through TrueVision Satellite or Cable subscription.

It may also be possible to subscribe (or otherwise acquire) the shows over special IPTV (TV over Internet) packages.

HBOasia.com | about the Channels | List of Shows | Schedule Guide

Also note the Wikipedia HBO Asia Censorship:

HBO Asia is heavily censored in South East Asia, with many shows such as Sex and the City, The Sopranos, Entourage, The Wire, Hung, Girls, True Blood, Game Of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire aired in edited versions; certain programmes are not shown in some territories at all.

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agreed... you are not going to get the ease/ability to watch shows on HBO the way you would expect elsewhere in the world (like USA or Europe).

Many folks just use torrent sites, download and watch at their leisure - with all commercials removed - a much better solution for me.

If you are going to stream shows, make sure you connection is up to it. Many dsl connections are fine - until school lets out and the workday ends and many folks

return to their computers at home. Or, during thai holidays when the kids are always at home and sucking down bandwidth.

several friend of mine got tired of buffering and simply upgraded to the lowest level fiber optic package available in the area and

now watch what they want in perfect peace.

good luck

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It's very true that censorship really kills the HBO series, which tend to be heavy on the sex/violence/language aspects (if they used mosaic and bleeps it wouldn't be too bad, but they cut it out entirely on the HBO channels). I've got the top package ('Platinum', I believe), but I've been planning to downgrade it as I watch most shows exclusively from torrent downloads (which I don't consider to be improper as I've been paying for an HBO package).

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Heavy handed and absurd censorship makes most shows unwatchable here on any cable channel. Whole chunks of dialogue, and whole scenes, often crucial to the plot or understanding of the entire episode are simply chopped out. This happens on every channel available through Thai distributors.

When whole scenes do not just disappear, words are blanked out with silences. The motivation and intent of deleting some of these words is often puzzling, as they would not be considered "bad language " in any western country. Anything sexual just about covers what is not allowed.

Among the words I have noticed being considered unacceptable on various programs have been "orgy" "vagina" "ejaculation" "erection" and "penis".

This all makes me so irate that I just download torrents of programs that are all freely available on my cable package. I feel justified in that I have paid for these shows and they are delivered in unacceptably defective versions.

Edited by partington
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All of those shows you mentioned are on True Visions, and many more.

Not in their original broadcast format they are not.

We don't know what the original formats are so no problem for us.

The many sports I am able to watch, the nature, business, news programs etc. The format suits me/us.

Seems to e fair value for the choice of channels that are available.

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All of those shows you mentioned are on True Visions, and many more.

Not in their original broadcast format they are not.

We don't know what the original formats are so no problem for us.

The many sports I am able to watch, the nature, business, news programs etc. The format suits me/us.

Seems to e fair value for the choice of channels that are available.

As in not edited to uselessness.. If you dont know the difference then not much else can be said.

GMMTV is as good as True was.. And is 5000 a year.. How is True 'fair value' in comparison ??

And thats taking out the customer service nightmare that true can be.. Theft of deposits.. etc etc.. When they were the first cable fiber option here I almost thought about it.. Almost..

Really, with the huge array of media options available (I have one IPTV package with 600 channels for 80 usd a year) only someone who is seriously tech phobic would think True offers value.

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All of those shows you mentioned are on True Visions, and many more.

Not in their original broadcast format they are not.

We don't know what the original formats are so no problem for us.

The many sports I am able to watch, the nature, business, news programs etc. The format suits me/us.

Seems to e fair value for the choice of channels that are available.

As in not edited to uselessness.. If you dont know the difference then not much else can be said.

GMMTV is as good as True was.. And is 5000 a year.. How is True 'fair value' in comparison ??

And thats taking out the customer service nightmare that true can be.. Theft of deposits.. etc etc.. When they were the first cable fiber option here I almost thought about it.. Almost..

Really, with the huge array of media options available (I have one IPTV package with 600 channels for 80 usd a year) only someone who is seriously tech phobic would think True offers value.

Guess I'm tech phobic.No doubt there is a cream that can be applied to relieve the symptoms.

True meets our requirements at an acceptable price. Not a problem for us so not quite sure why it's a problem for others?

We have choices, we simply use them.And was simply trying to convey that to the op.

Edited by Thailand
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Not in their original broadcast format they are not.

We don't know what the original formats are so no problem for us.

The many sports I am able to watch, the nature, business, news programs etc. The format suits me/us.

Seems to e fair value for the choice of channels that are available.

As in not edited to uselessness.. If you dont know the difference then not much else can be said.

GMMTV is as good as True was.. And is 5000 a year.. How is True 'fair value' in comparison ??

And thats taking out the customer service nightmare that true can be.. Theft of deposits.. etc etc.. When they were the first cable fiber option here I almost thought about it.. Almost..

Really, with the huge array of media options available (I have one IPTV package with 600 channels for 80 usd a year) only someone who is seriously tech phobic would think True offers value.

Guess I'm tech phobic.No doubt there is a dream that can be applied to relieve the symptoms.

True meets our requirements at an acceptable price. Not a problem for us so not quite sure why it's a problem for others?

We have choices, we simply use them.

I gave up Truevisions as soon as I got broadband. I remember paying a premium price for the Ashes cricket. One day, rain stopped play at around 6pm UK time. So True technicians turned the channel off. A few minutes later, cricket resumed. But not for True customers!!!! I honestly, can't understand why anyone would use their services anymore. You don't have to be a computer wizard to get programs for free, & watch them when you want to. And that's without the self censoring of movies & tv programs. Complete waste of money.....

Edited by MESmith
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I gave up Truevisions as soon as I got broadband. I remember paying a premium price for the Ashes cricket. One day, rain stopped play at around 6pm UK time. So True technicians turned the channel off. A few minutes later, cricket resumed. But not for True customers!!!! I honestly, can't understand why anyone would use their services anymore. You don't have to be a computer wizard to get programs for free, & watch them when you want to. And that's without the self censoring of movies & tv programs. Complete waste of money.....

When have Truevisions ever shown cricket??

There is however a chance they may have made a successful bid for the Premier League football from the 2016/17 season...

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Guess I'm tech phobic.No doubt there is a cream that can be applied to relieve the symptoms.

True meets our requirements at an acceptable price. Not a problem for us so not quite sure why it's a problem for others?

We have choices, we simply use them.And was simply trying to convey that to the op.

Its not a problem.. My issue is you describe True as being fair value..

Compared to what ?? GMMTV at 400 or so baht a month for loads of HD channels, sports, movies etc ?? To 600 IPTV channels for 80 usd a year ??

Most people who say Trues is good value.. Simply dont have experience with alternatives.. Thats fine, but to those who do True seems pretty poor value. For a couple of points of True I used to pay 2400 IIRC.. Thats almost a year of as many points as I like of 600 IPTV channels.

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True visions,love them or loathe them they are a major player in the pay tv market here with relatively few competitors and will continue to be for years to come.

The only good thing is the advent of increased internet speeds and the numerous pay to play internet based tv services which I believe in time may be closed down due to the legalities involved.

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True visions,love them or loathe them they are a major player in the pay tv market here with relatively few competitors and will continue to be for years to come.

The only good thing is the advent of increased internet speeds and the numerous pay to play internet based tv services which I believe in time may be closed down due to the legalities involved.

We used a variety of IPTV services for some years and yes,speed and subsequent quality and reliability was the inherent problem.

Although speeds are much improved we simply chose what we considered to be the best option for us and we were also of the opinion that they may well be a crackdown on providers of such services.

Looking a distinct possibility bearing in mind the current leaderships paranoia and their leanings towards a single gateway.

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True visions,love them or loathe them they are a major player in the pay tv market here with relatively few competitors and will continue to be for years to come..

Yes from the dark old days of monopoly licensing and restricted competition.. Anyone remember the joys of IPStar ??

GMMTV is the closest 'simple' old school competitor.. EG buy a box and consume content on broadcaster schedule.. 5000b a year.

I have kept that setup going simply for FOX HD for UFC bouts.. Tho I am 50/50 if its worth keeping next year with so many ways to access the same content.

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I just got the box this weekend. I am staggered at the choice of movies/box sets of ALL the old favourites + new/old movies + sports channels (I want EPL).

I have TOT 20 mb fibre optic; no buffering. 1500 ish a month. Great value.

I paid 5000 baht for a top of the line box (minix) and my media (kodi) is free. Talk about a rippoff.... Edited by 2fishin2
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