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Last train to Hungary: border closure with Croatia comes into effect

Jonathan Fairfield

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Last train to Hungary: border closure with Croatia comes into effect


The last train bringing migrants to Hungary pulled up on the Croatian side of the frontier just hours before new regulations came into effect.

At midnight (October 16-17), Hungary sealed off the border with Croatia, leaving just two transit zones open for asylum applications.

Up to 8,000 people who make the crossing daily may now be forced to alter their route.

Hungary’s move to close its southern border with Croatia forms part of a unilateral crackdown on the flow of migrants to Europe. It closed off the frontier with Serbia in September, 2015.

Many migrants attempting to reach Germany or Austria, face being diverted to Slovenia which, like Hungary, is a member of the Schengen Zone, allowing passport-free travel.

“We are redirecting the corridor towards Slovenia,” said Ranko Ostojic, Croatia’s Interior Minister. “It means, of course, that we must respect all the rules, as there isn’t an agreement with the Slovenian side on a ‘Plan C,’ which is a Croatian plan. It is important that Slovenia accepts people who wish to migrate to Croatia, as long as Austria and Germany continue to receive migrants.”

Official crossing points remain open to those wishing to apply for refugee status in Hungary.

Wire fences have been already been erected between Hungary, Serbia and Croatia.

Those attempting to breach the fences are put on trial and more often than not expelled from the country.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-17

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It looks to me like the Hungarians know too much to let the Muslims into their country; they know for instance that they don't integrate, they know that they put their religious law above the law of the land in Hungary and they know that the way of life they (the Hungarians) have worked so long and hard for will be compromised and they don't want to be usurped by a faith/political system they don't believe in.

At present the number of Muslims in Hungary is such that the Hungarians don't feel threatened; I think that's the way they want to keep it.

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^^^ Who decided to have a borderless continent and an unelected (by the people) government which tries to override (used to be) sovereign nations? Who's bright idea was it to destroy Europe?

Who is it that wanted this borderless Kumbaya world anyway?

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^^^ Who decided to have a borderless continent and an unelected (by the people) government which tries to override (used to be) sovereign nations? Who's bright idea was it to destroy Europe?

Who is it that wanted this borderless Kumbaya world anyway?


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Turkeys a member and their border is not so strong.

I understand and a lot of other countries are members. I just don't get the connection.

I see an EU issue. I'm an American but I think the EU sucks as no country should give up the sovereignty of its borders. Maybe they will all start learning something here. Some may learn right away and others may learn after it's too late...


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Turkeys a member and their border is not so strong.

I understand and a lot of other countries are members. I just don't get the connection.

I see an EU issue. I'm an American but I think the EU sucks as no country should give up the sovereignty of its borders. Maybe they will all start learning something here. Some may learn right away and others may learn after it's too late...


There is greater strength in unity than in division, at least in theory. There are some very small countries in the EU and there existence is at the pleasure of larger neighbors. For them, the EU is a good deal.

There are problems in any kind of geo-political construct such as the EU, UK or USA. The point is can they ultimately deal with the current situation and adapt to handle future problems in a constructive manner.

The problem of refugees/immigrants is a huge one and affects many countries. The EU should be able to absorb the current wave, but it will take time. It may not be in their best interest to have these people, but there's not much they can do about it since returning a lot of them isn't going to be possible.

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Turkeys a member and their border is not so strong.

I understand and a lot of other countries are members. I just don't get the connection.

I see an EU issue. I'm an American but I think the EU sucks as no country should give up the sovereignty of its borders. Maybe they will all start learning something here. Some may learn right away and others may learn after it's too late...


Which EU country governments have legally rescinded the sovereignty of their borders?

Edited by simple1
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I understand and a lot of other countries are members. I just don't get the connection.

I see an EU issue. I'm an American but I think the EU sucks as no country should give up the sovereignty of its borders. Maybe they will all start learning something here. Some may learn right away and others may learn after it's too late...


Which EU country governments have legally rescinded the sovereignty of their borders?

I'm surprised that you haven't heard about the rights the people of those countries have to wander and live all over the place.

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I understand and a lot of other countries are members. I just don't get the connection.

I see an EU issue. I'm an American but I think the EU sucks as no country should give up the sovereignty of its borders. Maybe they will all start learning something here. Some may learn right away and others may learn after it's too late...


Which EU country governments have legally rescinded the sovereignty of their borders?

I'm surprised that you haven't heard about the rights the people of those countries have to wander and live all over the place.

The OP is not about citizens of EU countries and the fact is that no EU country has rescinded its laws for being responsible for their 'sovereign borders'.

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Turkeys a member and their border is not so strong.

Turkey's a member? A member of what? Not the EU, there are 28 country members of the EU and Turkey isn't one of them. They've been blocked due to human rights issues, they've been trying for a decade to gain membership. In fact, the EU is trying to bribe Turkey with membership in exchange for stemming the refugee tide! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/turkey/11937537/EU-approves-Turkey-migrant-plan.html

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Turkeys a member and their border is not so strong.

Turkey's a member? A member of what? Not the EU, there are 28 country members of the EU and Turkey isn't one of them. They've been blocked due to human rights issues, they've been trying for a decade to gain membership. In fact, the EU is trying to bribe Turkey with membership in exchange for stemming the refugee tide! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/turkey/11937537/EU-approves-Turkey-migrant-plan.html


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Hungary is smarter than the EU put together ...............

Not all the EU - only Merkel and a few other bleeding hearts.

If there is a vote which country has the most stupid politicians, I want to nominate my country Austria.......we can be number 1 in something.....

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I understand and a lot of other countries are members. I just don't get the connection.

I see an EU issue. I'm an American but I think the EU sucks as no country should give up the sovereignty of its borders. Maybe they will all start learning something here. Some may learn right away and others may learn after it's too late...


Which EU country governments have legally rescinded the sovereignty of their borders?

I'm surprised that you haven't heard about the rights the people of those countries have to wander and live all over the place.

The OP is not about citizens of EU countries and the fact is that no EU country has rescinded its laws for being responsible for their 'sovereign borders'.

EU has mostly open borders (Schengen), no border control, you drive on the street and pass 3 countries without someone stop you or want to see your passport.

You deliver products over the border without customs or duty.

But of course politically the borders still exist.

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Hungary is smarter than the EU put together ...............

Not all the EU - only Merkel and a few other bleeding hearts.

If there is a vote which country has the most stupid politicians, I want to nominate my country Austria.......we can be number 1 in something.....

Oh, you didn't hear? Germany and Sweden are playing extra time in the World Migration Idiot Cup .

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The nice thing about not being a member of the EU is that, as a sovereign state, you're free to close your borders. Can't blame them.

EU countries can close their borders, or section of, at any time, as has already happened with a few member States

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Let's hear it for the Hungarian border fence. It has cut the number of economic migrants/Invaders down from 10,000 to 41. Let's hope Hungary's neighbors do likewise.


Guns stop murderers. Border fences keep out invaders. The real world doesn't work anything like the left's imaginary world is supposed to.

Hungary's border fencing is up. It was built as a rush job by mobilizing the military, using convicts and people on welfare. It's the kind of project that made lefties clutch their pearls. And it worked.

Edited by Steely Dan
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