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Fending Off GF's Friends?


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Most Thia women are in it for love not $

More TV bullsh*t.

Ha Ha, but TV thrives on bullsh*t. Here`s some more to ponder.

When I read the headline to this thread, I thought the OP had the

same problem I have, how to stop the g/f`s friends, from coming on

to me.

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You give her not much and her gf's get a lot from there farang boyfriends. The woman stays with you. You give her not much, so you can be pretty sure that she really loves you. The farang that are giving there girlfriends lots of presents and money can never be sure. There is a good change that the woman stays with them, because she gets lots of presents and money.

So stop being insecure about it...

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If she dont like it she needs to leave or you need to take a bank loan out....your choice, fending ofv her friends is control freak behaviour and will create even more problems...

... Not really, as she's not asked, nor ever demanded anything more from me than I can legitimately give her. She well knows my financial constraints. Just know she's less than happy or perhaps jealous that some of her friends scored the jackpot hooking up with well-off farangs.

Do not loose sleep over it. She knows what she was getting into. If she is not happy she will move on. If she moves on she was not right for you. Look elsewhere. Reminds me the saying set her free and if it was meant to be she will return.

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Is there actually a problem here? I mean, are her GFs in her ear about this or you're just getting insecure? Nothing you mentioned suggests she has an issue at all

Let these BFs buy champagne, you don't have to go do the same. If there's hanging out somewhere a bit more expensive maybe don't always tag along or suggest going in happy hour or ladies night or something

If you don't want to spend what they spend then just don't, don't feel you need to keep up, your money

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On a more serious note. There may not be any real pressure from these fellas for you to pay or treat them ( just in your own head as you feel you must keep up ) I have a pretty varied circle and not all are minted. They are our friends and TBH when one of the more budget conscious guys buys a round or pays for food ( even just cheap beer or food from a stall ) it's often more appreciated by us as we know they aren't as well off financially. If these people are genuine friends and your GF hasn't "bigged you up" they should be happy to accept you and not be worried who grabs the check. The odd token gesture and an offer to contribute is usually appreciated.

Yes well said.

I have friends who are on limited incomes and friends on very high incomes.

My wealthy friends regularly pay for me to join them for dinner in restaurants where food is 5000 baht or more per person, and we go out for drinks in top Bangkok bars where they will buy multiple bottles of grey goose vodka and in 5 years they've never once asked my for anything (and by regularly I mean 2 or 3 times a week).

If the OPs GF's friends are rich they won't care about the money, but they will care about having her and her BF out to join them.

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Face is a big deal in this culture. In particular the face that comes with wealth and power. If your wife can't compete with these ladies on that front then the current pebble in her shoe will continue to get larger. She needs to get new freinds or find bragging rights in some other area to level the social playing field ... is she better looking, does she have access to powerful friends, does she have a better sexual relationship with you, do your kids do better in school, can she build a small but successful business, can she have more bling (car brand, diamond, Hermes purse etc - something that gives the illusion of wealth) ... any of these and more can be used to one up the freinds and assert her equality. Finally you might consider pointing out to your wife that money does not mean happy. I am sure you can find many examples demonstrating the truth of this. Good luck, it's not easy but she needs a plan to deal with it ... it's her problem not yours.

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me againthe sam

Your insecure pure and simple....you don't know what she thinks unless she's told you, stay within your means and who's to say these so called rich bfs and husbands are actually rich lot of people splash some money around and it looks more than what it is.

Most Thia women are in it for love not .$ like a lot of jaded guys here claim, treat her well and love her unconditionally and keep a check on your thoughts.

you for real? hope you are joking. basically every thai girl/ferang 'relationship' I have seen in my 10 years of life in Thailand has been based on money. almost without fail the relationships have been about draining as much from the buffalo as possible. sometime quickly if the girl does not like her sponsor. or quickly if she is enjoying the lifestyle and can still get away to bang her thai boy occasionally.

Dear OP, you would do well to ignore comments like the one immediately above. They're based on the experiences of a certain type of Western male [of which there are many in Thailand] who have married a certain type of woman, and then assume all Thai women are gold-diggers and/or made a living in the sex industry. They mock and ridicule anyone who doesn't share their perceptions as being naïve, but in the fact the opposite is true. They are unable to view things differently as people [other Western males like themselves] fall into the same category. You see the same tiresome comments on TV time and time again. To give you an example of this mindset: I used to have an American landlord in BKK who was married to an ex-hooker, but also continued to pay hookers for sex. During a conversation I had with once when he came round to the flat to replace the washing machine, he expressed genuine astonishment that I had never had sex with a hooker in Thailand. Such was his disbelief that he then asked me if this was because I was gay. He actually couldn't get his head around it because that was his experience of life and, as what it the experience of everyone he socialized with. Another interesting aspect of this phenomenon is that most of these guys would never dream of marrying a hooker in their own countries but here they view it as perfectly normal. There's a documentary in there somewhere, no?

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Give her lots of love. Rich BFs can't do that and she will notice - they are too insecure about their own GF's motives. I speak from experience (but with more than a hint of stereotyping of course).

Rich people can't give love? Are you retarded?

I dunno. Are you always gratuitously rude?

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This is not about external influences, this is more about you and your missus. If you are both happy together and she is happy with the life she leads with you then should be no problem. If she is bothered and jealous by her GF's income from foreign boyfriends then surely the question you should be asking is "is she right for you?"

If she is swayed that easily by a GF flashing her cash and playing the "hi so" that she will consider cheating or dumping you then you are not in the right relationship.

You cannot control who her friends are and if you try I can only see it getting worse for you so forget that option.

I think you have some serious thinking to do about your relationship, might be you have to make the tough choice. I think you should have a good talk with her and try and find out what she really thinks.

I hope that she genuinely reassures you that you should not worry and that she is happy with you and what you both have, if not at least you know now and can move on.

Good luck fella, not an easy situation to be in.

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me againthe sam

Your insecure pure and simple....you don't know what she thinks unless she's told you, stay within your means and who's to say these so called rich bfs and husbands are actually rich lot of people splash some money around and it looks more than what it is.

Most Thia women are in it for love not .$ like a lot of jaded guys here claim, treat her well and love her unconditionally and keep a check on your thoughts.

you for real? hope you are joking. basically every thai girl/ferang 'relationship' I have seen in my 10 years of life in Thailand has been based on money. almost without fail the relationships have been about draining as much from the buffalo as possible. sometime quickly if the girl does not like her sponsor. or quickly if she is enjoying the lifestyle and can still get away to bang her thai boy occasionally.

Dear OP, you would do well to ignore comments like the one immediately above. They're based on the experiences of a certain type of Western male [of which there are many in Thailand] who have married a certain type of woman, and then assume all Thai women are gold-diggers and/or made a living in the sex industry. They mock and ridicule anyone who doesn't share their perceptions as being naïve, but in the fact the opposite is true. They are unable to view things differently as people [other Western males like themselves] fall into the same category. You see the same tiresome comments on TV time and time again. To give you an example of this mindset: I used to have an American landlord in BKK who was married to an ex-hooker, but also continued to pay hookers for sex. During a conversation I had with once when he came round to the flat to replace the washing machine, he expressed genuine astonishment that I had never had sex with a hooker in Thailand. Such was his disbelief that he then asked me if this was because I was gay. He actually couldn't get his head around it because that was his experience of life and, as what it the experience of everyone he socialized with. Another interesting aspect of this phenomenon is that most of these guys would never dream of marrying a hooker in their own countries but here they view it as perfectly normal. There's a documentary in there somewhere, no?

Really like your post Stephen, I too have had similar experiences with people, including people on TV. There are plenty of men who view women just as object for sex and will aggressively defend this stance. I dont know why and dont care but it certainly doesn't fit with my attitude towards women and life in general. Share that comment and there are plenty of idiots who assume you are naive and stupid, whereas I see myself as more in control of my life and have no need to hookers.

By the way, not only do these men not marry hookers in their own country they will also not openly admit to everyone that they frequently use them. This is an attitude that comes from people who visit countries like Thailand where the sex industry is rife and believe it is now ok to act in such a way.

Hope this poster sorts things out for the best.

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On a more serious note. There may not be any real pressure from these fellas for you to pay or treat them ( just in your own head as you feel you must keep up ) I have a pretty varied circle and not all are minted. They are our friends and TBH when one of the more budget conscious guys buys a round or pays for food ( even just cheap beer or food from a stall ) it's often more appreciated by us as we know they aren't as well off financially. If these people are genuine friends and your GF hasn't "bigged you up" they should be happy to accept you and not be worried who grabs the check. The odd token gesture and an offer to contribute is usually appreciated.

Yes well said.

I have friends who are on limited incomes and friends on very high incomes.

My wealthy friends regularly pay for me to join them for dinner in restaurants where food is 5000 baht or more per person, and we go out for drinks in top Bangkok bars where they will buy multiple bottles of grey goose vodka and in 5 years they've never once asked my for anything (and by regularly I mean 2 or 3 times a week).

If the OPs GF's friends are rich they won't care about the money, but they will care about having her and her BF out to join them.

Im not super rich but I got friends who are less well off I don't mind that I pay more at times. When I was still studying I had friends who made loads more money and they paid more for me. I never really liked it but they never made a problem out of it. The problem is often more with the receiver as with the one that gives.

I know back then it could make me uncomfortable (and that was back in the old country no girls involved) but they did not bat an eye about it.

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me againthe sam

Your insecure pure and simple....you don't know what she thinks unless she's told you, stay within your means and who's to say these so called rich bfs and husbands are actually rich lot of people splash some money around and it looks more than what it is.

Most Thia women are in it for love not .$ like a lot of jaded guys here claim, treat her well and love her unconditionally and keep a check on your thoughts.

you for real? hope you are joking. basically every thai girl/ferang 'relationship' I have seen in my 10 years of life in Thailand has been based on money. almost without fail the relationships have been about draining as much from the buffalo as possible. sometime quickly if the girl does not like her sponsor. or quickly if she is enjoying the lifestyle and can still get away to bang her thai boy occasionally.

Dear OP, you would do well to ignore comments like the one immediately above. They're based on the experiences of a certain type of Western male [of which there are many in Thailand] who have married a certain type of woman, and then assume all Thai women are gold-diggers and/or made a living in the sex industry. They mock and ridicule anyone who doesn't share their perceptions as being naïve, but in the fact the opposite is true. They are unable to view things differently as people [other Western males like themselves] fall into the same category. You see the same tiresome comments on TV time and time again. To give you an example of this mindset: I used to have an American landlord in BKK who was married to an ex-hooker, but also continued to pay hookers for sex. During a conversation I had with once when he came round to the flat to replace the washing machine, he expressed genuine astonishment that I had never had sex with a hooker in Thailand. Such was his disbelief that he then asked me if this was because I was gay. He actually couldn't get his head around it because that was his experience of life and, as what it the experience of everyone he socialized with. Another interesting aspect of this phenomenon is that most of these guys would never dream of marrying a hooker in their own countries but here they view it as perfectly normal. There's a documentary in there somewhere, no?

Really like your post Stephen, I too have had similar experiences with people, including people on TV. There are plenty of men who view women just as object for sex and will aggressively defend this stance. I dont know why and dont care but it certainly doesn't fit with my attitude towards women and life in general. Share that comment and there are plenty of idiots who assume you are naive and stupid, whereas I see myself as more in control of my life and have no need to hookers.

By the way, not only do these men not marry hookers in their own country they will also not openly admit to everyone that they frequently use them. This is an attitude that comes from people who visit countries like Thailand where the sex industry is rife and believe it is now ok to act in such a way.

Hope this poster sorts things out for the best.

Many guys also came here quite old when I came here I was 30 and had younger farang friends who ran with girls in their own age group. None were sex workers and non ever lived of their BF, actually some of those girls paid more as their BF's as they had better jobs. It really depends on what circles you run in.

If you are older and hunt for easy young girls its clear that many will be in it for the money, even clearer when you hang out with hookers. People just have to accept that Thailand is not the same for everyone.

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me againthe sam

Your insecure pure and simple....you don't know what she thinks unless she's told you, stay within your means and who's to say these so called rich bfs and husbands are actually rich lot of people splash some money around and it looks more than what it is.

Most Thia women are in it for love not .$ like a lot of jaded guys here claim, treat her well and love her unconditionally and keep a check on your thoughts.

you for real? hope you are joking. basically every thai girl/ferang 'relationship' I have seen in my 10 years of life in Thailand has been based on money. almost without fail the relationships have been about draining as much from the buffalo as possible. sometime quickly if the girl does not like her sponsor. or quickly if she is enjoying the lifestyle and can still get away to bang her thai boy occasionally.

Dear OP, you would do well to ignore comments like the one immediately above. They're based on the experiences of a certain type of Western male [of which there are many in Thailand] who have married a certain type of woman, and then assume all Thai women are gold-diggers and/or made a living in the sex industry. They mock and ridicule anyone who doesn't share their perceptions as being naïve, but in the fact the opposite is true. They are unable to view things differently as people [other Western males like themselves] fall into the same category. You see the same tiresome comments on TV time and time again. To give you an example of this mindset: I used to have an American landlord in BKK who was married to an ex-hooker, but also continued to pay hookers for sex. During a conversation I had with once when he came round to the flat to replace the washing machine, he expressed genuine astonishment that I had never had sex with a hooker in Thailand. Such was his disbelief that he then asked me if this was because I was gay. He actually couldn't get his head around it because that was his experience of life and, as what it the experience of everyone he socialized with. Another interesting aspect of this phenomenon is that most of these guys would never dream of marrying a hooker in their own countries but here they view it as perfectly normal. There's a documentary in there somewhere, no?

Really like your post Stephen, I too have had similar experiences with people, including people on TV. There are plenty of men who view women just as object for sex and will aggressively defend this stance. I dont know why and dont care but it certainly doesn't fit with my attitude towards women and life in general. Share that comment and there are plenty of idiots who assume you are naive and stupid, whereas I see myself as more in control of my life and have no need to hookers.

By the way, not only do these men not marry hookers in their own country they will also not openly admit to everyone that they frequently use them. This is an attitude that comes from people who visit countries like Thailand where the sex industry is rife and believe it is now ok to act in such a way.

Hope this poster sorts things out for the best.

Thanks GAZZPA, comforting to know not everyone on TV harbours such a distorted views. I think the poster will be fine as long as he ignores the unjustified bitter responses posted in this thread, and commentary on the subject on TV in general... It's common sense that any relationship/marriage anywhere in the world that begins [and more often than not, maintained] on financial transactions has much chance of survival. I've lived and worked in plenty of countries but Thailand is the first place I've lived that I've ever felt a sense of embarrassment over being a Westerner as a result of the conduct of a significant number of farang male expats and tourists here. Chok dee

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you for real? hope you are joking. basically every thai girl/ferang 'relationship' I have seen in my 10 years of life in Thailand has been based on money. almost without fail the relationships have been about draining as much from the buffalo as possible. sometime quickly if the girl does not like her sponsor. or quickly if she is enjoying the lifestyle and can still get away to bang her thai boy occasionally.

Well guess you need to get out of the go go bars and meet real people. I lived and worked in Thailand almost 20 years. I have seen it all, the poor chaps that hang out in bars and hook up with bar girls and get bleed dry.

I have some good friends that work in Thailand own companies etc and have good relationships which have nothing to do with money as most of those guys met their wives when they first started in Thailand and struggling to make some money. Most was close in age too. I have also seen some relationships with bar girls work out too where the guy has no money working as a teacher making almost no money or doing something online just getting buy and the girl went out and got a job and they are happy. All depends on the girl so I would not stereotype all girls or relationships in Thailand. PS I have met more than my fair share of Gold diggers in the USA too, nothing special to Thailand.

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me againthe sam

Your insecure pure and simple....you don't know what she thinks unless she's told you, stay within your means and who's to say these so called rich bfs and husbands are actually rich lot of people splash some money around and it looks more than what it is.

Most Thia women are in it for love not .$ like a lot of jaded guys here claim, treat her well and love her unconditionally and keep a check on your thoughts.

you for real? hope you are joking. basically every thai girl/ferang 'relationship' I have seen in my 10 years of life in Thailand has been based on money. almost without fail the relationships have been about draining as much from the buffalo as possible. sometime quickly if the girl does not like her sponsor. or quickly if she is enjoying the lifestyle and can still get away to bang her thai boy occasionally.

Dear OP, you would do well to ignore comments like the one immediately above. They're based on the experiences of a certain type of Western male [of which there are many in Thailand] who have married a certain type of woman, and then assume all Thai women are gold-diggers and/or made a living in the sex industry. They mock and ridicule anyone who doesn't share their perceptions as being naïve, but in the fact the opposite is true. They are unable to view things differently as people [other Western males like themselves] fall into the same category. You see the same tiresome comments on TV time and time again. To give you an example of this mindset: I used to have an American landlord in BKK who was married to an ex-hooker, but also continued to pay hookers for sex. During a conversation I had with once when he came round to the flat to replace the washing machine, he expressed genuine astonishment that I had never had sex with a hooker in Thailand. Such was his disbelief that he then asked me if this was because I was gay. He actually couldn't get his head around it because that was his experience of life and, as what it the experience of everyone he socialized with. Another interesting aspect of this phenomenon is that most of these guys would never dream of marrying a hooker in their own countries but here they view it as perfectly normal. There's a documentary in there somewhere, no?

Just when I'm about to lose all faith in the users of ThaiVisa, along comes someone with a sensible reply.

Two thumbs up Stephen Tracy.

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Sounds like she has too much time on her hands and no real understanding about what it takes to earn money. If she is not working she should be unless home taking care of the kids.

Worst mistake you can make is have your gf stop work and stay home. They then get board quickly and want to start going out to party with friends who are out looking for boyfriends .... The bar and party girls or the X bar girls are always going to want to go out with their friends and party thus meet and mingle with guys trying to get laid. Every guy they meet comes off as a millionaire and every girl's boyfriend is her rich sugar daddy. But we know better but these girls sometimes don't.

I disagree with the guys here saying people who ask their girlfriends not to hangout with some friends are control freaks. It only takes one night for her to get all drunk and taken down the wrong path with their friends pushing and pulling her there. Her Bad influence friends are not your friends. Everyone needs a little push in the right direction, do your duty and let her know how you feel and let the chips fall where they may. 90% of my Girlfriend's friends are fine, 10% are not. Those 10% I am against her going out with or evening socializing with by any means. They are trying to pull her down, plain and simple.....

Edited by ttthailand
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me againthe sam

Your insecure pure and simple....you don't know what she thinks unless she's told you, stay within your means and who's to say these so called rich bfs and husbands are actually rich lot of people splash some money around and it looks more than what it is.

Most Thia women are in it for love not .$ like a lot of jaded guys here claim, treat her well and love her unconditionally and keep a check on your thoughts.

you for real? hope you are joking. basically every thai girl/ferang 'relationship' I have seen in my 10 years of life in Thailand has been based on money. almost without fail the relationships have been about draining as much from the buffalo as possible. sometime quickly if the girl does not like her sponsor. or quickly if she is enjoying the lifestyle and can still get away to bang her thai boy occasionally.

Dear OP, you would do well to ignore comments like the one immediately above. They're based on the experiences of a certain type of Western male [of which there are many in Thailand] who have married a certain type of woman, and then assume all Thai women are gold-diggers and/or made a living in the sex industry. They mock and ridicule anyone who doesn't share their perceptions as being naïve, but in the fact the opposite is true. They are unable to view things differently as people [other Western males like themselves] fall into the same category. You see the same tiresome comments on TV time and time again. To give you an example of this mindset: I used to have an American landlord in BKK who was married to an ex-hooker, but also continued to pay hookers for sex. During a conversation I had with once when he came round to the flat to replace the washing machine, he expressed genuine astonishment that I had never had sex with a hooker in Thailand. Such was his disbelief that he then asked me if this was because I was gay. He actually couldn't get his head around it because that was his experience of life and, as what it the experience of everyone he socialized with. Another interesting aspect of this phenomenon is that most of these guys would never dream of marrying a hooker in their own countries but here they view it as perfectly normal. There's a documentary in there somewhere, no?

Just when I'm about to lose all faith in the users of ThaiVisa, along comes someone with a sensible reply.

Two thumbs up Stephen Tracy.

Thanks seancbk.... appreciate it..

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If she dont like it she needs to leave or you need to take a bank loan out....your choice, fending ofv her friends is control freak behaviour and will create even more problems...

I would only do that if they persuaded your lady to do something dishonest.......

If your woman is sensible, she will filter out the negative ones.

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If she dont like it she needs to leave or you need to take a bank loan out....your choice, fending ofv her friends is control freak behaviour and will create even more problems...

I would only do that if they persuaded your lady to do something dishonest.......

If your woman is sensible, she will filter out the negative ones.

It is a little too late once the horse has left the barn. I think better to state your piece and tell her to stop hanging out with the ones causing problems before they do their dirty work. She should already know this but some girls need to be told.
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this can be a problem as most Thai girls if they have a rich farang they like to brag and even lie about what there b.f is giving them, ask her to find some new friends cos there only making her feel bad or find a girl that has a few real friends, its not hard I've had many girls with few friends they like it better that way less problems they tell me.

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If she dont like it she needs to leave or you need to take a bank loan out....your choice, fending ofv her friends is control freak behaviour and will create even more problems...

I would only do that if they persuaded your lady to do something dishonest.......

If your woman is sensible, she will filter out the negative ones.

It is a little too late once the horse has left the barn. I think better to state your piece and tell her to stop hanging out with the ones causing problems before they do their dirty work. She should already know this but some girls need to be told.

Perhaps I should have said 'tried to persuade'......

I spoke out of personal experience, where a pretty decent woman was influenced by a friend or two that had a very different and somewhat mercenary attitude. Decent and trusting types can often be manipulated..... so I agree with you.

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Thanks GAZZPA, comforting to know not everyone on TV harbours such a distorted views. I think the poster will be fine as long as he ignores the unjustified bitter responses posted in this thread, and commentary on the subject on TV in general... It's common sense that any relationship/marriage anywhere in the world that begins [and more often than not, maintained] on financial transactions has much chance of survival. I've lived and worked in plenty of countries but Thailand is the first place I've lived that I've ever felt a sense of embarrassment over being a Westerner as a result of the conduct of a significant number of farang male expats and tourists here. Chok dee

Totally agree

Having lived and worked in Asia since early 20s I visited Thailand quite a lot at that age too. Absolutely zero interest in hookers but of course interested in girls. This was the days before internet dating, facebook and the like

20 years later I still have the same mentality, no interest in hookers and it is met with shock that someone bother coming to Thailand and not be interested in hookers. I am amazed people come to Thailand only for hookers. Airport > Pattaya and that's it and they base their entire knowledge of Thailand, Thai people and culture on their time in Pattaya or other farang sex areas.

I have been spending varying lengths of time in Thailand for 20+ years and hookers have nothing to do with it, no interest in Pattaya or even Phuket, love the country, love the food, the beaches and even the cities and yes I like the girls too

I also really love Isaan food, which is even worse as everyone assumes even more you're into hookers due to the Isaan association biggrin.png Other Thai people more than likely making assumptions about me based on me loving Num Dtok as well (reality is I LOVE all the food!!) so when ordering, even in Thai, you always get asked if you have Thai wife

No, damn it, I love me some Num Dtok!!! tongue.png

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If she dont like it she needs to leave or you need to take a bank loan out....your choice, fending ofv her friends is control freak behaviour and will create even more problems...

... Not really, as she's not asked, nor ever demanded anything more from me than I can legitimately give her. She well knows my financial constraints. Just know she's less than happy or perhaps jealous that some of her friends scored the jackpot hooking up with well-off farangs.

Jealously is integral with Thai culture. The one-upmanship (I'm doing better than you) game is a pretentious, never-ending soap opera, among Asian women. Even if you were filthy rich, it would still be the same soap opera. Ignore it, or you'll end-up going bonkers over it.coffee1.gif

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^^ there is a difference between hookers as entertainment , than as a life style. Most go for some sort of experience..if only to visit the bars..so it would be surprising if you haven't even visited a bar..

There's a difference between people coming to Thailand for a trip and checking out a go-go and those that come and that IS their reason for being

I find the guys happily paying barfines and going with working girls now are younger and younger. When I was early to mid-20s I don't think people of that age group, farang, would even bother with working girls

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