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Trump says he has an instinct for sensing threats


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Trump says he has an instinct for sensing threats

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — As the hunt for the perpetrators of the attacks in Paris continue, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Monday that he is uniquely qualified to be commander-in-chief because he has an "instinct" for sensing threats.

"In my book I predicted terrorism. Because I can feel it," said Trump, speaking to thousands of supporters packed into Tennessee's Knoxville Convention Center. "I can feel it like I feel a good location."

Trump, the billionaire businessman and former reality television star, was referring to a passage in one of his books, "The America We Deserve," in which he warned of the threat posed by terrorism and referenced Osama Bin Laden as a "shadowy figure." The book was published in 2000, before the Sept. 11 attacks, and Trump has taken to trumpeting the passage to prove that, despite his lack of foreign policy experience, he is qualified to be president.

Just like his nose for scouting a good location in real estate, Trump went on to say Monday, "I really believe I have an instinct for this kind of thing."

"Nobody knew this kind of terrorism before. But I felt it. And you have to have somebody that has an instinct to lead this country," he said.

Trump and his rivals have been working to articulate how they would respond to last week's attacks, which killed at least 129 people and left hundreds wounded. Trump has been increasingly aggressive in his rhetoric, saying last week that he would "bomb the s--- out of" Islamic State-controlled oil fields to choke their financing.

He repeated that phrase Monday, sparking chants of "Trump! Trump! Trump!" from the crowd.

"They've got to be stopped," he said. "And they should have been stopped a long time ago. "

He also blamed President Barack Obama at least partially on the group's rise. "When you're weak and ineffective, bad stuff does happen," said Trump, who opposes allowing any Syrian refugees into the country — and vows to deport any Obama does.

Instead, he called for building "a big, beautiful safe zone" in Syria where refugees can wait out their brutal civil war. "Take a big swatch of land, which believe me, you get for the right price," he said.

Earlier Monday, Trump reiterated that he would consider closing U.S. mosques with radical leadership if he were elected president.

"I would hate to do it, but it's something that you're going to have to strongly consider," Trump told MSNBC in a phone interview.

He also said Americans must reassess some of their civil liberties in response to growing threats from the Islamic State group.

"We have to be much tougher," he said in another interview on CNBC. "We are going to have to give up certain privileges that we've always had."

Surveillance, he argued, should include intelligence-gathering in and around mosques.

"You're going to have to watch and study the mosques because a lot of talk is going on at the mosques," said Trump, who complained that New York City, where he lives, has ramped down its efforts to infiltrate places of Muslim worship.

Trump appeared to be referring to the New York Police Department's Demographics Unit, which The Associated Press reported in 2011 was spying on Muslims and mosques around the city with help from the CIA. The group assembled databases on where Muslims lived, shopped, worked and prayed, infiltrated Muslim student groups, put informants in mosques and monitored sermons.

The NYPD, under Mayor Bill de Blasio, announced it had abandoned the program in April of last year following lawsuits and complaints.

Several dozen protesters gathered outside Monday night's venue chanting against Trump's immigration policies. Trump supporters streaming out of venue chanted, "Build a wall! Build a wall!" back. Facing each other across the street beneath Knoxville's Sunsphere, both sides broke into competing cheers of "USA! USA! USA!"

Colvin reported from Newark, New Jersey.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-18

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You gotta luv this man or at least admire his gull in making a mockery out of the presidential race,

to show you that even a clown billionaire can become the president of the USA, what dose it say

about the validity and the value of such coveted and powerful position? now days? not much really,

if you have the money or the gob to say what people want to hear, than you're in with a good chance...

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Trump has been increasingly aggressive in his rhetoric, saying last week that he would "bomb the s--- out of" Islamic State-controlled oil fields to choke their financing.

Actually, he has been saying this for quite some time. It's just that the MSM and other politicians are just now catching up. He was right.

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You gotta luv this man or at least admire his gull in making a mockery out of the presidential race,

to show you that even a clown billionaire can become the president of the USA, what dose it say

about the validity and the value of such coveted and powerful position? now days? not much really,

if you have the money or the gob to say what people want to hear, than you're in with a good chance...


By golly, you finally said something that makes sense.

Well done.

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You gotta luv this man or at least admire his gull in making a mockery out of the presidential race,

to show you that even a clown billionaire can become the president of the USA, what dose it say

about the validity and the value of such coveted and powerful position? now days? not much really,

if you have the money or the gob to say what people want to hear, than you're in with a good chance...

What it DOES say ezzra, is that English is NOT your first language or perhaps you forgot too attend skool... and please explain to us ignorant people, what is "money or the gob".. But you certainly have the "gull" in making a mockery of the lovely English language. And , how can there be such a thing as a self made "clown" billionaire ? Unless you are very rich and looking in a mirror...... I do believe you grew from a cactus ezzra... and , names should begin on a capital letter..... please accept this rebuff in jest.... as it is meant..!

Please one and all..... let's hope Donald(where's yoor troosers) Trump IS the next US President. Much better than "Granny" Clinton... AND... Donalds mom is Scottish.....

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Sounds more like paranoia.

Tell that to the French ... fichute home.. There is no paranoia where Muslims are concerned..

"In my book I predicted terrorism. Because I can feel it,"

Is that it? As if terrorism was unheard of before 2000. As for Bin Laden being a shadowy figure. Great insight there......not. The Arab was on the radar many years before 9/11.

Shameful use of what happened in Paris to further his own political ambition and nothing to do with his self perceived insight.

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Everyday the Republican presidential campaign gets more ridiculous. coffee1.gif

I can only assume everyone of Trump's devotees are morons.

Bobby Jindal dropped out. Another one of these politicians who couldn't get reelected in their own state.

The New York Times had a story today about Ben Carson's inability to comprehend and learn foreign policy. One would think it should give every voter who thinks they want Carson as the Republican nominee...pause.

The Republican candidates are getting lots of free air time on all the cable news networks to angle for more war and killing while refusing even Syrian children a safe haven.

And finally, former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah (Mama Bear) Palin said on Tuesday that she was ready to hit the campaign trail but was waiting for a sign from God. clap2.gif

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What a moron, it is a joke that people like him can be a candidate for the role of president. It is sad that he gets that many support.

A friend pointed out that every president for the last 40 years, since Kennedy beat Nixon, has been the more charismatic candidate. It looks like Hillary Clinton will be going against Trump in the final race, and Trump certainly has more charisma than The Lizard Queen. Barack and Michelle Obama can enjoy their limo rides and the tour circuit, in January 2017 it appears that Trump will be the president of the US. Don't think he can stop the inevitable deterioration of the country but he will be entertaining for sure.

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You gotta luv this man or at least admire his gull in making a mockery out of the presidential race,

to show you that even a clown billionaire can become the president of the USA, what dose it say

about the validity and the value of such coveted and powerful position? now days? not much really,

if you have the money or the gob to say what people want to hear, than you're in with a good chance...

What it DOES say ezzra, is that English is NOT your first language or perhaps you forgot too attend skool... and please explain to us ignorant people, what is "money or the gob".. But you certainly have the "gull" in making a mockery of the lovely English language. And , how can there be such a thing as a self made "clown" billionaire ? Unless you are very rich and looking in a mirror...... I do believe you grew from a cactus ezzra... and , names should begin on a capital letter..... please accept this rebuff in jest.... as it is meant..!

Please one and all..... let's hope Donald(where's yoor troosers) Trump IS the next US President. Much better than "Granny" Clinton... AND... Donalds mom is Scottish.....

I agree with your criticism. It's rich that a Brit who can't even coherently write in his own native language is criticizing the U.S. political process. As for Trump even winning the GOP nomination, you're dreaming. Both he and Carson will slowly fade. I personally support Rand Paul out of the bunch of GOP retards, but it's only because the candidates from both parties are so abysmal. As always, I will throw my vote away by voting for the libertarian candidate (which I've now done for the past 35 years) because it is the only party that stands for a complete reboot of the government.

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You gotta luv this man or at least admire his gull in making a mockery out of the presidential race,

to show you that even a clown billionaire can become the president of the USA, what dose it say

about the validity and the value of such coveted and powerful position? now days? not much really,

if you have the money or the gob to say what people want to hear, than you're in with a good chance...

What it DOES say ezzra, is that English is NOT your first language or perhaps you forgot too attend skool... and please explain to us ignorant people, what is "money or the gob".. But you certainly have the "gull" in making a mockery of the lovely English language. And , how can there be such a thing as a self made "clown" billionaire ? Unless you are very rich and looking in a mirror...... I do believe you grew from a cactus ezzra... and , names should begin on a capital letter..... please accept this rebuff in jest.... as it is meant..!

Please one and all..... let's hope Donald(where's yoor troosers) Trump IS the next US President. Much better than "Granny" Clinton... AND... Donalds mom is Scottish.....

I agree with your criticism. It's rich that a Brit who can't even coherently write in his own native language is criticizing the U.S. political process. As for Trump even winning the GOP nomination, you're dreaming. Both he and Carson will slowly fade. I personally support Rand Paul out of the bunch of GOP retards, but it's only because the candidates from both parties are so abysmal. As always, I will throw my vote away by voting for the libertarian candidate (which I've now done for the past 35 years) because it is the only party that stands for a complete reboot of the government.

I would have placed good money that he's not a Brit...not that it matters.

Really? Do you know this?

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If Trump is so good about knowing that a terrorist attack will take place, why didn't he tell this to the people that will deal with this!

Good luck to America if you elect this moron!

Trump has been "telling" people for quite some time. But he doesn't hold political office or have the ability to order the government to take any action, although that may soon change. I really don't think it's Trump who is the moron and doesn't understand how the American system of government works.

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If Trump is so good about knowing that a terrorist attack will take place, why didn't he tell this to the people that will deal with this!

Good luck to America if you elect this moron!

I think he was telling it

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Just like his nose for scouting a good location in real estate, Trump went on to say Monday, "I really believe I have an instinct for this kind of thing."

"Nobody knew this kind of terrorism before. But I felt it. And you have to have somebody that has an instinct to lead this country," he said.

He has a bigger instinct for bankruptcy (chapter 11). If he would have been a Singaporean he could not have even run as an MP.

From mt point he is the biggest crook the US Presidential Race has seen but then again the GOP seem to be any way living inside a box.

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You don't have to listen to his words only look at his miserable face with all those billions, this man is not the solution. What an <deleted>, rather than either enjoy or use the money to help, he wants to keep up an ultra far right regime and keep the poor poor and the few rich even richer like himself. Cant this world find better leaders than this? Is this all we got? Bill Gates, where are you mate? or Mark Zuck, come on man, fix this with your smiles, brains and good heart.

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Frightening idea to think that this nutter could push the button.

Be fearful then, because I, as an American citizen, along with millions of others will be voting him into office. You will have no say in the matter.

While there are certainly a lot of loonies in America, there aren't enough to vote Trump into office.

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