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Ahmed Mohamed: Family of US teen seeks $15M in clock incident


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I wonder if a French Muslim kid brings a homemade clock in a bag with wires and batteries and shows it off what will happen. The school did what was right by calling the cops and confiscating the device in his pencil box.

./. and Obama the fool brings even the kid to the White House.

Just deport them to Qatar and let them stay at the Qatar Foundation. The ISIL backers in Qatar must have been impressed by the electronic device when he passed School Security.

Would he has done it by the way in his native country Sudan, he would have been popped of in seconds.

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'... Attorneys ... said Monday he was publicly mistreated and deserves $15 million.' There is a credibility shortfall between being so say 'mistreated' and the deserving of $15m.

'... Kelly Hollingsworth, an attorney for Ahmed and his family, said in an email. "As indicated in the letters, the long term effects on Ahmed are incalculable."' Well, I'm sure $15m would go a long way towards recalculating them; less of course, the percentage that would go towards maintaining the lawyers' lifestyles.
In Thailand, they would start with three zeroes less and work down.
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Ahmed Mohamed: Family of US teen seeks $15M in clock incident

of course he does.

There will be an out-of-court settlement. The family will retire to Florida. The money will be gone in 3 years, spent on fast women and faster cars. He will then become a motivational speaker and hit the talk show circuit. Then come the memoirs and finally obscurity.

Go teen, go.

Edited by klauskunkel
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It seems to me his family has already benefited greatly from this obvious stunt.

Also he was on t.v. laughing about the arrest and saying it was a COOL experience.

I hope those being sued find their balls and resist this little punk and his family.

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I wonder if a French Muslim kid brings a homemade clock in a bag with wires and batteries and shows it off what will happen. The school did what was right by calling the cops and confiscating the device in his pencil box.

./. and Obama the fool brings even the kid to the White House.

Just deport them to Qatar and let them stay at the Qatar Foundation. The ISIL backers in Qatar must have been impressed by the electronic device when he passed School Security.

Would he has done it by the way in his native country Sudan, he would have been popped of in seconds.

Obama at times does overstep, failing to wait an apprpriately lengthy time before responding to such media issues.

Edited by jingjoke
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Shame his father failed in his bid to become President of Sudan.

"You put laws that conform to international conventions on human rights that would achieve social justice and assert individual freedoms. All laws that restrict freedoms will be abolished.

On the apostasy law, El-Hassan said that it is no longer relevant and will repeal it stressing that no one can be forced to adopt a faith he does not believe in"


Islam has emphatically upheld that no one can be forced to adopt a faith they do not believe in. For example: Islam expressly provides for Hindus and Buddhists to alternatively be put to death rather than convert; a fine example of not choosing a faith not believed in. Wait, there's even more compassion and fraternity: Christians and Jews also cannot be forced to "adopt a faith" they don't believe in. While its true they can choose to convert or die they are also given the opportunity not provided to Hindus, Buddhists, and Pagans- to live as a subordinate citizen, practice the faith of their "book," and pay the tax (but in paying the tax they must be made to feel "subjugated."). So yes, stating no one should be forced to adopt a faith he does not believe in comports perfectly with existing islamic law. How does this point reveal this man to have some enlightened take on apostasy?

Few take the time to explore exactly what is said to them. Islamists count on their audience having no idea what they are saying. This guy and his family are an example of how jihad warfare also stalks as lawfare. The response to this kid should be exactly what it would be in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, SA, or numerous other places. America invites attack by its weakness and lassitude.

Example of doublespeak:

I will assume the following is a quote; if not my response still applies: "You put laws that conform to international conventions on human rights that would achieve social justice and assert individual freedoms. All laws that restrict freedoms will be abolished." Who could argue with this, right? I argue with this. This is a blatant lie.

This speaks to the ridiculously offensive statement Obama made following the Paris attacks suggesting somehow there were a universal consensus on human rights/values. There most definitely is not. Obama consistently appeals to this narrative that has the West reading in Islamic statements that which it desires to see. This statement would suggest agreement with the Universal Declaration on Human Rights or subsequent conventions developing the same. Wrong! These Declarations/Conventions are islamically and soundly rejected by, for instance, by the Organization of the Islamic Conference-57 countries-(Read Sudan). This motivated the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in the early 90s.

The Cairo Declaration, like other treaties that some islamic states enter into (Iran), at first glance seemingly ratify and endorse concepts/values/goals that are mutually stipulated. However, everything in the Cairo Declaration- which was THE answer to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights- makes the caveat that the aforesaid is only applicable if consistent with Sharia Law. This is the islamic doublespeak that confounds the west. Yes, Islam declares the same human rights as the larger body of signatories. They can cite passage and verse to prove it. But this only applies if it is subordinate to Sharia Law. You cannot make this stuff up nor hardly misinterpret it. So, when kid's father makes a comment such as the quote above he actually provides his bona fides to islamists.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Law fare is just another manifestation of jihad. The tactic is to wear down and waste the resources of the civilization they wish to destroy by using its laws and customs against it. This will continue unabated until the gullible and self-loathing stop falling for it. I'm not holding my breath on that count.

That's exactly it SD, starting with social security scams, up through frivolous lawsuits, terrorism, all sucking the resources of the host country, and those hosts failing, or not wanting, to see the true position.

Try that on in a middle eastern country and you'd need to count your limbs/body parts.

They think we're idiots.

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The guy's father established a centre for Sufi mysticism in Texas. Sufi's in Sudan are actively oppressed by Islamists.

An article covering the history of the Sufi's from being the soldiers of Islam to now being the enemies of Islamic extremism at the URL below:

In 2007, the influential RAND Corporation issued a major report titled "Building Moderate Muslim Networks," which urged the US government to form links with Muslim groups that opposed Islamist extremism. The report stressed the Sufi role as moderate traditionalists open to change, and thus as potential allies against violence.


It could be a hopeful avenue to explore, though not for the reasons suggested in the link. Sufi may have variously been soldiers but I am unsure the article suggests this, rather the article leaves a near Templar Knight impression- which would not be accurate. Former Persian Zoroastrians were also islamic soldiers, as well as converted christians. Sufi quite quickly devolved into communion and experiential relationship with god, the unitive, and then existed often as the learned, advisers, as hermits, as fakirs, but always a varying danger from the larger islamic community. Their early formation had mystical influences that the arabs did not- initially. In fact, some of their influences would have been quite familiar to you, simple1... and me.

I approve of a unitive approach to religion opposed to dualism, so I like Sufi (in this context). I just do not see the storied history of Sufis actually existing in a way that could possibly leverage the present times. As the article suggest there is much about Sufism that actually is expressly prohibited in the scriptures. It must have been an awful journey to enter Sufism through the islamic portal and through communion and meditation on god, on self, unite these two into a living meditation on the world- and then still remain within the islamic fold. The two are not compatible. Dualist islam- Al Lah is there, you are here. Al Lah is Master, you are Slave- Object-Subject, does not permit communion in so personal and intimate a manner as Sufism and I remain uncertain muslims of the modern age would be more welcoming. Seeking such intimacy with god would be widely frowned upon in islam, still. (The use of Master and Slave are not my own and they are not pejoratives. Besides wider islam, any religion may use these terms lovingly. Islam uses them lovingly. I have used them in the same manner above).

If what you say about enabling Sufi is true, it is interesting. While skeptical about this kid's islamist dad I would also confess, I would prefer more Sufi in the world, and if he did this, kudos.

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Many cases of clear scams start happening after the famous McDonalds coffee cup case, many years ago.. An old lady got millions after got burned by hot coffee on a McDonalds shop, because on the cup was not a notice saying that its contained a hot beverage.

If this kid get money for his stupidity....expect for a lot more coming.... a lot more.

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Well, after all the issues and terrorising of the population by the media, I don't blame the teachers initial reaction one bit. If it was a bomb and they did nothing, everyone would want the teacher behind bars for life for doing nothing had children been hurt.


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Edit earlier text: "You put laws that conform to international conventions on human rights that would achieve social justice and assert individual freedoms. All laws that restrict freedoms will be abolished." Who could argue with this, right? I argue with this. This is a blatant lie.

Should read "...This is deceptive."

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Many cases of clear scams start happening after the famous McDonalds coffee cup case, many years ago.. An old lady got millions after got burned by hot coffee on a McDonalds shop, because on the cup was not a notice saying that its contained a hot beverage.

If this kid get money for his stupidity....expect for a lot more coming.... a lot more.

Scam, yes. But I think what some others may be speaking to is scams that leverage protections and laws in the US that were not actually intended to silence circumspection of a religion; the laws and the unique system of precedents forming US case law serve to insulate protected peoples. This case is great example.

The kid's suit will hardly rest on him being a John Doe who was harassed it will be predicated upon him being a dark skinned muslim male who brought a bomb that was not really a bomb to school and was harassed. The payout will basically endorse the not equal rights but special rights for young dark skinned muslim men who behave in a way that were a young white male to do the same and bring a bomb to school that was not a bomb he would be arrested.

America's end is broadcast simply in such crap being news.

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i think the UK is following this USA trait, sueing society, some years ago father in law in Washington was involved in a rear ender, (about 5mph) stop/go traffic, he tapped a 4 x 4 , the guy got out, absolutely no damage done, fa in law said ok , yep, then this as ole started rolling about in the road like he had been poleaxed, he was only after a free hospital checkup, to charge on fa in laws insurance ,this kid is a little toe rag,

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As far as wackyness goes, the good ol' us of a sure does rival Thailand. Young Ahmed is a hoaxer and now he has lawered up to cash in big time, how many people would trade an hour in custody for all the perks that lad has already scored. I hope this eventually blows up in his face, the little scammer.

Don't know why people keep claiming he's a "hoaxer." Not one of the teachers, administrators, secretaries, or police officers has said that he claimed he had a bomb. The police arrested him and held him for at least eight hours because he kept telling them it was a clock. The police chief claimed they had to arrest him because he kept claiming it was a clock but wouldn't tell them his "larger purpose." It was just an obvious attempt to humiliate a minority student, because none of them acted as if they thought it was a bomb. I think it was the police who came out with the theory that it was a "hoax bomb." Listen, in America nowadays carrying a hoax bomb is surely going to get you arrested and might easily get you killed. Nobody in his right mind would do that. Why would anybody expect that doing it might lead to a chance to sue? That's just a desperate effort to deny obvious reality.

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No wonder people think the way they do, 15m, What a joke, did the family not realize that this is not the time, I don't mind them searching me every time I go through customs, I tell them it is my cock, they don't believe me and take me into a room and ask me to strip, then I show them it is a cock, can I get 15m for that, you get my drift, common knowledge is all that it takes in times of new

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" the long term effects on Ahmed are incalculable"

Yes, but the short term effect is he and his family got a 'golden ticket' to Qatar for life. He is eating better, nicer home, a celebrity in school, etc... The over reaction by school authorities has done nothing but make his life better, and the life of his family. I don't see $15 million 'harm' here.

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Many cases of clear scams start happening after the famous McDonalds coffee cup case, many years ago.. An old lady got millions after got burned by hot coffee on a McDonalds shop, because on the cup was not a notice saying that its contained a hot beverage.

If this kid get money for his stupidity....expect for a lot more coming.... a lot more.

Bad example. The McDonald's case is often used as an example of frivolous claims. McDonalds had intentionally overheated its coffee for production sake. The court case revealed that the chain had been advised repeatedly of other serious burns involving its coffee that was at near boiling temperature. Prudent and responsible behavior would have been to lower the temperature. It was no different than the famous Ford Pinto fire trap gas tanks. The manufacturer calculated that it was lest costly to deal with claims than to fix the problem. That's why it was nailed. We have just seen a similar example with the GM ignitions and the Takeda airbag scandal. It's obvious to me that this is an exploitive and bogus lawsuit. Unfortunately, the case was so bungled by the local police and the school board that it will be in their economic best interest to settle this asap.

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I've just seen a picture of the thing he made. Anyone who understands kids of his age - especially smart-aleck, arch, provocative kids - will realise that it's a James Bond-type prank bomb - there's no other justification for putting those components in a briefcase. The entire world has been hoaxed by this (except Richard Dawkins, who goes even higher in my estimation), and now the kid is really pushing his luck.

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