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Little red bites/bumps?!


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Alright I'm not sure if I'm getting these from my bed which I think I am. Had a girl over last night and she has some bites/bumps on her too.

I've attached images of what they look like. Anyone know what these are?

<deleted> ants or something maybe?

The marks on my hands aren't raised or bumps at all, but the ones on my feet are raised a little.



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If you had no previous case and you have used this bed before for sometime then can't be a bed bug bite.

Perhaps a spider or some kind of bug.

Spray under your bed and hiding places around your bed. The whole room as well then leave the room for a few hours.

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Yeah I think it's mosquitos because i found a ton of them in my room because the door was cracked open a little bit. But there are bites all over my body, this is crazy.

The marks aren't puffy or itchy at all though, mosquito bites usually are?

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Yeah I think it's mosquitos because i found a ton of them in my room because the door was cracked open a little bit. But there are bites all over my body, this is crazy.

The marks aren't puffy or itchy at all though, mosquito bites usually are?

Hydro - I cannot tell you what they are, but I do know that mosquito bites are not always itchy. I've often had them on my feet, ankles and calves, yet felt nothing - sometimes other people point them out to me.At that point I generally apply Savlon which i carry - however that's not generally available in Thailand and I'm told Dettol cream is as good and that is available.

If you actually are a newbie to Thailand (apologies if you're not!) many pharmacists are knowledgeable and helpful.

Hope that information is of some help - do post here if you get a definitive answer. won't you.

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Not spiders,they would not bite all over like that,tiny ants,but you say

not itchy ,which they really are,Mosquitoes less so,but as on feet and

hands,most likely Mosquitoes,but strange they are not itchy.allergy?

regards worgeordie

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So I went to the hospital and they basically just gave me an injection of an anti-histamine and some allergy pills and creme. I really don't think it's allergies though, because I've never had anything like this in my life.

I think it was more than likely mosquitoes but it's really hard to be sure. I've attached another image of my arm, I've got those basically all over my body besides my back, neck and face (thank lord haha).

The ONE time I leave the door open all night this happens, and I wake up to a ton of mosquitoes in my room. So I think more than likely it's mosquito bites, it would be a huge coincidence if it wasn't.

I have been in the same room for about 2 months, so I don't think it could be bedbugs as another guy mentioned. I would have been getting bit from the start right?

It's very weird though, there is literally no itching or pain at all. They just feel bumpy on my skin.. no pain, no itch.


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I would say bed bugs going by this site



How long have you been in this room? hotel or condo? strip everything off to the mattress, if its a condo invest few thousand baht get new everything including pillows

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Part of me hopes its bed bugs because they don't carry diseases or fevers like dengue, but the other part of me hopes it was just mosquitos because I don't want to deal with bed bugs.

This happened to occur the night the door was open and 30+ mosquitoes flew in my room. I've been in this room for 2 months and never had anything like this before. (I also receive cleaning services every week and they change all my bedding and clean my room etc). I feel like if I had bed bugs this entire time I would have been getting bit from day 1.

I really think it's mosquito bites at this point. I guess I will find out soon enough if the bumps last beyond the timeframe of a mosquito bite bump.

I still have these bites and they look just as red as they did 3 days ago though.

I still can't be certain what type of bites they are. If I get anymore of them I'm automatically calling bed bugs as all the mosquitos in my room have been killed.

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Do you have a cat or a dog in the house? Because they could be flea bites. Or you might have brought something into the house all ready infested with the little buggers.

If you do have pets, dab some Frontline on them to kill the fleas, then burn your bedding and wash all your clothes and clean the floors with disinfectant. Also check your mattress and under the bed.

It could also be scabies, so go to your doctor and have it checked out.


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Do you have a cat or a dog in the house? Because they could be flea bites. Or you might have brought something into the house all ready infested with the little buggers.

If you do have pets, dab some Frontline on them to kill the fleas, then burn your bedding and wash all your clothes and clean the floors with disinfectant. Also check your mattress and under the bed.

It could also be scabies, so go to your doctor and have it checked out.

You don't really need a dog or cat in the house to get fleas.

I got fleas eating in an outdoor street restaurant with cats wandering around under the table. The fleas got into my socks and bit all around my ankles.

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Do you have a cat or a dog in the house? Because they could be flea bites. Or you might have brought something into the house all ready infested with the little buggers.

If you do have pets, dab some Frontline on them to kill the fleas, then burn your bedding and wash all your clothes and clean the floors with disinfectant. Also check your mattress and under the bed.

It could also be scabies, so go to your doctor and have it checked out.

You don't really need a dog or cat in the house to get fleas.

I got fleas eating in an outdoor street restaurant with cats wandering around under the table. The fleas got into my socks and bit all around my ankles.

True yes. Whatever, they do look like flea bites.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

These things disappeared for like 3 months, NOW THEY ARE BACK and in the same spot?!!? Like they just got re red again or something. I'm going nuts again. They aren't as red as before, but they are in the same spots on my arms and definitely raised up again. What could this be?

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They look like chiigger bites, if you've been outside,walking through a field or somewhere, that might be what they are.

If they're bed bugs you'll have little blood stains on your sheets from when they bite you.They also shed their skins,] and leave them behind, so if there are dark 'crumbs' scattered around you bedding, it's probably bed bugs.


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