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why they have to stop right on the middle of the street?


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Car drivers in Thailand show very poor skill, any fool can learn how to ride a motorbike, but you have to be taught how to drive a car properly

They often drive at 10 miles an hour in the middle of the road, give no signals when turning, and yes double park and cause big bottle necks, and watching some go round a corner is hilarious

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"While the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You can, for example, never foretell what any one man will be up to, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. So says the statistician". ~Arthur Conan Doyle

... In Thailand the 'average number' show very little consideration for anyone else...

... Kraeng-Jai obviously changes this, when in the presence of a family member or known senior Thai's tend to trip over themselves to almost ridiculous levels to assist, kiss ass, help out and show their efforts... But when its someone they don't, the 'average number' simply doesn't care... its almost as if life beyond their immediate circle of awareness is non-existent... there is no world outside their circle, or if there is, it doesn't matter.

... The Wife of a friend of mine stopped her car in the street so she could nip out and buy something... I suggested she pulled over out of the way.. Why? was her reply.. ... because you are making it difficult for others behind to pass us, was my reply... So What ??? was her reply..

And with that So What comment a new insight into the Thai psyche developed.... when generalising, the average persons thought when potentially inconveniencing others is simply "So What !"...

So, why does the car in front stop in the middle of the street ?? because the driver simply doesn't care about anyone else around them... So what if someone else is inconvenienced through their actions.

Edited by richard_smith237
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Until police start ticketing people for doing this you can count on it continuing to happen for years into the future. I even watched a falang do it on Soi Buakhao in Pattaya and anyone who knows this street they know it's a narrow small street. It forced all traffic down to one lane.

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Thai people don't care, or say "So What", even when they are aware that they are wrong. The trouble is very very few are ever penalised for their carelessness, thoughtlessness and stupidity, to the extent that they just don't care.

Even if they are apprehended, invariably it's either just a slap on the wrist or a 100baht fine, which they amusingly relate to teir friends.

Laws, whether one agrees with them or not, are there to be obeyed, and must be enforced with meaningful penalties for those who don't care.

Then and only then they would not be smugly telling their friends they were fined 5,000baht. They would instead think twice before showing their inconsiderate ways to others.

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The one that really irritates me is....a car overtakes you and immediately slams on the brakes because he is turning left for some reason like going down a Soi or into a filling station....one other, a car pulls right out in front of you from a side street and usually you were the last car with absolutely nothing behind you....(I always check) I can usually be heard saying in a loud voice to the Mrs...."did you see that, and not a thing in the world behind me, couldn't wait".

Edited by dotpoom
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If the police ever did their job and handed out tickets and arrested people they would be rich beyond belief, ninety percent would be taken off the streets and the jails and prisons would be over flowing.The majority of drivers including some foreigners would never be allowed to drive in many countries. As far as parking in the middle of the road it is not only dangerous for others it is just plain stupid and SELFISH!

Edited by Petchabun Man
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If ever a country warranted the "I'm alright Jack" label it's Thailand. What about the motorcyclists who hem your car in, front and back, and make it impossible for you to get out of a parking space?

If they ever do that to me they will get the same treatment they got when they hemmed my motorbike in.

Just move the bikes on to the road, and then ride or drive away without putting them back.

I would understand there would be a problem if the car driver was not able bodied.

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Car drivers in Thailand show very poor skill, any fool can learn how to ride a motorbike, but you have to be taught how to drive a car properly

They often drive at 10 miles an hour in the middle of the road, give no signals when turning, and yes double park and cause big bottle necks, and watching some go round a corner is hilarious

Ever watched a female reversing in a UK supermarket car park?

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"While the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You can, for example, never foretell what any one man will be up to, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. So says the statistician". ~Arthur Conan Doyle

... In Thailand the 'average number' show very little consideration for anyone else...

... Kraeng-Jai obviously changes this, when in the presence of a family member or known senior Thai's tend to trip over themselves to almost ridiculous levels to assist, kiss ass, help out and show their efforts... But when its someone they don't, the 'average number' simply doesn't care... its almost as if life beyond their immediate circle of awareness is non-existent... there is no world outside their circle, or if there is, it doesn't matter.

... The Wife of a friend of mine stopped her car in the street so she could nip out and buy something... I suggested she pulled over out of the way.. Why? was her reply.. ... because you are making it difficult for others behind to pass us, was my reply... So What ??? was her reply..

And with that So What comment a new insight into the Thai psyche developed.... when generalising, the average persons thought when potentially inconveniencing others is simply "So What !"...

So, why does the car in front stop in the middle of the street ?? because the driver simply doesn't care about anyone else around them... So what if someone else is inconvenienced through their actions.

I once stood and watched a Thai driver stop outside and enter a 7-11 in Soi 23. the back log of cars piled up as far back as I could see.

I just shook my head and walked away.

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Seems that behaviour follows through with shopping carts at shopping centers. Park them right in the middle of the aisle so no one can get around them. smile.png

Yes, you see that all the time. I just push it away and try and hide it, then watch the fun and games when someone goes looking for it.

All the better when the trolley is full.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by possum1931
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The one that really irritates me is....a car overtakes you and immediately slams on the brakes because he is turning left for some reason like going down a Soi or into a filling station....one other, a car pulls right out in front of you from a side street and usually you were the last car with absolutely nothing behind you....(I always check) I can usually be heard saying in a loud voice to the Mrs...."did you see that, and not a thing in the world behind me, couldn't wait".

I was once cycling past a filling station when a large bus overtook me and pulled into the filling station before completely passing me, forcing me to go in inside him... A couple of punches and kicks to the side of the bus to stop from being crushed under the rear wheels.. I gave the driver a verbal attack to which he simply laughed... Until I called him a "ling", "kwai", and "hia"... at which point he jumped out of his bus and chased me down the street... LOL

...but perhaps I was lucky he didn't take too much offense, or he may have pulled a gun.!

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If ever a country warranted the "I'm alright Jack" label it's Thailand. What about the motorcyclists who hem your car in, front and back, and make it impossible for you to get out of a parking space?

If they ever do that to me they will get the same treatment they got when they hemmed my motorbike in.

Just move the bikes on to the road, and then ride or drive away without putting them back.

I would understand there would be a problem if the car driver was not able bodied.

Done that on many occasions.

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So true !

I always wonder how people who are supposed to be so nice and carrying, who often go to temple, can be so monkeys for some things.

Just like when I remind them that maybe their parents would be sad after they die for drunk driving !

How possible that they didn't think about it first ? Stupidity and ignorance are good reasons...

I'm hopeless to help them so I will just use them as long as I can before they are cheap ! But this is one of the few countries that I like but where I am sure that nothing will never change and where people will never improve. The reason ? Just because they already think that they are perfect !

"While the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You can, for example, never foretell what any one man will be up to, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. So says the statistician". ~Arthur Conan Doyle

... In Thailand the 'average number' show very little consideration for anyone else...

... Kraeng-Jai obviously changes this, when in the presence of a family member or known senior Thai's tend to trip over themselves to almost ridiculous levels to assist, kiss ass, help out and show their efforts... But when its someone they don't, the 'average number' simply doesn't care... its almost as if life beyond their immediate circle of awareness is non-existent... there is no world outside their circle, or if there is, it doesn't matter.

... The Wife of a friend of mine stopped her car in the street so she could nip out and buy something... I suggested she pulled over out of the way.. Why? was her reply.. ... because you are making it difficult for others behind to pass us, was my reply... So What ??? was her reply..

And with that So What comment a new insight into the Thai psyche developed.... when generalising, the average persons thought when potentially inconveniencing others is simply "So What !"...

So, why does the car in front stop in the middle of the street ?? because the driver simply doesn't care about anyone else around them... So what if someone else is inconvenienced through their actions.

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