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Slim-up centres, do they work, my wife wants to enroll after baby

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Hi does anybody have any experience of these places, my wife was accosted by 2 sales girls in Central Festival centre in Pattaya yesterday. They tried to sell her a package worth 80,000 baht for 30,000 baht, or so they say.

my wife had her 2nd baby 2 weeks ago and is desperate to shake off 10 kilos, she had a cesarian so cant go to the gym, which she loves, due to the op and the obvious lack of time.

these sales girls even walked her all the way to her wallet, ME,at the kids play area at the other end of the shopping centre! press ganged or what?

I managed to escape their clutches about 3 times in various locations thereafter.

so for 30,000 she can have the treatment which is 5 x 2hr sessions.

has anyone or their wives used this as i am very sceptical as she did something similar in the UK and you guessed it.........the results were the same as my bank account....NIL !


You already answered your own question,imo it will be a waste of money!

It is normal for a woman to gain extra weight during pregnancy,if the baby is breast fed usually the weight will start to decline again quikly.

I have a lot of experience working with people who want to either gain or loose weight,most of those weightloss programs are just to make your wallet get lighter.


There is no such thing as spot reducing, and those people I see who exercise while wearing rubber/or plastic suits in order to sweat more are doing nothing towards weight loss. The only way to loose weight is to eat less, exercise more and eat healthy as well. A bit of strength training added to the mix can help build some muscle as well. I suspect the only loss your wife will experience from this scheme is becoming a bit lighter in the wallet.


As mentioned, the best thing your wife could do for herself and her new baby is to breast feed, eat a healthy diet and spent lots of active time with her kids. Breastfeeding consumes oodles of calories.


OP how on earth will she loose 10 kg in 10 hours you are paying for. At B 30 k you are paying B 3000 per hour. What if she doesn't loose the weight do you get a refund ?

I would suggest that your wife waits until she can gym again and that she starts to watch what she eats and do a low intensity exercise program. Can she walk for 30 minutes per day ?


Of course your wife can go to a gym exercise after she's healed properly. Get her a gym, a female trainer few days a week, 3 days minimum exercise per week increasing days if she likes it, eat properly and no excessively and the weight will come off. Lose it over a year period.


Hi OP, my partner likes to copy most things I do, so I have been on the paleo diet and has worked wonders for her. I think most Thais dont fair to well eating western type foods and also including some thai dishes, which typicaly can be high carbs/sugar or flour coated deepfried. Paleo is easy to do in Thailand and no strenous training required, probably a morning walk around the block or park will do the trick. I had a hernia op a few years ago and my surgeon said the best way for a body to heal quickly from surgery is to walk.


Diet is the key till she can return to normal activities. Easing in to walking as an exercise. Its just time........lots of women get bored and eat so they gain .....


hahaha yes i agree with all of you.

good, the purpose of this post was to show my wife the feedback thus saving me 30,000 baht. I am a member at the Ambassador hotel gym which is superb and cost me 5000 a year! so that is 6 years membership fees instead of 10 hours of daylight robbery, I know which I would opt for.

Spare time is an issue for the gym but she is walking alot, eating little but healthily so I believe that she will be fine.

thanks for all your input and keep your wives away from these charlatansclap2.gif


I used to work in a fancy exclusive Western day spa. I can tell you unequivocally that the results are never as impressive as they will tell you to expect. Nor will they last beyond when you rehydrate with a good amount of water. She'd be better off waiting until she can exercise safely again and portion control wisely. This crazy notion that celebrities have fostered of losing all of their baby weight within a week of birthing is unnatural. Not to mention it effectively ruins ones natural metabolism, making it that much harder to maintain a healthy weight as you age. Utter madness.


You have several treatments such as injections on the target areas that will disolve fat. Heat and radiowaves. Medications and more. But why risk any reaction,pain, infection, that will force her to take antibiotics or painkillers while she still breastfeeds. Let her breastfeed and when done you give her a nice bellysuction and new boobs. Or just let her go workout. But theres no shortcuts. Go buy her a nice gymcard and take the baby 3h.


Assuming these "treatments" are something other than exercise no, they will not work.

5x 2hours=10 hours

10 kg = 70000 kcal

Also no exercise can do that...liposuction?


If she's not the type to go to a gym, get an elliptical for home. I have one and if you use it properly, it's very good for shedding fat. Hood ones are very low impact, which is good for my knees. Combine that with a predominantly vegetable diet, she will lose weight.


They offer no more than group think in my opinion, support of others, and for some who are unable to motivate themselves, that side of the program works.

Do some research on the net for appropriate exercises, eat healthy food, and she will achieve her goals.

Remember that old training pitch.....you can only tale out what you put in, or the result is directly proportional to the effort.

Also, keep it low impact, and there is no such thing as a shortcut.


It's entirely normal to carry additional weight for a while, not an issue for a few months at least.

But it's good for her to get out the house and have a break every day. If she can combine that with light activity and a sensible diet so much the better.


Combine that with a predominantly vegetable diet, she will lose weight.

The DavisH Diet, eh. Is meat and fish fattening then?


Combine that with a predominantly vegetable diet, she will lose weight.

The DavisH Diet, eh. Is meat and fish fattening then?

Meat and fish are more calorie dense as vegetables. Eat 200 gram fish or 200 grams salad and the difference is huge.

I certainly eat my meat as we need good proteins. (vegetarians will argue its not true)

But i will eat loads of veggies to to get full easier.


Combine that with a predominantly vegetable diet, she will lose weight.

The DavisH Diet, eh. Is meat and fish fattening then?

Meat and fish are more calorie dense as vegetables. Eat 200 gram fish or 200 grams salad and the difference is huge.

I certainly eat my meat as we need good proteins. (vegetarians will argue its not true)

But i will eat loads of veggies to to get full easier.

And eating loads of vegetables and at least cutting back a bit on meat ensures that you poop regular too, which, in my book is a good thing.


I can't speak for others, but I've found that diet has far more effect than the exercise, although obviously both help.

In my own case I can eat fat or eat carbs and still lose weight, but if I combine them in the same meal then I pile it on in rapid fashion, so I tend to separate them as much as is feasible without ruining the experience of good food. YMMV. Some people get carb cravings and cave in. To me I think I could live entirely without sugar unless doing some intensive exercise where you want to keep plenty of energy on tap and not 'hit the wall' so to speak.


These 'slim-up' centers in Thailand are a waste of money - the procedures revolve around losing water weight, not fat and the 'results' are temporary.


I can't speak for others, but I've found that diet has far more effect than the exercise, although obviously both help.

In my own case I can eat fat or eat carbs and still lose weight, but if I combine them in the same meal then I pile it on in rapid fashion, so I tend to separate them as much as is feasible without ruining the experience of good food. YMMV. Some people get carb cravings and cave in. To me I think I could live entirely without sugar unless doing some intensive exercise where you want to keep plenty of energy on tap and not 'hit the wall' so to speak.

Of course....you eat fat and carbs....carbs are used fat is stored for later.....Carb craving your get more if you more fast carbs....

Usually diet is way more effective than exercise, unless you start to love running or bicycle.


True..diet is the thing most people forget to do.

You can actually save money instead of spending it....and lose weight. (food and beverage being a huge part of anyone's budget)

No need a cute girl telling you to buy creams, lotions...and magic coffee.

Exercise keeps you fit...and helps your metablism/appearance. Diet and exercise together...is the holy grail of looking and feeling like that girl on Wrecking Ball.


Diet is 80% of the work in losing weight I have heard. But in my personal experience, I have significantly upped the exercise and only reduced food intake say 30% - Nights out on the piss no expense is spared but I then balance this by not doing that for a few weeks and happily locking in the savings and reduced waistline.

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