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Defiant Trump dismisses criticism of his Muslim statement


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Defiant Trump dismisses criticism of his Muslim statement


WASHINGTON: -- A defiant Donald Trump is dismissing heated criticism of his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States.

Trump has compared his plan to the detainment of members of the Japanese, German and Italian community during the Second World War.

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. We have no choice.”

Speaker of the US lower house, Republican Paul Ryan, says this goes beyond a campaign issue:

“Normally, I do not comment on what’s going on in the presidential election. I will take an exception today. This is not Conservatism. What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for and, more importantly, it is not what this country stands for.”

“Not only are there many Muslims serving in our armed forces, dying for this country, there are Muslims serving right here in the House, working every day to uphold and to defend the Constitution.”

Trump warned the recent attack in San Bernardino as well as those of Paris, could happen again if no action is taken.

His comments have been roundly condemned both at home and abroad.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-09
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And it will not be long before there is another muslim terror attack. And another. And another. And another. And then all the establishment business as usual types, such as Ryan, will choke on their own words, as they become irrelevant. Trump is ahead of them all. Sharia believing muslims embrace an ideological system that is antithetical to the way of life of 98 percent of American citizens. And it should not be foisted on the United States through a leaky, open doors immigration system that lets in illegals, people hostile to America, and enemy ideologies intent on destroying the nation.

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It's just the latest wedge issue by conservatives. They demagogue and make people afraid of things which fit the narrative at the moment. First it was welfare to minorities (southern strategy), then it was anti- same sex marriage, more recently it's climate change and obamacare, all of which the public has come around on, and now it's this.

Just look at Trump.. first it was Hispanics, then it was Asians, then Blacks and now its Muslims.

Total demagoguery and of course like the article says he's defiant.

Edited by JakeSully
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It was OK in the 4os to throw potential enemies in internment camps , for the populations safety,

Yes, the 1940s, also known as World War II, which was also the last war the US won. The US is now involved in World War III, or so the pundits and politicians say, and losing because its leaders want to invite the enemy within the gates.

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If someone besides Barack Obama was in power, Trump would be out of line. However, under the circumstances, he might be justified in a little overkill. Obama is seriously delusional when it comes to radical Islam,

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Trump shrugs off widespread outrage over proposed Muslim ban

MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's call to block Muslims from entering the United States is being met with a chorus of near-universal condemnation from across the country and around the globe.

From the halls of Congress to 10 Downing Street, Trump's statement Monday advocating a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" was blasted as bigoted, unconstitutional and potentially dangerous for American interests abroad.

British Prime Minister David Cameron, breaking the custom of British leaders not commenting on U.S. presidential contenders, slammed it as "divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong." U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon denounced "any kind of rhetoric that relies on Islamophobia, xenophobia, any other appeal to hate any groups." The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued a statement in support of religious freedom.

Even Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling weighed in, decrying Trump on Twitter as worse than her fictional villain Lord Voldemort.

"This is not conservatism," Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan told reporters after a closed-door GOP caucus meeting. "What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for, and more importantly it's not what this country stands for."

Trump's campaign has been marked by a pattern of inflammatory statements, dating back to rhetoric that some Mexican immigrants, who entered the country illegally, are drug smugglers and rapists — but even that didn't evoke the same widespread level of contempt.

The billionaire businessman and former reality television star has maintained his lead in early opinion surveys, despite the controversies, vexing his Republican rivals and alarming a GOP establishment in panic over the damage they fear he's doing to a deeply divided party.

Trump, who appears to revel in the attention, didn't back down from his proposal Tuesday, saying that banning Muslims "until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on" is warranted after last month's attacks by Muslim extremists in Paris and last week's shootings in San Bernardino, California.

"I don't care about them," Trump told CNN Tuesday in a telephone interview, when asked about denunciation by GOP leaders. He said the country needs to recognize that it's at war.

Trump's proposed ban would apply to immigrants and visitors alike, a sweeping prohibition affecting adherents of a religion practiced by more than a billion people worldwide. Trump clarified in a round of television interviews Tuesday that his proposed ban would not apply to American citizens traveling abroad and would allow exemptions for certain people, including the leaders of Middle Eastern countries and athletes for certain sporting events.

However, not specified in his list of exemptions, for example, are Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai and the four civil society groups that led Tunisia's transition to democracy — all Muslim Nobel Peace Prize winners.

Since the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris that killed 130 people and wounded hundreds, some other Republican presidential contenders have proposed restrictions on refugees and tighter surveillance in the U.S. But Trump's proposal goes far further, prompting a new round of criticism.

Sen. Lindsey Graham said Trump's rhetoric risked inflaming tensions in the Middle East, playing into the recruiting strategy of Islamic State militants, who have framed their battle as a war between Islam and the West.

"He's putting our soldiers and diplomats at risk, he's empowering the enemy," said Graham, another GOP presidential contender, in an interview with CNN. Trump, he said, is making new enemies of people "who came to our side in Iraq and Afghanistan and who are under siege in their own countries."

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, another Trump rival, suggested Trump's comments were helping violent extremists gain strength.

"They want us to marginalize Muslims so that they move in their direction, rather than in ours."

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson also weighed in, telling MSNBC: "I believe that it's the responsibility of those of us in national security and homeland security, when a leading candidate for office proposes something that is irresponsible, probably illegal, unconstitutional, and contrary to international law, un-American, and will actually hurt our efforts at homeland security and national security, we have to speak out."

At the White House, press secretary Josh Earnest lambasted Trump as a "carnival barker" and called on his rivals to denounce their fellow candidate.

"What he said is disqualifying," Earnest said. "Any Republican who's too fearful of the Republican base to admit it has no business serving as president, either."

Colvin reported from Newark, New Jersey. AP writers Mark Sherman, Laurie Kellman, Josh Lederman and Alan Fram in Washington, Bill Barrow in South Carolina, Thomas Beaumont in Manchester, New Hampshire and Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-09

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"He's putting our soldiers and diplomats at risk, he's empowering the enemy," said Graham, another GOP presidential contender, in an interview with CNN. Trump, he said, is making new enemies of people "who came to our side in Iraq and Afghanistan and who are under siege in their own countries."

This from John McCain's mini-me, the limp noodle who put American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and imposed a silly "hearts and minds" strategy that had our muslim "allies" repeatedly attack and kill American soldiers. Maybe they just don't like America or Americans and no amount of pandering and self abasement is going to change their opinion.


Edited by Usernames
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Learn from Japan ! They don,t let them in and have no problem. Musilms should be living in muslim countries where they can vent their affections on goats and their frustrations on each other. Go for it Donald !!!

Japan does let them in.

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“First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me."

Bonhoffer, jailed by the Nazis, sums it all up well. Trump, thick as two short planks, wants to stop Mexicans, Asians, Muslims, (he hasn't yet mentioned Scots or North Koreans or Hawaians but there is time) from entering the Land of the Free. Eventually we will have a nice clean Nazi Amerika......

And hold on, why are all our tax-funded organizations (Homeland, FBI, CIA etc etc) not able to figure out (BEFOREHAND) that there is something amiss when two Muslims can buy enough ammunition to blow up Mount Rushmore. Congratulations, NRA, for winning the only argument that matters.

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Learn from Japan ! They don,t let them in and have no problem. Musilms should be living in muslim countries where they can vent their affections on goats and their frustrations on each other. Go for it Donald !!!

Oh, right!

...care to back this ridiculous statement up with some facts?

Yep...you can't because it is just simply BS!


Jama Mosque in Tokyo.
Main article: Islam in Japan
Islam (イスラム教 Isuramukyō) in Japan is mostly represented by small immigrant communities from other parts of Asia. In 2008, Keiko Sakurai estimated that 80–90% of the Muslims in Japan were foreign born migrants primarily from Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Iran.[38] It has been estimated that the Muslim immigrant population amounts to 70,000–100,000 people, while the "estimated number of Japanese Muslims ranges from thousands to tens of thousands".[39]
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Japan
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Trump may well be feeding the hate filled xenophobia of the looney right, well evidenced on this forum, but at the same time he is destroying the GOP and any chance of their coming to power. And of course you need the power to enact any of your policies...looney though they may be.

So carry on, Donald. Shoot yourself and the Republicans in the foot. And get used to another 8 years out in the cold.

Very interesting article on the subject.

Is Donald Trump destroying the Republican Party?

"Over the past few weeks, word spread that Republican elders were increasingly anxious at the damage Donald Trump was doing to their party's long-term presidential prospects.

With the New York real estate tycoon's latest pronouncement on closing the US borders to all Muslims, that anxiety has become palpable panic.

Behind this barrage of criticism is fear that Mr Trump's controversial statements, which would be campaign killers for more traditional candidates, are solidifying his support among increasingly restive conservatives at the expense of the party's long-term ability to assemble the voting coalitions necessary to win the presidency."

Edited by dexterm
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It's just the latest wedge issue by conservatives. They demagogue and make people afraid of things which fit the narrative at the moment. First it was welfare to minorities (southern strategy), then it was anti- same sex marriage, more recently it's climate change and obamacare, all of which the public has come around on, and now it's this.

Just look at Trump.. first it was Hispanics, then it was Asians, then Blacks and now its Muslims.

Total demagoguery and of course like the article says he's defiant.

And so he should be.... He is a white , blond haired, blue eyed Protestant boy..... I remember one small Austrian man who would be so proud of our Donald.... Trump for President of USA.... My vote all the way...

And as for demagoguery, well, obviously there is no rationalization with Moslems.... Stuff all the do-gooders, let them stand in front of the bullets and bombs...

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If someone besides Barack Obama was in power, Trump would be out of line. However, under the circumstances, he might be justified in a little overkill. Obama is seriously delusional when it comes to radical Islam,

Delusional, cowardly, and unwilling to ruffle a single feather, or offend a single person. He is not saying what needs to be said, and that is that your people need to speak out in a unified voice, and condemn the freaks amongst you!

Trump is completely over the top. But, like you said, Obama is not addressing this issue at all, and it is most unhelpful. No solutions will be found, as long as he insists on keeping his head in the sand.

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It's chickens coming home to roost.

The (Republican) controlled MSM (MainStreamMedia) fawned over their "golden boy" Reagan and pretty much went along with every crazy thing he said.

When George W. Bush got into power the New York Times assigned a Republican liar named "Judith Miller" to breathlessly repeat every lie pitched out there by an alcoholic named 'Curveball'.

And the endless, equating two sides of every argument as a "difference of opinion". No.

If Politician A claims the Earth is flat and another says its round, that's not a " difference of opinion". It's a total breakdown of the Fifth Estate (I.e. The Free Press's role in a healthy democracy).

Instead you have con artists like Trump being taken seriously by the MSM, because weak minded individuals who need an Authoritarian tell them what to do like him.

I'll bet he would win a TVF straw poll.


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Those dastardly Islamic State militants have now claimed responsibility for Donald Trump's hair.................coffee1.gif


35 Years today since John Lennon killed.

ISIS claims responsibility.

Edited by oxo1947
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Trump did not go far enough. Absolute ban on muslims coming to the US , deportation of "problem" muslims , no mosques , would be even better. And the hoping Europe will follow.

I think you are equating your wishful thinking with the Republicans actually winning the election. Even if Trump loses the nomination, the hateful mud he has created will stick to the GOP, while whoever their candidate is will be furiously back peddling on all the damage Trump has caused. Nice one, Donald!

Edited by dexterm
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Learn from Japan ! They don,t let them in and have no problem. Musilms should be living in muslim countries where they can vent their affections on goats and their frustrations on each other. Go for it Donald !!!

Oh, right!

...care to back this ridiculous statement up with some facts?

Yep...you can't because it is just simply BS!


Jama Mosque in Tokyo.
Main article: Islam in Japan
Islam (イスラム教 Isuramukyō) in Japan is mostly represented by small immigrant communities from other parts of Asia. In 2008, Keiko Sakurai estimated that 80–90% of the Muslims in Japan were foreign born migrants primarily from Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Iran.[38] It has been estimated that the Muslim immigrant population amounts to 70,000–100,000 people, while the "estimated number of Japanese Muslims ranges from thousands to tens of thousands".[39]
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Japan

The percentage of Muslims in Japan is less that 1/10th of 1 percent.

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If someone besides Barack Obama was in power, Trump would be out of line. However, under the circumstances, he might be justified in a little overkill. Obama is seriously delusional when it comes to radical Islam,

It would seem that confusion between Islam and radical Islam is not all that uncommon around here either.

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Trump did not go far enough. Absolute ban on muslims coming to the US , deportation of "problem" muslims , no mosques , would be even better. And the hoping Europe will follow.

no mosques? the word pogrom springs to mind.

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Learn from Japan ! They don,t let them in and have no problem. Musilms should be living in muslim countries where they can vent their affections on goats and their frustrations on each other. Go for it Donald !!!

Oh, right!

...care to back this ridiculous statement up with some facts?

Yep...you can't because it is just simply BS!


Jama Mosque in Tokyo.
Main article: Islam in Japan
Islam (イスラム教 Isuramukyō) in Japan is mostly represented by small immigrant communities from other parts of Asia. In 2008, Keiko Sakurai estimated that 80–90% of the Muslims in Japan were foreign born migrants primarily from Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Iran.[38] It has been estimated that the Muslim immigrant population amounts to 70,000–100,000 people, while the "estimated number of Japanese Muslims ranges from thousands to tens of thousands".[39]
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Japan

The percentage of Muslims in Japan is less that 1/10th of 1 percent.

Which part of the original claim of "They don,t let them in and have no problem" is too hard for you to comprehend?

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It's chickens coming home to roost.

The (Republican) controlled MSM (MainStreamMedia) fawned over their "golden boy" Reagan and pretty much went along with every crazy thing he said.

When George W. Bush got into power the New York Times assigned a Republican liar named "Judith Miller" to breathlessly repeat every lie pitched out there by an alcoholic named 'Curveball'.

And the endless, equating two sides of every argument as a "difference of opinion". No.

If Politician A claims the Earth is flat and another says its round, that's not a " difference of opinion". It's a total breakdown of the Fifth Estate (I.e. The Free Press's role in a healthy democracy).

Instead you have con artists like Trump being taken seriously by the MSM, because weak minded individuals who need an Authoritarian tell them what to do like him.

I'll bet he would win a TVF straw poll.


The MSM is paid for by the establishment class. They are doing anything they can to cut him down and it is not working.

Most muslim apologists share a trait with muslims so this is why they hate Trump so much. Lots of Muslim apologists are closet Antisemitic

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Daesh sent a thanks note to Trump for his work...

The ones praising Trump are probably the same who praise the second amendment, and yet spit on the Bill of Rights.

The open door policy got us 9/11, the Boston bombing , the fort Hood shooter, the DC sniper and on and on and on.

But could you please explain to me how Trump banning ISIS members from entering the US bodes well for ISIS ?

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