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Prayut has democracy wish for the New Year


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you guys seem to have all the answers at least you think you do

lets just reset all of this and go back to what was there before (that) very obviously didn't work lol

I said it before and I will say it again, Thailand needed change to stop the abuse, some say there is abuse now and I would agree that certain things are somewhat over the top, but if putting a muzzle on certain people and factions to achieve the end goal is what needs to be done then sobeit, it remains to be seen wether the good General will honor his goals and achieve his planned roadmap, I will give him until the end of 2018 and if we don't have an election- then call foul - and you can quote me on that

There are many thugs criminals gangsters are going to lose their income if this charter really does have its planned effect, the abusers are fighting to keep the system of corruption alive so they can "easily" continue to fleece the Thai people
"...Thailand needed change to stop the abuse..."

Yes, and Thailand still needs change but Uncle Too and his merry band of juntaists aren't delivering on their promises - that much is glaringly obvious. After 19 coups and attempts where nothing has changed it should give you a clue as to what their real intentions are, namely perpetuating their own rule.
Let's put it down to 19 coups and 20 constitution since 1932. Thailand has an average of 1 new constitution every 4 years and many of those adopted following military coups. Talk about the insanity of repeating and hoping to get a new result. Thailand has not any progress in her political future. Strongly feel that the military is not a solution but is a problematic thorn in the betterment of democracy for Thailand. As the top 3 political scientists in today' s Nation correctly said that "only democracy will get us out of this crisis". And to add, only having a clause in the constitution to outlaw coup will be a big step to the country woes.
I agree with what you say, but outlawing a coup in a new constitution will not help as the military is quite happy to tear it up and give themselves the mother of all amnesties - you know, like the amnesty the YL government tried to sneak through parliament, only ten times worse.

You are right. On the anniversary of the coup, a group of activist petitioned the criminal court to charge the junta for treason but was dismissed due to the blanket amnesty. YL government foolishly tried to ram the amnesty through but meet with the appropriate oppositions on the streets as well as in the courts. That's how democracy should work. Freedom of expression and the judiciary process. PT may even be voted out in the next election.

"PT may even be voted out in the next election"

For that to happen the Dems (or a new movement) must mount a credible challenge to the PT, and for that to happen there must be freedom of speech and assembly, something the junta doesn't allow while they busily "reform" the system and bring happiness to the people.
Anyway, an election is still a looooong way off, and with the way the old boys are trying to rig the system it might not matter who win anyway.
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Life imitating art????

“I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napoleon has made in taking this extra labour upon himself. Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure! On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility. No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?”
George Orwell, Animal Farm

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"PRIME MINISTER Prayut Chan-o-cha wants the country to experience less or no conflict next year and move towards a sustainable democracy."

It's so nice that he has a wish for democracy, peace and prosperity. Anybody can have a wish, but it takes a real leader to have an effective plan and be able to implement that plan into action.

500 bahts and a self addressed envelope and he will send you a copy of his road map to democracy. No refunds allowed.

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Prayut has mastered the art of western politicians , lying

Not quite! The true art of a western politician is saying many many things without saying anything concrete or without having any real meaning

Yes your right but people are catching on. They have a mental tape measure and from time to time check a politicians nose to see if it is growing longer. Like their namesake Pinnochio politicians are wooden in nature and highly combustible. We have watched our own dear PM flame out at times.

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The current government has done more good for the people of Thailand, than any democratically elected government have done in the last 20 years. I certainly do not miss the corrupt democracy Thailand used to have!!

Such as??

There you go again in 10 seconds or less and in 10 words or less is being generous.

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Easily done. Use powers you have granted yourself to reinstate the 1997 constitution with effect from today, lift the ban on political campaigning and freedom of assembly, call an election for 6 weeks time (17 January), . Accept and abide by the result, however much you may dislike it. Any disputes, decisions and disagreements about the election to be handled by the courts, with no interference.

Sorted, by 19 January you will have your wish - three weeks into the new year!

And 2017 we have the first demonstrations because the new Shinawatra government is extreme corrupt.

2018 the first shootings on the demonstrators and the first tear gas. Summer 2018 Thailand is on the brink to civil war. Autumn 2018 there is a coup as last resort to prevent civil war.

Great idea clap2.gif

There must be a real good solution to prevent that unfortunately Prayut is a kind of male version of Yingluck and won't be able to do it.

He could try to find someone smart and resign....Or he could ask the royal institutions "I have complete failed, please help repairing the country"

the real good solution is a simple one - having a solid constitution that prevents elected governments from abusing power that then causes unrest and eventually involves the military having to step in to keep the peace, the key is having a properly written constitution that cannot be changed without either a referendum of the people or a 2/3 majority in both houses and even having some critical important single aspects of the constitution that """"must"""" go to the people to change

when Thaksin/PTP couldn't find a way to achieve their abusive goals because the constitution prevented it they then set about changing the constitution which as it happens was relatively easy to do - that is where the problem is, if the rules don't allow us to abuse power then we will change the rules - the typical mentality "we are the government we will do what we want" this is fundamentally wrong and flawed - it is the peoples constitution and only they can approve certain critical amendments

a fine example is the complexity and difficulty involved in getting amendments to the US and Australian constitution - it is almost impossible and that is how it should be

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'P' fits perfectly in a row with Norodom Sihanouk, Trương Tấn Sang and Thein Sein, and he is rapidly taking the well developed Thailand down to a socially backward level that it not deserves. He is exactly what Thailand NOT needed to grow and go forward.

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It seems there are less and less people on TV who are prepared to defend the actions f this government......how long has it taken them to work this out?

Some people have to take off their shoes to count. Others live on a pure diet of bananas. The grey matter in all of us works differently and is wired differently. It makes us unique. Governments would love to control this process and rejig our brain at birth. They want to eliminate this uniqueness. I am sure they are working on advanced Lobotomies so that we have perpetual smiles and watch Fox news and continuously clap at all the clap trap they spout. Check your mailbox for your Lobotomy lottery number.

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Easily done. Use powers you have granted yourself to reinstate the 1997 constitution with effect from today, lift the ban on political campaigning and freedom of assembly, call an election for 6 weeks time (17 January), . Accept and abide by the result, however much you may dislike it. Any disputes, decisions and disagreements about the election to be handled by the courts, with no interference.

Sorted, by 19 January you will have your wish - three weeks into the new year!

And 2017 we have the first demonstrations because the new Shinawatra government is extreme corrupt.

2018 the first shootings on the demonstrators and the first tear gas. Summer 2018 Thailand is on the brink to civil war. Autumn 2018 there is a coup as last resort to prevent civil war.

Great idea clap2.gif

There must be a real good solution to prevent that unfortunately Prayut is a kind of male version of Yingluck and won't be able to do it.

He could try to find someone smart and resign....Or he could ask the royal institutions "I have complete failed, please help repairing the country"

He would be breaking rule number 326 of Thai culture. Never admit failure. But after you burn all your bridges behind you what is the alternative??

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PM Prauyth has been the best PM for this country in 20 years!

I know this cos my wife told me, nay, instructed me to believe. And if I don't tow her line I don't get any boom boom. So, all hail PM Prayuth!

I've said this before on here about the junta cheerleaders, they're all spouting wifely propoganda. Get a backbone for goodness sake.

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you guys seem to have all the answers at least you think you do

lets just reset all of this and go back to what was there before (that) very obviously didn't work lol

I said it before and I will say it again, Thailand needed change to stop the abuse, some say there is abuse now and I would agree that certain things are somewhat over the top, but if putting a muzzle on certain people and factions to achieve the end goal is what needs to be done then sobeit, it remains to be seen wether the good General will honor his goals and achieve his planned roadmap, I will give him until the end of 2018 and if we don't have an election- then call foul - and you can quote me on that

There are many thugs criminals gangsters are going to lose their income if this charter really does have its planned effect, the abusers are fighting to keep the system of corruption alive so they can "easily" continue to fleece the Thai people

"...Thailand needed change to stop the abuse..."

Yes, and Thailand still needs change but Uncle Too and his merry band of juntaists aren't delivering on their promises - that much is glaringly obvious. After 19 coups and attempts where nothing has changed it should give you a clue as to what their real intentions are, namely perpetuating their own rule.

Let's put it down to 19 coups and 20 constitution since 1932. Thailand has an average of 1 new constitution every 4 years and many of those adopted following military coups. Talk about the insanity of repeating and hoping to get a new result. Thailand has not any progress in her political future. Strongly feel that the military is not a solution but is a problematic thorn in the betterment of democracy for Thailand. As the top 3 political scientists in today' s Nation correctly said that "only democracy will get us out of this crisis". And to add, only having a clause in the constitution to outlaw coup will be a big step to the country woes.

Unfortunately they wouldonly pull a coup, then award themselves a retrospective amnesty. This they would consider a totally legal process! Neither they nor their fan club here can see the irony in that.

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Democracy? One would think that a bill of basic rights would be in order first. Or I could be wrong. So in One year saw streets cleared of vendors, RTP still have hand out at ever turn jetski scams, beach chairs scam same same two price system same,same. Oh is the imperial place closed today?

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Easily done. Use powers you have granted yourself to reinstate the 1997 constitution with effect from today, lift the ban on political campaigning and freedom of assembly, call an election for 6 weeks time (17 January), . Accept and abide by the result, however much you may dislike it. Any disputes, decisions and disagreements about the election to be handled by the courts, with no interference.

Sorted, by 19 January you will have your wish - three weeks into the new year!

And 2017 we have the first demonstrations because the new Shinawatra government is extreme corrupt.

2018 the first shootings on the demonstrators and the first tear gas. Summer 2018 Thailand is on the brink to civil war. Autumn 2018 there is a coup as last resort to prevent civil war.

Great idea clap2.gif

There must be a real good solution to prevent that unfortunately Prayut is a kind of male version of Yingluck and won't be able to do it.

He could try to find someone smart and resign....Or he could ask the royal institutions "I have complete failed, please help repairing the country"

The single thing most likely to lead to a civil war in this country (and heaven forbid there is one, I have seen one at first hand, former Yugoslavia); is repeatedly overturning the government that the people have elected, and refusing to let them decide, through the ballot box, who is to form its replacement. Four times in nine years now isn't it?

Democracy, with the military subordinate (and willing to carry out the lawful instructions of) an elected civilian government will not lead to a civil war.

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PM Prauyth has been the best PM for this country in 20 years!

I know this cos my wife told me, nay, instructed me to believe. And if I don't tow her line I don't get any boom boom. So, all hail PM Prayuth!

I've said this before on here about the junta cheerleaders, they're all spouting wifely propoganda. Get a backbone for goodness sake.

It's pathetic it really is. They need to grow a pair.

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The current government has done more good for the people of Thailand, than any democratically elected government have done in the last 20 years. I certainly do not miss the corrupt democracy Thailand used to have!!

The current (unelected) government has done more good for the (very small number of elites and Generals behind the coup) than any democratically elected government have done in the last 20 years. I (a foreigner who still has all of my own rights and freedoms in tact in my home country) certainly do not miss the democracy Thailand used to have.

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The law" sacred"? To whom?

The old canard of people don;t respect the 'justice system' because they don't understand it? Sorry General it is because people do under stand the 'justice' system that they have little regard for it. When they see hi-sos get away with murder (often literally) without even a slap on the wrist; given jail sentences that are never implemented because of endless appeals; while poor schmucks get thrown in jail for a few yaba tablets because the don;t have the funds to pay the cops off...it is the double standard of the justice system that people understand only too well.

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The current government has done more good for the people of Thailand, than any democratically elected government have done in the last 20 years. I certainly do not miss the corrupt democracy Thailand used to have!!

Agreed, for the elite who control Thailand, he has safeguarded their power. For the average Thai or foreign business man, he has made Thailand less presentable; Article 44, coup, quashing public gatherings.

Edited by yellowboat
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"...[a] permanent democracy,he said." With their exception(s) of course.

Doesn't matter what you see,
Or into it what you read,
You can do it your own way,
If it's done just how I say,

Independence limited,
Freedom of choice is made for you my friend,
Freedom of speech is words that they will bend,
Freedom - with their exception

(Metallica-Eye of the Beholder)

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Most of the posters on this site were born and raised in democratic countries - democracy although not perfect - as described by Churchill

"it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Gov­ern­ment except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…"

All through school and into adulthood we have had the opportunity to study learn and evaluate democracy in its various forms - yet it seems some posting on this site still don't seem to understand the system.

I would suggest to reach adulthood and not understand basic processes of democracy for these people is the height of ignorance

Why do people quote Churchill as if he is some sort of authority. Personally I can't stick the fellow, a poor man's Donald Rumsfeld.

Fact is there are good and bad democracies; there are good and bad dictatorships; there are good and bad juntas; and good and bad types of whatever system of government you want to name.

There's absolutely nothing magic about democracy (apart from the fact that it is Western and we were brought up with it) and certainly Plato didn't think much of it...and Plato is still studied some 2300 or so years after his death so he has stood the test of time....one wonders who apart from British schoolboys will be reading Churchill in 2300 years

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whatever... as long as the weather doesn't change, the rent of my place doesn't increase and my evening leo is cold i couldn't give a flying <deleted>. i've never known this country differently than how it is now yesterday tomorrow. farang can't change anything and pm doesn't give a <deleted> what we think. the majority of the thai i know have no objection whatsoever to what he's doing. the day things get too dirty for me i leave and settle elsewhere supposing it will be any better there... thumbsup.gif

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