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Just suppose - O visa type is being phased out


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This post is in the Pub for a reason - it is purely a fun post , discussion and debate by others, smile.png

What would you do if the Thai government announced that they were going to phase out the O type visa/visa extension?

Only the following visa types would be available:

B visa for working foreigners

ED visa (for students learning Thai language/culture only)

Visa type for monks/experts/press/diplomats unchanged

All other foreigners residing in Thailand (retired, married and not working, rich layabouts like me, students studying non-Thai subjects etc) would need to have a Thailand Elite visa

Would it affect you? Would you leave? Do you think it might happen in the future?

I have my own thoughts about this. With the way things are going (internal politics, international criticism etc), I don't think it is outside the realm of possibilities for the government to decide that only those foreigners who directly contribute (through business, $$$$, or love of Thai culture etc) are allowed to stay.

What do you think?

REMINDER: - This is a 'food for thought' post.

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Not sure what I would do.Everything i have here was bought with my annual spending allowance so it is money that would have been spent somewhere else if not on home and car etc.I donot have one cent of my networth here so could walk away tomorrow and lose nothing. If I felt I didnot like the change when it came I might just wholesale the car and go. Could be gone in 3 days.Leave house bikes everything else for the wife.

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I would buy one, I was on extension of stay (marriage) a couple of years and moved province. Now this new province is making it very hard to do a new extensions, so I switched to a Multiple Entry Non-O. It's oke for now, meaning I have to do trips now (border runs) which I didn't have to do before, but always wanted to do. It's fun and we make mini holidays from it.

But If I get fed up, I will try one more time to get the extension of stay and if that fails buy the "elite" visa..

Ps: (Un)Fortunately still too young to get an extension based on retirement;)

PsPs: Came to Thailand with 3 bags and will leave (if have to) with 3 bags and a wive.

Edited by MJCM
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I would buy one, I was on extension of stay (marriage) a couple of years and moved province. Now this new province is making it very hard to do a new extensions, so I switched to a Multiple Entry Non-O. It's oke for now, meaning I have to do trips now (border runs) which I didn't have to do before, but always wanted to do. It's fun and we make mini holidays from it.

But If I get fed up, I will try one more time to get the extension of stay and if that fails buy the "elite" visa..

Ps: (Un)Fortunately still too young to get an extension based on retirement;)

PsPs: Came to Thailand with 3 bags and will leave (if have to) with 3 bags and a wive.

Buy one!, don't say that might give the Government ideas.

regards Worgeordie

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I would buy one, I was on extension of stay (marriage) a couple of years and moved province. Now this new province is making it very hard to do a new extensions, so I switched to a Multiple Entry Non-O. It's oke for now, meaning I have to do trips now (border runs) which I didn't have to do before, but always wanted to do. It's fun and we make mini holidays from it.

But If I get fed up, I will try one more time to get the extension of stay and if that fails buy the "elite" visa..

Ps: (Un)Fortunately still too young to get an extension based on retirement;)

PsPs: Came to Thailand with 3 bags and will leave (if have to) with 3 bags and a wive.

Buy one!, don't say that might give the Government ideas.

regards Worgeordie

Now you have quoted my post, I can't edit my post anymore to change it ;)

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One certainty is for sure now! if the Thai government officials (many of whom read & closely scrutinize these forum posts) didn't previously have any inclinations to revise Immigration "O" regulations, then they certainly have a clue now. Thanks a lot, for the free "Food For Thought" whistling.gif

Please see the OP "Farang_Rules_Of_The_Road".

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I may be representing a minority view, but here it is: I am convinced, that the current government is mulling over the "Pro's and Con's" as far as Farang "long-termers" is concerned.

They may well reach conclusions like: It's the Tourist-Farang that makes us money, the "long-termers" with their adapted Thai lifestyle spend far less.

More important: Those "long-termers" tend to believe in Democracy and Freedom of Speech ! Heaven forbid !

It all depends on how long the current government intends to stay in power. With every passing year, the chances that some "adjustments" will be implemented concerning O-Visa's is increasing. My assessment, wouldn't mind being wrong.

At any rate, good to have a plan "B", right?


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It will never happen, Thailand needs us, not just for contributing to the economy, but they

love the authority they have over us.

No, I would not go back to the UK ever, I would go to maybe the Philipines or Cambodia.

Good Morningcoffee1.gif Either one of those alternative choices, you mentioned, would be akin to jumping out from the frying pan, then directly into the fire. First of all, Cambodia's (Third World) infrastructure is 50 years behind Thailand, and 3X more expensive. Secondly, the P.I. is a totally insane social environment, with the highest "street-crime" rate in SE Asia. Don't be lured to the P.I. because they speak a better form of English. You'll definitely come to regret that move, guaranteed! Plus the food in the P.I. totally sucks, compared to Thailand, but the San Miguel beer is hearty enough.

Thailand will remain the best overall "bang-for-the-pound", regardless of any changes in Immigration policy. Be wise, don't hastily jump the Thai ship; just ride out whatever the coming storm brings to the farang community. You'll weather the storm just fine. Ok? Cheers, and Happy New Year.thumbsup.gif

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I may be representing a minority view, but here it is: I am convinced, that the current government is mulling over the "Pro's and Con's" as far as Farang "long-termers" is concerned.

They may well reach conclusions like: It's the Tourist-Farang that makes us money, the "long-termers" with their adapted Thai lifestyle spend far less.

More important: Those "long-termers" tend to believe in Democracy and Freedom of Speech ! Heaven forbid !

It all depends on how long the current government intends to stay in power. With every passing year, the chances that some "adjustments" will be implemented concerning O-Visa's is increasing. My assessment, wouldn't mind being wrong.

At any rate, good to have a plan "B", right?


Take a look @ my profile picture. We don't get the "smoke & mirrors" facade treatments accorded to the "rich" Anglo-farangs. Thais tend to show us their "real" faces, on a 24/7 basis. Thus, we have the advantage of experiencing the "honesty" of the LoS. As previously stated, post#15, Thailand will remain the best "bang-for-the-buck or pound" for expat retirees, for many years to come, regardless of whomever the PM, or the current political platform might be.

FYI ~ There is no such thing as a Democracy, or Freedom of Speech anywhere on this planet, but only the "illusion" of it, instead. Hope you get the drift. Happy New Year,coffee1.gif

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I may be representing a minority view, but here it is: I am convinced, that the current government is mulling over the "Pro's and Con's" as far as Farang "long-termers" is concerned.

They may well reach conclusions like: It's the Tourist-Farang that makes us money, the "long-termers" with their adapted Thai lifestyle spend far less.

More important: Those "long-termers" tend to believe in Democracy and Freedom of Speech ! Heaven forbid !

It all depends on how long the current government intends to stay in power. With every passing year, the chances that some "adjustments" will be implemented concerning O-Visa's is increasing. My assessment, wouldn't mind being wrong.

At any rate, good to have a plan "B", right?


Take a look @ my profile picture. We don't get the "smoke & mirrors" facade treatments accorded to the "rich" Anglo-farangs. Thais tend to show us their "real" faces, on a 24/7 basis. Thus, we have the advantage of experiencing the "honesty" of the LoS. As previously stated, post#15, Thailand will remain the best "bang-for-the-buck or pound" for expat retirees, for many years to come, regardless of whomever the PM, or the current political platform might be.

FYI ~ There is no such thing as a Democracy, or Freedom of Speech anywhere on this planet, but only the "illusion" of it, instead. Hope you get the drift. Happy New Year,coffee1.gif

In addition, the farang "long-termers" create the economic foundation for the Tourist Industry. It is our continued & constant Retirement "O" Visa presence (in The Kingdom) that keeps the same "snow-bird" (October-April) tourists returning year-after-year. Make no mistake about about it, the Thai governmental power elite, is fully aware of that "Thai job-creating" tourist market phenomenon. The "long-termers" are the best free-adverising source, available to the Thai Tourist Industry. So, just relax, everything will be just fine. Cheers!

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I would argue that as Thailand and China move closer to each other (politically), logic about the level of contributing revenues from western expats doesn't enter into the equation. Most of the hiso and governing Thais are Sino-Thai, with an in-built mistrust and dislike of 'gweillos'.

As Swissie said, a plan B (and maybe C, D and E), is only commonsense, considering all factors.

I have an Elite visa, so money will probably talk, if push came to shove. But my Plan B would be to relocate to either Laos or Myanmar, (I have already worked in both countries and prefer that lifestyle to the traffic jams of Phuket).

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It will never happen, Thailand needs us, not just for contributing to the economy, but they

love the authority they have over us.

No, I would not go back to the UK ever, I would go to maybe the Philipines or Cambodia.

Good Morningcoffee1.gif Either one of those alternative choices, you mentioned, would be akin to jumping out from the frying pan, then directly into the fire. First of all, Cambodia's (Third World) infrastructure is 50 years behind Thailand, and 3X more expensive. Secondly, the P.I. is a totally insane social environment, with the highest "street-crime" rate in SE Asia. Don't be lured to the P.I. because they speak a better form of English. You'll definitely come to regret that move, guaranteed! Plus the food in the P.I. totally sucks, compared to Thailand, but the San Miguel beer is hearty enough.

Thailand will remain the best overall "bang-for-the-pound", regardless of any changes in Immigration policy. Be wise, don't hastily jump the Thai ship; just ride out whatever the coming storm brings to the farang community. You'll weather the storm just fine. Ok? Cheers, and Happy New Year.thumbsup.gif

Remember the topic was about where would you go if Thailand got rid of the expats. I don't disagree with what you said about

the Philipines or Cambodia, but it is still a better bet than going back to stay in the UK among all these Immigrants, and also many

other things negative things.

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...but it is still a better bet than going back to stay in the UK among all these Immigrants

LoL, I imagine that is exactly what some Thais say about us 'immigrants' in Thailand.

I wouldn't return to the UK either. I'm not adverse to learning Albanian so I can converse with the natives there, but I am adverse to the winter weather, nanny state, lack of employment opportunities for us older folk, not forgetting there is another leech of an ex-wife in that country as well coffee1.gif

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You forget, marriage visa/extension is a human rights issue.

Not something Thailand could easily do away with.

Anyway, plenty of nice places in Europe .... Spain, France, Portugal, Italy.

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You forget, marriage visa/extension is a human rights issue.

Not something Thailand could easily do away with.

Anyway, plenty of nice places in Europe .... Spain, France, Portugal, Italy.

Human rights Issue?

Hasn't bothered them Much in The past, can't see that it would bother them much in the future.

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Guess a lot of us would just leave and take our money with us. No big deal. Probably take mine over to Laos which I also like very much if not more.

But of course, there would also be the side effects of a big drop in foreign investment since a lot of people only bother investing here because they live here too.

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Do you really believe that the Bangkok elite want to eradicate the Isaan Social Welfare System?? If they get rid of the majority of Farang sponsors who build houses, buy cars and motorbikes and gold necklaces for the Isaan population, therebye keeping the economy "sufficient" against all the odds, then the Bangkok government will have to finance some sort of alternative, or the tractors will be heading for Bangkok again to block the roads....

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There are many people who have retired in Thailand and spent large sums of money on houses, Condo's cars etc. Those that are married and have children also have a responsibility to support of their family. I seriously doubt any Thai government no matter how authoritarian would do something like this which would bring an outpouring of protest from most of Europe, Australia and America. I for one, would never buy an Elite Card, It is a basic human right for families to be allowed to live together. I would rather be arrested while protesting and request the International Press be notified of the situation. I wonder how many tourists would arrive then? Also, do not be fooled by a so called Thai shift to China. Thailand has a long History about playing one country off another. China is no real friend and Thailand knows it. The Thai ruling elite know China is after one thing and that is Asian hegemony.

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I think the ED visa would be only available for university students.

Seen the thread title ? It's about O visa's which are retirement, marriage visas etc, ED is a different category

• For the purpose of visiting Thailand as a Thai national, as the spouse of a Thai national, volunteering with an NGO (if purpose is religious or missionary work apply for type R or R-A) (Type “O”):

• For the purpose of visiting family (Type “O”)

- Along with the same documentation required for Tourist Visas (e.g. Actual passport, two passport-type photos, visa application, copy of 'picture page' of passport, copy of 'Green Card', bank statement, airline tickets, etc. - see "Tourist Visa Requirements") please include:

To visit as a spouse of a Thai nationality, Fiance and Fiancee are not included in this category.

- A copy of a valid and effective marriage certificate.

- A copy of Thai passport /or Thai I.D. of the spouse.

- A letter from the spouse verifying that the applicant and the spouse are still married and the purpose to visit Thailand.

To visit as an immediate family member of a Thai nationality

- Documents proving such relationship with the visa application e.g., Birth Certificate and Thai Passport/ Thai I.D. of the parents who are Thai.

To visit as a volunteer for an NGO (non-government organization) - NO multiple-entry visas

- Signed letter on the organization's letterhead stating duration of stay, duties, etc. along with a copy of the organization's registration. Single-entry Non-Immigrant "O" visa will be issued for the purpose of volunteering only (no multiple-entry visas).

Link: http://www.thaiconsulatela.org/service_detail.aspx?link_id=34

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Yeah you're right it is a bit of fun.Your alarm clock will sound soon and you'll realize it's Xmas,and speaking of Xmas,may I take this opportunity to wish all you fellow TV members a very merry Xmas,whatever nation,colour,or religion you represent.Have a good 1.PHITSANULOKJOHN.

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Right now you can just pay the military 32k for a 1 year ED visa for 'bodyguard' or 'self defense' training.. Its as bent as it comes, no worry about attendance, a military handler walks you into immigration where you skip the queue, they wai you high, and theres never any issues with forgetting a photocopy. All hail the new corrupt free Thailand.

If my non imm was gone.. I would just play the corruption game that way..

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