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Only themselves to blame


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If you have something of value any fool can give it away for free.

Somebody offers you nothing for something of value an intelligent person would tell them to get lost.

Where's your self respect man?

I you have something of value, that's true, but if you have something that is a dime a dozen, then it's another story

I dont know about your wife's and coworkers situation, but I know that replacement workers are not in short supply.They could easily refuse to work and they could easily be replaces.

I guess it all comes down on how much she needs or likes her job.

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Wow I bet you was a prized employee with an attitude like that.

I bet he was and one who's sentiments I agree with totally,even in the UK now workers continue to be taken advantage of and the unions are nothing like they once were.

The recent threat of tube strikes by London Underground workers regarding the all night services is a rare exception of them flexing their muscles.

Thailand has a long way to go and as the OP states they should have asked what benefits they would be receiving by helping out but as we know Thai people are scared stiff of people in authority it's drilled into them from an early age.

ah yes the unions at British Leyland (Rover) guaranteed a walkout weekly usually over the Lickey Hills..............remember it well.............all gone bust now

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Sadly you lack local knowledge. Very difficult to recruit qualified staff. Once employed it is extremely difficult to sack workers.

The contradiction is that employees have the power yet fail to exert it. As mentioned here it's a part of Thai culture to be subservient and agreeable.

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If you have something of value any fool can give it away for free.

Somebody offers you nothing for something of value an intelligent person would tell them to get lost.

Where's your self respect man?

Afraid you are way behind with the times. This is what`s it`s like today, gone are the days of regular hourly days, extra pay for weekends, late shifts and holiday periods with full union representation.

I`m so happy to be retired and completely out of industry for good and my Thai girlfriend is lucky that she can work at her leisure or not work at all and has me to support her, otherwise she`d be in the same situation.

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I don't see the problem, she was asked, she agreed. And she is effectively buying a future favour from her boss, being the "Thai" way". Who knows what her future might hold if she cooperates with her employer and proves her value to him.

As an employee, I always did extra work when asked for no pay. Did that for three employers over 20 years, got serious promotions and pay rises.

Eventually bought out my last employer along with some other workmates that had "can do" attitudes. Grew the company 20 fold and now we all live on the beach in various parts of the world having all retired at 49 or thereabouts.

And now we're in the process of selling the business to the next crew of managers - blokes that we employed over the last 20 years.

And guess what, these guys worked hard, always did more than they were asked, got pay rises and bonuses, didn't whinge or toe the party line when it came to Union involvement.....get the picture? They benefited from their extra labour in more ways than another dollar an hour or an extra day off on your birthday. Now they are all wealthy in their own right and have access to raising some serious debt to buy us out.

Personally I have no time for whinging employees that think they are owed a living from their employer and open their Shop Steward's Handbook the minute you ask them to do one thing outside their defined job.

Unions evolved because of employers taking the piss...

Yea! £30 for a 40 hour week for slave labour and that was in the 80s !

Edited by MAJIC
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"My Thai wife was asked by her employer to postpone her day off this holiday season…"

I don't see how asking an employee to POSTPONE an off day is such a grave imposition, given that this is the peak time for hotels and sometimes all hands are required on deck.

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Our operations are 24/7/365 so working holidays is often required.

When our Thai folks work holidays, they make 2-3 times their regular hourly wage. I'm not sure if it's Thai law or just company policy, but since the company is cheap, I suspect it's Thai law.

Lots of them like to work holidays.

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Perhaps your wife is not suited to the Hospitality Industry.

The nature of the business is that weekends and holidays are the busiest...often requiring staff to "postpone" their holidays because of the business needs. She knew that when she started working there.

...I understand there are some great factory jobs available if that suits you her better. Less money, less favorable condition...but guaranteed hours...

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Perhaps your wife is not suited to the Hospitality Industry.

The nature of the business is that weekends and holidays are the busiest...often requiring staff to "postpone" their holidays because of the business needs. She knew that when she started working there.

...I understand there are some great factory jobs available if that suits you her better. Less money, less favorable condition...but guaranteed hours...

So you think an employee must cancel 'their' plans because of the boss cash flow..?

To be fair,DLock did say "weekends and holidays are the busiest...often requiring staff to "postpone" their holidays because of the business needs. She knew that when she started working there."

The nature of the job is such that one needs to work when it is busy.She must have know that when she chose to work in that industry, and if she did not , it is not the industry's fault it's hers.You can not expect the industry to change to accommodate her lack of proper planing.As DLock said, perhaps she needs to get a job better suited to her needs.

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Perhaps your wife is not suited to the Hospitality Industry.

The nature of the business is that weekends and holidays are the busiest...often requiring staff to "postpone" their holidays because of the business needs. She knew that when she started working there.

...I understand there are some great factory jobs available if that suits you her better. Less money, less favorable condition...but guaranteed hours...

So you think an employee must cancel 'their' plans because of the boss cash flow..?

To be fair,DLock did say "weekends and holidays are the busiest...often requiring staff to "postpone" their holidays because of the business needs. She knew that when she started working there."

The nature of the job is such that one needs to work when it is busy.She must have know that when she chose to work in that industry, and if she did not , it is not the industry's fault it's hers.You can not expect the industry to change to accommodate her lack of proper planing.As DLock said, perhaps she needs to get a job better suited to her needs.

I dont think it is the wife that has the issue, after all she did agree to change her plans and it was the OP who got all bent out of shape about it.

Edited by Don Mega
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Read the title of the topic.

Employment is a contract between an employer and an employee. The employer will and does pay the minimum amount they can get away with.

It's up to the employee to negotiate the best possible deal. Failure to do so and they only have themselves to blame. As the title says.

Economics 101 innit.

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Perhaps your wife is not suited to the Hospitality Industry.

The nature of the business is that weekends and holidays are the busiest...often requiring staff to "postpone" their holidays because of the business needs. She knew that when she started working there.

...I understand there are some great factory jobs available if that suits you her better. Less money, less favorable condition...but guaranteed hours...

So you think an employee must cancel 'their' plans because of the boss cash flow..?

To be fair,DLock did say "weekends and holidays are the busiest...often requiring staff to "postpone" their holidays because of the business needs. She knew that when she started working there."

The nature of the job is such that one needs to work when it is busy.She must have know that when she chose to work in that industry, and if she did not , it is not the industry's fault it's hers.You can not expect the industry to change to accommodate her lack of proper planing.As DLock said, perhaps she needs to get a job better suited to her needs.

I dont think it is the wife that has the issue, after all she did agree to change her plans and it was the OP who got all bent out of shape about it.

Fair pointsmile.png

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Read the title of the topic.

Employment is a contract between an employer and an employee. The employer will and does pay the minimum amount they can get away with.

It's up to the employee to negotiate the best possible deal. Failure to do so and they only have themselves to blame. As the title says.

Economics 101 innit.

Yeah your missus did negotiate.

Instead of saying no she said yes.

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Read the title of the topic.

Employment is a contract between an employer and an employee. The employer will and does pay the minimum amount they can get away with.

It's up to the employee to negotiate the best possible deal. Failure to do so and they only have themselves to blame. As the title says.

Economics 101 innit.

also a fair point,

but that's assuming that your wife does not get anything in return for working holidays weekends.

Of course I don't know what your wife get's or does not get ,or what her job designation is, but ,monetary compensation is not the only compensation in the job.

One working in the hospitality industry might have to put up with difficult working hours,

but if not compensated with higher wages compensated with better working environment and perhaps less strenuous work than let's say a factory job.

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" From a western point of view they are fools "

I can not view the west from here ...it is a long distance and a culture away from here. ( and I am glad )

I am here to learn and enjoy the differences,

not to make it like where I cam from.

No, I do not like the way everything is done here, but like everywhere, I must take the bad with the good.

If it does not bother the Thai workers, why should it bother you?

For what it's worth,

From an Asian point of view, you are.....different!

Jai Yen!

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I have had friends fro the US that had large successful companies over the years here. I believe the nice bonus was given at Chinese``````` New Year.

Any other sudden change of plan had a nice little tidy bonus offered to the employees that was quite fair. One hand washes the other after all. He had a good 35 year run and all ended well except with his French partner that was robbing him blind. and it's still in the convoluted Thai courts.

My style now is at the condos I live in in Naklua, Bang Lamung I try to find out and remember everybody's name. I always greet them and often give then some nice fruits. To which they seem geuinley grateful. just gave our pool attendent 300 bhat for soon to be born baby present. They do know who the good guy and bad guys are.

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There are hundreds of unfilled jobs in Phuket. 200 currently advertised at Laguna Phuket. To assume good staff are ten a Penny is ill informed at best.

If that is the case then I am indeed ill informed.

My suggestion then would be for those unhappy with their present position to quit their present position and seek better opportunities in these other plentifully available positions.

Also my advise to the manager who is having trouble filling these positions to be more respectful towards the employees he has, if they quit he will be in big trouble.

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I've worked in the hospitality industry for many years. It's very normal for staff to work national holidays and take time off in lieu. Management positions often agree to take no holiday at peak times.

In terms of Thai staff, if they are unhappy they just don't come back to work. Which is why you don't have to dismiss Thai staff and you don't have to pay severance pay. If you really want to get rid of a Thai member of staff, all you have to do is stop making them feel part of the family and they will leave. I have seen supervisors do this to their staff and the staff all quit within a couple of days.

In terms of Thai people in general (especially female Thais), they often try to maintain long term relationships at the cost of short term inconvenience. This way of working is very different from Western thinking, where we often focus on the present situation and where we treat each issue as a discrete item that needs to be addressed.

The OP asks when will Thai people learn? There is nothing for Thai people to learn. They have their own way of maintaining long term relationships, which is not better or worse than Western thinking. It's just different.

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