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Donald Trump praises Kim Jong-un for how he 'wipes out' political opponents


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I like Americans, but the whole process of elections particularly presidential elections, really makes me embarrassed for them.

What other country is so transparent about it? There aren't any backroom deals here nor is any important group's "boy" getting an advantage. It's all in your face, American style.

No back-room deals?


Hanging chads.

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He was born rich but I'll give him full credit for being a ruthless businessman. Doesn't mean he should be prez.

Presidents are ruthless arent they'? Obama, Bush Clinton, Bush, Nixon. Being an artist you must keep up the show.

Furthermore alot of deniers on this topic and I don't mean about the bible or such.

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Mr Trump, oh sorry, Dear Leader dont feed me to the dogs just because I am a political oponent and you think its a credit and admirable to dispose of opponents that way.

Is this what you contribute to this thread? DDD

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Why is Thai Visa posting trash journalism like this. Totally out of context. Wake up moderators.

Thai Visa is liberal. No martial law or sanctions other than the forum rules.

Me thinks you just walking a thin line on those rules now.

Edited by hugocnx
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He was born rich but I'll give him full credit for being a ruthless businessman. Doesn't mean he should be prez.

Presidents are ruthless arent they'? Obama, Bush Clinton, Bush, Nixon. Being an artist you must keep up the show.

Furthermore alot of deniers on this topic and I don't mean about the bible or such.

Let me guess?

The Illuminati? rolleyes.gif

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I hate that they are making it so easy for Hillary Clinton. She is unimpressive and beholding to big money interests. Sorry to see the US get dragged down this rabbit hole.

Clinton first has to beat a better opponent

She doesn't really have an opponent..maybe an aging sparring partner once every two months,

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Trump didn't praise Kim other than to give him credit for being able to take control at a very young age. He was warning that Kim is no one to fool around with. He called him a madman with nukes. The OP is totally disingenuous in its headline and its body. The panicked press is going all out to try to stop Trump but it isn't working. The more they attack him, the more he goes up in the polls.

This is an election cycle where it's apparent that the voters are sick of the same ole politicians and their political parties, and of the slanted MSM. The MSM can't touch Trump no matter how hard they try. People don't believe them any more and this OP is an example of why.

There's going to be payback for broken promises and lousy management. Trump is the only one who appears to many people to be able to lead anything. What does having been a senator have to do with running the world's largest economy? Who is qualified?

Hillary could run an economy 555?

Get ready for President Trump.


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Trump didn't praise Kim other than to give him credit for being able to take control at a very young age. He was warning that Kim is no one to fool around with. He called him a madman with nukes. The OP is totally disingenuous in its headline and its body. The panicked press is going all out to try to stop Trump but it isn't working. The more they attack him, the more he goes up in the polls.

This is an election cycle where it's apparent that the voters are sick of the same ole politicians and their political parties, and of the slanted MSM. The MSM can't touch Trump no matter how hard they try. People don't believe them any more and this OP is an example of why.

There's going to be payback for broken promises and lousy management. Trump is the only one who appears to many people to be able to lead anything. What does having been a senator have to do with running the world's largest economy? Who is qualified?

Hillary could run an economy 555?

Get ready for President Trump.


Running a country is diammetrically opposed to running a business. Chalk and cheese.

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Running a country is diammetrically opposed to running a business. Chalk and cheese.

The USA is the largest "business" in the world and right now it's being managed horribly. It's about time the community organizer got the boot and someone with some street smarts took over.

If Trump goes to the White House, the collective IQ in Washington DC will triple.

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He was born rich but I'll give him full credit for being a ruthless businessman. Doesn't mean he should be prez.

Presidents are ruthless arent they'? Obama, Bush Clinton, Bush, Nixon. Being an artist you must keep up the show.

Furthermore alot of deniers on this topic and I don't mean about the bible or such.

Let me guess?

The Illuminati? rolleyes.gif

Think whatever you like. Bonusses at the end of the line. Thank .... for internet so people now get informed about the mischieves in the world. You think the Illuminati is a joke? Ok, go to bed, sleep well and don't get bothered by whatever may come over you.

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News can actually be reported without being biased; just facts. When it is biased, it is not news at all. If it is not OPED, and it is not news, it is misinformation/deceit- a damned lie. "[he] continues to denigrate whole swathes of the population for following a religion" is a perfect example of how reason is hijacked, dressed quickly in emotion, and rolled back out as news by activists hiding in journalism. It may be argued Trump "denigrate" but it is a bold faced lie that its because of others are only "following a religion." Its because too numerous to count (TNTC) terrorists are coming from that "religion." Its because islamic jihadis are only coming from that "religion." Its because nearly every nation on earth is every single day besieged by fire and death and maiming and murder and mayhem and rape and slavery and bombs and child abuse and oppression and its universally declared to be in the name of that "religion." Ah Duh!

Trump does not indict because people are following a "religion." He wants those of us who are not following that "religion" to pause long enough to stop being killed by people who say they act in the name of that "religion" and collect ourselves, evaluate what we know and do not know, and know the 'lay of the land' regarding this disease that is consuming planet earth- again!

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He's a great man, every Republican should stand behind him. If he doesn't get the GOP nomination he should run 3rd party. The goal: popular vote for the GOP in November below 35% -- for you Republicans out there, that would be victory! Don't believe it when cable news says otherwise, they always lie.

Don't think, vote!

Trump 2016

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I hate that they are making it so easy for Hillary Clinton. She is unimpressive and beholding to big money interests. Sorry to see the US get dragged down this rabbit hole.

Clinton first has to beat a better opponent

She doesn't really have an opponent..maybe an aging sparring partner once every two months,

dream on
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A Trump-Kim Republican party ticket might do it, yep. Or how about Trump-Putin...or would it be Putin-Trump. All we'd need then would be Mugabe and it'd be a hat trick for The Donalder and his admiring tyrants.

All serious joking aside, let's see what the oddsmakers have to say as of today. Oddsmakers are not the only scource or indicator of how an election might go, but they do reflect a certain reality. Oddsmakers have become pretty accurate in presidential elections, except for the year 2000 one.

To Win the Nomination of the Republican Party:

Rubio is at 7-4 which is a probability of 63.6%

Trump is at 9-4, or a probability of 30.7%

Eduardo "Ted" Cruz is at, well, 9-4

Bush is at 9-1 which is 10%.

After these guyz the probability of the others becomes rather remote, at least according to the oddsmakers.

To be the nominee of the Democratic party, HR Clinton is at the KO odds of 1-20 which even Secretariat could not accomplish.....95.2% probability.

To be Elected President of the United States:

HR Clinton 8-11 or 73% (This hasn't changed since McCarthy let the cat out of the bag.)

Tie between Trump and Rubio, each has odds of 9-2, which translates to a probability of 18.1%. Those are the best odds of each. Looking at the longest odds between 'em, there isn't any difference there either (11-2 for each, which is less than 8%)

Ted Cruz checks in at 8-1 or 11%.

Next is Bernie Sanders at 14-1 which is a probability of 6.6%.

After these candidates the names and their odds against only get funnier.

Public polling is one other way among several to get a good sense of how things are going. Oddsmaking however is more deliberative so odds change fundamentally only over time and sometimes only after numerous polls. It's also still true that no one has voted yet, except for each party having chosen its super delegates to the respective national convention.

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Just did a bit of research on this. It's taken out of context, a bit. He is saying the guy is mad also. Someone to be careful with.

Love how the media throws out sound bites.....

Seems we have had this Mainstream Media discussion before.

"It is not what we don't know that's a problem, it is what we know for sure that ain't so." Mark Twain

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"If you look at North Korea, this guy, I mean, he's like a maniac, OK? And you've got to give him credit. How many young guys — he was like 26 or 25 when his father died — take over these tough generals," Trump said in Ottumwa, Iowa.

The Republican presidential front-runner said Kim's willingness to push aside generals and "wipe out" his uncle demonstrated why the US needs to treat North Korea's nuclear arsenal as a serious threat.

"And all of a sudden — and you know it's pretty amazing when you think of it — how does he do that? Even though it is a culture and it's a cultural thing, he goes in, he takes over, and he's the boss," Trump recalled. "It's incredible. He wiped out the uncle. He wiped out this one, that one. I mean, this guy doesn't play games. And we can't play games with him. Because he really does have missiles. And he really does have nukes."


Trump is not a polished politician, obviously. And many love that as he's talking about things many won't. I get what he says. Trump was to a certain degree born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but is also a self made man.

His point is we have to be serious with this guy. Hard to argue with that.

Trump has not "sold his soul to the Company Store" and Americans are tired of those who have. I have never liked Trump but he may be the best of a very bad lot.

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I like Americans, but the whole process of elections particularly presidential elections, really makes me embarrassed for them.

Nevertheless anyone can run on a third party if s/he wishes. The problem as I see it is the 18th century-formed Electoral College, which counts delegates per state in the Presidential election and awards the contender all the delegates in that state if the majority win in that state. Better, of course, to have a direct election.

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I like Americans, but the whole process of elections particularly presidential elections, really makes me embarrassed for them.

Nevertheless anyone can run on a third party if s/he wishes. The problem as I see it is the 18th century-formed Electoral College, which counts delegates per state in the Presidential election and awards the contender all the delegates in that state if the majority win in that state. Better, of course, to have a direct election.

The problem I see is all the money allowed to be donated to campaigns. Limit corporate donations to 50,000 and personal ones to 5,000 dollars, and then observe a more level playing field where common man has some traction against the machine.

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Well that statement really proves Trump the Chump has completely lost the plot.

Beware Americans that if this character and his cronies assume positions of power you all might all end up being residents in a satellite or cloned state of North Korea.

Did you read Trump's entire statement? Or, was it even reported? I read it as saying he recognizes the strength of an opponent, one who can overrule/outdo even the strongest of adversaries and at such a young age. Similar things could have been said of Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, etc., ad infinitum. It does not justify their methods, it simply recognizes their strengths. It is very unwise to underestimate an opponent.

And, no I am not a Trump supporter, but neither do I underestimate his strengths.

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Yeah, I have seen it!

He said something to the effect of "He is a maniac, but you have to give him credit..." followed by praise for his strong leadership and getting rid of opponents!

1) He is a maniac- takes one to know one, I would say!

2) ...but you have to give him praise...- no you frogging don't HAVE! You should actually condemn him all the way, for KILLING any form of even the slightest opposition, for starving his own people, for putting up concentration camps...and the list goes on!

This is like saying, Hitler was a maniac, but he built those wonderful Autobahns!

3) Trump is a dangerous man! It is quiet telling, that all right wingers fear the rise of imaginary Hitler in the shape of a black- muslim- communist...and than root for Donald Trump! Right THERE is the man you should fear!

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It barely matters that it was taken out of context. He simply says what is on his mind, and in a way that is a good thing as it gives a clear indication of where his insane mind is, and where his admiration and praise lies. In my opinion, he would attempt to seize the degree of power that Fat Kim enjoys, within the first year or so. Make no mistake. Disgusting Don is a madman and a despot in the making. He would attempt to subvert the constitution, and his power grab would make the Bush and Cheney days look like Charlie Brown and Company. That is all he knows. He does not know how to play fair. He has no interest in doing what is right by his people. He just wants massive power, and unlimited glory. That is the extent of his agenda.

Exactly! He is a power hungry, thin skinned, xenophobic buffoon. He would make a worse President than Bush and that says a lot.

You have to be completely out of your mind to believe this idiot could be elected.

I hate that they are making it so easy for Hillary Clinton. She is unimpressive and beholding to big money interests. Sorry to see the US get dragged down this rabbit hole.

This rabbit hole? Instead of the Trump cesspool.

This article is nothing more than liberals taking a Trump sound bite, and running with it. Trump has insulted anyone and everyone since announcing his run for the presidency, and his popularity has continued to grow by leaps and bounds. There are a lot of normal people (that leaves liberals out) that are sick and tired of Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the liberal imbeciles that support these people. Like it or not, Trump will be the next president.

He's a got another ridiculous soundbite everyday that he'll decline he said the following day. Don't blame the crazy things that come out of his piehole on liberals.

Only in Wingnuttia do they think Trump's popularity is growing by leaps and bounds.

How would you know what "normal people" are sick of? You think Trump is going to be the next President.

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Here is the real secret behind Trump's popularity...he is filling a void that shouldn't be there...

Why a misinformed pommy defending Trump? The Brit accent somehow makes the guy believable? What happened to the usual source, the Ministry of Republican Propaganda...Fox News?

The chances of an American dying in a terrorist attack are more than getting hit by lightning, 20,000,000 to 1.

It's the usual line the Republicans spout, elect me or you're going to die. clap2.gif


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