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Anything I can do about?


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This is what is happening currently. Think the neighbor died 100 days ago, so time for some party neighborhood disturbance.

To give you an idea what I'm currently experiencing. Inside the house with all ( double glazed pvc) windows closed I can hardly hear my radio.

How long does 100 day rememberance last normally. I day or 1 week?

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Sit back and enjoy it,fantastic sound system they've got on the go,no expense spared there.

Also pop round at some point with a bottle of 285 blend,have a plate of Larb moo and some sticky rice,your presence will be appreciated.

Edited by stoneyboy
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3 days is the norm, same as a house blessing.

Isn't there a law against this?

I respect their grieves but they should also respect other people in my opinion.

They have a big party tent overthere, but I can not believe that anyone can last longer than 5 minutes at that place without serious hearing damages.

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3 days is the norm, same as a house blessing.

Isn't there a law against this?

I respect their grieves but they should also respect other people in my opinion.

They have a big party tent overthere, but I can not believe that anyone can last longer than 5 minutes at that place without serious hearing damages.

At the previous moo bahn I lived in there was a maw doo (palm reader, witch doctor, whatever) who would set up a similar arrangement every year a couple of weeks after Songkran. Massive speakers, tents, street blocked off, stage with 'dancers', musicians, drums etc. within meters of our bedroom windows. It drove me nuts for 3 days. Later, when I saw the tents and chairs coming in I took off to a hotel as it would be impossible to get my car out once they started. biggrin.png

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3 days is the norm, same as a house blessing.

Isn't there a law against this?

I respect their grieves but they should also respect other people in my opinion.

They have a big party tent overthere, but I can not believe that anyone can last longer than 5 minutes at that place without serious hearing damages.

I trust you've just lost your making Tambon (merit ) virginity.

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3 days is the norm, same as a house blessing.

Isn't there a law against this?

I respect their grieves but they should also respect other people in my opinion.

They have a big party tent overthere, but I can not believe that anyone can last longer than 5 minutes at that place without serious hearing damages.

Just another case of This is Thailand.

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The problem with these village parties is that virtually all the locals will attend. So there is nobody to complain because everybody is there. So I think you're only options are to go, or to suffer in silence. That's why I pretty much always attend. For me it's the lesser of the two evils, even with the karaoke.....

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....do remember they suffered a loss....

...am quite sure they are not doing it to piss you off.....

...unless there is something you are not telling us......

That took quite a while before I was accused for being the reason for this horrendous noise, you should have added, go home if you don't like it.

Yes they suffered a loss, does that mean everyone within 500 meter has to suffer from hearing loss?

If you look at the video you will notice that where I stood is at least 100 meters from the speakers, and the sound is simply unbearable.

At the side of my house is a children home with over a hundred children between 3 and 10 years old, I'm sure they also gonna appreciate if this goes on though the night.

Edited by TheCruncher
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Just in case you forgot, this is Thailand. Their culture, their way of life, their rules. Get used to it and learn to live with it instead of being the grumpy old man. There are so many options open to you if you're not happy. Maybe if you took another poster's advice, pay a visit with some food and had a drink or two, then you would understand and they would appreciate you so much more for doing so. wai.gif

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The strange thing is that with the actual funeral they had a party for a week, but not 1 note of music was played during that week.

Seems as if they now want to catch up with that.

A funeral I attended towards the end of last year was the same with no music or alcohol.

The man requested no music or alcohol at his funeral but his 100 day party had music, dancing and alcohol.

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Just had the same 100 day since the death party that went on for five days . It was 200 meters away but took over the neighbourhood . Some of the music was enjoyable but the thing that really annoys me is the very loud bass . They even play the bass solo for 2 or 3 hours and it can be heard 1/2 a mile away . The music is provided by a pickup with massive speakers and as mentioned earlier it must be damaging their ears . Never get away with it in the UK but TIT so have to love it or lump it or get the duck out of fodge

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Just in case you forgot, this is Thailand. Their culture, their way of life, their rules. Get used to it and learn to live with it instead of being the grumpy old man. There are so many options open to you if you're not happy. Maybe if you took another poster's advice, pay a visit with some food and had a drink or two, then you would understand and they would appreciate you so much more for doing so. wai.gif

I have no intention to go anywhere where I risk damages to my hearing, as that is what will without doubt occur in that environment.

About 2 years ago there was a funeral about 500 meters from my place, and they had the music on for a full week. I went there to ask if they could slow down a little, as I had a sick kid at that time, and I couldn't hear my own voice when I was there.

I know it is their culture and their way of life, but every culture should respect other people. What they do on their grounds is not my problem, but it shouldn't be a burden for other people while staying on their own property.

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When you live in Thailand, there is just 1 rule to live by:

If the Thais aren't bothered and/or doing something about it, suck it up.

Well that is just the thing. I'm sure Thais are bothered by many things that is happening around them, but they will never show their discontent, just bottle it up until it explodes.

And the result of that you can read in the Thai news papers every day.

In respect to my neighbors. At 7pm they had some monks, are at least I think that was it, praying through the speakers for approximate 30 minutes.

After that the shut down the large speakers and are now continuing the party with some more enjoyable music at a much lower level.

I still can hear the music but it is much less disturbing in that I can hear my own tv program now.

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3 days is the norm, same as a house blessing.

Isn't there a law against this?

I respect their grieves but they should also respect other people in my opinion.

They have a big party tent overthere, but I can not believe that anyone can last longer than 5 minutes at that place without serious hearing damages.

I think the hearing loss happened in the womb for most.

As far as a law...I have no idea. But if there is such, I have never seen it enforced. Take a wander over there, you are likely to see at least one brown uniform.

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Thais, Laotians and Cambodians are all similar in the fact that whatever they event, ,marriage, funeral, they have to have it LOUD.

I would like to ask you, have you ever been to a Cambodian wedding?? Then you know what loud and din is!!!! and it goes on for days and days depending on how rich the bride and groom's family are, depends on the length of the celebration.

I got invites from the local Toyota dealer as a ' special promotion for good customers ' I foolishly rolled up there expecting a nice finger buffet and a civilised look at new cars and pick ups. I arrived to " balloon heaven " and tables all the way up the entrance , a sound system that Phil Collins would have been proud of, skimpy dancers and watered down orange juice with food, the likes of which, that I won't even go into.

It turned out it was a party based on good sales by the staff and we were invited as we had assisted them in achieving this by buying a bloody car! The same as the local computer shop or ' Advice centre ' as they are calling them. Invited down for a computer promotion, to a stage, same skimpy girls, sound system for U2 and no promotion on computers, they were celebrating joining the ' Advice centre ' franchise and we were there to make up numbers.

Nothing you can do about the noise, either go to a hotel for a couple of stress free days and chill.

If you attempted to complain you would get nowhere, be classed as a ' grump ' and probably end up with a good chorus of ' go home if you don't like it ' You can't go to the police, they will be there and so will any official of any consequence.

In Cambodia when you apply for permanent residency / citizenship you have a test, well there are quite a few requirements but one is, to say you fully understand the traditions and cultures of Cambodia and are willing and prepared to learn, join and embrace them!

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