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NRSA member believes new charter will remove corruption from Thai society


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NRSA member believes new charter will remove corruption from Thai society

Thammarat Thadaphrom


BANGKOK, 30 January 2016 (NNT) - A member of the National Steering Assembly (NRSA) strongly believes that the new charter will eradicate corruption practices from Thai society.

Wanchai Sornsiri, spokesperson for the political reform committee under the NRSA, said he had seen the first draft of the new constitution and believed that it would meet the needs of the people as well as resolve the country’s problems especially concerning corruption.

He pointed out that corrupt politicians or those seeking to take advantage of the people will be “nervous” when they actually see the draft while adding that the new charter opens doors for honest people to serve this country.

Mr Wanchai said the new constitution is truly people-centered and that it was not written for politicians seeking personal gains.

-- NNT 2016-01-30 footer_n.gif

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all you can hope is that it is a step in the right direction, perhaps a new beginning for Thailand were corruption will not be tolerated and severely and swiftly punnished, anyone that doesn't believe there is need just doesn't get it and never will

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all you can hope is that it is a step in the right direction, perhaps a new beginning for Thailand were corruption will not be tolerated and severely and swiftly punnished, anyone that doesn't believe there is need just doesn't get it and never will

People will start to believe when people start to get prosecuted and proper sentences are dealt. Until then it is just more of the same blah blah blah

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But it's not only politicians that are corrupt. Good luck on that.

correct but I believe this charter attempts to deal with them all both in the public and private sectors including local authorities, well all know who is not going to like it - those that have been milking the Thai people for years and want to continue

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all you can hope is that it is a step in the right direction, perhaps a new beginning for Thailand were corruption will not be tolerated and severely and swiftly punnished, anyone that doesn't believe there is need just doesn't get it and never will

People will start to believe when people start to get prosecuted and proper sentences are dealt. Until then it is just more of the same blah blah blah

I agree, like I said - it is a start and has never happened before

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"For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."

Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible."

T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph

Not sure if this guy is delusional or a dreamer.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong and it's the latter.

Edited by Bluespunk
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all you can hope is that it is a step in the right direction, perhaps a new beginning for Thailand were corruption will not be tolerated and severely and swiftly punnished, anyone that doesn't believe there is need just doesn't get it and never will

People will start to believe when people start to get prosecuted and proper sentences are dealt. Until then it is just more of the same blah blah blah

I agree, like I said - it is a start and has never happened before

Maybe you can enlighten me about the unique provisions in the new Constitution which are going to make any difference?

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all you can hope is that it is a step in the right direction, perhaps a new beginning for Thailand were corruption will not be tolerated and severely and swiftly punnished, anyone that doesn't believe there is need just doesn't get it and never will

People will start to believe when people start to get prosecuted and proper sentences are dealt. Until then it is just more of the same blah blah blah

I agree, like I said - it is a start and has never happened before

There have been many laws that look great on paper aimed at curbing corruption in Thailand. They are mighty difficult to enforce when accusing someone of corruption (with proof) can see you crucified by the anti defamation laws.

Any provisions in the constitution will be especially meaningless as they will be unenforceable, even in theory, until the politicians pass enabling legislation.

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I find some of the posters on these types of topics quite funny

Everyone is aware of the massive corruption problem in this country, so there is nothing to discuss there, and we all know it will continue if nothing is done about it, I get the impression that is what some posters here would prefer - just let it carry on

Many prolific posters are constantly critical of the current governments efforts to try and stamp it out without offering any ideas as to how they themselves would achieve such a monumental enourmous task, perhaps a look at the histories of western democracies might give a clue as to how it was achieved many years ago and evolved to present day, most of them were born from wars - civil wars and a few right minded people that took on the mantle of responsibility, not one of them was a product of an elected government.

It is no secret that the most corrupt in Thailand in the past have been those in power and those with influence

No elected government in Thailand has shown any interest in stamping out corruption - if I am wrong show me an example

So how can it be achieved ? and election lol

It is also evident that some posters here have an interest in keeping things just as they were and have and are still likely benefitting either by direct involvement or being sponsored in some way, either that or you are just plain blind

So how does Thailand deal with this rampant problem - elect another corrupt government without putting reforms and a charter in place that will curb their activities and make it very difficult going forward to steal from the Thai people and make it costly if they do - I don't think so.

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all you can hope is that it is a step in the right direction, perhaps a new beginning for Thailand were corruption will not be tolerated and severely and swiftly punnished, anyone that doesn't believe there is need just doesn't get it and never will

People will start to believe when people start to get prosecuted and proper sentences are dealt. Until then it is just more of the same blah blah blah

I agree, like I said - it is a start and has never happened before

There have been many laws that look great on paper aimed at curbing corruption in Thailand. They are mighty difficult to enforce when accusing someone of corruption (with proof) can see you crucified by the anti defamation laws.

Any provisions in the constitution will be especially meaningless as they will be unenforceable, even in theory, until the politicians pass enabling legislation.

and the chances of that happening are .......zero

so the answer is, well lets hope that this new charter and the introduction and expansion of agencies courts and organic laws will go some way to make a change, it is not an easy task or one that should be rushed

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I find some of the posters on these types of topics quite funny

Everyone is aware of the massive corruption problem in this country, so there is nothing to discuss there, and we all know it will continue if nothing is done about it, I get the impression that is what some posters here would prefer - just let it carry on

Many prolific posters are constantly critical of the current governments efforts to try and stamp it out without offering any ideas as to how they themselves would achieve such a monumental enourmous task, perhaps a look at the histories of western democracies might give a clue as to how it was achieved many years ago and evolved to present day, most of them were born from wars - civil wars and a few right minded people that took on the mantle of responsibility, not one of them was a product of an elected government.

It is no secret that the most corrupt in Thailand in the past have been those in power and those with influence

No elected government in Thailand has shown any interest in stamping out corruption - if I am wrong show me an example

So how can it be achieved ? and election lol

It is also evident that some posters here have an interest in keeping things just as they were and have and are still likely benefitting either by direct involvement or being sponsored in some way, either that or you are just plain blind

So how does Thailand deal with this rampant problem - elect another corrupt government without putting reforms and a charter in place that will curb their activities and make it very difficult going forward to steal from the Thai people and make it costly if they do - I don't think so.

It can be achieved by evolution. It is how it has happened everywhere. There is corruption, eventually people get pissed off and the Government gets kicked out, slowly but surely through this evolution corruption is reduced. Having the military, a corrupt organisation themselves, who have been in and out of power as much as any civilian Govt come in and claim to be cleaning up corruption just resets the clock, and it will start all over again.

As i have said on another thread, the corruption could be stamped out to an extent if those at the top whether it be the army or politicians actually wanted it done, but as they benefit the most from it, it is not in their interests. That being said the only way to do it, is through people power slowly but surely pressurising change by voting out non performing and corrupt Governments. It is a long process, but having the army coming in does nothing to help.

Put yourself in a Thai's shoes. What right has this Government got to tell me a Thai citizen what to do? Who is Prayut and why should he be able to tell me what to do? He has no more rights or importance than any other man or the street? Who gave him permission to rule over the country and me? That is why you have elections, so citizens of a country can choose who they want to represent them.

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I find some of the posters on these types of topics quite funny

Everyone is aware of the massive corruption problem in this country, so there is nothing to discuss there, and we all know it will continue if nothing is done about it, I get the impression that is what some posters here would prefer - just let it carry on

Many prolific posters are constantly critical of the current governments efforts to try and stamp it out without offering any ideas as to how they themselves would achieve such a monumental enourmous task, perhaps a look at the histories of western democracies might give a clue as to how it was achieved many years ago and evolved to present day, most of them were born from wars - civil wars and a few right minded people that took on the mantle of responsibility, not one of them was a product of an elected government.

It is no secret that the most corrupt in Thailand in the past have been those in power and those with influence

No elected government in Thailand has shown any interest in stamping out corruption - if I am wrong show me an example

So how can it be achieved ? and election lol

It is also evident that some posters here have an interest in keeping things just as they were and have and are still likely benefitting either by direct involvement or being sponsored in some way, either that or you are just plain blind

So how does Thailand deal with this rampant problem - elect another corrupt government without putting reforms and a charter in place that will curb their activities and make it very difficult going forward to steal from the Thai people and make it costly if they do - I don't think so.

"I find some of the posters on these types of topics quite funny"

I must admit that I also find some posts of the endearingly naive junta supporters quite funny.

"Many prolific posters are constantly critical of the current governments efforts to try and stamp it out..."

What efforts?? What about police reform?? What about rooting out the corruption that obviously exists in a certain organization currently in power??

All the "efforts" are done to keep one group of snouts firmly in control of the trough. Simple as that.

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The only thing that would make this unique is if the politicians take up the Japanese concept of ritual suicide when accused of a crime.

After about 50,000 suicides, things might take a turn for the better.

actually the Japanese also did something else after the war which proved to be a success and many Thais are pushing for the same thing, but we cant discuss that here and its difficult to see how any changes will happen when political discussion is banned

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I find some of the posters on these types of topics quite funny

Everyone is aware of the massive corruption problem in this country, so there is nothing to discuss there, and we all know it will continue if nothing is done about it, I get the impression that is what some posters here would prefer - just let it carry on

Many prolific posters are constantly critical of the current governments efforts to try and stamp it out without offering any ideas as to how they themselves would achieve such a monumental enourmous task, perhaps a look at the histories of western democracies might give a clue as to how it was achieved many years ago and evolved to present day, most of them were born from wars - civil wars and a few right minded people that took on the mantle of responsibility, not one of them was a product of an elected government.

It is no secret that the most corrupt in Thailand in the past have been those in power and those with influence

No elected government in Thailand has shown any interest in stamping out corruption - if I am wrong show me an example

So how can it be achieved ? and election lol

It is also evident that some posters here have an interest in keeping things just as they were and have and are still likely benefitting either by direct involvement or being sponsored in some way, either that or you are just plain blind

So how does Thailand deal with this rampant problem - elect another corrupt government without putting reforms and a charter in place that will curb their activities and make it very difficult going forward to steal from the Thai people and make it costly if they do - I don't think so.

theres a large part of Thai politics that we cant talk about here but many believe it to be the root cause of many of Thailands problems, but there are quite a few examples of how other countries dealt with corruption successfully. I just cant see them doing it without some kind of leadership from the top which they dont seem to have at the moment

Edited by phycokiller
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There have been many laws that look great on paper aimed at curbing corruption in Thailand. They are mighty difficult to enforce when accusing someone of corruption (with proof) can see you crucified by the anti defamation laws.

Any provisions in the constitution will be especially meaningless as they will be unenforceable, even in theory, until the politicians pass enabling legislation.

and the chances of that happening are .......zero

so the answer is, well lets hope that this new charter and the introduction and expansion of agencies courts and organic laws will go some way to make a change, it is not an easy task or one that should be rushed

If this is any comfort to you, I think the changes you would like to see will not be rushed. Maybe, the next generation of Thai leaders will be serious about creating robust, transparent and truly democratic institutions. I see no evidence of anything other than lip service to such an objective among current policy makers.

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I find some of the posters on these types of topics quite funny

Everyone is aware of the massive corruption problem in this country, so there is nothing to discuss there, and we all know it will continue if nothing is done about it, I get the impression that is what some posters here would prefer - just let it carry on

Many prolific posters are constantly critical of the current governments efforts to try and stamp it out without offering any ideas as to how they themselves would achieve such a monumental enourmous task, perhaps a look at the histories of western democracies might give a clue as to how it was achieved many years ago and evolved to present day, most of them were born from wars - civil wars and a few right minded people that took on the mantle of responsibility, not one of them was a product of an elected government.

It is no secret that the most corrupt in Thailand in the past have been those in power and those with influence

No elected government in Thailand has shown any interest in stamping out corruption - if I am wrong show me an example

So how can it be achieved ? and election lol

It is also evident that some posters here have an interest in keeping things just as they were and have and are still likely benefitting either by direct involvement or being sponsored in some way, either that or you are just plain blind

So how does Thailand deal with this rampant problem - elect another corrupt government without putting reforms and a charter in place that will curb their activities and make it very difficult going forward to steal from the Thai people and make it costly if they do - I don't think so.

"I find some of the posters on these types of topics quite funny"

I must admit that I also find some posts of the endearingly naive junta supporters quite funny.

"Many prolific posters are constantly critical of the current governments efforts to try and stamp it out..."

What efforts?? What about police reform?? What about rooting out the corruption that obviously exists in a certain organization currently in power??

All the "efforts" are done to keep one group of snouts firmly in control of the trough. Simple as that.

I think the CDC should be given cash rewards.

Not sure what for, but I think they need stacks of 1,000 baht notes.

That farce about the cops and the bombing.......and people still think this junta are the good guys?

Reforming ANYTHING???

I just typed "Thai cops suckers" into Google. Guess what appeared? This is what we are dealing with.


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But it's not only politicians that are corrupt. Good luck on that.

correct but I believe this charter attempts to deal with them all both in the public and private sectors including local authorities, well all know who is not going to like it - those that have been milking the Thai people for years and want to continue

Let's hope so...but they also have to deal with crime, in general, in a equal and transparent way. Will the speeding benz guy escape a fine whit the poor guy on the bike keeps getting fined? There's always going to be corruption until we have a strong leader, respected by the majority, who really wants to see an end to it. I haven't seen a PM in recent times that is not all about enriching themselves. PM's are supposed to enrich their constituents...not themselves.

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