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PM offers apology for the hot-tempered manner he shown at press interviews


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And farm income down 30 % in the past 1-2 years (Bank of Thailand)......due to falling produce and prices...go figure...

....which has nothing to do with world economic slowing, drought (and dams emptied by the previous government), or a massive stockpile of rice to be sold before it rots. Uh-huh.

You sure is a funny guy. You all over the previous government for filling up the dams and blame for flood and now your version of the twist. By the way, it is the responsibility of the current government to ensure rice don't rot and sold. He did promised to sell all the rice in 2 years.

re: dams, the junta has been in control for 2 rainy seasons, so if the dams are empty, .... whistling.gif

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And farm income down 30 % in the past 1-2 years (Bank of Thailand)......due to falling produce and prices...go figure...

....which has nothing to do with world economic slowing, drought (and dams emptied by the previous government), or a massive stockpile of rice to be sold before it rots. Uh-huh.

You sure is a funny guy. You all over the previous government for filling up the dams and blame for flood and now your version of the twist. By the way, it is the responsibility of the current government to ensure rice don't rot and sold. He did promised to sell all the rice in 2 years.

re: dams, the junta has been in control for 2 rainy seasons, so if the dams are empty, .... whistling.gif
... It must have been the fault of the previous government, as was everything else since the dawn of the human race.
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"The best way to avoid conflicts in the society is for the people not to break the law and if anyone breaks the law, he/she must face the consequences of the law."

Still in effect - Organic Law, Article 113 of the Criminal Code states that anybody who commits treason by overthrowing the country's constitution faces the maximum penalty of death.

Perhaps Prayut should do the right thing, revoke his self-imposed amnesty and submit himself to the laws of the nation. wai2.gif

I agree, if Prayut was to obey the laws and not give his military machine amnesty for human rights abuses, he would then have a platform to build on, because of his personal belief that "laws" only apply to non military he has put himself on everlasting quicksands. Very shaky position, :" Do as I say, not as I do"

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Well, that's a great message for all to hear: We're starving, investment, trade, economy" At least he had the good grace to apologise but will he never learn any diplomatic skills? Rhetorical question.

But the big question Prbkk is whether he did apologise. At the moment we only have his spokesman saying so, not very reliable evidence.

In this country where face-saving is sometimes more important than even life, this is the way apologies work. They are almost always made by a third person, on behalf of the person who apologizes. I know it seems absurd or even ridiculous to us Westerners, but the idea is to save the face of each party.

I have known this country for 30 years, actually lived here for 15 years, and seen this routine over and over again. At first I laughed and then I tried to understand. I still think it's kind of 'incomplete' but I do acknowledge the wisdom in it.

My point exactly Yann and thanks for that, because he is Thai person, he cannot apologise, only his spokesman can, which calls into question the statement above ( Good grace to apologise) Thai culture will not allow him to apologise. Another poster on another topic wrote a few months ago how Thai Buddhism does not allow for shame. This is one of the big cultural differences. In the western cultures who have been influenced by 2,000 years of Christianity which encourages a certain amount of self examination.

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There may be a clue to the General's demeanour, the latest poll may have come as a bit of a shock for him. Support for the junta has plummeted from its previous high of 99.3% to a new low of 98.6%. This must have come as a huge shock.

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God this guy is such a buffoon.

I don't think anyone really took her seriously ....

I guess you mean aside from the millions who voted for her? Still, what do they matter?

You mean the millions who voted for her brother's political party of which she was the number one party list nominee.

Like her brother before, standing in a constituency is too risky.

Yes that's what he means- the millions who voted PTP knowing she was Party leader under the guidance of her brother.The Thai people knew this and gave her their support by voting for PTP candidates - much like the UK actually.

Your boring assertion she was on the party list - as though this in some way discredited her legitimacy - is just bovine mooing.

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There is an accompanying editorial piece in The Nation which for a variety reasons is quite remarkable.It underlines my contention that the Junta's uncritical foreign devotees (admittedly not very well educated on the evidence of their posts) have not kept up with educated Thai middle class opinion - when say 15 months ago there was no perceptible difference.


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This reminds me of another occasion where the PM told off an Australian reporter, who, in typical reporter fashion, was trying to trigger an incident rather than actually collect information. She knew what buttons to push, she pushed them ... and it worked. The PM kind of blew it, the cameramen kept filming, the rant was in the news, and the reporter was in heaven (I bet).

So ... what does that tell us ? It tells us that this PM is not a politician. He's an Army General. Big news, huh ?

Now here's the funny part : all around the world, and especially in our beautiful Western demockracies, everyone, and I mean everyone complains that politicians have become incapable of being truthful, spontaneous, bold, the way Churchill was for instance. Western politicians are vilified for speaking 'waffle', being coached by media experts and turning with the wind (read opinion polls). Hell, some of them are/were even media tycoons, like Berlusconi. Whatever they do and say is done and said with the media in mind and for media effect, rather than with a respectable political agenda.

To make things worse, their mandates are so short that there can be no long term or even middle term policy any more. On big boats, captains know that there is a delay between the moment you turn the helm and the boat actually starts turning. The bigger the boat, the longer the delay. It's the same in politics, of course, but the media have managed to impose such a frenetic pace that no one can include the time factor any more, and act rationally.

Western politics thus have become a pathetic reality (?) show where presidents spend more time rushing to the latest disaster scene than actually doing their job. It feels like a permanent 'damage control' situation. Not exactly the best conditions for long-sighted, well thought-out, daring policies.

In recent history there are few examples of Generals mixing well with democracy. General De Gaulle was an interesting example. He was undoubtedly intelligent, honest, and with a vested interest in wanting the best for his country. He is also famous for a number of foot-in-mouth public statements (his "Vive le Québec libre!" delivered in Montreal on 24 July 1967 created quite a stir) which present day politicians would certainly never make, and were typical of his 'military approach'.

The present Thai PM is not used to being a politician, that's for sure. The thing is, when you're a high rank Army guy, you are used to giving orders that no one would dare challenge. You are used to being treated with the utmost respect and when contradiction must be presented, it is offered with such an array of precautions, perfume and sweetening powders that you can actually treat it magnanimously (and then ignore it). Imagine going from that into the present day political arena, where media people go for the jugular whenever possible, hunting for the scoop. Pretty much like asking the stage manager to suddenly jump on stage and be the pop star.

I am one of the guys on this Forum who thinks General Prayut did the right thing 2 years ago, and I am not about to change my mind.

Why ? because I was here, I saw, heard and felt that this country was heading straight towards some very ugly events, some of which had already begun, and the powers in charge were not doing anything strong enough to get the country off that dangerous path.

I am not, never was, and never will be a supporter of Franco or Pinochet and consorts, and there is a huge difference between those guys and Prayut. It is extremely dishonest to compare him with them. Western politicians who pounced on him immediately after the coup, advocating the 'return to democracy' ("return" ? ha!) and delivering patronizing advice made me angry because they were at best ill-informed and at worse manipulated by Mr T.'s media team, who, surprise surprise, happened to be a media tycoon himself.

Incidentally these Western do-gooders and democracy advocates were not concerned with the well-being of Thailand. What they were doing was using the situation to make themselves look like 'the good guys'. More media manipulation is what it all was, basically. I can totally understand why this show of hypocrisy infuriated him. Given his position he ought to have kept his anger in check, yes, but, well, see above.

So ... the General saved his country from chaos, yes he did, he won the battle, but then what next ? Did he win the war ? It's too early to say.

At any rate, and for better or worse, he found himself in a new set of clothes he was not used to wearing in the least. The fact that his intention was always the good of Thailand is not in question. However his idea of what's good for Thailand is his, and no matter how respectable it is, there should be room for other ideas, other proposals. Is that happening ? Hum ...

Also, people around him should not be sycophantic, but is that feasible ? Only he knows, because he's the one who chooses them. Only he can move from being a General to being a Prime Minister. If he managed to combine the best of both functions, he would become a great statesman. Efficiency, courage, authority, righteousness on the one hand, flexibility, astuteness, and a thick skin in front of journalists on the other ... I don't care if the numerous bar-stool politicians on this forum call me naive because I call them cynics, but this latest apology by Prayut is encouraging and a good sign, especially in this country and from a person in his position.

"So ... the General saved his country from chaos, yes he did….."

5555555555! Chaos orchestrated by who?

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This reminds me of another occasion where the PM told off an Australian reporter, who, in typical reporter fashion, was trying to trigger an incident rather than actually collect information. She knew what buttons to push, she pushed them ... and it worked. The PM kind of blew it, the cameramen kept filming, the rant was in the news, and the reporter was in heaven (I bet).

So ... what does that tell us ? It tells us that this PM is not a politician. He's an Army General. Big news, huh ?

Now here's the funny part : all around the world, and especially in our beautiful Western demockracies, everyone, and I mean everyone complains that politicians have become incapable of being truthful, spontaneous, bold, the way Churchill was for instance. Western politicians are vilified for speaking 'waffle', being coached by media experts and turning with the wind (read opinion polls). Hell, some of them are/were even media tycoons, like Berlusconi. Whatever they do and say is done and said with the media in mind and for media effect, rather than with a respectable political agenda.

To make things worse, their mandates are so short that there can be no long term or even middle term policy any more. On big boats, captains know that there is a delay between the moment you turn the helm and the boat actually starts turning. The bigger the boat, the longer the delay. It's the same in politics, of course, but the media have managed to impose such a frenetic pace that no one can include the time factor any more, and act rationally.

Western politics thus have become a pathetic reality (?) show where presidents spend more time rushing to the latest disaster scene than actually doing their job. It feels like a permanent 'damage control' situation. Not exactly the best conditions for long-sighted, well thought-out, daring policies.

In recent history there are few examples of Generals mixing well with democracy. General De Gaulle was an interesting example. He was undoubtedly intelligent, honest, and with a vested interest in wanting the best for his country. He is also famous for a number of foot-in-mouth public statements (his "Vive le Québec libre!" delivered in Montreal on 24 July 1967 created quite a stir) which present day politicians would certainly never make, and were typical of his 'military approach'.

The present Thai PM is not used to being a politician, that's for sure. The thing is, when you're a high rank Army guy, you are used to giving orders that no one would dare challenge. You are used to being treated with the utmost respect and when contradiction must be presented, it is offered with such an array of precautions, perfume and sweetening powders that you can actually treat it magnanimously (and then ignore it). Imagine going from that into the present day political arena, where media people go for the jugular whenever possible, hunting for the scoop. Pretty much like asking the stage manager to suddenly jump on stage and be the pop star.

I am one of the guys on this Forum who thinks General Prayut did the right thing 2 years ago, and I am not about to change my mind.

Why ? because I was here, I saw, heard and felt that this country was heading straight towards some very ugly events, some of which had already begun, and the powers in charge were not doing anything strong enough to get the country off that dangerous path.

I am not, never was, and never will be a supporter of Franco or Pinochet and consorts, and there is a huge difference between those guys and Prayut. It is extremely dishonest to compare him with them. Western politicians who pounced on him immediately after the coup, advocating the 'return to democracy' ("return" ? ha!) and delivering patronizing advice made me angry because they were at best ill-informed and at worse manipulated by Mr T.'s media team, who, surprise surprise, happened to be a media tycoon himself.

Incidentally these Western do-gooders and democracy advocates were not concerned with the well-being of Thailand. What they were doing was using the situation to make themselves look like 'the good guys'. More media manipulation is what it all was, basically. I can totally understand why this show of hypocrisy infuriated him. Given his position he ought to have kept his anger in check, yes, but, well, see above.

So ... the General saved his country from chaos, yes he did, he won the battle, but then what next ? Did he win the war ? It's too early to say.

At any rate, and for better or worse, he found himself in a new set of clothes he was not used to wearing in the least. The fact that his intention was always the good of Thailand is not in question. However his idea of what's good for Thailand is his, and no matter how respectable it is, there should be room for other ideas, other proposals. Is that happening ? Hum ...

Also, people around him should not be sycophantic, but is that feasible ? Only he knows, because he's the one who chooses them. Only he can move from being a General to being a Prime Minister. If he managed to combine the best of both functions, he would become a great statesman. Efficiency, courage, authority, righteousness on the one hand, flexibility, astuteness, and a thick skin in front of journalists on the other ... I don't care if the numerous bar-stool politicians on this forum call me naive because I call them cynics, but this latest apology by Prayut is encouraging and a good sign, especially in this country and from a person in his position.

"So ... the General saved his country from chaos, yes he did….."

5555555555! Chaos orchestrated by who?

Exactly.A sublimely ignorant post that you succinctly and accurately commented on.One always knows one is about to read semi thought out nonsense on recent political events when the fatuous reference "I was there" appears in the post.

As to Prayuth as the Nation editorial pointed out today, nobody asked him to grab power.If he is now shown to be out of his depth ( the comparison with de Gaulle is a cosmic joke) he knows what he has to do.

Edited by jayboy
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"Men who crave power are most fitted to acquire it and least fitted to use it"

If you stand at the breaking waves you will see much, if you stand on the mountain you will see more, if you see more then maybe you can have an open mind,

something that maybe lost on some people, normally those that try to control power and not use it...

My little take on thingsthumbsup.gif

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God this guy is such a buffoon.

I don't think anyone really took her seriously ....

I guess you mean aside from the millions who voted for her? Still, what do they matter?

.... the millions who have been bought or brainwashed by her gang

Clearly you have evidence that contradicts the several peer reviewed studies that determined that the elections that put her into government were largely clean and untainted by vote buying. And that any vote buying was cancelled out by more of such on the other side.

Or are you just making this up as you go?

And who are you to decide that they are "brainwashed"? How arrogant. Their votes are equal to anyone else's. That is how the democratic process works unless you missed it.

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God this guy is such a buffoon.

I don't think anyone really took her seriously ....

I guess you mean aside from the millions who voted for her? Still, what do they matter?

The 300 baht paid to each for the vote had nothing at all to do with the outcome of course. Had a rice factory being built near a school in our village. All village against it. 400 baht goes to each house. All but 3 houses now vote the factory is a good idea. School now has dust problems and eventually kids with breathing problems. Doesnt matter for the kids. That 300 baht gave 2 days of lao khao. Money talks here. That was the Shin victory.

And yet the academic assessments of the elections seem to all say you are wrong. Who to believe? Several studies, peer reviewed and linked to in these pages several times, from respected bodies ... Or your folk tale. It's a tough choice.

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And farm income down 30 % in the past 1-2 years (Bank of Thailand)......due to falling produce and prices...go figure...

....which has nothing to do with world economic slowing, drought (and dams emptied by the previous government), or a massive stockpile of rice to be sold before it rots. Uh-huh.

You sure is a funny guy. You all over the previous government for filling up the dams and blame for flood and now your version of the twist. By the way, it is the responsibility of the current government to ensure rice don't rot and sold. He did promised to sell all the rice in 2 years.

re: dams, the junta has been in control for 2 rainy seasons, so if the dams are empty, .... whistling.gif

Which part of the word drought don't you understand?

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I guess you mean aside from the millions who voted for her? Still, what do they matter?

.... the millions who have been bought or brainwashed by her gang

Clearly you have evidence that contradicts the several peer reviewed studies that determined that the elections that put her into government were largely clean and untainted by vote buying. And that any vote buying was cancelled out by more of such on the other side.

Or are you just making this up as you go?

And who are you to decide that they are "brainwashed"? How arrogant. Their votes are equal to anyone else's. That is how the democratic process works unless you missed it.

Perhaps you need to look at the big picture. Blatantly populist policies are just as much vote-buying as handing out money.

Now try and tell me PTP's policies - the rice scam, pay rise for everyone, cheap homes, cheap cars - weren't populism, but well thought out and costed ways to benefit the country, and not merely appeals to the base instincts of the masses. Just another version of elect me and you will all be rich in 6 months.

Edited by halloween
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Sarah Palin and Donald Trump, better call the Pentagon to see how we can stop them getting in, guns and tanks would be the way to go, we could vote against them, oops had not thought of that one. If you do not like Thakisn or if you do not like Abhisit then best vote against them.That is how it is done.

To partially quote from The Nation : People are worried about the ethical behaviour of the politicians, the same people are equally worried about the behaviour of the military!

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Unfortunately Halloween is very much aware of the facts but seems to refuse to accept them, kinda like the elite that refuse to accept the rule of law and the peoples choice and yet again throw out elected governments.....

Clearly you have evidence that contradicts the several peer reviewed studies that determined that the elections that put her into government were largely clean and untainted by vote buying. And that any vote buying was cancelled out by more of such on the other side.

Or are you just making this up as you go?

And who are you to decide that they are "brainwashed"? How arrogant. Their votes are equal to anyone else's. That is how the democratic process works unless you missed it.

Perhaps you need to look at the big picture. Blatantly populist policies are just as much vote-buying as handing out money.

Now try and tell me PTP's policies - the rice scam, pay rise for everyone, cheap homes, cheap cars - weren't populism, but well thought out and costed ways to benefit the country, and not merely appeals to the base instincts of the masses. Just another version of elect me and you will all be rich in 6 months.

Most critical thinking people would agree that the current PM is not cut out to lead the country and he has on many many occasions shown it.

IMO, the rice scheme SHOULD have been limited to small rice growers ONLY, the wage rise was limited for basic wages, cheap homes are for the lower income people so they can have a home and income tested, and cheap cars, well they are small care n pick up's,, NOT bloody BMW'S OR MERC"S , populist policy's are what get's a government elected.........

Edited by seedy
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I know there is conjecture about the way the PM came to power, and the argument will rage on.......but being the PM is a tough gig in a country where everyone wants thing done their way.

Look at the rice farmers who grew 2nd crop despite the fact the government said don't! Look at the people who took forest land without permission. Look at the way most road users ignore the law when they choose to. Prayuth is running a country full of naughty scalliwags!

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I know there is conjecture about the way the PM came to power, and the argument will rage on.......but being the PM is a tough gig in a country where everyone wants thing done their way.

Look at the rice farmers who grew 2nd crop despite the fact the government said don't! Look at the people who took forest land without permission. Look at the way most road users ignore the law when they choose to. Prayuth is running a country full of naughty scalliwags!

The anti PM posters who everyday slag him off are so brilliant they think they could do a better job of killing off corruption and having a quick fair election------Just proving taking over from a Shin regime and having to get a million thing put to right in 2 years----anyone elected or not who can do it is living in cloud cuckoo land.

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I know there is conjecture about the way the PM came to power, and the argument will rage on.......but being the PM is a tough gig in a country where everyone wants thing done their way.

Look at the rice farmers who grew 2nd crop despite the fact the government said don't! Look at the people who took forest land without permission. Look at the way most road users ignore the law when they choose to. Prayuth is running a country full of naughty scalliwags!

Yes it is a country full of naughty scallywags, but that behaviour has been ingrained through the system by those at the top, the military of which have been a continual part of since the beginning of time.

The military is just as much culpable to the lack of ethics, morals, law enforcement/prosecution, corruption etc in the country than any other power group.

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I know there is conjecture about the way the PM came to power, and the argument will rage on.......but being the PM is a tough gig in a country where everyone wants thing done their way.

Look at the rice farmers who grew 2nd crop despite the fact the government said don't! Look at the people who took forest land without permission. Look at the way most road users ignore the law when they choose to. Prayuth is running a country full of naughty scalliwags!

The anti PM posters who everyday slag him off are so brilliant they think they could do a better job of killing off corruption and having a quick fair election------Just proving taking over from a Shin regime and having to get a million thing put to right in 2 years----anyone elected or not who can do it is living in cloud cuckoo land.

You're living in cuckoo land if you think he is not being extremely selective about his 'mission'.

The way the scandal at that park in Hua Hin has been handled for example.

I know you desperately want to believe that these knights in shinning khaki are here to save the day from that dastardly villain and his family, truth is they are just the flip side of the same coin.

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I know there is conjecture about the way the PM came to power, and the argument will rage on.......but being the PM is a tough gig in a country where everyone wants thing done their way.

Look at the rice farmers who grew 2nd crop despite the fact the government said don't! Look at the people who took forest land without permission. Look at the way most road users ignore the law when they choose to. Prayuth is running a country full of naughty scalliwags!

The anti PM posters who everyday slag him off are so brilliant they think they could do a better job of killing off corruption and having a quick fair election------Just proving taking over from a Shin regime and having to get a million thing put to right in 2 years----anyone elected or not who can do it is living in cloud cuckoo land.

Yu'p your right, some posters here do slag him off, some criticize, and others offer constructive criticism. which is now illegal.

Now is it possible the people don't like the way he came too power?

Is it possible many don't like his style?

Is it possible that people keep asking the same questions like freedom of speech, and election date? that KEEP CHANGING so yup same questions.

Is it possible that many don't like his policies?

Is it possible that it is all deserved and self inflicted?

Let's face it He can't stand people asking questions he doesn't like, he likes to put people in military camps for thinking differently, He supports detaining students asking for independent and transparent investigations, He thinks it's ok for the leader of a country to swear and carry on like a child on TV when angry as he obviously has never been taught to control himself, and he complains that there's not enough money to pay teachers for their expenses but thinks it fully justifiable to spend MILLIONS on a fire wall that almost NO ONE WANTS!!!!!!!, or do you think that good policy and good governance? wake up mate.

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I know there is conjecture about the way the PM came to power, and the argument will rage on.......but being the PM is a tough gig in a country where everyone wants thing done their way.

Look at the rice farmers who grew 2nd crop despite the fact the government said don't! Look at the people who took forest land without permission. Look at the way most road users ignore the law when they choose to. Prayuth is running a country full of naughty scalliwags!

The anti PM posters who everyday slag him off are so brilliant they think they could do a better job of killing off corruption and having a quick fair election------Just proving taking over from a Shin regime and having to get a million thing put to right in 2 years----anyone elected or not who can do it is living in cloud cuckoo land.

Killing off corruption? Are you serious? (Silly question, I know you are ...). What exactly are these million things you suggest he's "putting right"?

From earlier posts of yours it's clear you have some pretty well informed contacts for inside information that the rest of us lack. Because to most of Planet Earth it looks like a grand f***kup by a self-serving cabal who absolutely no idea what they are doing and are doing generational damage to this country.

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