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How to avoid boredom during your retirement in Paradise?

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I keep bees, but I only have 3 at the moment, hoping to catch some more this week.

Do you have one called Dave? I've lost one.

Yes Dave is with me now and he says he has never been happier.

Please send Viola home. Her daughter is distraught!


there's very little government interference in my daily life, I don't feel regulated in any meaningful way, should I go on or is that enough.

There's way more government interference in my life in Thailand.

90 day report, VISA extensions with the possibility of home visits, can't work, carry passport (or not), etc.

I didn't have any of that in the UK. And the medical services were free.


When was the last time I drove through a police or army checkpoint in the UK ...... never!


I could play bridge or dominoes without fear of arrest and imprisonment.


I could say anything i liked about the government (etc.), and like any posts on facebook without worry.


I could buy a house and land in my own name.


Buy a bottle of beer in my local shop anytime I wanted (that it was open).

No government interference with your life in Thailand?

Are you sure?

You're, ever the devils advocate MJ! rolleyes.gif

Here's how I get around the points you raised:

I haven't driven through an army check point in a couple of years but when I do I stop, smile, show my papers and wish everyone a nice day, it's good to meet new people!

I don't play bridge but if I did I'm sure I would enjoy it and wouldn't have a problem playing with friends.

If I suffered a mental trauma and/or was feeling suicidal or developed the desire to spend long periods in a Thai jail, I might run out into the middle of a busy street outside a major police station and shout all manner of things, restraint and the desire for self preservation however prevents me from doing that, restraint is a wonderful thing.

I effectively own a house and it doesn't bother me that my name is not on the front of the chanotte because it's on the back and that's just as important and I'm not that insecure to let the matter worry me.

I don't drink hardly so not being able to buy booze 24 hours a day is not an issue. And I do think that liquor licensing hours are sensible, they force people to practice restraint, ah yes, there's that word again.

So yes, I'm certain there's the absolute minimum of government interference in my life.


Question? What on earth did you come to Thailand for ? You can be just as bored at home. Its supposed to be Paradise lots of young girls, cheap beer,exotic food. You could always run the gauntlet and join a Bridge Clup if its exitement your looking for.


and a disdain for older men having sex with young girls. I don't have that, it's the rich old guys who are fat and ugly, and think the young girl they are paying for loves them

I have a disdain for. If the old guy with the young chick is paying for sex and understands that the young chick is only there for his money, I have no problem with that at all.

What is annoying are the over top PDA couples on BTS or any where in public. This is Thailand after all so the Thai girl should know what is the acceptable social norm. It's like oh I caught myself a dumb ATM ..kisses..giggles..kisses.

and a disdain for older men having sex with young girls. I don't have that, it's the rich old guys who are fat and ugly, and think the young girl they are paying for loves them

I have a disdain for. If the old guy with the young chick is paying for sex and understands that the young chick is only there for his money, I have no problem with that at all.

What is annoying are the over top PDA couples on BTS or any where in public. This is Thailand after all so the Thai girl should know what is the acceptable social norm. It's like oh I caught myself a dumb ATM ..kisses..giggles..kisses.

What does PDA stand for? There's a new brigade, "The initials instead of words brigade".

BTW, sorry, by the way, I do agree with your post.


and a disdain for older men having sex with young girls. I don't have that, it's the rich old guys who are fat and ugly, and think the young girl they are paying for loves them

I have a disdain for. If the old guy with the young chick is paying for sex and understands that the young chick is only there for his money, I have no problem with that at all.

What is annoying are the over top PDA couples on BTS or any where in public. This is Thailand after all so the Thai girl should know what is the acceptable social norm. It's like oh I caught myself a dumb ATM ..kisses..giggles..kisses.

What does PDA stand for? There's a new brigade, "The initials instead of words brigade".

BTW, sorry, by the way, I do agree with your post.

PDA = Public Displays of Affection.

At least that's what it used to mean......

You're Welcome!! smile.png


What do retired folks do? That means the normal folks who don't drink, smoke or chase girls and are happy living alone. ;)

They dedicate their time to Thai visa telling others what fabulous lives they lead in this paradise of a country.

Often the reality is in stark contrast to what they post,bemoaning the visa process,dangerous roads and a disdain for older men having sex with young girls.

Incidentally some play Bridge and eat 35 baht noodle soup while others live in sprawling homes in the arse end of nowhere,curtain twitchers are also known to reside here.

Others prefer to take on the the role of immigration officers going over the same mundane questions in and out like its a badge of honour knowing Thai visa immigration rules,I've been known to get sucked into that also through sheer boredom.

Some like to discuss the cheapest means of getting around Jomtien and Pattaya all the while secretly wishing things could just be like home by hoping on the air con bus or trolley,metro.

Some are literally stuck here,living in a world of absolute hatred,not eating Thai food not speaking the language all the while tolerating the people that they have chosen to live around.

Then there are those that are really happy,but you won't find them on Thai visa forum as they are far to busy enjoying life to be sat on here all day.

I am gonna be here all day cos it's too bloody cold outside.


I'm busy doing nothing,working the whole day through trying to find lots of things not to do. If I put that to music it could make a great song

BTO beat you to it,it is my motto in life.


When I first came to Thailand I had visions of living in paradise, being regularly invited to wild parties and young women throwing themselves at me begging for my attentions. But sadly none of that came off and now I`ve knuckled down to being a house husband and doing the same old boring stuff I was doing in England.

I think a lot of it is down to money. Thailand is not as cheap as it used to be, just don`t seem to have enough to pursue all that I`d like to really live it up, not even on occasions.

Don't blame Thailand because you wasted your money in England.I always knew i wanted to live in SEAsia,somewhere,since my first backpacking days 40 years ago.Saved money and spent some too,but here i am at last,living the way i want to live,not rich,not poor and happy.Certainly never bored.


How to avoid boredom? Yeehs! for me the question is more like "How to avoid Burnout During Your Retirement in Paradise". Here in Chiang Mai there is simply "too much" for retirees to do with their time if they're not careful with their scheduling.

I suppose if you've ended up in a village where you're the only foreigner, then there won't be much to keep you involved. But I've got to believe, that had I found myself in those circumstances, I would have buckled down and really learned Thai, plus the local dialect, gotten involved in the local ladies aid association at the wat and would have had the village doing once-a-week "lets pick up the trash around the village and plant some flowers"

I'm a firm believer that if life has given you lemon you should make lemon aid and if you don't know how to make lemon aid, you shouldn't whine about that shortcoming, but rather either learn to use Google or ask someone to assist.

That's where your wrong Nancy,but your remedies are correct.Plenty to do in the village and the nearby town.One does not have to live in a farang ghetto to be busy.Besides i have adopted the Thai hobby of staring into space with a blank look on my face,great time waster.


there's very little government interference in my daily life, I don't feel regulated in any meaningful way, should I go on or is that enough.


Buy a bottle of beer in my local shop anytime I wanted (that it was open).

No government interference with your life in Thailand?

Are you sure?

You're, ever the devils advocate MJ! rolleyes.gif

I don't drink hardly so not being able to buy booze 24 hours a day is not an issue. And I do think that liquor licensing hours are sensible, they force people to practice restraint, ah yes, there's that word again.

So yes, I'm certain there's the absolute minimum of government interference in my life.

Banning the sale of alcohol between the hours of 2.00pm and 5.00pm is Draconian, not sensible !


Why are they in Los if they aren't drinking and chasing birds

Quite simple, in my case, to get away from the immigrant filled , overtaxed, expensive to live in UK.

Don't drink, but have a beautiful wife, so no need to chase birds.


Mixing/Mastering music for artist's round the world :-) (have a small studio).

I plan to retire in Thailand in a couple years. I wish to meet some fellow farang or thai musicians to play rock n roll. I hope I will find some when I get there. You never bore when playing music, with friends or on your own, practice on your instrument.

Be careful, This is the LOS, land of stupidity. Start playing with other musicians, Farang or Thai, make sure you play behind closed doors at all times.

People have been done for playing music together even though they were not being paid, It happened in Chaing Mai recently. Like I said TiT.


there's very little government interference in my daily life, I don't feel regulated in any meaningful way, should I go on or is that enough.

There's way more government interference in my life in Thailand.

90 day report, VISA extensions with the possibility of home visits, can't work, carry passport (or not), etc.

I didn't have any of that in the UK. And the medical services were free.


When was the last time I drove through a police or army checkpoint in the UK ...... never!


I could play bridge or dominoes without fear of arrest and imprisonment.


I could say anything i liked about the government (etc.), and like any posts on facebook without worry.


I could buy a house and land in my own name.


Buy a bottle of beer in my local shop anytime I wanted (that it was open).

No government interference with your life in Thailand?

Are you sure?

I agree with every point you have made, but at the end of the day, the good in Thailand far outweighs the bad. Even more so where the UK is concerned.


there's very little government interference in my daily life, I don't feel regulated in any meaningful way, should I go on or is that enough.

There's way more government interference in my life in Thailand.

90 day report, VISA extensions with the possibility of home visits, can't work, carry passport (or not), etc.

I didn't have any of that in the UK. And the medical services were free.


When was the last time I drove through a police or army checkpoint in the UK ...... never!


I could play bridge or dominoes without fear of arrest and imprisonment.


I could say anything i liked about the government (etc.), and like any posts on facebook without worry.


I could buy a house and land in my own name.


Buy a bottle of beer in my local shop anytime I wanted (that it was open).

No government interference with your life in Thailand?

Are you sure?

And you couldn't get laid there. I think this is the elephant in the room [emoji1]

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

You can get laid in any country if you can afford to pay for it.


Please, why do some consider the Government is "interfering", especially as it relates to buying alcohol? It isn't alcohol per se but the quantity! if you buy in reasonable quantity you can buy anytime from just about anywhere. And even if you couldn't, you could just do a little planning and buy in advance.

And even if you couldn't do that, you don't have to go far to buy a can of beer at any time from those little stores where the timing law is ignored.

Regarding other "interferences": I have experienced zero (including two military coups) in more than 13 years of living in various areas of Thailand.

Before I came to live in Thailand there were three determining factors that I needed to satisfy myself with that could be met for the remainder of my life: the climate, cost of living and, most importantly, the people. After 13 years, I remain satisfied and broadly speaking fulfilled.

I am never bored. Being happy or bored is state of mind, not of situation.


Please, why do some consider the Government is "interfering", especially as it relates to buying alcohol? It isn't alcohol per se but the quantity! if you buy in reasonable quantity you can buy anytime from just about anywhere. And even if you couldn't, you could just do a little planning and buy in advance.

And even if you couldn't do that, you don't have to go far to buy a can of beer at any time from those little stores where the timing law is ignored.

Regarding other "interferences": I have experienced zero (including two military coups) in more than 13 years of living in various areas of Thailand.

Before I came to live in Thailand there were three determining factors that I needed to satisfy myself with that could be met for the remainder of my life: the climate, cost of living and, most importantly, the people. After 13 years, I remain satisfied and broadly speaking fulfilled.

I am never bored. Being happy or bored is state of mind, not of situation.

If the law regarding alcohol sales is not restrictive, as you say, why did they implement it in the first place ?

If somebody wants to buy, say, 3 large beers from Tesco at 2.15pm, why should he be forced to buy 2 cases if he wants to make a purchase ?


It's against the law to buy ANY amount of alcohol between 2 and 5 p.m.

No quantity exemptions now. Not that bothers me, my pub still pours, but it's an inconvenience if at a supermarket during those times.


Please, why do some consider the Government is "interfering", especially as it relates to buying alcohol? It isn't alcohol per se but the quantity! if you buy in reasonable quantity you can buy anytime from just about anywhere. And even if you couldn't, you could just do a little planning and buy in advance.

And even if you couldn't do that, you don't have to go far to buy a can of beer at any time from those little stores where the timing law is ignored.

Regarding other "interferences": I have experienced zero (including two military coups) in more than 13 years of living in various areas of Thailand.

Before I came to live in Thailand there were three determining factors that I needed to satisfy myself with that could be met for the remainder of my life: the climate, cost of living and, most importantly, the people. After 13 years, I remain satisfied and broadly speaking fulfilled.

I am never bored. Being happy or bored is state of mind, not of situation.

If the law regarding alcohol sales is not restrictive, as you say, why did they implement it in the first place ?

If somebody wants to buy, say, 3 large beers from Tesco at 2.15pm, why should he be forced to buy 2 cases if he wants to make a purchase ?

I haven't said it isn't restrictive - it is, but on the amount. I could say why not go to Tesco at 1.55pm but I realise in real life it is not always convenient but to my mind, if I can't buy a beer between 2 and 5 then I will wait, I am not that desperate. If I feel only mild irritation I cannot consider the law as 'interfering". I have no important opinion on whether the law is justified mainly because I am virtually unaffected. And yes, I DO drink alcohol - not to the point of being angry because I can't buy it just when I want to. Look, let us be reasonable - my points already mentioned show there is very little hardship for us to worry about!


Please, why do some consider the Government is "interfering", especially as it relates to buying alcohol? It isn't alcohol per se but the quantity! if you buy in reasonable quantity you can buy anytime from just about anywhere. And even if you couldn't, you could just do a little planning and buy in advance.

And even if you couldn't do that, you don't have to go far to buy a can of beer at any time from those little stores where the timing law is ignored.

Regarding other "interferences": I have experienced zero (including two military coups) in more than 13 years of living in various areas of Thailand.

Before I came to live in Thailand there were three determining factors that I needed to satisfy myself with that could be met for the remainder of my life: the climate, cost of living and, most importantly, the people. After 13 years, I remain satisfied and broadly speaking fulfilled.

I am never bored. Being happy or bored is state of mind, not of situation.

If the law regarding alcohol sales is not restrictive, as you say, why did they implement it in the first place ?

If somebody wants to buy, say, 3 large beers from Tesco at 2.15pm, why should he be forced to buy 2 cases if he wants to make a purchase ?

I haven't said it isn't restrictive - it is, but on the amount. I could say why not go to Tesco at 1.55pm but I realise in real life it is not always convenient but to my mind, if I can't buy a beer between 2 and 5 then I will wait, I am not that desperate. If I feel only mild irritation I cannot consider the law as 'interfering". I have no important opinion on whether the law is justified mainly because I am virtually unaffected. And yes, I DO drink alcohol - not to the point of being angry because I can't buy it just when I want to. Look, let us be reasonable - my points already mentioned show there is very little hardship for us to worry about!

How long ago was it when you couldn't get a beer in a pub in the UK between 2pm and 5pm?


Why are they in Los if they aren't drinking and chasing birds

Quite simple, in my case, to get away from the immigrant filled , overtaxed, expensive to live in UK.

Don't drink, but have a beautiful wife, so no need to chase birds.

Every one that married thinks the wife is beautiful here,but I never seen a true stunner yet, in fact it's the total opposite and still can't figure it out, maybe yours is the exception.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


Please, why do some consider the Government is "interfering", especially as it relates to buying alcohol? It isn't alcohol per se but the quantity! if you buy in reasonable quantity you can buy anytime from just about anywhere. And even if you couldn't, you could just do a little planning and buy in advance.

And even if you couldn't do that, you don't have to go far to buy a can of beer at any time from those little stores where the timing law is ignored.

Regarding other "interferences": I have experienced zero (including two military coups) in more than 13 years of living in various areas of Thailand.

Before I came to live in Thailand there were three determining factors that I needed to satisfy myself with that could be met for the remainder of my life: the climate, cost of living and, most importantly, the people. After 13 years, I remain satisfied and broadly speaking fulfilled.

I am never bored. Being happy or bored is state of mind, not of situation.

If the law regarding alcohol sales is not restrictive, as you say, why did they implement it in the first place ?

If somebody wants to buy, say, 3 large beers from Tesco at 2.15pm, why should he be forced to buy 2 cases if he wants to make a purchase ?

I haven't said it isn't restrictive - it is, but on the amount. I could say why not go to Tesco at 1.55pm but I realise in real life it is not always convenient but to my mind, if I can't buy a beer between 2 and 5 then I will wait, I am not that desperate. If I feel only mild irritation I cannot consider the law as 'interfering". I have no important opinion on whether the law is justified mainly because I am virtually unaffected. And yes, I DO drink alcohol - not to the point of being angry because I can't buy it just when I want to. Look, let us be reasonable - my points already mentioned show there is very little hardship for us to worry about!

How long ago was it when you couldn't get a beer in a pub in the UK between 2pm and 5pm?

Late 1980's if my memory serves me right. A long time ago.


Why are they in Los if they aren't drinking and chasing birds

Quite simple, in my case, to get away from the immigrant filled , overtaxed, expensive to live in UK.

Don't drink, but have a beautiful wife, so no need to chase birds.

Every one that married thinks the wife is beautiful here,but I never seen a true stunner yet, in fact it's the total opposite and still can't figure it out, maybe yours is the exception.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

And mine.

Why are they in Los if they aren't drinking and chasing birds

Quite simple, in my case, to get away from the immigrant filled , overtaxed, expensive to live in UK.

Don't drink, but have a beautiful wife, so no need to chase birds.

Every one that married thinks the wife is beautiful here,but I never seen a true stunner yet, in fact it's the total opposite and still can't figure it out, maybe yours is the exception.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

And mine.
Pic? [emoji1]

Nah just kidding as long as she is a stunner in you're eyes it's all that matters

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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