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Tinnitus - I have a buzzing noise in my ears

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It started 1-2 months ago slowly building up and now it reached a level that I can't sleep at night . It's a constant buzzing sound , from I wake up until I go to bed.

My hearing is excellent , so I do not understand why this started. If I turn on the TV or radio loud it is not so bad , but right now it feels just terrible. And I am not optimistic about the future from what I read online about tinnitus.


Before you go all negative, I was suffering from Meniere's disorder (another ear problem) and all the websites on the first couple of pages of Google were full of tales of woe. However, my problem has now disappeared. It does not mean it will not come back again, but it shows that things are not always as dire as predicted by webmd, mayoclinic, and the like.

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How old is the OP, and has he had his blood pressure checked?

I am just over 50, and I regularly check my blood pressure , I eat healthy and I am not overweight.

I found this "white noise" video on Youtube that actually helped me today , when I'm sitting in front of my computer . With the volume on I do not hear my own noise.


I want to go to an ear specialist in Bangkok as someone suggested even if its probably a waste of money . But I'm willing to try anything.


I have had it for 5 years since I had an operation on my ear, you do get used to it overtime, I take a Xanex every night to sleep, I could not sleep without it, the noise us too loud. I have read that it's not uncommon for folks to get this even without an operation, my Mum suffers with tinitus as well.

The WORST thing for me is when someone asks "how is your ear?" Then it comes with avengance


It's very common, mine was to many rock concerts but as mentioned you learn to live with if you can get through the first several years and not freak out to much

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Had mine for over 20 years , at first drove me mad ,but know ive got used to it, because I realised

my problem is nothing but a noise compared with other persons major problems .

To help there are plenty of google play apps just search " tinnitus " . just find the one that suites you .

But i am afraid you wont get rid of it ,only control your mind to except it .

Yep , mine started 25 years ago.... you learn to live with it. Thailand is great for it ....24/7 there is a noise from fans or aircon which masks it. I play my music loud so at least then I don't hear it.

Real tinnitus can't be cured.

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If you're looking for a decent ENT in Bangkok, I had a good experience lately with an ear problem seeing Dr. Chanida at Samitivej Sukhumvit, though she also has hours at Bumrungrad and BNH, AFAIK.

I didn't have tinnitus, but rather, fluid in the middle ear. Couldn't sleep at night because I had what sounded like an ongoing insect clicking sound inside one ear. I was skeptical. But the medication she prescribed cleared it up, and no, I didn't actually have a bug inside my ear... though I thought I did!

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How old is the OP, and has he had his blood pressure checked?

I am just over 50, and I regularly check my blood pressure , I eat healthy and I am not overweight.

I found this "white noise" video on Youtube that actually helped me today , when I'm sitting in front of my computer . With the volume on I do not hear my own noise.


I want to go to an ear specialist in Bangkok as someone suggested even if its probably a waste of money . But I'm willing to try anything.

I have now been suffering from Tinnitus for three months & I have found it to be a challenge to live with. I have met with and been tested by an audiologist (in Australia) who provided me with a customised tuned ear pieces from Oticon. She has advised the product over time will assist the brain to learn to 'tune out' the noise from Tinnitus. Personally having recently achieved remission from a life threatening medical condition I experienced low grade depression with the onset of Tinnitus so GP put me on anti depressants which has helped.

As said above the mental discipline of not 'listening' to the noise generated by Tinnitus is the best solution. However, it can be a problem to acheive & in some cases treatment by a physiologist is recommended to contribute to the adjustment process.


I have had tinnitus for as long as i remember . As a kid i thought it was naturally the sound of silence , or to be more Zen, the sound when you have nothing else in your head ( like in meditation ) . But it comes and goes or perhaps i just don't notice it sometimes. i have been told that aspirin and coffee are amongst the more common items that aggravate it which i have found is true. best advice is you will learn to live with it and experiment with common foods/medicines etc to see what aggravates it.

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Had mine for over 20 years , at first drove me mad ,but know ive got used to it, because I realised

my problem is nothing but a noise compared with other persons major problems .

To help there are plenty of google play apps just search " tinnitus " . just find the one that suites you .

But i am afraid you wont get rid of it ,only control your mind to except it .

Same here,about 20 years ago while in the office i suddenly felt as if a switch had been pulled i almost collapsed but it only lasted a second and i felt normal again but since then i have a very high pitched white noise sound but i have managed to ignore it,sometimes it disappears for a day or so but it always returns. I did try many experts in Germany but nothing helped. I think you can get CD's to listen to which are supposed to help but i think it's best to accept it, if it isn't too loud as in my case you learn to ignore it.


I get a high pitched whine - most likely nothing compared with the OP. However, if I hum at the same pitch it seems to go away for a while. Could be worth trying.


I got tinnitus after getting sick. I had a major headache for 24 hours. I think it may have been caused by a virus. Once the headache resolved, I was in the bathroom in the morning then suddenly it started. It has not stopped. That must be 10 years go. You do get used to it though. The more you focus on the problem the more you are likely to notice it. It seems that hearing is damaged in certain frequencies and the brain is replacing those frequencies with white noise.

You can try listening to white noise in headphones. If you do that for a while then take off the headphones the tinnitus will have decreased...but then it comes back again. I never bothered to see a specialist as I don't think there is much they can do. There is no cure as yet.

Sometimes I notice it when I'm trying to sleep, but usually fall asleep ok. Just imagine you are living in the bush with lots of locusts making noise every nightbiggrin.png

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My Doctor advised me that paracetomol makes tinitus worse.

I avoid it now, the problem was bad but I learnt to live with it, it apparently has no cure.

Being active helps and it usually goes away in the day as you stop thinking about it, TV and radio/ music help.

I find now after a few years that it is hardly noticeable.




In Europe we have good results with high dosage of Gingko. 240mg at least daily/twice daily. But to be honest you should have gone to a clinic to have a drip infusion with Gingko extract.

Acute Hearing loss might have happened with you.

I find a daily drink of ginko tea helps, twice a day. Available in many good supermarkets.

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I had this for 3 months and tried everything recommended by the doctor including antibiotics.

My dad said try a drop of olive oil in your ear. I did this twice and it has gone.

What do you have to lose by trying it?

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I have it too, for a few years now, in my right ear.

It does not bother me to the point that I can't sleep.

I just focus on other stuff and then do not notice it.

If you are gonna sit in a quiet room and think about it, yeah, you will hear.

I went to see a doctor about it, in Bangkok, had a few follow up visits, each time

they checked my hearing, had to sit in a soundproof room.

The findings were that I had lost the ability to hear above 2000 Herz with that right ear,

which was not alarming, but just a bit unusual, according to the doctor, for someone under 50 years of age.

The doctor said it probably has to do with the nerve system and recommended

that I frequently take vitamin supplements, B1/B6/B12, and exercise more, more cardio,

to get the blood flowing in the head. He said there is not really much else one can do about it.

Anyway, anyone tried what DogNo1 (post #14), lipoflavonoid tablets, suggested?

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I've had it for 10 years now. 24/7 in both ears. Best thing I found to manage it (NOT cure it) is listening to custom notched music. Make your own and use ear buds to play. You can spend $5000 + to have an audiologist make it, but you can do for yourself easy enough. Do a Google search on notching music.

This basically starts to train your brain to cancel out the ringing frequency from your frequency spectrum. You need to get a frequency generator app on your phone and use it to match and identify exactly what frequency your tinnitus is at. Once that is known, you use a good mp3 editer and remove this frequency from your music. It will sound the same to you, but with this freq now missing from your music, your brain will learn to not listen to this freq which reduces or can eliminate your tinnitus.

This is new therapy developed by a company in I think Sweden that has had good success with this for many people. I use it and for me it knocked mine down by maybe 50%, but I still have it. Worth a try.

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Bugger, now it is going flat out. It sounds like a head full of cicadas.

It can be very distressing in the early days but now I don't notice it now days until some thoughtless (joking) person posts something about it.

But it is like soi dogs, I barely hear them and sleep through their barking.


MSM. Use powder or capsule. After a few days relief. After a few weeks no noise what so ever. I am a diving instructor and this is a common baro injury in diving even veterans get. Works for my students and me, should also work for you to.




In Europe we have good results with high dosage of Gingko. 240mg at least daily/twice daily. But to be honest you should have gone to a clinic to have a drip infusion with Gingko extract.

Acute Hearing loss might have happened with you.

I find a daily drink of ginko tea helps, twice a day. Available in many good supermarkets.

you can....! But then you might not get the requested amount of Gingko extract. But if do want to drink tea, so you have to drink at least 10 cups at the same time......and this 2-3 times daily.


I have had tinnitus in my left ear for 14 years now, cannot say how it started, it just came by itself. when one realizes how incredibly small the hearing organs are it kind of puts things in the right perspective when talking about fixing it. The reason for having tinnitus can be so many different.

Many famous singers have it (David Bowie had it rip). If you see singers on stage nowadays you will notice they all have some contraption in their ears, I suspect it is for prevention of tinnitus.

For me it seems vaguely connected to my blood pressure as when I exercise regularly and keep myself healthy it quiets down, but never disappears. For sleeping I relied very much on the booze for a long time but now I don't need that anymore. Meditation also helped me to come to terms and on the deep level accept the constant buzzing as a part of my normal life. Key point is, if you see it as a disturbance, it will get worse and worse.


I don't know if this is of any help to you. I'v had it now for about 43 years. In time I have learned to live with it and am just not aware of it most of the time when I am not focusing on it. I got in on the rifle ranges when in the army. At that time I was told there is no cure for it and havn't heard any different since.

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